>be me
>be honored storm warden
>chilin out in space, like you do
>alert goes off
>by the golden throne.gif
>awnser the call. "it is the storm wardens, chapter of the Adeptus Ast-"
> some winy voice answers. " Who is this?! we need the space marines!"
> goes back to chilin... just chilling
any other Chapters have this issue
Unpoplualr chapters
Other urls found in this thread:
OP, how drunk are you?
Iron hands probably.
very brother, very
>nothing for your chapter to do but escort rogue traders
Who /exorcists/ here?
My Marine force are exorcists. Though I still need to finish them + clean them up a bit, get some transfers, and maybe add some of those runes and things on thier armor.
Step aside son, we'll handle it.
Come on Dad, I want to purge daemons with you!
aye! ye lot need to back the 'ell off!
this 'er thread is for unpopular chapters.
get your fancy pikes and feck off
>red and black armour
>emblem is a demon skull
You just worry about no one purging you by mistake.
>power shovel
Iron Warriros sucesors confirmend
I see no queermosexual spikes anywhere, guv
I almost just feel unwanted.
Traitors get out.
Came here to ask this very same question
The Inquisition is monitoring this thread. And feeling hipster for loving the Red Hunters, and the fact that they are the Inquisition's personal chapter.
>Everyone thinks your furries
And suddenly it all makes sense!
There's a distinct and important difference between "personal" chapter and "willing to suck the Inquisition's cock whenever asked"
>Me: "I'm here to help!"
>Them: "Oh fuck it's the Emperor's Children!"
Life sucks when you're a Hawk Lord.
>Be me...
>Glorious member of the honorable celestial Lions.
>Be chilling in my cha-
>reading the novel
>pretty much confirmed Salamanders successors for their raging hardon for the common man
Haha, very funny, man. As an actual Battle Brother of the Celestial Lions, I don't think this sort of joke is funny. We all suffered terrible los-
Mate, you know it's canon that the Inquisition requested that the Red Hunters be founded to help hunt down the traitor legions during the scouring and for personal use of the Inquisition, right?
I only know what was mentioned in the Emperor'f Gift and Lexicanum, neither of which say that. So I did not know.
Come on guys, stop with the lame jokes, we still need to rebuild the Cha-
Here you are. Now report to room #77134 and sit on the BLUE chair.
The Codex Astartes is the greatest work to ever be written. And it becomes even greater when used to it's fullest extant, and by sons of Dorn, no less. A shame those fools Guilliman calls sons could not use it the way we do. They'd improve remarkably.
Hammers of Dorn representing, and ready to shame Ultramarines and slay heretics.
Have your chapter remembered the Codex word for word? The Ultramarines haven't.
Best Chapter that gets no love.
monitering this thread to decide what chapter to make my new SMs
loved these guys...
Who the fuck even are these guys?
There's no need to continue. The best chapter has already been posted.
file name.....
Who ever made this is by far my least favorite 40k artist.
Celestial Loins?
I don't get these...Who are the Celestial Lions?
I mean, I did my googling but I can only find bits and pieces. All the lore seems to say is that they waged some war to free a planet from a chaos infestation, trying to preserve lives and the Inquisition used Exterminatus without good reason when they left. But that doesn't explain why they a-
Red Talons. They're hard motherfuckers and always get shit done. They're like Marines Malevolent if they weren't retarded and yellow. Every single engagement they took part in they basically kick ass, including one where they fought alongside Grey Knights and the Grey Knights got overwhelmed but no mention of the Talons getting swamped.
Their founder was a bad dude named Autek Mor, and he crashed a moon into the World Eaters recruiting world.
Celestian Lions is definitely best ch-
I don't understand this me-
Probably any of the chapters with the word "Angel" in their name that isn't preceded by "dark" or "blood"
>Angels Sanguine
>Angels Vermillion
>Angels Encarmine
>Angels of Redemption
>Angels of Absolution
>Angels of Redemption
>Angels Vermillion
>Fire Angels
>Angels of Vigilance
I think the High Lords should decree that no further chapters can have the word "Angel" in their title because it has become a fucking nightmare to keep track of them
>Sir the Angels of the
>ywn have Primarch sized Silas Alberec model with buffed rules to make him on par with Draigo
Best Chapter is Astral Knights. Prove me wrong.
space scotts
I fucked up
>Sir the Angels of the Blood Chalice have gone missing!
