/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General

Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong edition

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.

Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Trove
pastebin.com/viWJ1Yvk (embed)

>Question of the Now:
Sci-fi or fantasy or something else?

>Last thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone know of the most popular wierd war 2 game? Konflikt 47 just started and all the others seem fucking dead.

K47, Secrets of the Third Reich and Dust, not sure if there were more. AFAIK Incursion was more like a boardgame.

Most people only play Weird War occasionally. Usually WW2 guys who fancy a bit of a breather.

>Sci-fi or fantasy or something else?
Right now, VSF. Painting my kroot and brits, considering buying some aeronefs because the new american BC is sexy and I want some of the south american fleets and really want to have a look at the new Imperial Skies rules.

Speaking of Aeronef, have some PDFs.

Now nobody need make my mistake of ordering them directly and finding out they come on physical discs.



I actually bought Aeronef on Wargame Vault bloody ages ago. The rules aren't quite my cup of tea, but I like the toys. There are some neat variations in style among the fleets!

Are the WGV pdfs watermarked? Please say yes so I can finally feel like my decision to get them straight from Brigade wasn't a TOTAL waste of time.

For anyone interested Warzone 2.0 rules and army lists are out. Illian stuff looks really cool. Here's a link.


This and the fact that Siege of the Citadel will give me a fuckhueg Dark Legion army makes my nipples hard.

Interestingly you can't mix and match the different Dark Legion armies much. Personally I like that as it prevents bloat in the army, helps balance and makes armies more distinct but it was not the direction that I thought they'd go.

>Interestingly you can't mix and match the different Dark Legion armies much.
Well, I guess Prodos won't kick down my door if I do.

Yes they are.

Any Pulp Alley people here? I'd love to discuss it with people who aren't 50+ and suffer from early onset Alzheimers (aka Lead Adventure).

Bought my first solo game system. Is it normal to feel depressed about that, because it feels like giving up one finding people to play with?

Not that I know of sadly...pulp gaming is not my jazz, even tho I love the period. Those Tommy-guns with forward grips and drum mags, plus actual fucking BARs for policemen is awesome. Hell, I might pick up a box of RedBox Gangsters and Policemen at one point...

Well, the other side of the coin is now at least you'll be able to play. Noone will hurry you, you can play as long as you want, your opponent won't cheat, sologaming is comfy as fuck. As soon as I'll build my table, I think I'm gonna play solo games too with games not designed for that, basically playing the role of both players. If noone wants to play Warzone with me, I'll play it myself goddamnit.

Eh, solo wargaming has a fairly long history.

Solo RPGs are the REALLY depressing thing.

But part of why I'm spending time and money on models and terrain is because it's one of the few ways I know to trick people into spending time with me.

And isn't it awesome that you have your own terrain you can play on all by yourself without anyone fucking up your work?

Not really. What's the point of creating something if I have nobody to show it to?

Furiously masturbate over it.

Tho I meant it more like that you'll have awesome stuff for yourself and occasionally others who you invite to play with you, so don't feel down because of playing solo. Also, make battle reports, post them in your gaming group's forum/Facebook group/mailing list and they'll come and play with you.

Is the joy of creating/using it not enough?

Thats why people take pics of their stuff and post them online.

Related to OP, just finished painting my kalyshi. My only other dreadball player moved though, so I have no one to play with now, and can't find the season five rulebook for kalyshi rules anyway.

Pulp Alley owns and I really need to buy it in hardcopy. I have the basic card deck and some of the extra cards, kinda interested in buying the solo deck and the new thing when it's out.

Basically every wargame published by GMT Games, one of the largest board wargaming companies, has a solitaire suitability rating prominently displayed on the back of the box right next to the game complexity rating.

Solo is fun, especially when you make it more social, but even without that it's still good.

>455 pages with no table of contents or index

Fucking hell Prodos, even UWZ was better than this.


That's so weird. Maybe they left it out accidentally from the pdf? I'm pretty sure the main 1.0 rulebook had those...

