What horror adventures are you working on for Halloween, Veeky Forums?

What horror adventures are you working on for Halloween, Veeky Forums?

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None, actually because I'm shit.

I'm thinking of running Monster Hearts possibly. Though if nobody is interested in that, I might try running some of those No Security adventures in maybe the CoC or Nemesis.

Not really running it for Halloween, but my group is breaking out CoC to run a game. We've played shit tons of fantasy and Sci Fi action and adventure, so we are going to try something a little different

What's Monster Hearts?

I just learned about Nechronica, so I'm thinking of giving it a shot.

Starting mine tonight, have no idea what it's going to entail. Probably a witch coven and we gratuitous scenes of child murder.

My table rotates GMs so I'm getting the whole month of October to plan it. I'm pretty excited about it.

Think Lost Boys, Ginger Snaps, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Jenifer's Body, etc.

Basically very messy teen drama with players constantly fucking each other over and maybe eventually growing up. It's a take on the super natural drama/romance genre, with everybody being a monster and aspects of those monsters often being allegories or stuff stuff like narcissism and dependency and such. It can get surprisingly nasty and intense, and I think really plays to the strengths of the Powered by the Apocalypse Engine as a system about relationships and social conflict unlike, say, Dungeon World. Sessions can also get pretty scary because you're basically playing stupid teeangers who don't what the fuck they're doing and are probablygetting involved in stuff like murders or other supernatural forces. And stuff like the Darkest Self mechanic real only make things spiral further out of control.

But yeah, maybe not necessarilly horror but Halloween appropriate.

I really want to run something involving a lighthouse.


I've decided to try something different this October. Rather than a horror game, I'm going to stat up a bunch of action-y characters from assorted media, stick their names in a hat, have the players pick at random, and then run the dumbest fucking Wolfenstein/Expendables/Heavy Metal knockoff I can conceive.

I'm doing a one shot, where the players will go to investigate a colony ship that has shown up suddenly, way off course, after never showing up to its destination. On board, their shuttle will become unattached from the ship, and they'll encounter spookems. They'll have to repair parts of the ship and try to find a way off, and learn about spookems in the process.

What systems will people be using? Or does that not really matter?

I'm using something I made up for ease of use. I just chose a set of skills that made sense for the game, which goes from 1 to 3, which is the same amount of d6's you roll for that skill, with 5 or 6 being a success. A failure in a critical scene means a character still manages to do what they were trying or get away, but they take a point of damage and lose access to one of their skill points. The damage can't be healed, and upon taking the third the character is dead or out of commission. You can heal wounds so they get access to the skill points again, but the wound always stays. It'll work for what I need, but I don't think it's anything special

I'm using Unknown Armies 2nd edition.

Nothing so far. I've been thinking of looking into the Savage Worlds Horror Supplement. Can anyone vouch for it? Is SW too player enabling to run Horror in?

Well, the PLAN is to run a oneshot low key set in the Warframe universe without giving it away.

I'm thiiinking setting it in DH or something where things notionally have stats and can be killed to encourage wanton and suicidal aggression against invincible psionic space slasher sonic the hedgehogs, but I keep thinking there must be a better answer out there.

I'm running Music from a Darkened Room using Arc Dream's new Delta Green rules.


Thinking of trying some horror/mystery inspired by or even set in Tsukihime/Kara no Kyoukai universe. I looked at Monster Hearts but it's a bit too cringey for me to take seriously. System recommendations?

Why is it too cringey?

A universe where the Emperor isn't the one true God of mankind.

At the rate they're going, my PCs are unlikely to tangle with that Aboleth that's been fucking with them for a while now. Maybe I'll amp up the spooky and encourage them to actually visit its underwater lair.

dark heresy false hydra alien species


>false hydra
Fuck that noise.

I'm running a horror campaign in DH thats getting into swing, hopefully we'll have some good sessions for halloween. Roll20 losing Soundcloud has really dealt a blow to my plans though.

pic related

I'm running something in Ballad of the Laser Whales. Basically a Janszonian (Aussie) research facility goes dark, and the PCs are sent in to investigate it because the Space-Aussies are too busy kicking the shit out of Space Commie Javanese to spare anybody.

There they discover the hideous experiments the scientists had been performing on native wildlife using captured Nazi superscience.

What the fuck?