>Send the Angels of the Red Chalice to find them!
>Decades later, tales are told of the pilgramage where the Angels of the Blood Chalice went to go find themselves
>tfw only fluff you have is being BTFO for a heretic's character development
>tfw recruited by the wrong chapter
Well...It is known that the Celestial Lions publicly denounced an Inquisitor for an Act of Exterminatus they deemed not necessary. When they were deploy in Armageddon, everything started going wrong. Many members of the chapter simply dis-
What? Black Dragons are CLEARLY scalies.
On a side note: need some chapters for Deathwatch kill teams.
Good Guy Squad:
Doom Eagle
Cursed/Unlucky Bastards:
Black Dragon
Wolf Brother
Fire Hawk
Lamenter (again maybe?)
Iron Warrior Blackshield (Maybe?)
I'd like some suggestions for the Unlucky Dudes squad.
To be Best Chapter you have to still exist.
You make a solid point but...Astral Knights are best chapter and they don't exist. So this clearly means you're wrong.
Black Dragons are on the good guys squad too going by their novel.
I like the Steel COnfessors
>you were born because the mechanicus wanted their own chapter for some reason
>inquistion decide this is not okay and blow up the planet
>but decide that having a bunch of technomarines might be good so tell them to guard a forge world with a choir to project the astronomicon
>oh fuck tyranids
>Steel confessors use their dozens of land speeders to evacuate people, ferry supplies and constantly reinforce and reposition
>manage to save the fucking day
>never get any more fluff or mentions again
They have a novel?! What's it called?
No. Leandros was a fool. He handed Titus over to the Inquisition instead of the chapter's Librarius, as prescribed in the Codex Astartes. While Titus was an exemplar of an Ultramarine! He disregarded the Codex as they all do, and failed to properly adapt to the situation at hand using the Codex's wisdom! Truly, both you and he are failures. But at least he was able to defeat the threats around him, which I admit.
on a serious note, why is a chapter called the celestial lions not from the dark angels?
Also are there any chapters derived from a later founding chapter's genseed?
I think there are a couple mentioned that are founding from foundings. Mostly second founding big names like the Black Templars, but a few others too.
>Report your sargeant to the inquistion after he saves the day because you're butthurt
>expeting not to get kicked out of your chapter and forced to live your days a Blackshield
I'd think they'd be more common with ultramarines, since their stable geneseed and having about 500 chapters of them laying around
>tfw there's a chapter called 'Black Templars'
>tfw when there's not 'White Hospitallers'
GW fucked up
For either Squad, a Red Talon. They've got the blood lust of the Flesh Tearers, but the militarism and utilitarianism of the Iron Hands.
Hmmm... How about a Marines Malevolent whom was sent to the Deathwatch, not because he was super elite, but because he was too nice, an they needed a better way of getting rid of him than just sending him on a suicide mission?
Nah mate, the AdMech made the Steel Confessors as their personal chapter, the =][= and the High Lords hilariously and hypocritically say no to having your own chapter.
They lost their homeworld to Tyranids, then were suspiciously given their own Forgeworld as a homeworld, Forgeworld Kalevala.
>tfw no Kalevala Skitarii color scheme.
There's a chapter that, in theory, is the still loyalist sector of the Thousand Sons, fighting in the eye of terror since the Heresy
I thought their first homeworld got blammed and the second was besieged by tyranids?
While the Big I and the Lords are hypocrites, I personally wouldn't trust the ad mech to have their own chapter
The Iron Champions and one other chapter are an Executioners successor chapter.
The Iron Champions are all Chaplains, in my headcanon.
No, the first was Tyranids, then blammed as there were too many and it had to be done.
