Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
first for benis
I want to make a Magic Yu-gi-oh themed deck. Lots of trap cards morph creatures, spell equivalents etc.
Has anyone seen a similar deck or got card suggestions
Been having good results with this list I've been working on
>Esper Humans
4x Aether Vial
4x Champion of the Parish
4x Thalias Lutienent
4x Zulaport Cuthroat
3x Cartel Aristocrat
2x Reflector Mage
2x Tasigur, the Golden Fang
2x Liliana, the Last Hope
3x Gather the Townsfolk
4x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Serum Visions
2x Dismember
2x Path to Exile
2x Westvale Abbey
1x Plains
1x Island
1x Swamp
4x Flooded Strand
3x Polluted Delta
2x Watery Grave
3x Hallowed Fountain
3x Godless Shrine
1x Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3x Mana Leak
2x Spell Queller
1x Graff-Digger's Cage
1x Disenchant
1x Rachetbomb
1x Path to Exile
2x Supreme Verdict
2x Selfless Spirit
1x Pithing Needle
>Basic Rundown
Using some good peices of the "Aristocrats" deck. Combined with thalias lutienent for added pressure (cartel and cutthroat are humans). This creates enough steam to wear out your opponents resources with removal and tempo plays via the wondrous aethervial.
This is not the final version. Currently this is version 5.
When does the modern banlist change?
Next announcement Oct 1st?
On Monday
Bump for discussion/criticism of this list
Get cavern of souls
Is everyone ready for the savior of Modern to arrive?
I assume everyone has their playsets ready
fuck blue, SFM unban now
>wanting the spew of batterskulls everywhere instead of actually making blue a viable color
Fuck you buddy
>blue deck is best in the format
>who gives a shit about white being viable, if you have 1 good card that's enough
>blue deck no longer best in format
>waaah every color needs to be equally viable this isn't fair
just go play yugioh user
jeskai by far
devote yourself to the cutest Hitler
>2x Liliana, the Last Hope
Going to be testing pic related in Jund over the course of the next couple weeks. Let's hope it works out I bought a promo for $70
Are you on autism spectrum user? If not, play jeskai.
Weird that isn't a picture of Bloodbraid Elf
Why do people play lead the stampede over sylvan messenger?
Costs less mana and digs deeper? Also doesn't restrict the creature types you can take. You can grab that Eternal Witness, that Hoof, that Regal Force, that whatever.
>calling her a Hitler
I'll fight u fgt swear on me mum
she genocided an entire plane
it's ok though because her pearl white skin is adorable
>No changes to any format
Cmon Wizards. Do it. Disappoint me again.
>Peregrine Drake is banned in Pauper
This is all we'll get.
How about Misthollow Griffin in mono U lists? It's a free pitch to Shoal and Commandeer.
Holy dooley, user, why did you do that?
Sounds awful
>$70 for new Chandra
Holy shit I'm dying. For your sake I hope she's good in standard cause she's trash in every eternal format.
>every eternal format
You mean Vintage and Legacy?
Chances of a Jace unban?
I'd prefer to buy my set of him before he gets unbanned
>Jace unban
Not happening.
I could see SFM getting unbanned but not Jace.
i think if they were going to unban sfm they would have done it just after they announced the gp promo, what has changed since then?
>what has changed since then?
Nothing. And that's precisely the problem. Modern has stagnated into a pool of linear and uninteractive decks.
This is the most overrated planeswalker I've seen in a long time. She might be good in standard but she is way to slow for Modern. She is completely un-impactfull the turn she hits the board and in Modern that's pretty much means she is a dead weight. Sure you can try to fit her in a heavy controll deck where she will be able to devellop but then there are far better Planeswalkers to fit in this kind of deck than her.
Shoal is played in competitive decks.
I want to test her in Skred. I think she has potential.
zero, my man. not for gameplay reasons, either.
mystie isn't coming off the list, as much as i'd like to see it.
i only have fun when im preventing my opponent from having fun
what deck should i play
Lantern Control.
T u r b O F. O g
Taking Turns
Ad Nauseam
Why would Jace have zero chance of being unbanned?
Shoal is played in one competitive decent that isn't my point.
My point is shoal counters for x, meaning you'd only get value off your misthollow if you're countering a 4 mana spell. That's stupidly linear
Sphinx's Rev control
Bloomless Amulet
Come on don't be an asshole, we at least want his opponents to have a CHANCE.
I have a local modern tournament coming up, should I take my mill deck or 8-rack.
do you want to lose you your opponent's topdeck or your own topdeck?
If I just want to play Magic with my bro, what set should I buy?
Modern Masters 2013.
Just buy a whole box.
Unban Preordain!
Duel decks if you know little/nothing about the game. 20 bucks for 2 decks
Make Pauper decks if you are already experienced with mtg. 20-30 bucks per deck
You, where do hou think you are to be giving good and sound advice on this thread?
Get the fuck out here REEeeeeEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE
is it me or grixis delver not as solid as everyone pretends that it is
>want to get into competitive modern
>a deck is 2 months worth of my salary
>my lgs only has 2 Modern events per months
meta-lore for the jacetice league..
>banned planeswalker
>so power
>much cool
>pls buy packs of jacetice league
it's just 'cool factor' for non-spikes
>12 hours thread
>58 answers
>on a week end
Dead Format.
