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You still have to worry about them. The damage doesn't go away, it gets stored up and you suddenly have cuts and gunshots or whatever appearing all over you. If you are lucky, the hits were really strong and only 1/3 as effective as normal for the beginning of your health.
60%, given that there are 3 shields.
Generic stamina bar, not hp bar. Robo's never take actual damage, they just get dirty.
That is true, but I'm a sucker for additional shield and health bars.
It would be really nice if it didn't kick back onto you afterwards with the exception of overflowing, but I don't know if that can be justified in canon.
Each shield has 3.333% of your health in HP. Each can soak 10% of your health max.
One big hit will blow all 3 shields for 30%, and you will receive 10% feedback, giving you 20% total extra health against a nuke or something.
If you get hit by a death of a thousand cuts attack, the shields will break and give feedback without soaking extra, adding 0% to your health.
I'm not sure what you mean stamina bar, how does this perk work post jump?
So with the Gundam jumps, if your MS already has something (such as the core block unit) do you need to purchase the function or are the functions already on the unit?
*checks math*
okay, 20%. My bad.
When the shield breaks, you aren't taking physical damage. Its tied to your energy levels - though whether that means a stamina bar or a mp bar is up to you.
Honestly, if Hitx3 were being portrayed as in canon, it would be even worse, seeing as in game hits are basically just a measure of how long you have until you get stunlocked.
No, the jumpmaker explicitly said before that the perk blocks three OHKO. It even says in the jump that one shield will soak far more than it's max capacity if it's from a singular attack.
In that case it's a mana shield that adds 10% to 30% to your health, that can optionally run on stamina. I don't know of many fast stamina regen perks, and 10% of your mana for a health boost / shield is a nice option. I'd want a toggle though, especially if I was likely to get low on mana. I wouldn't want a shield to break and wipe out my emergency teleport reserve.
Asking again for In Nomine user in case it was missed: How does working to spread the concepts to which you are Wordbound work in future jumps? As the only representatives of the Symphony by default, do you have the potential to attain influence akin to an archangel-or perhaps even beyond that-should you work hard at spreading your concept? If you go about spreading the more abstract concepts it only increase in scope when internalised by mortals, or just any sentient being that draws on it?
From what I remember they come with the functions as per canon
>soak far more than it's max capacity if it's from a singular attack
Not seeing it. Maybe an earlier version? This version says the shields are 1/30th as durable with 1/10th total soak.
>Interdimensional Heroin
...Every day I am more and more pleased I made it.
We live on a beautiful earth.
Any word on that spider man jump? I made a whole build based around being a symbiote and I was kinda waiting on slotting that jump in there.
None so far, but let us hope. It was sounding like it was going to be really good.
>If the shield has 100 hp, and eats 99 damage, then the next hit will deal 100 damage to you, regardless of if it was 1 damage, or 200.
Literally at the end of the description of the perk. Though the perk is weirdly written, in that one sentence says the shields are 1/30th as durable as you, and the next says they can soak up to 1/10th.
>From what I remember they come with the functions as per canon
Cool, that makes it even better.
For when I post my Gundam run, should I include the weapons and armaments on the MS that come with it? I have it written down but it'll pad out the post length by quite a lot.
99 damage on a 100 damage shield, leaves 1hp and 201 soak. Hitting the shield for 200 damage would not overwhelm the soak, but it would break the shield. Hitting for 226 damage would break the shield and pass on an aditional 25 damage. These numbers match the stated 1/30th and 1/10th figures. In the example, the character would have 3000hp total.
A better phrasing for the intended effect would be, "3 Shields that each withstand 1/30th of your health. The blow that destroys a shield will be diminished by up to an additional 2/30ths of your health before passing to the next shield layer or applying damage. Your shields strength take your durability into account. Upon a shield breaking, 1/30th of your stamina or mana is drained."
I would rather have soap bubbles that will absorb any one hit, but that's not the way it is written.
