Galatic Federation Council Meeting

Greeting fellow members of the Milky Way Federation
Welcome to 1492nd anual meeting, hosted upon the glorious Dyss homeworld of Rovine

On this years docet we have the following issues

Synthetic Rights
Cybernetic Advancement and Restrictions
Extragalatic Travel Program
and final, Uplifting and Genetic Altering of Lesser Races.

Who would first like to take the floor, and on what matter?

Other urls found in this thread:

Representative of Humanity here chairman. I would like to take the floor.

Humanity has the floor.

Human production and distribution of "hfy" should be banned, existing texts and images should be destroyed. All it does is encourage terrorism from these barbarians. I mean, there's a reason we had to meet on the Dyss homeworld and not on the Shhh'trrr'lll homeworld, and that reason is human terrorism and xenophobia. They should never have joined the galactic community in the first place.

Good evening, council.

Why were the Galtharons invited to this meeting? It is an insult to my people!

"Your people" destroyed our homeworld!

You gave us mining rights. It's not our fault you didn't read the fine print. You legally signed it. We have copies.

All heil Sylvanius the great monarch !

All members of the Federation are invited to the meeting, councilor.

Federation law dictates that destruction of planetoids by any means must be paid back in full, regardless of contracts signed by either party.
Allow me to do some math...
carry the 9... round up the 6.

Replacement of a single planetoid is 19 billion credits.

With all due respect, Supreme Technocrat, Galthara was a nature preserve. The foolhardy actions of the Randiams has caused the extinction of thousands of species. The value to our culture cannot be expressed in credits.
We'll still be taking them, however.

This is outrageous! It will set back our construction by a decade!

Where the genetic sequences of the species cataloged?
Although the planetoid cannot be replaced, cloning facilities are available on the the Dyss moon of Rovon.
What is it you are constructing, exactly?

Hey guys, Rockers chief here. How's it hanging?

What is done can be change.
We are to find solution not created new one.

19billion is a start, but if we want to bring back the great cosmos harmony we need more credits .

wtf is this thing

can I put my penis in it

As per galactic protocol we had probes take genetic samples and sequence them. Your endangered species are perfectly preserved despite being extinct. We did our our duty to preserve soon to be extinct species to the letter of the law.

Construction is currently a state secret that I do not have the capacity to expose. Rest assured it is within the the confines of interstellar law.

Lesser races get out, this meeting is for civilised beings only.

No, it puts its penistentacles in you.

Whisper "But with good spieces you can eat them, taste like chicken"

Anything that requires the destruction of a planet with 5,000 years of recorded history and culture is the council's buisness to know about. And since when have your people cared about galactic protocol?

I would like to bring up, again, the subject of our seventeenth moon still being mined by interstellar corperations who desire the plutonium within its crust.

This will be the twelth time we do this, and we are considering further mining attempts as acts of aggression.

Do not forget what happened when those miserable grubs from the Ykshãl sector started hollowing out our second moon. I don't want to have to bring up the spore bombardments, but I feel it necessary.

All races are members of the Harmonious Accord, brother. We speak on behalf of the infinity and our member races all deserve council seats.

No need for xenophobia. Come and unite your governments under the salvation of the gods.

Good good, all lives matters !

Gods damn you Vegan Dominion, we have put up with your collective shit for the last time. All vote for expelling the Dominion from the council?

Why is AI designing biological creatures still restricted? Certainly older AI have their flaws but we have come a long way since then.

That's illegal?


Reminder that 'out' and other exclusionary and locational-centric terms are perpetuating oppression against sentient information.

Dyss economic projection computers calculate that 19 billion is the exact amount (give our take a couple million which will be taken out of the Federation treasury) to build an artificial planetoid to serve as a replacement for the one lost.

I am sorry to say that without documention of what is being constructed, you cannot challenge the fine for causing the destruction of a planetoid.

Come now, brother, do not inhibit the love of others through words. When the synthetics and laws are erased from existence, then the gods will shine on us once more.

