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Since the tail makes you a kitsune,does that mean you have a kitsune's lifespan?
Guess I choose immortal and watch the universes come and go for eternity.
Bubbles, I guess. I don't want any major changes happening to me, and I like cold drinks.
So the previous thread was proof that, despite the whining of about three anons, CYOA threads can be great even with large dumps in them.
Not really. If people kept flooding it then that thread would have ended very fast. It only survived because the shitposter dumpwhores left. Once they were gone people started talking about the new OC that was dumped and not about the ton of other stuff that was posted except in passing.
I claim this thread in the name of Nurgle.
I was still there, though. It wasn't my objective to ruin the thread, merely to prove two points while doing something constructive. The two points being that it doesn't ruin the thread and that people will still whine about it for no reason.
Pic related
I pick immortal, because none of the other choices seem to jump out at me. And it would have to be amazing watching the birth of a new universe.
Well, there is only one thing to do here
>take Draconic Orb
>make her forget about her heirlooms
>take out the Heart of Darkness
>tell her you can cure her illness with it
>since she doesn't know that you will take on her suffering, she will willingly accept.
>cure girl
Meant for As for , everyone's picking immortality, but the 'greater sensitivity to pain' thing kinda freaks me out. What if someone captured and tortured me for years?
only when delicious OC gets posted
Then you would be in great pain, but you would at least be alive.
He's a big guy.
I want to pick the immortal because, you know, not dying is pretty good.
But Just look at the stats on the EVO; PURE POWER!!
Time to wreck up the place!
>take Heart of Darkness
>tell her to take all of my suffering
>then take a pillow and suffocate her
>take Cursed Crystal and destroy the evidence
>use Draconic Orb to make the doctor forget the girl and her trinkets
>make sure to think of her when I use it
>gain 8 cool new toys with absolutely no downsides at all
If it had kept up it would have ruined the thread. That's plain fact. People will whine about anything all the time, can't avoid that heh.
Pah, is a life of merely 700 years even worth living?
The memory loss wears off
Does it? I was under the impression that the 24 hour thing meant that the memory loss will stick even if that person is still in the situation you're making them forget (at least for 24 hours).
That is, if someone walks in on EVENT A, and you use the Orb, they still won't remember it despite still witnessing said event. Or even if they walk in on the same thing 5 minutes later. Which is to say that it is an ongoing effect that can't be overcome until it expires, as opposed to a single instant which takes effect and then stops.
Gotta be either Adventure Mode or Second Chance.
Actually, wait, yeah. Second Chance. That way, I can keep my temper in better check, avoid a lot of bad times that came from me spazzing out as a kid, and maybe avoid the mood crash after the whole "local celebrity" thing wears off.
The Genius, for me.
Just want to help the world. Don't have a lot of time though. I'll likely end up only building 1 out of every 1000 designs I perfect.
Immortal seems like a trap option to me.
It's completely impossible for the Immortal to die. Not even the destruction of the universe will do it. Even after reality completely fails, they're somehow alive.
Even ignoring the ∞ years you'll spend completely alone and likely in massive pain after existence suffers it's final critical failure, if you live forever, that means you have a non-zero chance of everything bad happening to you at least once.
>At least once, your genitals will be devoured by ants.
>At least once, you'll get a paper cut on your eye.
>At least once, you'll be sucked up into a tornado after it hits a needle factory.
>At least once, you'll be on fire for 24 hours straight.
>At least once, you'll watch your children and wife or husband die.
But then again, you also have a non-zero chance of everything good happening to you. At least once.
>At least once, you'll fall in love with someone and spend the rest of their life with them.
>At least once, you'll watch your grandkids grow up to become great people.
>At least once, you'll run a successful company. Or finish writing that novel.
>At least once, you'll single-handedly usher in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity for your people.
Infinity means infinite chances for both success and failure. I guess quantity is quality in it's own right.
Much of eternity would be pure suffering, but just as much would be pure ecstasy. Like imagine being incinerated in the big bang of a new universe and having your ashes get blasted across all of existence, and then reforming and realizing that literally you're part of every star and planet and every star and planet is part of you and you're like both mother and daughter of the new universe, like some sort of star Goddess. And then you'd learn so much from all your experiences that you could become the wise teacher of any new species that evolve and you could watch them grow over millennia. I'd be sad when they finally died out and cry for a million years, but eventually there'd always be more.