Jump #1: Gundam Jumpchain (UC)
Mobile Suit Gundam (Federation)
18 years old (male)
(0) Don't Think- Feel
(-100) Flash of Insight
(-200)Anaheim Degree
(-200)This Mobile Suit Isn't Just For Show
(0)Tem Ray Circuit
(-50)Haro Haro!
(0)MS-06F Zaku II
[ARMAMENTS] (just went with what the wiki said, but without the upgraded armaments from later on)
(0)Shield (Right Shoulder)
(0)Spikes (Left Shoulder)
(0)60mm Vulcans (Head)
(0)120mm Machine Gun
(0)Zaku Bazooka
(0)Heat Hawk
(0)Cracker Grenade
(0)3 Tube Missile Pod (Legs)x2
(0)Beam Saber
(-250)FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt Version)
(0)Full Armor - Detachable
(0)Rubber Joint Covers
(0)Enhanced Sensors (Head)
(0)Twin Beam Rifle (Right Arm)
(0)5 Tube Missile Pod (Left Arm)
(0)Shield x2 (Both Arms)
(0)3 x 2 Missile Pod (Knee Armor)x2
(0)2 x 2 Missile Pod (Waist Skirt Armor)x2
(0)4 x 2 Missile Pod (Chest Armor)x2
(0)Radio (Cockpit)
(0)Beam Saber (Back)
(0)Specialised Backpack (Cut for post length)
(0)Core Block System
(+300)Rivalry of the Century (Bright Noa)
Alternate Universe
Firstly, as Thunderbolt is a side-story manga, I am keeping it out of the canon so that my MS keeps its one-of-a-kind status. Secondly, I chose Bright Noa as my rival because I plan to stay on the Federation side and he is a good choice for a rival that won't destroy my MS.
Seeing as it doesn't have a starting location, I'll just assume I start on Side 7 when then Zakus invade. When they attack the Gundam I'll make my presence known and attack them from behind. From here I'll follow the plot and help out where necessary. the only thing I'll actively try to change is the deaths of Lalah and Sayla. If they live then there's a large chance that after Zeta, Char will decide to not Counter Attack and actually settle his rivalry with Amuro peacefully.
Next is Gundam FC
If you're looking to block small damage, Overlord lvl 100 players block anything lower than a level 40 attacks and any spell that such players would be capable of throwing at you.
Considering that a level 25 was capable of cutting through plate armor easily, it's a neat passive. It can be turned on and off at will.
Okay, newbie here, I have a couple of questions on how companions work because I think I got it but it's not exactly clear.
1) Are companions people that are EXPLICITLY given to you by the CYOA or just people that you pick from that universe to become your companion? Do you need to pick a perk that says "You get (some person) as a companion" to gain a companion, or can you just pick someone you like from the universe and say "This person is my companion now" and they'll be put into your warehouse/void?
2) When you purchase Stasis Pods for your Warehouse, it says that they "are used to bring along people who were not given to you via the CYOA itself". So you don't need to pay CP to bring them along, and they automatically come along with you? And in exchange, if you ever assign a new companion to that Stasis Pod, they're lost forever?
3) Is there a limit to the number of companions you can bring out of a universe? Is that limit equal to the number of Stasis Pods you have?
You need to pay for companions if you don't have a pod.
Companion options are on a jump by jump basis so sometimes they're not availabile.
The limit you can have with you at a time is 8, but podded companions don't count towards this limit. You can't import podded companions either so that's something to consider. You have to let someone go to use their pod for someone else as well. Whether this sends them home or leaves them in a jump is up to you.
The max you can take out is what you're given. So Generic magical girl has around 8 million, but most jumps are from 0-8.
>You can't import podded companions either
There is no actual rule on this, in general it's said that you can't import a podded companion and make them into a regular companion.
You can import podded companions. It just doesn't stop them from needing a pod.
>Are companions people that are EXPLICITLY given to you by the CYOA or just people that you pick from that universe to become your companion?
Yes, barring stasis pods the only companions are those given by the jump.
Also, line 16 of the rules paste, but rule 16 says not to talk about rule 16.