Then they suspiciously got their own Forgeworld.
not that suspicious, their fluff states that they were told to guard it in penance
Where? I got my fluff from Lexicanum.
Its been awhile.
I doubt it in penance. I'd say that the AdMech pulled some strings and gave it to them.
Also, I like how they're the only chapter to worship the Omnissiah.
I like the Doom Eagles. They epitomize the whole 'only in death does duty end' thing. I also like the idea that they're Iron Warrior successors because of how grim they look.
>Escort rogue traders
>Get the best of best equipment, rogue traders are new upper class
>Get to actually put functional immortality to good use
>Go purge some heretics every once in a while for lulz
I fail to see anything bad about this
Replace the Iron Warrior by a Son of Antaeus. Implied to be DG stock, big guy marines, stronger skeletons that allows them to brush off injuries that would kill standard marines.
The wolf brother might be too much considering they all went Cuhra-zee.
They're 100% confirmed to be UM successors. There's a story about their inception with a Captain in the HH basically getting depressed and changing his views on War and Duty during the Battle of Calth IIRC.
Their entire mentality is about being the most self-suffering fatalistic grim bastards possible, but all in the name of ensuring that mortal humans don't suffer like they do.
They all see themselves as being already dead and that suffering and pain is their lot in the universe and nothing will change that, so nothing can hold them back from fighting as hard as they can to protect the innocent and the faithful from feeling their suffering.
They're one of the only chapters that manages to be both very grimdark and very sympathetic about protecting regular humans, without those two sides of their mentality conflicting.
>All of creation suffers, young ones. Only in accepting our own mortality can we make a difference. Only in bearing the burden of our failures can we find the strength to go on. Only in detachment from glory, or honour, or jealousy... from life itself can we hope to spare others from grief.
>We are Doom Eagles. And we are dead already.
Maybe I'll just run a 10 man team.
Salamander -- Team Leader
Black Dragon
Wolf Brother
Fire Hawk
Marine Malevolent
Astral Claws Blackshield
Doom Eagle
Flesh Tearer
Death Spectre
All lead by a Thousand S--- I mean, BLUHD REHVEN Librarian for the ultimate in did-nothing-wrong.
It's a pretty common misconception that Space Marines are immortal. They just live longer than humans without additional rejuvenation treatment. I forget in which novel, but there has been depicted a Grey Knight that grew too old for battle (about 400 years old or so), and helps maintain the armory.
Blood Angels and successors are often noted to live exceptionally long, even for space marines, as Dante is well past 1000 years old and is still one of the biggest ass kickers in the Imperium.
They're from Birmingham, apparently.
It's the Emperor's Gift. But it's written by ADB, who's known to put his headcannon as absolute cannon in his books, for all the love I have for him.
I prefer the version thay is generally accepted, being that Astarted are technically immortal, but that injuries and constant warfare take their toll after all.
There was a short story in the Plage of Orar series IIRC which featured and UM tank commander that got reassigned there after an injury by an orc which made him unfit to fight and lead on the frontline as a sergeant. It's not that the guy was too old, he was just too messed up to keep the same role, but not messed up enough to be sent to the Homeworld to teach recruits for example.
But why would every Blood Angels book mention that they live a long time and it's unique to them if living a long time isn't something that's unique to them?
Oh I know that their first chapter master fought at cal th and what not. It's just the color scheme and how part of their philosophy about existence being suffering and that only by dying in battle can they help others that would make it seem plausible that they're IW successors like the Silver Skulls. They're like a better version of Lamentors.
I, for one, consider that as simply the fact that they keep their young and beautiful faggy features eternally, while other marines become old appearance-wise but keep their top notch body.
I'm probably wrong on this one, but wasn't the "Blood Angels live longer" thing started in their own codex, out of fucking nowhere, when it hadn't been mentionned before? It could just have been a case of Ward thinking "Shit I gotta make them special or people are gonna say they're just red UM!"
How can anyone in 40k be made too maimed to fight when cybernetic limbs exist and your half-dead corpse can be thrown into a dreadnaught?