It couldn't have been kept up. There is such a thing as an image limit, and it wasn't far off. That's why I stopped, so others could also post a few things.
do you get some sort of perfect memory with immortal?
because I'd feel like a bit of a tosser if I can across a new, fledgling species and couldn't really teach them anything except whatever tidbits I'd retain after a lesser infinity spent drifting after the universe dies
If a 700 year lifespan isn't worth living, and your current lifespan is 1/7th or even less, you should hurry up and kill yourself.
No, you can't make me. You can't take me again. I won't. Not this time! Not this-
Deep down, I'm just like anyone, just like anyone here~!
The world is a wide and wonderful place, with nothing left to fear~!
Just like everyone, just like everyone, just like everyone, jUst like eveRYONE, JUST LIKE EVERYONE JUST LIKE EVERYONE JUST LIKE EVERYONE J U S T L I K E E V E R Y OOOOOONNNNNEEEEE~
Alright, I'll bite. Option D!
>Adventure Mode: High fantasy. No companions from this world. I'm a powerful mage. (If I can't be immortal then I just need to find a method of extreme longevity.)
Immortal. No contest.
It doesn't say anything about perfect memory, but there'd be lots of free time to over things in your head and work on your memory. And after a billion universes have come and gone, teaching stone-age people to build space ships will be like tying your shoe.
>Custom World
>Love Interest
Just live out eternity in a gloomy gothic world of my own creation, without memory, time, or worry. Sharing the millenia with my true love, forever wrapped up in each other and in the beautiful but dark emotions of our little world.
>Typical Fantasy
>Adventure & Melancholy
>Weapon, Fellowship, & Village
Me and my friends / adventuring party set out to see the world for the first time, to learn about the world outside our home village and learn of all of its wonders and woes. For love and loss, glory and challenges, for adventure and mortal danger, and to leave our mark upon this world, we ride for the horizon.
Escapism CYOA:
>Typical Fantasy
>Credentials: Magic Academy
>Pet: Blue Dragon
Beri updated Dependence.
Emo bitch, but nice
Does this count for this? or this
Someone say delicious OC? Because I've got another one.
Definitely fire shield and phoenix feather.
We get double from this guy choosing4 FIRE POWERS!
Flame Sword, Phoenix Feather, Flame Heart, Fire Shield.
Oh shit. 4 powers!
>Fire Shield
>Fire Claws
>Phoenix Feather
>/u/blastifex ver 1.0
>yuri blastifex
Anyone got edgelord cyoa?
>Strength 1
>Agility 2
>Endurance 2
>Durability 2
>Enhanced Senses 2
>Stealth 1
>Reflexes 3
>Immunity 2
>Stylish 1
>Self Healing 2
>Social Enhancement 2
>Weapon Mastery 1 (my bow)
>Focus 1
>Training 1
>Passion 2
3 points from Valuable
>Overcharge 1
>Analysis 2
>Unique Weapon
Bow with explosive arrows.
Motivational and inspiring to everyone.
Propaganda team.
>Defector (free from Renegades)
Corrine Devoe
>Celebrity (free from Fiona)
>Aaron Moore
>Yuito Kataoka
>Fiona Dawley
>government discovers my family has innate powers perfect for making supersoldiers
>I volunteer for research so they don't take my sister instead
>government awakens my powers and gives me training
>but they only want to use me for evil purposes
>escape from government and get picked up by group of other rogue supersoldiers
>just want to escape into hiding with my family, but many people were inspired by my very public escape from government
>renegades want to use me as propaganda piece while fighting evil government
>become friends with Corrine who wants to use dark magic to destroy the government once and for all
>Aaron gives me information about the government from the inside so they can't surprise me, Yuito designs helpful gadgets, armor, and weapons for me to use
>biggest problem is Fiona who is trying to slander me and undermine movement
Maybe it's kinda emo, but I think it's perfect escapism.
Caught a grammatical mistake.
here, time to make good on my promise.