>So you don't need to pay CP to bring them along, and they automatically come along with you? And in exchange, if you ever assign a new companion to that Stasis Pod, they're lost forever?
Yes and yes, it should also be noted that stasis pods don't count against the normal companion limit, so you could assign a normal companion to still get use out of them early game before you pick up whoever you bought the pod for.
>Is there a limit to the number of companions you can bring out of a universe? Is that limit equal to the number of Stasis Pods you have?
In theory, there is no limit, but in practice you can't take more companions the you can pay for and stow in stasis pods, which is normally not a huge number.
Search the archive for "pink tide"
Get the Pink Tide and fuse non-podded companion with magical girl.
>Search the archive for "pink tide"
To clarify, the current maximum number of companions you can get from a single jump is 4,294,967,296
Speaking off, what jumps allow you to import all your companions? Forgotten realms is one, but are their any others?
my grammar sucks
Magical Girl Noir and Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon, though the latter is background specific.
Did we ever get the later to respond? Did it get on the drive?
Well, it was worded similarly back when the jumpmaker said he intended it to stop 3 one hit kills. So I guess we'll just have to wait for him to come back.
Final Fantasy 14 and Zootopia have options for that.
Although you're math is off for the max size of the pink tide.
Since you get 2 free companions just for jumping and one purchase extra allies for picking the newbie background the total is actually 2^33 or 8,589,934,592.
The newbie background costs 50cp user
With the two free it's 2^32.
Wait, never mind
My reading comprehension is clearly lacking
Jump #157: Doctor Who
>Page of Wands (Inner fire that can drive away fear and replace it with fury.)
>Companion to: The War Doctor (-100)
>Liar (800)
The best lies are the ones that are true.
>Inspirational (600)
It's going to be a very long ten years. When I say something, it's got to count.
>No More (400)
This isn't the happy-go-lucky explore the universe kind of adventure. This is the kind where you need to be able to dig in and fight.
>Companion's Luck (0)
Admit it. He wouldn't be the Doctor without a companion, now would he?
Now... the choice I made to start out this jump made it interesting. The War Doctor is not one who is out having a fun time. He's fighting some of the hardest battles that his universe will ever see, facing weapons that are quite frankly absurd when thought about outside of their context. I have no intention of stealing any of them. I have no intention of trying to out-tech the Daleks, because they're worse than the Borg when it comes to adapting to things. But the Time Lords' war is a conflict that spans a great many worlds that will doubtlessly be annihilated, species that will be retroactively annihilated after they serve their purpose, and timelines that never were in the first place.
My role in this is to do everything that I can to make things go better for the Time Lords in general and the Doctor in specific. No reason not to be forthright with him, but I'm definitely not going to take this jump or anything in it for granted - wearing my Sunday best, that is, praetor armor that I have been steadily upgrading for many jumps now, and likely will keep upgrading for many jumps to come. Granted, I've taken to wearing a cloak over it so that I look rather less intimidating, but... there's only so much one can do. Especially when the better part of the right arm isn't so much proper praetor armor as it is a gold pauldron and gauntlet.
Let's see the Daleks learn to deal with fiendfyre- actually no, scratch that, better not to chance them learning magic, because with the way they work, somehow they WOULD. Pity I have no scrolls of Genocide, though.
It's a pity, though. As much as I did within this jump to help the Doctor, and there was ten years of strategizing and fighting at his side, it wasn't enough to win the war. It made it shorter, sure, but the same sacrifices had to be made in the end. Makes one wonder about those fixed points in time, really. Though it was a damned good thing I had certain perks from Terminator and Chrono Trigger, they came in handy WAY more often than I would have imagined.
> 8,589,934,592.
There aren't a lot of jumps where you can bring that kind of population to bare.
But when you can...
... it's really something.
>There aren't a lot of jumps where you can bring that kind of population to bare.
Well, if you do the Dahak Scenario, and then import it in the ship jump, they can all be crew there.
Or if I ever get my jump made, the 'cameo' option wound exempt them from the companion limit while in the bounds of lands that follow you from jump to jump. So they work in imported businesses or live in your tropico.