How many chapters are there that are made from loyal members of traitor legions besides Blood Ravens? I really like the idea of the legions not splitting cleanly and people picking their own sides
This is how I generally view it. Especially since an Ultramarine in Fall of Damnos said Space Marines are biologically immortal, and Logan Grimnar has lived for almost 800 years (longer than a lot of blood angels) with no sign of slowing down. Polux of the Imperial Fists/Crimson Fists also lived for like 900 years before he got 360 no scoped by poison xenos.
Arent they essentially a chapter of wolverine space marines right down to the exact mutation?
>tfw my DA successor chapter is the Angels of Vindication.
Conflicting fluff on this, as is expected.
Some books say BA grow more beautiful and alike to Sanguinius as they age. Another account describes Dante himself looking "ancient" with snow white hair.
Dreads are reserved for veterans and such; they're not unlimited.
If you find any novel about a marine being out into a Dreadnought, they often start by saying that there's just too much reparation to do and therefore that it's better to put him in a Dreadnought because it's "easier" for the marine, and more viable.
However, what they don't show explicitly is that only the heroes get the Dreadnought treatment, becasue those noce boxes don't come cheap or by the dozen.
Brother#623 will get the Emperor's peace when we find him cut in half but still alive, and that's.that. At least the gene-seed is intact and the legacy will live on.
So when you heat about this or that Apothecary putting that marine out of his misery, bear it mind that COULD have been saved, maybe, possibly, there's a chance, if Dreadnought were easier to come by.
So when you're not on the brunk of death, but still in such a sorry state that you can't even get cybernetics to get back to combat readiness, you get the teacher post.
Also not every wound/lost limb can be replaced by bionics -- there's a Blood Drinker in the Space Marine novel that has his arms and legs amputated and burned with hot iron by heretics, who then sold him to the ground inside a dark temple.
He fuckin' survives, but the apothecaries and magos biologis can't give him new arms because the nerve endings are too damaged or some biz, so he has to forever be an armless, legless chickenless egg
This is what I can come up with
>Blood Ravens=Thousand Sons loyalists
>Silver Skulls=Iron Warrior loyalists
>Red Scorpions=Emperors Children loyalists
>Minotaurs=World Eaters loyalists
>Sons of Antaeus=Death Guard loyalists
>Carcharodons=Night Lord loyalists
There are all just theories but there is stuff that might hint at and suggest these chapters traitor origins.
Minotaurs are also IW, just by the by
The Blood Ravens and Silver Skulls are the only ones I believe to be loyalist traitors.
Carcharodons are pretty much certainly Raven Guard from before the Second Founding.
>Carcharodons = Night Lords Loyalists
Actually, seems like the guy who originally wrote that clarified some of their origin in the Horus Heresy stuff. They're some of the original Terran Raven guard, namely the ones who were a bunch of psycho-murderers that Corax didn't like. There's still conflicting information, but the stuff concerning the Pale Nomads and Nicor seems to me like one of the writers trying to clarify without being overt.
Also, the Sons of Antaeus are more likely made up of chimeric gene seed. That is, made with parts of a bunch of legions plus some modifications by the tech-priests who made them.
This is getting retconned with their upcoming novel, last I heard.
At least some of them are NL blackshields.
As am I brother
There's nothing there that says anything about their founding.
I personally find it plausible that the Carcharodons are loyalist Night Lords. IIRC when they entered the Badab they had seals and codes which were ancient but still matched. There was also one important Night Lord who was the captain of the first company or something and he decided to go just fuck off and go on crusade against the enemies of mankind. This would go well with and make sense considering they're a fleet based crusading chapter who are rarely seen.
Carcharodons are Terran Raven Guard Corax exiled for being too brutal.
No confirmation on the Red Scorpions.
Minotaurs use IW geneseed, but that's it.
Sons of Antaeus use DG geneseed and other experimentations by the AdMech.
Correct on BR and SKs.
That's not what the author said at all. Only that it was more complicated than just, "They're 100% the Pale Nomads."