Come across this scene

>Come across this scene
>Detect evil
>The rocks radiate evil

Which one of you fuck heads thought it was a good idea to destroy part of the sealing array on the ancient evil just to throw stones at someone?

Those wielding them are clearly the willing servants of evil. The girl does not show as evil and therefore is innocent.

Shout for the stoners to cease their attack at once!
>If they do not
Charge. Try to stay non-lethal as they're clearly just civilians rather than trained soldiers, but slay them if I must. Shelter the girl as best I can and tend to her wounds.
>If they do
Stand between them and the girl and demand to know the reason for their actions. From there, everything depends on how they answer.

I'm guessing as I can scan for evil, I'm a paladin of some description? I'd love to know why the ROCKS are evil... I get that ordinary humans wouldn't detect; they aren't strong enough, but unless those rocks are from an ancient altar of blood sacrifice, or originate from the lower planes, I have no idea how THEY could register as evil...

Well, yeah. They're Piercers.

Piercers that are evil.

Piercer nazis.

That's why they're killing this proud Israelite chick.

They've obviously enchanted those rocks for the purpose of bypassing that poor man's DR. I smite and cleave.

The stones were gathered from a temple of evil that is in the process of being torn down by the righteous mob of good townspeople. The girl being bashed with ironic justice is actually an insidious cultist from the temple.

Nothing wrong with this scene.


>Piercer nazis.
>Proud Israelite chick.
Looking at OP's image, it's more like Israelite piercers and a Palestinian girl being stoned.

I can honestly see the ISIS fucktards releasing some ancient Babylonian evil through this.

They already did.

Cursed stones infecting the minds of men, obviously. Get them away from the stones and hopefully their influence will fade. If I'm a paladin, I can probably manage to grapple and drag them away, or maybe just grab the woman and run; if they follow, they're away from the main pile of rocks and all I have to do is get rid of the ones in their hands.

That's totally gonna be my next Delta Green plot hook.

Clearly the evil comes from the witch.

At any rate, that's something I always do for the players, as part of my plan to subtly shift them towards the right-wing. Whenever there's an angry mob hungering for a witch's blood, the mob is always correct.

I've had a PC put himself between a girl and a group of men out for blood before, and he went like "She's mine!"

He was very confused when the men dispersed, and were like - "...She's - yours? That *thing's* yours?"

It turned out that she was a ghoul, and she started gnawing on his leg during the night.

ISIS is basically a real-life Chaos cult.

damn paladins of the democratic party.

Fucking stoners.

ASG ran a Delta Green game like that. Apparently it's supposed to be the lead in to a larger scenario, with the opening destruction and release of the nasty played out with pregens as a handout that the agents then get a hold of.

>At any rate, that's something I always do for the players, as part of my plan to subtly shift them towards the right-wing. Whenever there's an angry mob hungering for a witch's blood, the mob is always correct.

You need to pay more attention to current events if you think that it's the right-wing that are the modern-day witch-hunters.

Far as I'm concerned, it could be a guy, or an ogre or something. As long as it doesn't scan as evil and the rocks/attackers DO, I'm defending them.

PALADIN, remember? Defending the innocent is my DUTY.

I'm just going to wave my sword around and say "I doth smite ye yon evil verily." until it works itself out.

Honestly I just don't care anymore.

>Implying that thing ISIS worships isn't evil. Just look at what it orders its followers to do.

>Use "Turn Undead" on the rocks just after they are thrown
>as I suspected, the evil undead rocks go flying back at the people who threw them

I thought they looked like limestone, but this proves it - those rocks are in fact the remains of ancient evil beasts, compressed over millions of years within the earth.

We must bury the earth itself so deep no one shall ever again disturb this great deposit of sedimentary evil.

>Piercer misses it's target and embeds in the ground.
>"I did not prepare for this eventuality"

What exactly is being struck in those images of the lightning bolt and its aftermath? It doesn't look immediately like something I'd associate with ISIS.

Crane in mecca with large taut metal cable got struck by lightning, detached at the top.

Taut cable *sproinged* through several hundred pilgrims doing the mecca to the hajj.


Baal throwing down the gauntlet at allah