Has posting on Veeky Forums in any way affected your roleplay or worldbuilding?
Has posting on Veeky Forums in any way affected your roleplay or worldbuilding?
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It's made me watch what I say around my group a lot. I've started steering them far away from situations where we'd have to get into romance or basically anything lewd.
For quite a while I thought it made me better, but in truth it just instilled a lot of shitty habits that I've needed to change from.
Found some pretty good indie games.
I think I'm a bit more tolerant with others antics.
Yes. I mine Veeky Forums for inspiration, and bounce ideas off it.
Not really, I've first came to Veeky Forums when I was an experienced roleplayer already, and it did not change any of my habits or stereotypes yet. I mean, I guess I hate elves and monster girls even more now, but that's it.
Marcile is for sexual
Marcille is for cute things, like brewing her a hot cup of tea with a homemade slice of cake.
I dislike that the pic I cropped out is used for this bad /a/ meme.
This elf is trash and has become the beacon of the worst elf fags. Im not an elf hater or virt spawn but i dont like those full blown elf tards spamming this shit.
>Im not an elf hater
He's right, and I got a (You) from him. This /a/-tier posting has no place here. Though I wouldn't really call it "spamming".
>Has posting on Veeky Forums in any way affected your worldbuilding?
I'd like to think it helped slightly refine a few edges of my worldbuilding skill.
>Has posting on Veeky Forums in any way affected your roleplay?
It affected it the same way Lt. Dan posting in Veeky Forums would affect his legs.
Veeky Forums is slowly, day by day, building up my will to be a GM.
Especially with the magical realm threads
I have no opinion of that particular elf, but this is called "flag waving" and is an unwelcome, but petty, annoyance.
>but this is called "flag waving" and is an unwelcome, but petty, annoyance.
I mean, I have the confidence to play something other than Colonel Southern Comfort now, and I have you guys to thank for that.
I still fucking hate GNOMES, though. That will never change. Little pointy-hat dwarf-abortions.
In both respects it's broken me away from some retarded habits I had. That and it's inspired me to DM something for a change.
It has made me aware that preparing an intricate setting and story is setting oneself up for failure. Roleplaying is communal storytelling, and so the players must have a say in the story and the world around them. Everything should be subject to change, because only through change is there development. Status quo roleplaying will eventually kill any group.
Not him, but it's just a nice way of saying "shitposting", and as the saying goes "ironic shitposting is still shitposting". The comment itself does nothing except communicate the author's dislike for said Elf. It does not contribute to the discussion. As such, it's him waving his "flag" about hating that Elf. It's all it does.
I use a decidedly greater amount of little girls and things that look like little girls in my campaigns, now.
>I've started steering them far away from situations where we'd have to get into romance or basically anything lewd.
That's not necessarily a good thing. Don't steer them TOWARD it, but don't steer them away from it either. If they all want to go there, let them go there. Don't let Veeky Forums horror stories make you think that anything remotely reminiscent of intimacy, physical or otherwise, has no place in any campaign.
The little girl mimic is a great tool to have.
>I have no opinion of that particular elf, but this is called "flag waving" and is an unwelcome, but petty, annoyance.
Sorry. I am tired and my above post was unclear.
>As such, it's him waving his "flag" about hating that Elf. It's all it does.
Actually, when I cryptically said "this", I was referring to those posters waving the flag of the "flavor-of-the-month, favoritest-elf-ever!"
So, you got me backwards.
Although his comments about the elf could easily be considered waving the anti-Marcie flag.
Well, my point was that it not spamming, it is simple "flag-waving", as in: "Yay skub!" or "Boo skub!", devoid of argument, intelligence, or content. It is words said to show allegiance, nothing more.
It is unwelcome here.
But as far as annoyances on Veeky Forums go, it is a petty annoyance and relatively minor.
Yeah, listening too closely to tg stories is like not wanting to get in a boat because you're afraid of Somalian pirates.
The truly horrifying things that happen, do happen.
But they're unlikely and even then only happen in certain situations.
>Captcha: Please select all the boats.
>dungeon meshi
That month was a long while ago
Fair point
No. I learned how to place myself in another's perspective. I did this to combat my autistic tendencies. This makes role-playing fluid for me.
It has helped with map construction. Not so much with world building. I did have one waste of carbon try to tell me how to build a religion. The person was clearly a mental invalid.
The subject matter is fine, just don't add any more detail than everyone is comfortable with. Of course that includes you too, so if even broaching the subject squeaks you out then by all means avoid it. Just don't think you're automatically doing anyone else any favors.
I've had Veeky Forums tell me my shit ideas are shit, so that's handy. But it's not like I'll get the chance to implement them so what the fuck ever.