>Originally a hardcore /v/irgin
>Vidya for the past 5 years or so has slowly been less and less able to 'scratch the itch.'
>Play a couple of games of DnD
>Love hanging out with friends and playing with them
>Have a recent paradigm shift from vidya to tabletop
>Want to finally get into Wargames, specifically WFB or KoW
>Play a couple of games of Frostgrave, Mordheim, and finally play my 40k 5th edition starter box for the first time (literally a box of "Look at how cool Space Marines are!")
>Ask friends if they'd be willing to buy their own armies to play
>"lolno, but if you buy some, we'll play with them"
>Most local FLGS is an hour away, and not even sure what their most played wargame is

How do you guys deal with this? I don't have that thick of a wallet to just buy my friend's armies for them. Starting to think I'm stuck with just sticking to RPGs for tabletop, but I was really hoping to get into wargames.

>I don't have that thick of a wallet to just buy my friend's armies for them.

Small scale minis, plastic historicals, 1/72 stuff etc. is all pretty cheap these days user.

imo paying GW/PP prices for stuff is a fool's game.

Whats does /awg/ think about Dragon Rampant? Is it any good and/or fast to play?

If it's anything like Lion Rampant (/hwg/ memes notwithstanding) then it's probably a nicely serviceable large skirmish game, although it won't blow your socks off.

With perhaps some potentially frustrating activation mechanics.

15mm 40k, do it

each army will probably set you back 30 bucks if that

Only came to this thread for the delicious blueberry

>15mm 40k
Honestly, I didn't enjoy 40k that much, but that's probably because my Orkz are literally no match for terminators (2+ armor saves and I have no AP2 weapons? Fucking seriously?)

Are there any decent 15mm miniature makers that look pretty close to Warhammer armies?

>Plastic historicals
Which would work great if my friends only wanted to play Brets or Empire, but sucks when they want to field anything actually fantasy related.

>small scale minis
I'm aware of Warmaster and their minis, but those run for pretty hefty prices on ebay recently.

My group is torn between 10mm fantasy mass battles or something a little bit smaller in 15mm. Dragon Rampant seems to fill that slot

> (2+ armor saves and I have no AP2 weapons? Fucking seriously?)
I haven't played in a while, but aren't power klaws ap2?

> I'm aware of Warmaster and their minis

There are a crap ton of other manufacturers who make minis just as good for much less than old Warmaster stuff.

Check out Pendraken and Magister Militum as a start.

>aren't power klaws ap2?

I don't see anything about AP2 on Power Klaws, but I do see that 'Power Weapons' cancel armor saves. I wonder if they fall into the same category? If so, that maybe makes my Orkz have a chance.....


Seems to indicate that power klaws are still ap2

Nothing wrong with some solo rpgs or wargames.

Some of us work late, or have schedules that conflict a lot with friends.

The blog post said this was this is the release candidate version, final layout and proofreading is happening then it's off to the printers. Who knows, maybe they'll throw up a properly bookmarked edition later. I know a printer friendly version is coming at the end of October, though.

I know I'd certainly like to see what peoples coalition Dark Legion armies will look like, please throw up some pictures for us when you get to building it all.

Assuming that you are trying to play WFB or KoW with your buds (Rather than playing more affordable skirmish games or games with smaller scale figures), then you of course want dirt cheap figures. Look at Mantic, MoM, Reaper for dirt cheap 28mm fantasy figures. Chinese knock offs of WHFB models work as well (Google yoyhammer).

Page 10 bump.

Watching magnificent 7 has me in the mood for cowboy games. Debating finding my old copy of legends of the old west or just using in her majesty's name. I'll run it past the usual game group I suppose.

