That's it boys, we have it. The best 40k we'll get for a long time.
Deathwing gameplay thread
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My legs are fucking ready
Looks fantastic. Except for Eternal Crusade the 40k gaming future seems bright.
The assault cannon sounds weaker than I was hoping. Like it's shooting regular bullets like any old gatling gun.
Disappointing as one who was going to go assault cannon all day every day.
Our legs are going to be OK.
Everyone's legs will be OK.
Better than the plas canon. That missed every shot.
Assault cannons DO fire regular bullets. They don't shoot bolts. Except they shoot them ded fast an' ded 'ard, makes it very killy.
I'm a paraplegic now. This trailer did that to me user.
This looks like it's going to be hard as balls, and I can't wait for it.
really hope they do dlc chapters for mp, fuck the lion's brood fampire
why can't there be one 40k game with iron hands
S6 AP4 is not regular bullets.
Nah he did get one shot, and killed a group. But fuck me, there's a moment where the stealer jumps over the Terminator and fucking dodge the plasma bolt.
Kudos to Streum On for absolutely acing the overall feel and the stealers behaviour as well.
Those are Dark Hunters though. Umbra Sumus is hands down one of the best 40k novel I ever read. It's available on some torrents, got mine on Kickass torrents. I suspecy Kearney put it up himslef since the book never got on actual sale due to copyrights problems.
That represents the torrent of bullets
Assault cannons are just rotor cannons that aren't shit
Jesus the comments
Game looks fucking amazing though
>Youtube + IGN
what did you expect
Eldar Corsair boarding party DLC fuckin when?
Rotor Cannons have their own stats
>Same RoF
>Medium caliber slugs
>S3 AP6
>flak cannon bolter
oh baby
The default storm bolter's appropriately punchy. I dig.
Best chapter gets best game. End of fucking story, wanna be vampires, furries, john cenas, and a.v. nerds need not apply.
pic unrelated
Yeah, it's really strange, because EYE's sulfatum was excellent, but this one seems to be lacking some punch or RoF.
On the other hand, the stormbolters sounds perfect IMO.
And with some luck we'll get a "shotgun" bolter in tabletop 40k as a result.
>The default Storm Bolters
Muh Dick.
Holy fuck
They tweaked recoil and added some vertical recoil since the trailer on the Assault cannon and Bolters according to the devs on CanardPC.
you guys think they might add a Deathmatch mode like left4dead one side stealers one side terminators?
Just so you know, Streumon posting in this thread right now
You got meme'd
Shouldn't the assault cannon have negligible/negative vertical recoil since the bolt is under and behind the arm?
I know i'm the one who posted that. But it wasn't me in the other thread.
They did work on that for some time. The players killed by the AI would become stealers. But apparently it was hard to balance.
But the
>singleplayer focus mostly
>having fun with you friends killing xenos wasn't
Oh shit here we go. Prepare for the hype train to derail and the game to be complete shit boys.
How would the solo being prioritised would meanthat the multi is shit though? Litteraly do a good solo with AI, then replace AI by players. Done.
Singleplay game with multiplayer elements > Multiplayer game that is dead and unplayable in 8 months
also means the Ally Bots will be useful, hopefully.
This son of the Lion understands it.
>multiplayer and soloplay campaigns are completely different.
>Co-op campaign with not being the main focus is probably shit.
>That FPS stutter with the big horde
Oh boy here we go.
>Another Spacehulk game
The board game was this popular?
space hulk was huge, it's arguably GW's most popular game ever
I always forget 40k has zombies you know an actual L4D wouldnt be that bad
Thread theme
>dat percussive whumping of the storm bolter
>It is true that I posted it, but I am not its poster.
did you have a stroke mid sentence?
Why fight zombies when you could fight Orkz?
Oh sweet glorious fuck
Yes user. I died and I am reborn already.
My phone words suggestions probably added the last few words without me noticing.
so did we get a date yet?
we got a month
it's november
>this kills the xenos
Fuck year
I am so ready
But will we gain Brouzouf?
But it also basically says there that assault cannons are rotor cannons that aren't shit.
Granted, they didn't sound very good in the trailer, but I'd wager they're just high quality rotor cannons of high calibre. They might shoot projectiles capable of carrying a payload, but I recall autocannons also doing that, but the technology for making said projectiles was lost because the Imperium is kind of retarded.
>shotgun bolter
Can this be a thing more often?
>Implying it isn't a thing in real life right now
I always figured filling that with explosive slugs would be the closest we have to bolters in the modern world.
>Best chapter gets best game.
I didn't see the Black Templars in that trailer at all though.
Alright fuck it, its only $34, that's a preorder.
12g explosive rounds are a thing
Can you even use your left-hand powerfist?