I have half a mind to find a play by post game somewhere. Are those a thing of any value? I've never considered it really.
>I did have one waste of carbon try to tell me how to build a religion.
Idly curious, was the user>I did have one waste of carbon try to tell me how to build a religion.
I am idly curious, was this user the same user who spergs over how a religion is more than just a God?
It's made me avoid common mistakes in world-building, game design and running a game.
It's made me more selective about how I/we choose new players joining our group.
It's given me some great inspiration when I see people here creating settings and fun gaming ideas.
>shitty pedo kill urself
Writer here, basically . Greentext stories and threads and filename threads are always something I sift through.
It made me realize I was a magical realming that guy and made me a better person in general. Thanks Veeky Forums
I know that this board wasn't initially made for this, but I found the writefag threads really helpful. There was always someone answering my stupid questions.
I now pay closer attention to GMs and their methods and try to steer clear from unorganized and railroading ones.
I also state my expectations everytime, communicate better with the GMs and I play a lot more androgynous characters.
It's made me more relaxed about the hobby, for sure. I think after a while of the constant shitpost IMG I saw, something just snapped and I decided not to take any of it seriously anymore.
For example, I used to hate influx of magical realm weebshit that Veeky Forums kept trying to force into various RPGs, then finally I said fuck it and now I'm going to be GMing a game of Only War inspired by Valkyria Chronicles and with a party made entirely of cute girls.
>And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.
One of us
one of us
This except for the spoiler.
>a magical realming that guy
You didn't specify whether you accepted or rejected the designation after your epiphany.
Veeky Forums showed me how easy it is to just make a setting with what matters to the story while still being very fleshed out for exploration. I ran one game in the DnD universe and my players kept on saying
>Muh setting
>Muh lore
I either had to crack open all the splatbooks to learn the lore, which was fanfiction tier writing in my opinion, or just make my own setting.
I took the latter.
>just make my own setting.
Always good advice.
Why would I let the opinions off people who don't actually play games affect me?
It may or may not have been the same person, but that is what it did. It was a "unique campaign details" threaf. I shared a story from the mythos of one of the peoples. The person refused to accept that stories about higher beings can be part of a religion.
which D&D universe?
>doesn't contain detailed instructions on how to eat pussy
One fucking job...
Literally who?
I got you bruh
It's piss easy to make a setting.
Making a good setting is another matter, but you don't need a lot.
Just a gimmick, a few factions, and you'll have a campaign your players can easily remember.
"Remember that seaworld campaign? Oh yeah, we did awesome pirates in that."
"Remember that sci fi spelljammers ripoff? Hell yeah."
"Oh, that industrial age fantasy thing! That was terrible!"
It taught me to cherrypick ideas from you guys and ignore everything else.
This basically.
It gave me a lot of good ideas that I can use, and taught me how I shouldn't use them.
It has taught me that my way of having fun is wrong and I should've played GURPS instead
Well... there's one with detailed instructions on how to eat elf. The question is - are absolutely positively sure you want to know?
Everything Marcile is so exploitable.
It's made me crossplay MORE just because it triggers so many anons. I used to do it on a fifty fifty basis, now it's more like 80/20 just because the anger it generates makes me smile.
Thanks to Veeky Forums the hour or so we spend horsing around pre-game now includes jokes about Veeky Forums and wider Veeky Forums stuff alongside films, politics and our myriad personal failings.
Pathfinder and 5th edition.
Sounds like it might be the same guy.
Maybe same thread.
The guy sounded like he had some decent thoughts about the difference between developing a god and developing a religion, but the two threads I've seen him in he spent more time raging like an autist at others who had done nothing wrong.
>OP: [Some variation of] tell me about features of your setting.
>user: These are my gods...
I find him curious because I've never seen an user who came so close to making a cogent point but then veered at the last minute off the cliffs of insanity.
Actually Pathfinder was what I ran. 5th edition is what my group was assuming I'm going to use for the next campaign.
Since I got a request for more monster encounters with lots of role-playing in between, I'm brewing a bloodbourne/innistrad-ese setting.
Yeah, he wanted to talk about religion without myths and gods, explaining it with theology and philosophy. I pointed out to him that in a fantasy setting gods can be actively seen working, or even appearing in person. Don't remember if he replied to that.
>. I ran one game in the DnD universe and my players kept on saying
>>Muh setting
>>Muh lore
I never run games in an established setting if the players know far more than me.
>Who the hell is Vecna and why do all your characters have their body parts?
I think I remember your posts.
One user pointed out that he had developed religions, he just hadn't posted them.
Like I said, he made sense about religion being more than just a God.
But what he was doing was like going into a grocery store and screaming about the lack of quality power tools in their hardware section.