>Myself, the Super Soldier
I was nobody before they found me. Now I've got these.
>Appearance: Athletic
Myself, as they said I was meant to be.
>Faction: Renegades
And then these guys showed up. Said this world isn't the way it's supposed to be, said I don't belong under the government's thumb.
>Self Healing 3 (24 left)
>Endurance 2 (22 left)
>Strength 2 (20 left)
>Durability 3 (17 left)
>Agility 2 (15 left)
>Immunity 3 (12 left)
>Reflexes 2 (10 left)
>Mental 2 (8 left)
>Shapeshifting 2 (6 left)
>Uplink 3 (3 left)
>Focus 3 (0 left)
>Defector (Free)
>Prime Subject
>Boot Camp
I got a well-rounded package of tricks from these nanites, and the Renegades put me up with some decent training, too.
>Clone (from Defector)
Where in Sam Hill they found a clone of me and got 'im to join up is beyond me, though.
>Yuito Kataoka
And how they got you out of the government's gilded cage is a mystery I won't even try solving, buddy.
Wait. These are the plus-ones you told me about? Alright, let's have a look at 'em.
Well. Should be fun learnin' more about these two. Let's have a look see...
>Homemaking: Ever fresh
>Nurturing: Healing Hugs
>Playmate: Compendium
I feel like it's more important to be a better partner in life than in the bedroom that will happen on its own.
It's so perfect to have a weirdness filter combined with shapeshifting. They'll just think I'm amazing at cosplay or something.
This is so good. I get to be the slightly yan waifu that somehow knows everything about my darling's favorite games and I can visit him at work without him or anyone else knowing.
How romantic is that? We can work together and he wouldn't even know!
Go to bed, it's late.
Why can't you make a shitload of builds for a CYOA I love like RWBY instead?
>no option to rebuild the shrine and help fluffy tailed waifu
Why ya gotta do this to me Veeky Forums.
>Enzo, the Hunter
>Rank: Hunter
>Specialization: Outdoorsman
Looks like this guy's old-school.
>Precision 1 (free)
>Stealth 1 (7 left)
>Beast Eye 2 (4 left)
>Improved Lung 1 (3 left)
>Strength 1 (2 left)
>Endurance 1 (0 left)
>Panther (0 left)
>Rank 1 Ranged Weapon (free)
>Bonemail (1 left)
>Rank 1 The Hook (0)
This guy seems like a real head case, huh? At least he's got our best interests at heart. What about the other one?
>Ameiko, the Kitsune
So she's here for him, huh?
>Romancing (Aphrodisiac)
>Homemaking (Ever Clean)
And this is supposed to help, how?
Oh, I get it.
And she's bringing this goo person along? One of these days this world's gonna start making sense again, but it's not today.
Ok. Going to bed soon.
I don't watch anime.
Yeah, I'd rather just do that.
Origin: New Arrival (isekai genre HO)
Age: 17 (same age as the 1st yrs)
Race: Human (faunus are smelly)
Gender: Male (as above)
Starting Location: Vale (so i can interact w/ the cast for that nice shitty fanfiction feel)
Semblance: Ring Leader (spooky and not in the series, as above)
Tactics (useful in fights, esp considering pokemon master semb) [20]
Guile (manipulative bastard best bastard) [40]
Intelligence (i don’t want a dumbass shonen) [50]
Ferocity (i don’t want a moralfag shonen) [60]
Fear (fits w/ the grimm summoner thing) [70]
Will (useful for just about anything) [80]
Strength (rip and tear) [100]
Scroll (mandatory)
{ Rail Gun | War Hammer Moonlighting as a Meat Tenderizer | Weight Enhancement | Dust Mod | Collapsible } Tabula Rasa [400]
Parachute and Grappling Hook (u s e f u l) [250]
Dust Collection (might be neat to look into) [150]
Armor (doth thou wish to quarrel) [50]
Rebreather (idk maybe i’ll want to gas people later on) [0]
taste my edge
I'll look into it Broseidon
Since a kitsune's lifespan is tied to her shrine and you have none, no.
RWBY isn't anime.
Time to make the party.
Great Hunter
Specialization: Fighter, Rank 2 weapon and Rank 1 Strength free.
