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Magical Realm Awkwardness
Why do you care so much.
It's people like you who obsess about fetishes that keep people away from games out of fear of running into you.
Probably undersexed and with no outlet. Or maybe just fetishes/a certain fetish in game settings is OP's fetish.
OP's fetish is anons explaining how other people's fetish weirded them out or ruined a game, or he just wants fapfics written for him.
> playing Savage Worlds
> game has minor called shots rules
> some guy joins our weird apocalypse game
> GM has all these cool adventure sites planned out
> hexcrawl game so we explore them one by one
> guy sends email where he has expanded called shots rules
> kinda wtf but okay
> GM approves it
> we start playing
> eventually come across village
> get into skirmish with them
> this guy sneaks back with an SKS with a scope
> thanks to savage worlds he is aiming at has d12+4 to hit so even at range he is likely to hit
> shoots random woman going to collect water
> literally shoots her fingers off one by one with a -10 penalty
> shoots her in leg so she starts drowning
> describes him watching through scope as she drowns
> he goes closer so he can retrieve the body
> gets shot by snipers
> our position is given away and my character ends up with a permanent injury because we had no healing supplies
That dude was gonna make another character but we said we had to break up the group because of work commitments so we didn't have to invite him back. He was clearly enjoying himself, though, his eyes were glitering thorughout the whole thing.
What kind of GM would Delta be?
Don't want to make my own thread in case I could be banned.
Are unicorns really these sex-crazed beasties who want to take on the virgin maidens, or is that just an epic meme?
He just wanted to have a realistic psychopath :^ (
Also your face during this story.
Pretty spot on my friend, mind if I save this image?
He wouldn't be.
Oh hey, nice attempt at a general.
I like to pretend on Veeky Forums that I'm an edgy lesbian who crushes on dead people.
Accidental magical realm is still magical.
Started a female paladin, wanted to play something I normally don't play so went for headstrong and naive. As the campaign goes on she gets stronger and stronger. Soon enough she has a belt that gives her superhuman strength.
>You see where this is going.
It eventually comes out that she has a not fiancé yet but definitely planning on it guy to come back to after saving the world. Worked with the DM hes a noble from the town I saved before campaign.
I and a friend of mine put the finishing touches on him. He's unbelievably charming, makes the paladin blush on more than one occasion. During the saving of his town they worked hand in hand together to defeat the tyrant and bring about a time of peace.
He mentions they will need a king and queen to rule them. On the outside my paladin says yes begrudgingly, but on the inside as giddy as a schoolgirl.
>Future husband is a twink, with a pretty much Amazonian full plate tsundere girlfriend.
By the time I realized what happened, we were too deep to stop.
This just in: Virtualoptim ruins another game with his creepy bullshit, film at 11.
I had a campaign where our "shaman" was an overweight bald guy who ran around shirtless in loincloth in the middle of the fucking desert
At any given chance, he would try and steal people's pants. Off an NPC that was alone, a cute girl, a child, an enemy, it didn't matter. He just wanted to see them drop and then steal anything they had on covering their ass. At one point our Dwarf died and being respectable we all wanted to bury him. At night he took his pants and stripped him naked without telling anyone.
His explanation was he used them in his brews and potions by shrinking them, I don't really get where that come from. Never did get the courage to try an assrape one of our other PC's, but there were definitely some Deliverance vibes going on. Doubt this counts as magical realm, but it's the only place I can share how it feels to be scared your PC is going to be assraped while he sleeps.
It probably was magical realm for the guy.
C'mon mate, at least wait a bit between threads; let everybody recharge, gather or make up new stories.
I honestly believe "Magical Realm" does not exist. With every fetish injection it's a matter of execution rather than substance.
Pic related, /ss/ done right.
He's jacking off to it.
You think in the same way everyone who tries to insert their fetish into a game thinks.
You think you are clever and sneaky, and more likely than not, you either have no group or your group hates you.
What said but more specifically he's jacking off to something which I'm not!
Or his group wants the same stuff as him.
99/100, that's not the case, and sadly, these weirdos are the kind of people who always assume everyone's on board regardless.
You don't have to be terribly clever, though, because most people won't assume you're getting off on the game unless you make it obvious. Being on the lookout for magical realms is almost strictly a Veeky Forums phenomenon.
>You don't have to be terribly clever,
>Says the guy playing a seven-foot tall prepubescant giant girl with twintails who, by giant custom, offers to urinate on smaller races as a form of greeting
There is a difference between being of average intelligence and social graces and being absolutely abysmal at them.
Not OP but I just find these stories interesting (fake as they are).
I never run or play in games where they're involved so it's intriguing to see people try and pull this shit and how the players react.
The people who think that inserting their fetishes into a game are a good idea universally fall into the latter category.
Yeah nah.
You're not go have any idea that my BBEG mad wizard that kidnaps people and turns them into enslaved golems is something I beat to every night after session.
Wow, how clever and sneaky you are.
Is this the part where you tell me you actually have a group to play with?
See, that's what we call "making it obvious." See the second part of my sentence, where I said "unless you make it obvious"? Yeah, try working on your reading comprehension.
Projecting hard there m8.
>guys says he runs thing for a group
Oh lawdy.
All my villains are secretly under permanent gender change spells.
Yes all of them, both male and female.
We brought in the joke item "The Gainax Bikini Armor" as a "cursed" item that existed in the world, courtesy of another player who pushed for it. It has since resurfaced at least once in every campaign we've played since bringing it in. I'm paranoid that either they are onto the notion that I like ridiculously big boobs and have done it to spite me, or they are just as bad as me.