Why not just wait 1.5 months and not be a complete fucktard?
Because the preorder bonus is a discount
Scouts always had shotguns
Recently Deathwatch added full on space marine shotguns
but these seem to be duallink storm bolter shotguns
>comes out on the 24th
>going on holiday for a month on the 26th
First world problems have never been so dire.
>IG FPS never ever
>I would take anything
>Even if its about the Scions
EC- Sadly after your remove the 40k style and skins you are left with a buggy 3rd person shooter. It's hard to explain without diving into it and realizing this after 20 or so matches. Poor Eyefinity support
DoW original - if you like traditional rts I can see why dark vengeance is arguably the best 40k that currently exists.
DoW2 - polarizes the playerbase because reasons. Ultrawide/eyfinity screen support (5760x1080)
SM40k - Best 40k shooter, ultrawide screen support (5760x1080), no multiplayer lobbies only matchmaking kills any viable multiplayer community (only a small group of cheaters remain)
GW 40k themed board games - BFGA is alright, but id argue that the BFG-Leviathan on mobile is better. HH Talisman...., Space Hulk (2nd PC edition) not bad but not good either, clunky wonkiness, SH Ascension better, arguably the best TBS 40k has right now if it wasn't for "Deathwatch Tyranid invasion" on PC which is actually pretty good due to the rpg side of leveling up heroes, their wargear and abilities. No microtrannys
DWing - I want to say good things, but what I see is cool visceral graphix, but super samey gameplay. Better have support for ultrawides/eyefinity - I did pre order shame on me.
Sanctus reach - best hope for a 40k xcom-ish game, could prove to be the best 40k multiplayer experience, cap this.
I must be the only dude who played Legacy of Dorn
Good 40k shooters have existed for a while. I know Veeky Forums likes to bash it, but Space Marine was a good game even if the plot was blek.
The real tragedy is that there hasn't been a truly good 40k RTS since DoW over a decade ago, despite 40k being tailor-made for RTS'
first I meant dark crusade, 2nd are you talking about that Fighting Fantasy type book game? I actually hear it wasn't bad either, id get it if it was a 3$ ios game or a 5$ PC game. but at 6$ and 10$ its a bit pricey.
Anyway did you like it?
the genestealers seem slow. Slow and weak !
they're supposed to be super-fast killing machine, dammit !
otherwise the game looks great.
>Stormbolter sounds
Muh dik
>Gatling cannon sounds
Hopefully they'll change it up a bit before release but it looks dope as fuck. My body is ready to serve the Emperor.
Looks good. I don't play 40k at all. I did when I was in middle school, so at least know what is what aside from other games.
I will say I don't like how mindless the combat seems. There are a few other games that did this in the same manner as L4D and so far have almost all sucked. Non stop horde mode shooting gallery gets repetitive, even more so than a Dynasty Warriors spin off.
Got it on steam when it was on sale for 5€.
It's ok, I enjoyed my time with it even though the combat is a little boring.
The only part that sucked is the dreadnought part because it's RNG based and losing the dice roll lock you in the bad ending.
Get it on sale because it's not worth the 10€ asked.
Templarfags are worse than Lionfags
That heretic is about to load a live hand grenade into his bolt gun.
Just pretend you're seeing things in Space Marine vision. They only feel slow and weak because you are da best.
He's reaching for a grenade because he doesn't think he has time for a proper reload. Or maybe started a reload and went "hol' the fuck up, a grenade would be good here."
>fire plasma cannon twice
>weapon jammed flashes up on your hud
Dunno why but this amused me.
Someone needs to fund a collaboration between focus home, streumon and relic for something BIG for the 40k universe.
One of them dodged a bolt from a plasma cannon at point blank range, that seems pretty quick to me. Also this
I'm so fucking mad I blew $60 on that shitty game
So did I see enemies firing back at the player?
Are those other enemies than genestealers?
There are several Calladoody and Bettlefeld games with laser guns.
It's a waste of money to focus on the most mundane of factions if you're going to make a fantasy game with so much more to choose from.
No, these are hybrids. They've been shown in 2 other trailers.
Jesus people, at least watch all the trailers before asking dumb questions about the content of the game. It's less than 10 minutes.
I didn't see any hybrids in the other trailers you butt-steam-engine.
There were lanky regular genestealers and genestealers with bubbly scaley shit on their backs.
The last gameplay trailer showed hybrids.
Oh Jesus Christ yes, this is the 40K shooter I have wanted, aesthetics are down fucking right
Looks I'll need to finally ascend to Master Race for this, no planned console release I assume?
There is a console release planned, but next year. They decided to postpone it to avoid having to downgrade and cut corners.