How would you design an rpg that integrated calculus into the rules?
How would you design an rpg that integrated calculus into the rules?
I wouldn't.
The most interesting dynamic would be one of layers. Curve and derived curve share values but arrive at vastly different results because of what came before.
The key would be to find game aspects that are interesting to model in this relationship. You could do a simulation with time as the progressing factor, or something more meta where the operators are taken from the story elements.
So in a game with economy rules, volume of transactions could relate to buying power while its slope could relate to renown as wildcard. And the slope of that to expectation of reliability.
Simple subtraction is enough of a hurdle to RPG players. I shudder to think what would happen if you included even algebra into the mix, much less calculus.
I mean, there's always a spot for calculus behind the scenes, like in monster manual level scaling and whatnot, but adding it to the rules is just going to be an entry barrier for new players and it'll grind play to a halt every time it comes up.
What sort of monster do you take me for, OP?
I'd design it to be handled by a computer.
You could include the principles of calculus without requiring the players to integrate quadratic equations.
I've seen 'calculus' (in a sense) come into play in vehicle combat, where speed can only be varied by a fixed acceleration each turn. So for example, a MiG-25 might have a very high maximum speed, but a low acceleration that puts it at a disadvantage when trying to match speeds with a nimbler F-16.
I don't even know what calculus is.
High school math. (College math in the US).
He's a calcium-themed gladiator.
By offering a computer to do it automatically for you
Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.
>Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.
Am I the only one that can see this?
People actually buy those? Are they useful?
Thank you for doing your part to keep 4ch alive for the rest of us.
Use a companion app that allows people to input their stats and then calculates everything by itself.
I only have it to remind myself of the times when Veeky Forums didn't have a captcha
Veeky Forums Pass user since January 2015.
it works on a roll-at-or-above d100 system, with every challenge being a strictly increasing monotonic function with a domain from 0 to 100 and a range from 0 to 100. Similar challenges share similar curves, and the difficulty of a particular challenge is the x value. The value you must roll at or above is its y value.
In addition to having skill and skill modifiers, players also have a proficiency value ranging from 0 to infinity. A player with a proficiency of 1 in a certain type of challenge may take the first derivative of that function, and instead roll against that. A player with a proficiency of 2 may take the second derivative, and so on and so forth. Should a functions derivative at any point exceed a range of 0 to 100, it is instead truncated at the x value where the function's derivative is equal to 100, and the difficulty is placed in the same relative position as it were before. For instance, if the difficulty were originally 60, but the function's derivative took a value of 100 at a dificulty of 50, the function's derivative would be truncated at 50 and the new difficulty would be set at 30.
Given a high enough proficiency, a player may be able to reduce a function down to a linear function, a constant, or even zero. If at any time the function is truncated at an x of zero, the player automatically succeeds.
Wait, shit, I just realized that I'm completely retarded. Any non-trivial strictly increasing monotonic function would have derivatives that are not strictly increasing and monotonic.
I dropped out of Geometry.
I've integrated trigonometry and basic algebra in the form of quadratics and polynomial equations before. My players wanted to play artillerymen and tankers in Only War. So I made them play tankers and artillerymen the hard way. Ranging targets off of reports from infantry would become a simple trig calculation and targeting for artillery pieces was handled by calculating arcs for the rounds. I had to get some help from my 0800 buddies, mostly the cord pullers but it was a lot of fun until I accidentally fudged some numbers that made shit get real complicated.
I can see it. I have a pass but I've never seen that message before.
I can see it. I have a pass as well, but it doesn't ping for me.
I find it useful. If anything I figured I spend so much time here to talk about my faggot nerd hobbies with similarly interested faggots that I might as well give back. In essence, I got it because of you guys and the good discussions we share.
>tfw no mathemagician class in any normie rpgs
I just want to be able to put my masters in mechanical engineering degree to use desu
>integrated calculus
i see what you did there
Fun fact: that's actually a really good series of lectures, if I'm correctly identifying them. Introduction to Computing with LISP, I think?
Okay, I was wrong about the title but here's the link.
lel, faget
Yes, all that kimmo spam and Java malware uploaded as images was plain awesome.
Allow any rational number values for stats, making character optimization an actual optimization problem.
You mean like D&D uses it for class progression?
Well golly.
I'd actually love to play that.
I'd dust off my matlab coding. Or maybe some VBA for easier UI.
Dunno about true calc, but we could use the unit circle to balance the classes against each other
Anything with heavy pursuit and chases might fit the bill. No need to get the differentials too heavily involved, just find where the target is and figure out how to intercept when everyone's gone all topsy curvy.
For bonus points, use a naval or dogfighting-based theme. Different "Attacks," fly on different trajectories and different speeds; bonus fun: model engine, wing, stabilizer etc. damage to add inconsistent movement and thus add a time factor to the model.
If you're into submarines, the third dimension and water add more weapon options (depth charges, mines, sonar detection).
People on Veeky Forums can barely cope with the standard math used in GURPS, and you want to try and use CALCULUS?
Why not try playing Hybrid instead?
Not everyone on Veeky Forums has a high-school dropout level in maths tho.
Seconding this.
It's the reason that FATAL was so terrible, it's so mechanically demanding that you can't even play it as a joke.
To be fair their character generations is genuinely interesting with the random generation effecting stats. Your character might be short and fat, tall and skinny, or anything in between all of which effects your capabilities. Plus the races have pretty significant stats compared to races in DnD where outside of darkvision and shit there are just some minor ability score improvements. The result could be interesting in a good system if you don't mind being heavily forced down a particular path. Just the general idea of
>Roll Race (with races having significant mechanical differences)
>Roll Sex (with sex having some mechanical differences)
>Roll Age (with age having mechanical differences)
>Roll Height (with height having mechanical differences)
>Roll Weight (with weight having mechanical differences)
>Roll base stats and apply all the previously rolled modifiers
Basic differences regarding sex, age, height, and weight could be determined fairly easily, the former could vary depending on race as well (female ogres might be more similar to male ogres than female humans are to male humans).
gurps vehicles had calculus
>hating Cornelia
Instead of causing dX hit points of damage you can integrate the mass of the weapon and an acceleration based on the agility and strength of the user between the starting point, based on the length of the weapon and the space they're fighting in, and an end point, based on the distance of the target" with some added bonuses for a cutting edge or a piercing point etc. But then my mechanics is a bit rusty so it might be better to go with a force rather than work approach for the bulk of the damage.
Why would I? I haven't seen any calculus since sophomore year of college. I may be a young guy still, but that was already 6 years ago. I don't remember it that well.
>I only have it to remind myself of the times when Veeky Forums didn't have a captcha
It was added because of kimmo alm spamming, then the spamming stopped but the captcha continue.
Its like cultural marxism type of stuff
We need X as a shield to the cases when Y happen
Y stop do exist, but they dont remove Y
Naw, we do Calc in 11th and 12th grade, the smarty pants do it earlier though.
By building a video game, otherwise that is the stupidest way to make sure your game is never played.
We had basic calc as an option in middle school (My silver TI has followed me a long way), but it wasn't actually mandatory at any point in high school.
Calculus is useful for stuff like precalculating fall damage.
Drag is basically F = k v^2
Gravity is F = mg
Then solve the equation
m dv/dt = mg - kv^2
and then once one gets the velocity calculate damage.
One way to handle damage is to have it be proportional to the logarithm of the velocity.