Looked up Baron von Cat there. He has that werewolf syndrome that causes excessive hair growth as well as thickening of the claw (in cats at least). Neat.

Funnel Spiders possessed by the souls of dead Nazis.

It's a good premise shut up.

>It's a good premise
>It's a cool premise

Give me some horror campaign ideas that can be made from this image, Veeky Forums

Your best friend suddenly tells you he's gotten into Naruto recently. You immediately suspect something and go on an investigation to uncover that Japan is using anime to brainwash Americans into nuking their own cities in revenge for, in the real plot twist, the Russo-Japanese war.

This is the best place to ask. How good are "The Orient Express" for CoC?

I think I'm going to run a game of MgT 1e where everyone is a citizen and fails their advancement roll and musters out after term 1. NEET the game, basically, because nothing is more horrifying than real life.

Players work at a Gas N' Go gas station in the wee hours of the night. Things go from weird to eerie to plain old horrifying. Also have to ya know...run the gas station

>Late shift at a gas station

Having done exactly that, I can say your players are in for some horrifying shit even without things getting spoopy.

>implying implications

One shot of a genestealer cult followed by a nid invasion on the 6th world.

I got plans thanks to an old CYOA, Shadow World
i have revamped all factions i gave them a new lore and i have created 35 companions so far and i am going to create 21 enemies for several campaigns.

Ernest Goes To R'lyeh

The normal RPG group is going to discover an abandoned spooky ship.

And I'll probably run a one off with dread inviting anyone who wants to play as themselves.

this would be far more hilarious then scary i imagine.

A group of teenage commoners are trapped in a haunted house

I don't have time to prep much because school, so I'm just running Out of the Abyss atm.

Not sure if I should just throw them one of the creepier dungeon encounters, like The Oozing Temple or the Tomb thing, or if I should make something up. They're in the Underdark which is currently shitting demons everywhere so basically anything goes.

The one where the GM doesn't run a game at all from player issues and shitty schedule

It's very scary

Could this be effectively done in 5e? Any suggestions?

Probably, since it's more based on storytelling than actual stats.

I was gonna run a skaven one shot with high lethality, but only about half the players are interested, so I'll have to figure something else out.

Why's that?

I'm running an only war game where the players are fighting some landsharks in mineshafts gonna hint that they're actually a genestealer cult and watch them flip

I've got a month to write it so let's hope I can handle it. Our group is really casual so it might not go over really well.

I'm working on a Haunted Mansion one-shot in Shadow of the Demon Lord, inspired by PT, various Edgar Allen Poe poems and the Mystery Case Files Ravenhurst trilogy.

Hopefully i will have enough written down to play it by Halloween.

This is fucking amazing.

I am designing a crucible of spooks and scares on the winding road down to my property.

We usually get about two to three trick or treaters a year, and I make sure to always give them the BIG candy bars.

Simultaneously, I live on the spooky house on the hill, and my place is widely feared by the children.

Currently, I'm thinking of a path lit entirely by jackolanterns leading to a porch light. I need to make it more mazelike somehow.

Perhaps plant false light sources that lead to dead ends with scares.

Spycraft session based on that old /k/ screencap of the MP killing zombies in Iraq and the opening of MGS5. I'm going for isolation and situational horror, not the 2spoopy4u crap that most DMs try

This is a game I wanted to run but I feel like it's hard to pitch to my players. They just see egdy twilight.

Kids have been trying to balance teenage angst and paranormal tomfoolery since long before THAT nonsense!

Is the image in OP an inchoroi?

Currently running a Pathfinder campaign based in the setting from Kill Six Billion Demons, which is basically what happens if Dark Sun happens to Planescape. My players are working their way towards a huge mountain temple on a Not!Tibet world to kill a crimelord they doublecrossed before he can build an army to murder them.

They have no idea just how many skeleton monks he's standing behind. Gonna get spooky up in here. The sessions this'll happen during is basically on Halloween, so it lined up nicely.

Nah, it's a Jesus-Fucking-Christ-Wat creature, as named in OP's image.

It's a ningen apparently, a Japanese cryptid and literally uses the Japanese word for person/human.

Paranoia is horror right?

Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.


what are you?

Ling Long Dong and his Six Autistic Assassins"

Having no gaming group anymore.
Not working on it, though. Life happens.

/s4s/? Is that you?