Yes, tell us more about how your jump will alter how items in every other jump work. That'd totally make it in.
Are there any perks that remove the somatic component from spells? I know about DnD Metamagic, but I was hoping for something more non-specific.
Anima and Harry Potter both have perks for that. Mushoko Tensei has one as well I think.
Wait I'm retarded for some reason wires got crossed and I thought you meant verbal. Anima still has you covered, but Harry Potter only has wandless magic if the type of magic supports it.
Mushoku Tensei only has silent casting as well so it doesn't really help. My bad.
Does Anima's Nemesis work against supernatural post jump like Imagine Breaker, or is it limited to Ki/Magic/Psionic?
It works as per canon I'd imagine, so I'd assume the latter.
Jump #158: Dead Space
...well, fuck. It's a good thing I didn't decide to invite the Doctor along. This would be going from bad to worse... no, actually worse to bad, but still.
>Page of Wands
What, again? Well, I guess it COULD happen... that's not a very good sign, though.
>Age: 41
>Location: Free Choice
I'm pretty sure that no matter where I end up I'll be screaming FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR MARKER, so we're putting Sajuuk in fully automated search-and-destroy mode. We've got some moons to murder and Von Neumann constructs are ideally suited for that.
>Identity: Engineering (-100)
>Drawbacks: I Need A Bigger Gun (+200), Too Ugly To Live (+600)
Sure. Let's just kick up the difficulty setting to maximum. Why not. Where did I leave the praetorian armor again?
>Deeply and Greedily (1600)
25% higher yield when mining or smelting? Oh heck yes.
>Scrap Hound (Free, Engineering)
Finding 25% more scrap... needing 25% less material to assemble things? All of my yes. (I should really find out how much material it takes to assemble something now, because by now I have GOT to be using a five pound block of iron to build a fifty pound robot...)
>Built-In Geo-Nav (1400)
Oh hey, a sense as to where precious materials are. And navigation via RIG. Helpful.
>"Feels Off..." (1200)
"Might be all the goddamned zombies, though."
>Infinitely Customizable (1100, Enginering)
Upgrading weapons and weapon parts with nodes sounds fun.
>A Mind of Iron (700)
Muscle and blood and skin and bone, a mind of iron and armor like stone...
>Modular Designs (500, Engineering)
This looks like it'll help immensely with upgrading old designs and creating new ones. Promising.
>Power Nodes (Free, Engineering)
Hey, I've gotta kit out those upgrades, right? And now I can make my own nodes to do so.
>Engineering Kit (Free, Engineering)
Honestly I'm not particularly interested in these weapons. I think I'll bring my own. I wonder how a necromorph would fare against a lightsaber?
>Scavenger Bots (300)
These seems really handy, actually. Saves me the heavy lifting when I'm busy with other tasks. I'll have to tinker with these to see how much I can improve their function.
>RIG (Free)
And now for handy things. I'll be slapping this onto the praetorian armor for now, it should compliment it nicely.
>Armor Plating (x2) (200)
Hm, 25% damage blocked? Can't say no to that.
>Increased Inventory (x2) (150, 1 Free, Engineering)
25 cubic meters of inventory, 25 slots, handy.
>Overcharger (x2) (100, 1 Free, Engineering)
Everything in the RIG's tool slots overcharged? Sounds like a good idea.
>Universal Clamps (0, Infinitely Customizable)
I did say 'for now', didn't I?
So, the long and short of it is that there are who knows how many Brethren Moons out there, and they want to welcome the Earth into their brotherhood.
Yeah, not happening.
The plan is thus: Sajuuk goes to Earth, and we enact Fortress Solar. Control is forcibly taken of EarthGov, humanity is rapidly weaned from the energy provided by the markers and substituted with various other types of sci-fi energy supplies, and all the while we cannibalize the solar system and surrounding stellar systems in order to build war machines the likes of which this universe has yet to see. Planet killers, every single one.