do u think using dust bases for any "alternative" units in your ww2 stuff is classy and then leaving the buy the history ones on normal ones.. or just converting every thing a little and using dust bases. even thou dust failed I feel its sorta historically fitting to use thous bases for every thing "weird ww2" just to pay tribute to what that agme started (I think I would paint the bolts a bright color thou so signify army and then paint the actual unit super realistic drab so it would amost blend into the enemy. I really want to make a metal gear theamed army for K47 and dust tacticis which seems to be the best rulesets for this but I'm sure theres many more I intend this army to be my zombie army as well like zombie fighters. just waiting for a range of troops I like and then I'm going touse the legs form my admech walkers and maybe put historic turrets on my IG tanks and buy afue halftracks and stuff still not sure if german US or Russian I'm thinking US based on how cool the 6 legged walkers are for the US in dust. and ive seen some amerian soilder sculpts I like. but I want a real Metal Gear look so I might make some of the double agents or include some stolen Russian or german mechs converted to run for the USA. I guess I could use my my mobile frame zero chubs in it and possibly the larger Tau walker that's pretty metal gear just build some guns for it that are more Historic or butcher up a dust kit and make it into attachments. I was thinking of using Kreig as my WW2 units as theirs a cheap way to cut up the kreig kits from a gorgon model so you can get kreig for about 0.70$ as a model which is nice but I think I'm gong ot make them into zombies instead. I'm wanting a really "army man" look to my alt history stuff but I think ill paint them army man green but then highlight any of the future tech in a bright red or blue to sorta play fun with it or keep the stock guy flat color like a toy but all the future tech painted realisitically.

>Which would work great if my friends only wanted to play Brets or Empire, but sucks when they want to field anything actually fantasy related.
Check the Cheap Fantasy Minis blog, they make it with specifically 1:72 in mind. Also, there are a couple manufacturers who make 1:72 fantasy minis, like Caesar (orcs, goblins, undead, elves, dwarves), Alliance (basically LotR in 1:72, plus some amazons and random undead), and I'm pretty sure some metal manufacturers are around too. A box of 40 infantry or 12 cavalry is around 8-10GBP at worst, so you can make pretty big armies relatively cheaply.

You can make pretty awesome Kislev and Norse armies too.

And for 40k...why not Epic?

It will be next year at best, but I'll do it.

Meh, there were WWW games before Dust.

I am interested thou in gates of Antares as well as I feel its d10 system might be the most advanced wargame system out atm math wise and design wise kinda hoping K47 eventually takes the developments of that ruleset as it seems the most advanced and interesting. I'm sorta happy having a "alt history" army beside my GW armys but I'm not sure I'm ready for a fully scifi army like gates of Antares has thou the isorians faction seems interesting and the halflife vibe of that is interesting I guess it would be cool to have a sorta halflife vs marines collection. as far as GW stuff goes I'm trying ot build two armys essensially one is 40k and one is AOS but they can fight each other due to bending of rules or have some cross over units. atm its a pre heresy imperial army with titian auxilia and skaven mutants on one side and then a fimir army on the AOS side that can be used as genestealer stuff. I also have a third stormcast idea of sorta building a kitbashed army that a mix of mx3 armor with stormcast to build a sorta army of custodies and spacemarines and sisters of battle all sorta combined into one but I'm loosing my boner for stormcast the more I think of them and I think ill just have afue test models for them in this sorta "horror house suit of magical armor" idea I have for them or medieval style cartoon style and if I cant achive it illprob try and pass that kit on to some one and keep the best bits for future SM converting like the wings and maybe some other choice bits from the starter box for use in building every rules worth model from the 40k range which I semi plan to do so for example use the stormcast wings on bloodangels to giv e a newer sculpt etc I'm having trouble thinking how ill theam spacemarines into and think I might just do a generic SM army in mw4 for brother first. but keep the unique heroes and stuff for myself for powergaming in the future. am thinking of doing a MK3 marines army or maybe MK8 (slowly)

Would you be so kind to use some new lines, as like this it's hardly readable.

If you're interested in GoA, I'd say grab the two player starter, it won't set you back too much compared to 40k, and especially not compared to 30k.

