Whats the worst about 40k.
Tabletopfags or RPG/lorefags?
Whats the worst about 40k.
Tabletopfags or RPG/lorefags?
Lorefags who take the setting 100% seriously.
faggots that shitpost about other gamers
This, autists like Carnac make it real easy to hate the fandom.
+1 to this.
I forgot who this is.
Beat me too it. Anybody who takes the lore 100% is a fucking retard.
Table top fags who take the game to seriously
lorefags who take the lore to seriously
lorefags who make what if threads
tabletopfags who shitpost about stupid ass rules that make no sense and whine about how their plastic is "weak"
Tabletopfags can be idiotic, but between GW pricing and some poor codexes they at least have some solid reasons to whine.
Lorefags need to chill. Don't take anything %100 seriously, but don't just let poor writing slide. Also don't force headcanons onto people but don't bash anything that goes against your flimsy-ass opinion.
I dont hate tabletop really I even collect the models.
but I really fucking hate 40k general since its just TABLETOP 247 with the same people bitching about something.
>This is to strong
>This is to weak
Im fucking shocked we needed to make a kill team general since alot in the 40k general got pissed at the kill team posters
Are RPG40kfags even a problem?
40k RPGs dont seem to have edition wars so I guess maybe thats a plus?
People who think space marines are exclusively 7ft tall, with no exceptions.
>varying height in literature
>explicitly mentioned to have variance in height like regular humminz
>goes apeshit at the mention of spacemarines being any taller or short than exactly 7ft
The range is about a kick in the ass off 7ft to a kick in the ass off 8ft.
I don't remember it being stated anywhere in the law than space marines are all exactly the same height, and that if any brothers are found to be an inch taller or shorter they are put to death.
I know right? Usually it's a thing of what kind of story is being told. If the marines are meant to be a bit more human and underdogish they're usually about 7 feet tall. Usually they're depicted as 8ft because people want them to seem like massive doombringers, which is also plenty appropriate.
Of course, then you got dudes like Asterion Moloch, who's like 10 fucking feet tall. I mean, fuck, I think Alpharius was just 9 feet tall, what the fuck planet did Moloch grow up on??
>Whats the worst about 40k.
Where do the Excuse Me guys fall under?
Because that.
Either of them who take 40k to other threads and shitpost "in-character". So fucking obnoxious. It's gotten to the point where I hate the setting and won't give it a chance because of the fans.
Gamesworkshop will always be the worst thing about any of their products.
They can and will find a way to fuck up anything you like.
Thats just basic roleplaying though not the worst of 40k
Fuckers forcing unfunny memes and Trollplayers.
And then GW decided to feed their repetoire of reoetetive garvage with regimental standard.
Most of them dont even know how to play the game aside from the video game and flood this board with shitty lore threads
Pic related
This crossboarder keeps samefagging his own thread once it hits page 7-8
On the flipside we also have vidyafags who only know game "lore".
They sort of do actually, with Dark Heresy 1st Edition vs. 2nd. It's not nearly as bad as D&D's edition wars though.
Because the tabletop game is shit
collecting the models and knowing the lore is fine
Tabletopfags who play boring games with unpainted minis and don't know a scrap of lore suck so much joy out of the game that I'm compelled to say that they are the worst.
The freaks that manage to gatekeep aspects within the hobby. If you like the wrong faction, you're a faggot. If you're more invested in the game or the hobby or the lore you're a faggot. If you're a casual or a competitive player you're a faggot. If you play a different game besides 40k you're a faggot.
Seriously, calm the fuck down. You really ought to be happy there are other people out there who are passionate about the same hobby and franchise as you at all.
The biggest shitstorms they tend to suffer is sticking to the RAW of a dead game, or using homebrew.
What qualifies as taking it 100% seriously exactly?
Saying everyone has to follow new lore
Having rage in depth discussion over the dumbest shit
Applying real life tactics,logic, and ideas into 40k
Well 40k lore is intentionally ridiculous and a person pretty much has to have autism to take it seriously so lorefags.
Oh gotcha.
>Rage in depth discussion over the dumbest shit
This bothers me on a massive scale honestly. Don't see the sense in getting into debates over meaningless stuff.
Tabletop Fags, so much so.
Despite Veeky Forums turning most things cancerous, the RPGs tend to promote decent lorefags.
The tabletop fags link their lorefagging more to the codexes, which leads to shittiness all around.
Memefags who never actually play tabletop or RPGs.
Because they enjoy it?
Like seriously. Everybody shits their pants about people taking stuff too seriously but get their panties in a twist over faggots calling other faggots faggots over the internet about frivolous shit that they enjoy.
If it gets to the point where anybody is bothered on a genuine, non-play level scale they're taking it too seriously and probably need to grow up.
This. Spacemarines come in various shapes and sizes.
Didn't the ragnar blackmane series of books have a fat space marine in them?
>Well 40k lore is intentionally ridiculous
That's debatable.
>Whats the worst about 40k.
40K players.
All of them.