The markers? Oh, they're not being destroyed, they're bait, but they're being yanked off of Earth as fast as possible and parked on Mercury instead. I doubt the temperatures will destroy them, but surely it won't do any favors.
Autonomous planet killers are going to be sent galaxy wide to destroy each and every Brethren Moon, and I'll be keeping a fleet of them to protect the Earth itself, with Sajuuk taking point. I'm taking no chances with this one.
Brethren Moon are your friends.
I am not a touchy feely type of person and I tend to react violently when given unexpected tentacle hugs.
>I tend to react violently when given unexpected tentacle hugs.
Can a companion with the Lord background make use of a Dragonstone+?
Jump #2: Gundam Jumpchain (FC)
Neo Japan
21 years old (male)
(-100)Gundam Fighter
(0)Country's Finest (Muay Thai)
(-400)It's all in the mind
(-300)Hand Calm; Mind Serene
(0)The Help (new person)
(0)Absurd Outfit
(0)Memento (Signed photo with Char and Amuro)
(0)Importing FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt Version)
(0)Core Lander
(0)Mobile Trace System (stores away the cockpit when in use)
(-50)Martial Upgrade
(-150)Powered Melee Weapon (shields)
(-300)DG Cell Infusion
(-400)Emotion Energy System
(+100)Followed by Death
(+200)Old Master
(+600)Country Rivalry*3
Fly Into the Sky
This world is all about fighting so I may as well get in as much practice as possible. The Death Army and rival countries will be a great source of training my new MS configuration. The Trace System will be especially useful with the suit's psychoframe and my newtype powers helping it. The DG cells will be my hidden ace that I will try to hide until the finals. My main aim is to help and befriend Domon, otherwise I'll be training or hanging out with my first companion/head mechanic. After the Devil Gundam incident I'll take a break, travel and see if Domon is willing to pass on his martial arts to me. I'll participate in the 14th tournament but I'll most likely stay out of the 15th unless my power has increased significantly during the course of my stay in the FC world.
Next is Gundam AC
Oh God.
How come I never thought of this.
...can we take out the mind and stuff of magical girl and place it in a new body and leave them where they are? Assuming, you know, I don't want to be a monster. I need to know if it's the body or what that would count as companion
Is the Sims 3 jump Death Flower a one use ever or is it per jump?
That's very much up to interpretation of the child rules, and it could make complete sense, be really stretching it, or be straight-up disallowed depending on what you think about it.
I mean, an argument could be made that the mind and spirit is the companion, and that separating it simply leaves a useless chunk of non-companion meat-body that will probably regrow around your spirit-girl next jump, or I guess it could count as you creating a child if you shove someone inside the body of magical girl??
I shouldn't be answering this question at this time.
One ever. . . but you could get more of them in the jump or even cheat mode them.
But cheat modding them feels like the cheapest thing ever.
An in jump ones don't auto revive you. You give them to Grim Reaper to get revived. They wouldn't work in many jumps
Does build mode and buy mode work on warehouse?
You could just say they only work a set number of times per Jump. It's what I decided on for Wakestones, since it's easy to get so many of them.
I think it says it does in there.
Cheat mode may very well be the cheapest thing ever yes.
Odds are if you need more than 6 1-ups in any given situation you probably have bigger problems than the moral quandary of cheating the system so it doesn't really matter.
You'd save a lot of CP though.
Still trying to think of what titles the Zaibatsu get for titles.
Liam's the Page of Light no matter what, and Matt is the Space player for multiple reasons, most likely Knight as class.
Pat being the Heir of Rage works too well, but if you go by Rage also meaning zealotry/agenda as well as anger, it stops fitting. Him being Time could work, since Space and Time are the two 'mandatory' aspects.
So, who's ready for Sunless Skies? Because they announced a sequel to Sunless Seas is in development that's in the High Wilderness - and the Judgements are being murdered. The revolution has started.
Are you guys ready to break the chain?
Yo. An announcement isn't much to go off so I'm just sitting tight until February.
Also, what kind of crazy FTL does a planetary romance story even have? They mentioned trains, so it might be like the game 'house of many doors'.