I'm not sure how I could make a marine army that could be usable in other games and then I think of WWW and think maybe I could make a marine army that could be used in that if I made them carry more clearly human style weapons like mini guns and maybe even some more Orky style guns so they could be counts as a bit more easy. bolters are 40k sure but perhaps the mk3 version of bolters is going to look a bit more gun or grenade launcher than the others or a simple drum can help with that. I do plan on sorta making my marines like unreal torniment style maybe with looser joints maybe true scale not sure just looser look to poses and no helmets beside traditional knight looking ones form Mk3 and with no helmet berrts from the scions set. so they have that real Unreal Torniment look I guess that look could lend it self to use in K47 or Dusk as heavy walkers. just have to make some alternative sholders perhaps that are less beafy and gun swaps with Guard or general historic rifles. maybe leave the sholders but idknow they are pretty iconic I think with out sholders SM can be used as counts as a lot easier. but I plan to make the sholders arms and guns on both sides connected as one bit sorta like how AOS kits do it and have it snap fit with lego or magnatised so you can pull that hole section of saving the legs chest and head stuck to base I hope I can achive this at 32mm and it might be a lot of work but having a legion that cant be used in other games is just a waste of space and you could easily make historic arms and sholders and gun set ups to be swaped onto this. or even better you could use imperial guard scion weapon load outs that where from more historic ranges like kreig and vet rangers so not only then would you get carapace units for IG you would get your historic beafy guys too. I feel its the 25mm models that define a system not the 32 or above they get easier to pin and magnatise and use as generics because the larger a sculpt is the more generic it is.

First of all learn to spell.
Secondly learn to punctuate.
Thirdly learn to hit enter once in a while so you don't form an unreadable wall of text.

Also generally when you make an army for one game unless it is a generic setting it's only really usable for that game. There's many games Age of Sigmar stuff could be used for since that is a generic fantasy setting pretty much.

However for 40k space marines are very iconic so there wont be much else you can use them for other than 40k-based skirmish games like Kill Teams or 40k-clones.

Finally, use whatever bases you want but personally Id suggest having consistent bases over your whole army.

I think too many of these alternative war games are focusing on larger kits or impressive stuff like dusts flyers where its more cartoony and cool units that really stood out but then the troops where kinda ignored when they could have been the most interesting sculpts and interesting ideas. really vechiles are quite generic you can use them from system to system a flyers a flyer and tanks and tank a transports a transport a boats a boat and a walker on 2 legs is that and a spider is a spider. but the hard stuff is the traditional old sculpted troops that's what makes people rush to games and GW is loosing some ground because frankly what can be done at 25mm in plastic is hitting a detail wall and they are being forced to scale some things up. but these smaller compnanys using traditional techinques or (ultra new ones like 3d fabricationg and then duplication in resin) can actually produce models more technologically advanced than GW so these guys really have a chance to release some thing that could take over the industry but they are all focusing away from the mass troops and going for odd things that just don't make sense. they should be redesigning the core troops over and over again new sculpts new designs near learning of how to make a sculpt work at that scale wild west etc they should be reding their core troops over and over again sorta of like PP does but yer that how you grow and surivive and improve and a luxury GW had in the metal days to teach its designers that a lot of these new groups are missing out on. repeat repeat repeat with 3dSculpted resin and metal and hand sculpted resin and metal there is no excuse not too especialy with the 3d the sculpting effort is negligible and they should be holding onto their modelers and making them try new poses and new things over and over again to learn the tech and not just release a finished "product" its a great way to tell if a game system is going to stick around is if they are too holy on keeping things

like right now Alt-WW2 works because there are 3-4 games right abunch fo rules sets and most important alot of model options for the same roles in your army so it feel s like a iterated on game when really no one has stood out as the designer to iterate on it but one will probably the one with the most popular system and I'm no clue what that is right now but some thing will show up. but that almost simulates what gw had in the 80s and 90s new sculps one fater the other of the same thing they where not sacred with design but these days we see start up companys that are as sacred with their metal or resin acting like its plastic and treating it like it will never get tweaked and that's just sad they should last one mould life cycle and then update the sculpt be it hand done or 3d fabricated and do that ove rand over again that's how you grow as a company and produce the ecitmente needed to invest in moulds or in gw case casting factorys which they actually do own in Nottingham. producing a alt wargame and claming your happy with your resin is so tryhard bigtime wild west and stuff is doing this and it just means they end up with old stuff or they focus on huge resin kits which are impressive now but just become DND monsters in the future beause they didn't iterate on their 25mm core and expand the universe thru that. MK3 for warmachine was ultimate a letdown for me because they didn't produce a real swam army but hopefully the new hordes army the scarcrow and rat army will be a true troops spam army and hopefully they do finally release a ruleset for the game for 100 points of more that introduces true wargames scale play and takes away from the tactics or skirmish level of that game.. like ultimately if a game can be easily simulated on a computer its a boardgame or skirmish game and not a wargame and that's what serperates so may things and so many of these alt games are true wargames