I'm considering asking one of my current groups whether they'd be interested in my running a Halloween-y one-shot.
Unfortunately, all the systems I know well enough to run for are all but unknown by them, and I've never GMed before.

I want to do exactly this since I work that exact job. I have ideas for most everything, but have no clue what system to use.

>No Security

top shelf taste, user

It's not quite for a Halloween game exclusively but for my sci-fi setting I wrote the following as a player's request of "a slightly more serious toned alien race" and "perhaps some potential for slight cybernetic augmentations."

It's kind of inspired by my personal fondness for fleshcraft and abominations combined with a desire for an autonomous android race on this new frontier planet. It might be the most callous and cold-hearted thing I've written in quite a while and I hope it makes some players feel uneasy. I'd like to hear your thoughts if any, especially if it's a good name since this entire thing is a WIP




I have a group of players who are quite new to tabletop rpgs and we want to do a halloween one shot.

Im thinking call of cthulhu or maybe vampire the requiem but i dont know how new player friendly it would be. any suggestions?

I dig this kinda thing. The children thing is a little much and kinda edgy but with the dark bleakness thing you are going for, I get it.

gonna try and run some rules-light oneshots for some friends, try out a bunch of systems and hopefully inspire my CoC keeper to get his ass back in gear and start his campaign back up.

planning on attempting geiger counter, dread, and maybe an unknown armies session if I can get my players to read them.

The group is going to have to go into the sewers, where they'll find the Rat Queen.

is that system hard to get adjusted to? my players have played rpgs before, but none of us have run or played unkown armies yet

There's some system called night shift that's made for exactly this, there are a bunch of entries on 1d4chan, just look it up there.

It's pretty simple
Character creation is arguably more complicated than playing, because there's no skill list, and players are expected to come up with their own skills/rename the ones they get for free to suit their character

It's basically just a d100 roll under system, though. The closer you roll to your score, the better, and matched results(11, 22, 33, etc) are success/failure with a weird twist of some sort, generally; rolling 1 or 100 is a critical success/failure.

The fluff is going to be harder for people to get into than the crunch, honestly.

It's mainly put in there because I have a player that I know will ask "BUT WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CHILDREN BEFORE THEY'RE OLD ENOUGH TO DO THIS AND WHAT ABOUT KIDS THAT-" and all that jazz

Already running a horror themed alien conspiracy game, so I'm thinking of doing a more funny, "Mars Attacks" styled adventure with ray guns and guys with big green ballsacks for heads.

I didnt think that was ever completed into anything actually. Will check it out.

That sounds totally doable, thanks!

Worth noting that there's also a leaked playtest of 3e out there(the PDF Share threads have it in one of those mediafire links on da archive)
It simplifies things a bit more; instead of having 4 stats and then a list of skills associated with each, in addition to shock gauges, you just get the 5 shock gauges, and each end of each gauge has a skill associated with it, with your skill increasing/decreasing as your shock gauges are filled in
And instead of writing in your own skills, you give your character Identities, which work more or less the same; a majority of them can stand in for one of the skills(as the book says, if a skill's rating is important enough to your character concept that you don't want it going up/down with your shock gauge, you should attach it to an Identity), and do at least 2 other things
The exceptions are Supernatural Abilities, Adepts, and Avatars, which use a different set of rules, generally.

Otherwise, it's the same base system. Just has different stats(and is more modern)

The PDFs are supposed to be coming out, soon, too, but unfortunately not until November, which is too late for Halloween one-shots.

I want to run a one-shot in a modified version of Dread. I did a Halloween game last year in it, and it was great. However, one of the players has tremors in his hands and was the first (and only) player to knock the Jenga tower down. He was okay with playing one of the antagonists afterwards, but it was unfair to him. So I'm trying to figure out an alternative to the Jenga tower, all while keeping the feeling of tension in the game.

I'm currently thinking a game of blackjack. A player runs out of chips, his character dies. Or more appropriately, the characters would be in limbo, with limited knowledge of how they died, discovering the information as they play blackjack in purgatory with the stakes being that those remaining after the mystery has been solved will come back to life.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Apologies in advance for any wordiness, but I've been brewing this specific Halloween oneshot idea for almost a year now.

The premise is that the party, either created solely for the oneshot or a pre-existing group, has stumbled upon a dreary, small village during their travels. Very Ravenloft-esque, with some nice mild gothic flavor. A woman approaches the group and begs them to help her save her daughter, who has been spirited away to a mansion which is, obviously since this is Halloween, on the top of some spooky hill/mountain.