Already heard about it, sempai
QSA is probably going to turn back into ASA for good.
uh, Quirky Spiral user? Quebec? Queenly?
Woolie is the swamp witch.
No, Woolie is the thief of pies
I'm still active, unfortunately I have had a rather rough couple of week involving real life stuff and I've been enjoying Destiny's new expansion when I'm not dealing with shit. I have brainstormed some new stuff for it and watched more episodes so I haven't totally ignored it.
I'll work on it some and try to have a WiP by this weekend or maybe early next week. I'm also waiting on the Spider Slayer multi-parter to complete but I may just add it after its done and try to finish what I have.
>Spider Slayer multi-parter
Do you need any help on the symbiotes my man?
Well, I hope things start to look up for you my good man. Take your time and just have fun with the jumpmaking process.
Could Gate from Overlord/D&D be used to travel to alternate timelines in universes where they exist?
Do perks from Bioshock infinite that apply to Vigors/Salts also apply to Plasmids/EVE? How about vice versa?
Jump #3: Gundam (AC)
(-100)Child Soldier
16 years old(male)
(0)Chilling Effectiveness
(-100)Auto Soldier
(-200)Weapons of Mass Distinction
(0)Bishie Team (The Help)
(0)Bishie Team (new person)
(-50)Operating Overalls
(0)Who Needs Spacesuits
(-200)On-Head Display
(-100)Code Name
(0)OZ-06MS Leo
(0)Shield (anti-beam coat)
(0)Beam Saber x2 (shield)
(0)105mm Rifle
(0)60mm Vulcans (head)
(0)Beam Saber
(0)Importing FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt Version)
(-300)Epyon Sword
(-500)Twin Buster Rifle
(+200)Military Jumper
Next World
I won't ever be using the Chilling Effectiveness perk, since it goes against everything I trained for in the FC world. I should be able to remain far calmer through sheer willpower than that. Also, the drain on my emotions would nullify any boosts from the Emotion Energy System.
My first order of business is to try and have the Gundam pilots consider me to be one of their own. Dangerous, but necessary for the plan. I'll start with Duo Maxwell since he seems like the easiest to get along with (His Deathscythe isn't half bad, either). With that out of the way, I'll just stick to them like glue. Later on I'll even offer to trade schematics and tech for Gundanium plating, and upgrades to my UC weaponry and armor. The only thing to watch out for is my Military Jumper but that can be helped by explaining it to the rest of my group. With my superior weaponry, armor and MS regeneration I should be able to survive the story and even change things for the better.
Next is Gundam AG
How this tactic works for you guys?
>Buy 1-Up perks
>'WhenontheEdgeofDemise...' from Zelda:MC
>'Demon Blood' from Okami
>Facing the final boss
>Lower your defenses, end yourself.
>You power-up with 'WhenontheEdgeofDemise...'
>When you actually die, god-like demon appears from your corpse, loyal to you as you respawn.
>Use the demon to fight the final Boss
Okay. Here's the current version of the Advance Wars Jump. I'd love any criticism or ideas you guys have.
I didn't know Zelda:MC was finished.
I personally dislike 1-up perks.
I remember SoLanon said you have to die for realsies for Demon Blood to work.
What about Item plans for factories and such other than that name it the duel strike jump and it's golden
What perks let you avoid having to go to bathroom?
I'm considering adding factories as an item, yeah. And why should it be named the Dual Strike jump? You start at the beginning of AW1.
So I got a question here.
Build Mode says "Requires Money". Does it mean money in general or some perk because I am looking at the jump and there's no such thing but the requirement is oddly added, next to backgrounds
Tell he about a time someone took one look at you and realized you weren't a local.
Am back. It no longer stops 3 ohko's. I can make the shields stronger if you want, but thats about it.
Endless Space 2, October 8th.
Endless Space Jump soon, Vaulter.
I know Sims has one.
Other than that, maybe some kind of inorganic altform? Anything that makes it so you don't have to eat or drink would probably work too, since you'd obviously never have to use the bathroom if you stopped doing that.