but alot of the games people tout as being compedators to 40k are literally just diferent kinds of games like xwing can be played on tabletop simulator on steam or vassel on windows pc very easily theres a armada version mod for TTS and a xwing vassle mod that's so good its taken over compedative torniment play as the preferred way of playing. same with warmachine tactics that simulates warmachine so well you can understand the entire game in it. sure it handles troops a bit differently but that's a technological engine limitiation not a design choice that game is designed tob e 1:1 and the fact that's possible means PP need a more advanced but simplified ruleset for its tabletop brother. people say age of sigmar is simple but simulating that on pC would be close to impossible due to the complexity of special rules per character or scenery peace or mission. skirmish games are fine but aos isn't a skirmish game its just a reorganized wargame its designed in its simpliscity for mass scale I even sorta feel AOS is the new apocalypse game form GW then kill team and warbands are the skirmish games that they don't publicise too much beacus ethey encourage smaller sales per customer. the idea of making a diferent kind of game completely and saying that rivals 40k is silly the true games that rivial 40k are 30k and Gates of antaries and maybe this K47 and maybe dust 1947 thou I feel dust is really deisgned for the tactics scale Xwing and armada and startrek are wargames but the torniment scene is playing them at boardgame scale swhich suchs I plan on building a wargame scale army for generic use across all 6 varients of that ruleset but hopefully using WW1 and possibly epic or hopefully adeptus titanicus includes flyers. they did say they wanted to do a air game in 40k in the scale between battleships and the filiers in 40k so that would be interesting possibly including thunderhawks as the smallest thing. but I'm thinking of building a generic army for that scale

Stooooooooooop, please.

lay off the amphetamine, lad

but I'm unsure of mini providers for that scale of fliying games. theres afue huge super bombers from ww1 wings of war or wings of glory at my FLGS that I want to pick up on sale and put starwars or some other flying theam stickers on. not sure what iconic flying game theams I could paint htem as thou. maybe blazing angels I guess. maybe some steam punk thing like that. I guess I got to watch anime and some stuff and work out a theam.or maybe WW1 and WW2 stuff with starwars decals on them is cool enough. ill prob just get all cards printed as I hear that's this biggest money wall in that game.

does any one have experience with alternative card games? I guess I'm apart of that Gwent beta from witcher game. I didn't mind heartstone but id played the wow TCG so it threw me mentally that it wasn't the same but I'm interested in trying Gwent because I think that studio is pretty massive and I'm sure they might include another traditional game in the cyberpunk game they are brining out as another cool mini game .

but yer what are the alternative mini prodviders for xwing and wings of glory wings of war scale flying games. beside EPIC. would larger dystopian wars stuff work? if you filed off the details or some thing. like larger bombers and zepins?

You are literally retarded



Because this is not your blog.

Buy both sides for a game, encourage other people to buy both sides for a game they prefer, just run games for people.

It's good and fairly fast. The Men Who Would Be Kings just landed at my door yesterday, and changes the Rampant mechanics up a bit, looks fun too.

Because this shit reads like a garbled mess of a robot.txt that went through google translate four times.

>Only came to this thread for the delicious blueberry

Well here's hoping they might turn up in Star Saga.

There's talk of an expansion set that has the players trying to stop an Asterian extremist group from staring an all out war with mankind.

I know, this isn't 'quite' the thread to post this but, I was wondering anyone got a good lead on post-apoc miniatures. I need some for an upcoming game of Degenesis.

Brother Vinni has some "not-Fallout" minis if you like that style.

Thanks, any others?

Lead Adventure have some STALKER-style stuff.