After entering the mansion, the doors slam shut and they are trapped. The party is faced with five separate horrors that they must battle in order to escape the mansion, with several optional tasks and sidequests.

First is the wolfman. He roams the mansion at random, wild and howling and fierce. It's possible for the party to have several encounters with him, but they must find a specific artifact in the mansion to properly defeat him.

Second is the mummy. Locked in the basement, he has strange powers of enchantment and two other mummies as henchmen.

Third is the vampire. He is the one who has dazzled and ghoulified the village woman's daughter, but there are some secrets and conspiracies involved that when unraveled tell a horrifying story of the village's past and connection to the mansion.

Fourth is the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde abomination. Half of his body and face is horribly twisted into a reptilian, almost demonic form. He resides in the library and is initially friendly to the party, and if they don't kill him on sight he provides exposition, though he also tells the party that he may switch personalities at any point and attack.

Once these four have been defeated, the final boss door opens. The party enters a large hall meant for feasts and dancing, and dozens of people, corpses strung up like puppets and hypnotized, still-alive humans, even ghosts, are all dressed in fancy ball attire.

Continuing in next post...

Fifth is the Phantom of the Opera equivalent, white mask on half of his face and all. He looms over the crowd on the balcony and sneers down at the party.

"Everybody." His voice booms.

Everyone has to make a save.

The corpses, humans, and ghosts all assume their places. An eerie music begins to play from seemingly nowhere.

"Rock your body."


"Rock your body right."

"Backstreet's back, alright."

Everyone, including the players who failed their saves, start to dance in the ballroom. At this point I switch the spooky Halloween music to the final piece - Backstreet Boy's "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". They've been playing through the music video this entire time.

Although the mapping of jenga tower with acceleratingly fewer good levels to card game chance with increasingly fewer chips is relatively okay (though it seems like there's no link between number of chips remaining and how the cards will randomly treat you, compared to a jenga tower becoming obviously harder to "win" against each pull), won't playing a hand of blackjack take an awful lot longer than pulling from the tower?

Trying to plan a DREAD session for friends.

Thinking I'll have their characters be kids going trick-or-treating on Halloween when shit goes down. Not exactly sure what I should do yet, though.

Right now I'm leaning towards a couple of psycho killers cutting power to the neighborhood and going on a killing spree.

They are actually just gathering bodies for their vampire master to feed on.

you madman
do it and tell us about it

Begin with 11 d20, roll one and set it aside. If any player rolls that number on future "pulls"(rolls) they die. If they dont, they succeed.

When a player succeeds, they put the die they rolled with aside and that adds to the numbers any player cannot roll successfully. Continue until a player dies/is removed from the game.
When a player dies, you reset all forbidden rolls except the original die you began with. That player rolls 2 die(must be unique numbers), sets them aside, and thus there are 3 forbidden numbers for the remaining players. (And so on and so forth)

If no one fails at all, players keep rerolling the last die available until they do. There's a 50/50 chance of you surviving on every roll. This simulates the miniscule chance you have at getting lucky.

For every player you have under 4, roll 2 extra dice and set them aside during setup.

I realize the odds work in your favor if you're a lone survivor working on that last die (successful coin flipping is vastly easier than a bare Jenga tower) but any keeper who hasnt already imposed a pull fiesta by the climax of the story is probably playing soft.


My regular group is dead until Christmas, so unless I can find a group online there'll be no such luck.

I'd love to run a sort of "the party saves Halloween" game where everyone is actually a monster of some type and this is the one day a year they can really be themselves - but something less "treat" and more "trick" is making it a hassle for them.

But the only system I even remotely know how to run is Pathfinder.

Why is this thread still going?

because halloween is the best thing to implement

I will personally lead a party of heroes through the Horror at Havel's Cross straight through The House of Poe

Probably something involving the players investigating an abandonned space-station, their ship's reactor failing and an hostile lifeform.
Or they'll play cops tasked with descending in the entrails of the City that was built upon the cyclopean tombs of the Ancients.
Or maybe they'll get lost in the uncharted shelves of the Library.
Or they'll be hobos, caught in the cracks of reality and lost among the Sleepless.
Damn, I can't decide.

English please?

What if you combined all of that?


I will be running these