Powers (starting points 18): Strength rank 2(-3), Precision 1(-1), Endurance 2(-5), Regeneration 2(-3), Sentient Sympathy(-3), Improved Lung 2(-2), Beast Eye(-1)
Hey Angel, nice copy past of your build, do you have them fucking saved? back to making my character.
Animal companion(3 tokens): Nightmare(-2), Bizarre Lizard.
Equipment (12 plus 1 for unspent companion token, total 13): Rank 3 Weapon(-3) Big fucking Guts sword, Bonemail(-5), Explosives Satchel rank 2(-4), Air Weight Belt(-1).
Challenges: Mountains of Madness (+3 power tokens) Stealth Rank 2(-3), Infested Mine (Free rank 2 weapon) Stealth Satchel Rank 2.
Gonna make the next character.
female, 16, genetc
emotional: strengthened
physical: perfect
mental: sharpened
life: prime
memory: no change
spiritual: magnet
pyrokinesis -> control, source
tongues -> siren
guardian: ally (holly)
home: yarrow falls
allies: leah dawson, kate fox, peter blake, eric strickland, holly osborne
Oh yeah, I forgot the last bit.
perks: inheritance, synchronicity
> i'll look into it
Godspeed user. For the fluffy tailed waifu.
Keep at it, dude. That CYOA of yours is starting to look mighty fine. Looking forward to saving the final product.
>Female, 12 years old
Whatever's giving me these powers seems very interested in making me the little girl. How's that help them, I wonder?
Whatever's doing this seems to at least have mankind's best interests at heart. Right?
>Emotional [Fixed] (40 left)
Hee! What was I so worried about?
>Physical [Perfect] (36 left)
Aren't I just the cutest little thing?
>Mental [Sharpened] (33 left)
And I'm no slouch up here, either!
>Life [Prime] (18 left)
I don't ever have to be older than this, either! Who wants to grow up, anyway?
>Memory [Fresh Start] (28 left)
Heehee! Who's that?
>Spiritual [Magnet] (33 left)
Wow, everyone seems really interested in me! It's my looks, right~?
>Vitality [+Immunity, +Painless] (30 left)
Who needs ouchies, anyway~?
>Blessing (26 left)
That's why I'm here~! Hope for everyone!
>Empathy [+Influence] (23 left)
If you want, I can help turn that frown into a smile~!
>Familiar (19 left)
Awww, and I get a cute little pet, too!
>Tongues [+Siren, +Non-verbal] (15 left)
That's right, I sound like a bell! It's not too hard!
>Barrier [+Permanent, +Wide] (8 left)
Well of course! Did you really think I'd let a widdle gun get rid of me?
>Healing [+Miracle] (3 left)
That's right, I can make it all better!
>The Voices (11 left)
Yuppers! It's the Goodlies, don't you know? Well, that's what I call them. They just want everyone to be happy! That's why they made me!
>Asexual (16 left)
Who needs that to be happy, anyway?
>Unsettling (21 left)
I don't get it.Why is everyone running~?
>Mind Control [+Flawless] (1 left)
I just wanna see everyone smile! Maybe if I MADE them...
Awww, you guys don't have to take care of me like that! The Goodlies know where I ought to be going!
Feel free to use my A, I'm not gonna for that CYOA.
>RWBY isn't anime.
My bad. I think it's from a established setting that I know nothing about though.
>do you have them saved?
Some of them.
Box Full of Puppies CYOA:
>Domesticated Kumiho
Gifts: (+3)
>Subservient Collar
>Everslack Chain:
>Musicker Box
Nice CYOA.
I read your builds user, and I love your spoilered comments, but I don't have anything to really comment. Not beyond "keep going!"
RWBY isn't an anime in that it isn't produced in japan or in a way that anime are.
Its made by rooster teeth, the same guys as Red vs Blue, the halo thing.
So technically speaking, its not an anime. Rather, its a pseudo anime.
>Riverfront East
This place could definitely use some cheering up~!
>Kate Fox
Now, now, Kate! Sticking your nose into all those nasty rumors is bad for you!
>Scarlet Manning
You know, it's not very nice to treat your friends like butlers!