For more colorful and wacky minis see Ramshackle and ThunderChild.

This is Not a Test also have a smallish range to go with their rules.

Hasslefree, Warlord's Project Z range, Diehard miniatures, Studio miniatures, Moonraker, etc. etc.

Poland Flame Tanks complete. Poland can into scorched earth!

Pig Iron Productions is back from the dead and have some nice post-apoc/scavenger stuff. Whether or not they fit Degenesis' style is up for debate.

> Those itty bitty trackmarks

Nice attention to detail, Polanon.

Some of them might, that's the problem with Degenesis its got so much style and flavor its a bit of a pain. I'm gonna have to scratch build a little Im sure.

>Pig Iron Productions is back from the dead
No shit? When did this happen? Last I checked they were closing up shop.

>Pig Iron Productions is back from the dead
I didn't know they died but I am kinda happy to see they're not.

I still don't know why they never released the massively improved multipart heavy infantry to replace the old single piece ones though when they did a whole bunch of other stuff after they previewed them.

Are those bases custom made? If so, how did they do it?

I'm planning on buying 15mm and 6mm miniatures for a skirmish game and a massive battles game, and I'd love to make my own bases.

I don't know what material to use

>Are those bases custom made? If so, how did they do it?

Looks like 2p pieces to me, about the right width and thickness.

For 15mm I use 1p coins to base individual infantrymen. Washers are also a common alternative because you can buy them in bluk for almost nothing.

Plus, washers and (some) coins are magnetic which is handy for storage.

Apparently so. Pic related showed up in my inbox a couple of months ago. Was the first I'd heard of them since the closure announcement.

Their website is still there, they've added a couple more models, some bulk packs and a few bits of generic modelling gear (paints and the like).

> The PIP guy is chair of York Wargames

Oh snap, I live in York and have been meaning to check out that club.

Actually, re-reading the email now- I'm actually within cycling distance of some of the events they're going to. Sweet.

Fuck, every time I look, more relevant details jump out. I've been looking for a wargaming club in the area.

Wait, are you near York Polanon?

Yeah user. Wanna play some Dystopian Wars?

I was leaning more towards Aeronef for my VSF fix but I'd give it a go.

The problem right now is finding the time, sadly.

Opposite problem here, user. I'll have to check out York wargaming, though.

There's also York Garrison Wargaming, but they're a bit far away from my part of town so I haven't looked into them much.

They're 25mm steel washers.
It was from before I learned about using 2p coins.

Thanks dude, I'll take a look.

I spoke to Ronnie about 18 months ago, and he was talking about how much he'd love to do a Space Crusade style Dungeon Saga in space. He said he wanted the core classes to be from each major race, and specifically mentioned that the Asterian character would have to be a Kalyshi.

This might change now that Star Saga looks low death with unique characters, but a Kalyshi character is still pretty much a given.

Plus they're doing a conversion guide for all their Warpath stuff and they do Kalyshi warrior models for Warpath.

>Kalyshi are blue
>Asterian commanders are always painted up in normal flesh tones

So are they a warrior cult or a separate sub-species?

Things are coming up Poland! Good luck finally getting that game, mate.

You poor fucker, how does it feel to be left for dead by the company when they chase the pie in the sky with Halo?

Pretty bad, user. My only solace is that it's already happening to Halo Fleet Battles. I can at least enjoy the schadenfreude of the Spartan cycle.

Christ, it hasn't even been a year yet. Why can't they ever just stick to a project?

For you, it's the death of a beloved game.

For Spartan, it's Tuesday. And the rules are still mediocre.

Buy Spartan miniatures you like, but don't rely on them being around forever, and ideally have a good set of rules to use them with, and two opposing forces so other people don't have to buy in.

I'm fully prepared to convert my Armada ships to full thrust when the time comes. I'm just so pissed off at them, because they had the potential.

They remind me a little of Mongoose Publishing, actually. In that they're endlessly disappoint, but so often come up with something that makes you give them the cautious benefit of the doubt just this one last time.

That's..incredibly apt. I was in love with SST too...am a victim-gamer?