>~800 bucks average tier deck cost
>2 months pay
Maybe it's two months if you're on the poverty line and refuse to build anything but Jund
Try not looking like a total retard next time you post
Modern just dosen't allow good budget decks unless you find a way to make a MonoColored deck without using staples.
It's a hard work, but possible. Let's say you're playing Mono White. You can exchange Path to Exile for Oust and Celestial Flare. Vyrn Wingmare instead of OG Thalia and so forth. That way you can slowly upgrade it while learning the deck.
I feel the same way. I always lurk these threads and I've seen new threads go 40 minutes without a post and I have to go "first for dead format"
I think Jace would be a safe unban and SFM would actually shift the meta away from aggro because you could uninteractively tutor for and drop an unboltable lifelinker that can fizzle other removal on 3. Although personally I've always wanted to build Worldslayer/Darksteel Myr and that gives me a good card to pad out a shitty shell
>800$ average
>jund and junk are 2k+
>any cotnrol deck is 1.3k+
>The only good decks under 800 are Dredge, Affinity, Tron and Burn
I bet you leave in your parent's basement too.
I think rug is better. Grixis is just easier to pilot because you have terminate and hand disruption
>rug is better than grixis delver
Good thing you've got the results to back that statement up.
Of all the good cards you can recommend replacing, you pick Path? Path is one of the more budget A tier cards you can buy. Next you'll tell him to replace Bolts with Shocks.
Just build mono red burn, fucker. Most of the spells hit for 3 and are super budget. 4x bolt, rift bolt, lava spike, and go from there. If he wants to splash any colors he could get access to Helix or something.
Or build infect. Most of the pieces that net you turn 2 or 3 victories are cheap as fuck. Glistener, blighted agent, a bunch of pumps, apostles blessings, and if you want even budgetier you can throw in a few double strike spells (a la assault strobe) and hope for that sweet turn 2.
I don't need any. It's my opinion. Grixis has fallen off lately anyway.
I play delver in all formats
Post your rug list, mr delver expert.
When I get home I can. I'm sorry, do you play grixis? I never meant to hurt your feelings, senpai
GRIXIS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>not Bant
>giving up bolt
I live in a thrid world country, man. Where our friend whose salary can't pay a Modern deck with 2 months of Salary probably lives. Every card sounds twice as expensive than you percieve for us.
>not getting the joke
Traded standard and cmandir chaff for a scooze, a huntsman and 2 grim flayers
With that, jund is complete. I'm ready to shit on every jank deck casuals bring to fnm now.
Hell, I'll even maindeck huntsman and watch as they bitch about that card, too
Can anyone give me a link for anime delver ?
It's hard when this place has literal retards posting at all times. Myself included.
I'll try to up my perception values
Getting into modern, ad nauseam is what I'm aiming for. I can't for the love of gods figure out what kind of mana base to go for though, it's driving me fucking nuts. And now with the release of the other fastlands I DON'T EVEN, PLEASE HELP.
You should put Kalitas in the main deck instead of Huntmaster
Just go with standard one retard, the new fastlands don't really change anything
At this point I want to see half the ban list come off.
It would make this meta fucking crazy and we need that.
Sure lets just make every deck cost too much to play for anyone reasonable and also make type 2 decks even worse.
There isn't a standard one you retard.
There is, it's just either 2-4 temples of deceit, 1-3 temples of enlightenment, 3 seachrome, 3-4 darkslick, a few basics, 4 gemstone mines, sometiems you go urborg
>implying modern doesn't already cost an arm and a leg
>implying it wouldn't make new tier 2 decks or that it wouldn't make tier 2 decks better
Without the tools to check "fucking crazy" decks, it's just whoever does their retarded thing first. Games against something like Shoal Infect aren't anything "we need", and breaking up the banlist is just going to foster those kinds of games.
Whatever you think you'd gain from it, it's not worth it. It honestly would not make for a good format in the least.
Wotc needs to rework what it means for a card to be blue. Similar to how they're making red a 'big'type colour lately. Or print good counters again
As it is, blue is pretty much only for filtering in combo decks
Yeah she is an immediate 1x or 2x in Skred. Beyond that I'm not sure. Sideboard material in Jund, maybe.
She is going to flip the table in Standard, but other than that...
I don't mean for shoal infect to come back (though infect can turn 2 all over again) but some things are banned for stupid reasons. Like either taking too long, are unfun, or were banned from modern's get-go. Modern have changed vastely since it's inception and a lot of the original ban list needs reevaluating.
>it's just whoever does their retarded thing first
That's always been a big player for a lot of top tier modern decks, even now we have burn/affinity/infect as top tier and they do just that.
The only acceptable mono color deck in modern
>mfw they remove the picture showing the weeaboo sleeves
No goyfs
No fun
>Not acceptable
It isn't. Eldrazi taxes is miles better and not even much more money
When you say "half the ban list", what do you mean then?
>Eldrazi taxes is miles better
Then how come mono White and Wg put up better results than Wb Eldrazi?
New tournament results from Hong Kong
1. W/B eldrazi Hatebears
2. Bant Eldrazi
3-4. Abzan Midrange
3-4. GR Tron
5-8. Bant Eldrazi
5-8. Coralhelm Bant (not 4c Retreat)
5-8. UR Ascension
5-8. W/U DnT, featuring TKS, Displacer, Thalia, St. Traft, Spell Queller, and Reflector Mage
Dank as fuck
Fuck off with your mtgtop8 bullshit.
Look at this. I'm lmaoing at your life