>Danny Glass
Someone like you shouldn't have to go cheating people for money! I think I can help.
>Charlie Hedden
No, no, sir! There won't be any more of that. Happy people don't go around stealing things... riiiight~?
>Jane Farley
Heeey, don't be so glum! You might soon see, the world's not out to get you as much as you think!
Oooh, shiny!
Awww, kitty!
H e r e I a m !
Reposting build.
RWBY CYOA: (+100 Points)
>Noble (-20 Points)
Starting Location:
>Beacon Academy, Vale
Powers: (Choose 1)
>Ring Leader: Armored Knight Golems
>Beauty (-10 Points)
>Intelligence (-10 Points)
>Memory (-20 Points)
>Guile (-20 Points)
>Tactics (-20 Points)
Shop: (+1000 Lein)
>Melee: Noble Staff (-100 Lein)
Items and Gear:
>Scroll (Free)
>VTOL (-900 Lein)
Armored knight golems are similar to this:
Im curious. If you take the Yoda coin and train, wouldn't you then, after many years be able to manage more than three coins? Being a Jedi is about mastering the force and oneself, overcoming your fears. If you also take the combat savant and the great detective, this would mean you would learn all the nuances to the lightsaber and force abilities far quicker. After becoming a Jedi Knight, one would assume that taking other coins would not be a matter of desire, but rather because they serve a purpose for the greater good of others. Beyond this, anything that were to attack you would have to face one of the fiercest forces in the universe, a Jedi.
Fuck, there has to be someway to save her. Right...?
Just call the local superhero to save the day. You remember who that is, right?
I see. I've watched other animated shows, so it's not like I have anything against them. I just don't watch many, and I usually don't like to make builds for cyoas that are in big established settings if I don't know anything about them.
Wow, holy shit. The whole "Korra is a lesbian" thing wasn't just shitposting.
Huh. Hot.
Incidentally, is the show any good?
Please don't start this again.
That gif isn't from the show.
Both the girls get dicked by the same guy, but then suddenly tumblr think they're lesbians in the last episode because "two girls holding hands = lesbians".
It's fucking retarded pandering is what it is.
I know the feeling. Seeing that Pearly CYOA was just so completely offputting because I had no idea what the fuck anything is supposed to do.
It's alright if you don't take it too seriously and with a bit of humor. Just pretend Korra got raped instead of pseudo-raped or whatever the fuck actually happened to her.
Super companion soldier is go
Origin: Innate
Appearance: Beyond Human
Faction: Renegades
Perks: Defector for free(Clone), Identity, Expert, Boot Camp. Perks from enemies, Safe house, Reputation, Squad.
Going to take drawbacks first to maximize ability points.
Drawbacks: Valuable, Hated, Traitor(Big Mike), Body Guard(my Hunter), Limited, Memory Loss, Uncanny.
Abilities(46): Strength 3, Agility 3, Endurance 2, Durability 3, Enhanced Senses 2, Stealth 2, Reflexes 3, Immunity 3, Self Healing 3, Social Enhancer 1, Weapon Mastery 3, Unarmed Mastery 2, Mental 2, Focus 3, Inheritable 3, Training 3, Analysis 3, Flight 2.
Allies: Yuito Kataoka, Ryan Elmore.
Foes: Fiona Dawley, Derek Hall, John York.
I am going to start my companion off with Inheritable 3, Training 3, Mental 2, and Focus 3, doesn't matter what else I pick.
Me and my clone are given a bunker to train in for a few weeks when we found we can boost are power release quicker. Full abilities by the end of the week and our body guard target shows up from a different dimension. Onwards to last companion.
Beyond all this, I think what my mission as Jedi would be to unravel the mystery of the coins. So I would need to take multiple coins both to draw out the evil that stalk the power of the coins and to discover their true purpose. Alot of the coins powers are necessary in order to unravel such an ancient, powerful, and mysterious set of artifacts like the coins.
Fuck this abomination is terrifying, good thing my hunting team is here sans the third chick. Try and run as fast as you can monster, THE HUNT BEGINS!
The writing is terrible and the protagonist is a moron and completely ineffectual.
The first series was way better.