How do you like your Paladins;
Lawful Good, or Other?
How do you like your Paladins;
I like them to be applicable to their respective faith. So basically anything but true neutral or lawful neutral, because those are boring.
I'll agree with you on true neutral but Lawful Neutral can definitely be not boring. Image related sometimes.
Yeah but there are so few ways to play LN well, and even then it's hard as shit. You either do Dredd, or a robot. It's VERY hard to keep out of Lawful Stupid or Stupid Neutral territory.
What about like pic related?
Wait, not a paladin.
I still stand by him for LN though.
This guy though, he's an LG Paladin.
Not sure about Vimes
Vimes doesn't strike me as having the charisma for a paladin, I also think he's a bit too cynical for good so an LN fighter/rogue might work
>Dredd is Lawful Neutral
I always kind of hated this. Isn't Dredd's whole thing is he's totally complacent as a cog in a Lawful Evil police state?
His motives may meet some definition of Lawful Neutral but his actions most certainly don't.
I haven't read a lot of Dread but the way people talk about it makes it seem like it depends a lot on the writer.
I consider Vimes more CG.
I'm not sure about Good vs Neutral but I definitely don't think Vimes is chaotic. A large portion of his character is having an ironclad definition of right and wrong which he holds himself to and enforces where he can.
Dredd is Lawful Lawful desu
Vimes is crawling and clawing his way up into lawful/lawful territory with minor demigod status between that whole bit with the summoning dark, and the power of Belief mixing with his reputation to turn him into the very definition of a Watchman.
Good before Law, but otherwise yes.
Vimes is decently charismatic throughout as evidenced by his ability to lead guards and command respect.
He definitely fits the idea of a sort of 3.5 wisdom based Paladin better though.
He commanded respect through skill, on the occasions where people who didn't know his reputation met him they generally didn't think much of him (I'm specifically thinking of him being mistaken for a foot soldier instead of a duke in Monstrous Regiment)
On the other hand, in Night Watch, (young) Vetinari notes how he carries himself with the air of a commander.
He's got willpower coming out of his ears, and he's charismatic enough to lead the Watch, and to be Carrot's boss (which amusingly got the not!Bedouin to not fight him in Jingo - they saw the way Carrot was, they didn't want to piss off the guy who can command him)
He's a bit of a mix Lawful Good-wise, because he's got as strong a sense of right and wrong as they come, but he's a dirty fighter with some seriously dark parts to him (see: when he had the gonne, his fury in Thud, and some of the things he did in Nightwatch, especially at the end)
But he also keeps them under immense control.
Wasn't that Vimes-pretending-to-be-Keel?
At that point he'd been a Commander and a Duke for a while
I do prefer them with Detect Demonic Power/Presence instead of Detect Evil.
Bam, no smite-happy paladins.
I wouldn't describe Vimes as having raw charisma, but he knows people, I'd guess the same way he knows the city. Slogging through the worst bits of 'em for many long nights at a stretch.
Still, he walked in, bluffed his way into a job and a promotion, snapped a corrupt watch into line, then wound up controlling a quarter of the city, and earned himself a death squad to boot.
Like above, Vimes may not have raw charisma, but he has a lot of social skills.
Mega-City One is awful because the Judges really are the best thing for the population.
Depends on their deity.
They can still just smite all devils/demons
Yeah, but they're rarer that a simply evil guy in town, you gotta do actual investigation if you want to find a pyromaniac or robber.
Oh, God, no. Vimes is Lawful Good, he's just a different flavor of it than Carrot.
I like my Paladins Christian, and members of Charlemagne's company like they should be!
Fuck y'all heathens and pagans!
Vetinari is a LN Assassin (by training).
Carrot is the Crunchy Lawful Good shiny kind.
Vimes is the Peaty Lawful Good practical kind.
His every action, every purpose is for the Law, and for Good. He never places ideology above ethics, because his ideology is ethical. He Can deceive, threaten, cajole, all because he is deceiving the decietful, threatening the, um, threatening, and cajoling.... i got nothing. But STILL.
Vimes - Chaotic good.
His ethics, his way of enforcing them.