Money in general. So if you want a 300$ footrest, you need 300$.
Go to monopoly. IIRC, one of the perks lets you play your favorite variation of the game. Pick the one that changes all the money to millions.
I thought black hole only appeared in dual strike, my mistake
I'm assuming it means you just need to pay for things you place like in the game.
Nah, they're in every game. They're only overt in AW2 and Dual Strike.
I generally only eat the things I make myself using Monster Chef from Undertale. Otherwise, I still have the Diaper from Yoshi's Island.
Well then thanks for informing me my man.
What jumps other than Sims 3 give abilities to build walls and such instantly?
And I just realized that despite a perk being called "Buy Mode" it's description states that you can only move things and sell them, not buy them
Is Tamaranian Physiology from Teen Titans enough to defeat Songbird in Bioshock Infinite?
Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist, clap and a wall appears.
Damn, this makes the Buy Mode significantly less useful
Clapchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist can do it, if you've got material around. Earth counts as material.
Gem Craft: Chasing Shadows has that as a normal part of the primary wizarding casting system. They make bricks out of magic.
Technically speaking, it requires a stone base for your wall to appear on, but you can cast Wall of Stone from any D&D 3.5 jump and it's permanent. It's learnable by both clerics and wizards, for that matter.
Back when I played tabletop, I abused that a couple times along with Stone Shape to make statues of some of our party members out of nothing.
I just spam magic from the Sims. There's not a perk for that (the magic, I mean -- there IS a perk in that very jump that allows you to never have to go to the bathroom), but it's super easy to learn magic in the Sims.
At least, if you're going by the game. Sims literally train up their magic just by spamming spells all day. Doesn't even matter what spells.
Anyway, the spell in question just removes your need to go, though you have to recast it periodically since it's an instantaneous thing.
There are also spells for making people HAVE to go, cleaning objects, and upgrading electronics.
So that's neat.
You probably won't even click this link.
Too lazy to think of a better one.
Buy mode sucks then
...That makes no sense.
No, wait. 'Build mode' is technically buy mode, since it lets you suddenly get stuff, but requires cash. 'Buy mode' is technically sell mode, as it lets you move and or sell your things.
>Within the confines of your home, you can sell objects you own, or change their location in the blink of an eye
Does this include things not in the house? Like, say, a second home?
But Build Mode only lets you build Windows, roofs, walls, etc. you still can't buy other objects
To the fanwank cave!
Guardians of Gahoole
> Age: Really, Really Old
> Location: The Beaks [Rolled3]
> Species: Crowl [-300CP]
> Background: Pure One
> Instinct [Get a Freebie!]
> Prehensility (DX) [-100CP]
> Red Glare [Get a Freebie!]
> Turnfeather [-100CP]
> Higher Magnetics Spronk [-200CP]
> Moonblinking [-200CP]
> Nachtmagen [Get a Freebie!]
> Steel [Get a Freebie!]
> Book of Kreeth [-300CP]
> War of The Ice Claws Veteran [+100CP]
By the standards of this jump, I am absolutely terrifying.
I mean... that would be the case for any jumper, but I mean that even just through the perks I chose. I'm an incredibly old Hagsfiend with powers over dark magic, hypnotism, and a working knowledge of flecks.
Don't you know witches just become more powerful with age?
Anyway, I'll probably just abuse my seniority and powers to get preferential treatment by all these villains I'm apparently helping. Bring me this. Fetch me that. Do this and that for me. Don't mind me, I'm old.
Oh, and I'll probably perform some dangerous experiments with dark magic and flecks and shit while I'm at it.
Really, all I need are a few flecks and the Pixelator will do the rest!
> Mostly take a back seat.
> Perform low level dark magics for the villains.
> Get attacked by heroes for being a creepy old evil witch.
> She's just an old crone, no big deal, right?
> Suddenly bust out out-of-jump magics while screaming, "GET ON MY LEVEL!"
Sometimes dropping the outside context problem on jumps out of nowhere is fun.