What doujin are these tags from? I need to know for research purposes.
>go to sadpanda
>put all those tags into the search bar
its ok my dude, I'm with you on that, I have a strange, abnormal, unexplained hatred for gnome's, and halflings. I don't mind them in stories, but if I'm GMing something, I immediately remove them as an option from the setting unless they're integral.
In my setting I wrote out handling because I've met half-sized humans and don't feel compelled to mimic Tolkien.
I wrote D&D gnomes out of my setting because they were stupid and badly made.
Then, I ended up writing gnomes back in as Faye squibs.
>these misleading tags
c'mon, this is both cute and hilarious
Holy shit.
I'm actually curious how many threads you make a month.
Me too, now that you mention it.
The second half of it feels like it's supposed to be a palate cleanser (no pun intended) after some of the worst of ShindoL. Has the Hootch outdone himself this time?
ShindoL can't undo himself, Barrier Free will always be his best.
Yeah we always talk about adding in new races for pcs and npcs but in the back of our minds we always think "FURRY FURRY YER A FURRY FURFAG FURRY REEEE" every time so no lionpeople lizardfolk centaurs or anything like that thus far not even warforged
I am the user who posted about having religions but not detailing them. The thread asked for a unique detail from your campaign. It did not ask for an in-depth explanation of your campaign religions. I added a unique story from one of the religions of my campaign. The user freaked the fuck out (from having assumed that I simply had gods and no religion) and then refused to accept that it was wrong.
Not being able to humbly accept being in the wrong is childish.
Browsing Veeky Forums has made me cut back on my Pratchett-inspired flavor and prose, because I realize how awful it is when people rapid-fire blatantly-derived material without doing all the additional work that made the originals good in the first place.
It's like those people who used to spout Monty Python references continuously, except that the source material actually holds up on its own.
Both Prattchet and Monty Python hold up on their own. You can make it work if you want to (ie All Guardsmen Party being very much City Watch in 40k and it fits the setting flawlessly).
It's the same with concept-characters and tribute characters. Give them a character beyond them being a walking joke (references aren't jokes anyway) and think ahead of time what kind of development they could go through, and you should be alright.
Don't beat yourself up too much over it. Just don't beat people over their heads with it and you should be fine.
>tfw a friend drew me a picture of Marcille for my birthday
>tfw she unknowingly or maybe not adhered to my fetish
Not gonna share because it has a weird portrait of me in it as well.
so blank it out then you cuck.
Sounds like you have a nice friend.
DELET THIS Marcille is not for lewd
I prefer a crop.
It's had a massive impact on my worldbuilding. The worldbuilding threads are themselves great, but the inspiration/history threads, and the OSR & SoS generals are just as good.
I can't give it all to teej though. Reddit was a massive help in showing me what I should never, ever do.
>Browsing Veeky Forums has made me cut back on my Pratchett-inspired flavor and prose, because I realize how awful it is when people rapid-fire blatantly-derived material without doing all the additional work that made the originals good in the first place.
Ironically, this is exactly how Pratchett started, and exactly what he ended up doing.
Based mods.
Veeky Forums has given me a thousand good ideas to steal and incorporate into my characters and campaigns, but when it comes to actual roleplaying and GMing I'd take anythig I read here with a huge pinch of salt.
People say this stuff, but I don't see it. What advice do you think is shit?
Anything that involves Veeky Forums saying what is good and what isn't is very suspect.
That's not very convincing.
If you actually say it, the thread will get flamewarred into oblivion by the idiots who think thy understand all games ever and that their opinion is correct and can't ever be wrong.
You know, white-room-theory crafters who claim all wizards are the end all be all of D&D, GURPS is bad because basic math is hard, 4e is perfectly balanced and not like an MMO at all...basically, anyone who claims that anythign they don't like is BADWRONGFUN and you should never play it.
But people don't say those things.
They are the contrarian opinion here.
I feel Veeky Forums has a too constrained view on roleplaying and GMing. There's too many posts along the lines of "Doing x is magical realm/makes you That Guy/is railroading", and if I were to have blindly followed some of the common advice I've read here it would have robbed me from some great RP experiences.
we beat the shit out of elf players, we made someone playing a samurai cry, we kicked out all the fucking feminazis, all the sjws, all the normies, and pretty soon the owner should be redoing the art in the place with hot bikini armor chicks and lolis
Okay, not them, but here's an example: Is it ever okay to play a furry character?
The actual answer is some version of "maybe sometimes".
Veeky Forums's official answer is some version of "die in a tire fire."
Memetically? Sure. In reality? No.
I think it's been made pretty clear that you guys are just autists who take everything said here as if people meant it.