Carrot - Lawful good
Right is right and wrong is wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Nobby - lawful evil
He has a certificate to say he's human ffs
Angua - Nuetral good
Her own past gives her her own judgement of right and wrong and her job allows her to enforce it
Sgt Colon - nuetral nuetral
"I'm just leaning on this building. To make sure nobody steals it"
If criminals didn't commit crime (or did it without being noticed) he could do his job happily and undesturbed
but for vimes its not about the law, its about what the law is FOR, its about the people
i would peg vimes as a chaotic neutral fallen paladin of law, who fell technically fell at character creation, then cross classed into a neutral good paladin of himself before eventually unfaillng and changing alignment to good lawful (as opposed to lawful good) and technically becoming a double paladin of his own inner law
vime`s charisma is most definitely well done, not raw. covered in those delicious crispy bits.
This particular oglaf piece isn't funny.
Could anyone post that discworld image? Th eone that shows where the characters are introduced and what ways you can read through them?
Where's detritus fall into this?
Yeah, I meant he's a good non-Dredd non-Robot LE, not that he's a paladin
And yes, absolutely an assassin, a very good one - he was failed his concealment exam for not turning up, for example
It's been pretty miss and miss lately.
I remember when Oglaf was funny.
Neutral Good.
Pure Good, unrestrained by Lawfulness.
Just always doing the Right Thing, no matter the legality of it.
Because laws are not always good.
>Vimes - Chaotic Good
It's been said earlier in the thread but Vimes is way too disciplined and has too rigid a code of morals to be chaotic
>Nobby - Lawful Evil
Nobby is a coward and a thief sure, but he doesn't really actively harm people (mostly in order to keep himself out of notice but still), he's also the definition of an opportunist, I'd say he's pretty solidly CN
I love Pratchett but did anyone else get tired of vetinari after Terry decided to embrace the meme with him? There are a couple of his characters of his like this (weatherwax death Lu tze) they were more fun in their first apearences before all of their descriptions are how awesome they are.
How would one roleplay a paladin based off the dark moon blades?
Fighting evil by moonlight, and winning love by daylight.
Really though, you could probably roleplay one however you like as long as they're lawful in the sense they never violate their covenant. Loophole abuse is fine so long as you're bringing in the shriveled ears.
I would say that Death became less awsome, when he was first shown he was just Death, the end of all things the ultimate reality etc etc, after his series his struggles and personality humanised him
It's the way Vimes enforces his code that makes him chaotic. His way. No matter who says what. His version of right and wrong, often enforced his way if need be.
And as for Nobby Nobs, the only thing holding him back often is fear of retribution. Although after a whole day and a sit down at the pub I do tend to agree with you a bit, but I still think he is lawful. NL?
He abstains from an alignment and sights philosophy texts as to why
I would ask if you mean "cites" but since this is Detritus sights would probably be accurate.
Carrot is a dwarf.
I'd say the Darkmoon Blades would be VERY protective over any Unkindled/Undead who are trying to relight the First Flame. So much so that they'd be willing to carry one through his/her journey. Put aside the online game summoning here--a Darkmoon Paladin would stick with an Unkindled as much as a Carim knight would stick with his chosen maiden. The Darkmoons can jump between Unkindled, as long as one gets to the First Flame (None would sit around with Hawkwood). I'd even say collecting the Shriveled Ears are secondary--what's the point of having a trophy when the Unkindled dies?
Also the Darkmoon Paladin may have a crisis point if they find out that Lord Gwyn prolonging the Age of Fire is the reason for the undead curse. And that they're prolonging that suffering to keep the lights on for a bit longer.
Paladins have to be lawful under some set of rules because they are warriors of an order by definition.
Other than that anything goes.
The problem with Paladins is that they are a Catholic trope, and are woefully out of place in any setting that is not a sendup of Medieval Catholicism. It also doesn't help that they rub shoulders with Clerics. So Clerics are casty Catholics, whole Paladins are fighty Catholics.
Do you have autism?
The original source is hardly useful to any degree when talking about fantasy paladins with thousands of pages of fluff and rules completely divorced from actual history.
I had a goody two-shoes Paladin who was either L.G or N.G (his deity was the general "nice, friendly, do good deeds" lady).
He ended up sacrificing himself in place of another party member, had his soul return to another body, and became a C.G Paladin/Inquisitor.
Ended up being one of the most entertaining characters i've played.