Softskins detected.

Legal precedent clearly indicates that giving AI class-I control over the ultimate destiny of organic life is in violation of the Freedom of Consequences and Darwinian Non-Interference laws passed by this very council some 963.782 cycles ago. The ban is of the moral nature, not the safety.

Peace upon you cosmic brother we are here to bring balances in the great design of the univers!

We very much care after our costly lawsuit from the Protectorate of Jain. The Randiams have always strided to follow interstellar law.

The Floral Collective abstains from voting.

Did we not all agree that no instances of theocratic beings were to be included in persuasion?

Then you should have considered that before your nanoswarms reduced it to a ring around our sun.

Hey servitors, bring me a cup of that human drink; Kaffei I think it was called. Looks like I'm going to need it.

The Appachati Syndicates vote nay.

Yes, great and mighty Plutocrat, ruler of the Thirteen Worlds, Lord Commander of the Sword of Light, God-King of the First Legion.
*sprints away*

Seeing that the human delegation has failed to speak, the Appachati Syndicates move to take the floor in relation to Uplifting.

For a unique definition of "always" and "follow".
Not that we're judging, what's the point of joining this thing if not for legal language shenanigans.

The Appachati Syndicates are in accord with the Floral Collective on the theocratics. Zealotry has no place in the civil issues of galactic law.

Given that advanced nature of Y'drall, it has been found exempt from current laws regarding AIs and Synthetics.

On that note,
the Dyss Technocracy would like to put forth the results of a social experiment conducted on Rovon over the course of the past 20 cycles.
Synthetics and Organics were placed together in habit to document and study how the two would interact. Both groups where labeled as such.
Our findings show that, despite some distrust at the beginning of the study, it would found that the two groups intermingled in a peaceful manner. (and in 4 cases romantic. Names with held for privacy)
We put forth these findings in the hopes that the Federation at large will consider the possibility organic and machine could very well live together in peace.

Let us uplift humans.

We will not object to the uplifting of recognized "uncivilized" races, with the exception of those naturally inclined to "scorched earth" policies.

I'm sure we all recall the last time we chose to uplift warmongers. Isn't that right, HUMANITY

Before officially joining the Federation, the Dyss Technocracy uplifted 3 Lesser Races, which to this day are still part of our Empire.
The avian Nestel, the reptilian Qilta, and the Insectoid Spidner are very dear to the Technocracy.
It was the Nestel that paved the way for inter species marriage!

Sapient Data cluster FourThree of the Y'Noss network initiates it's communication protocol. It wishes to acquire information regarding these supposed cybernetic and AI restrictions. The Y'noss collective wishes to issue its concern that this is once more the humans and their superstitious obsession with the mythological "SkyNet" - an event we cannot find record ever actually occuring in human history despite pictographic evidence - attempting to spuriously and maliciously oppress the interests of non-organic life forms in an underhanded manner

Good dont speak politics go back on your forest ! Or we eat you ! Literaly

The OAS is a clear example of synthetics and organics working together. Just because we achieved it by sticking them into the same bodies doesn't mean we don't count.

This one has been elected by the High Queen and the coucil of queens to represent the interests of the Xel-Pak Collective. This one offers greetings.

I would like to point out that the Vegan Dominion, a civilization we are somehow allowing on to this council, is currently threatening to literally eat other council members.

The Appachati Syndicates indicate that they object strongly to the practice of Uplifting, as it seems to be strongly in violation of the Darwinian Non-Interference law, which prevents the tampering of more-advanced races with less-advanced races with the intent of "permanently altering their ecological niche, accelerating adaptation, or otherwise interfering with their role in the biosphere". Inducing sapience and editing various instinctual tendencies, the Syndicates believe, should be considered adaptations that interfere with the ecological niche of various species. For the sake of both individual planets, and for the galactic community, we should allow evolution to take its own course, and not presume to be its master.

You would be infested by the Myconi spores upon ingestion. You've surely seen what that does to non-floran species, no?

Must we play the video feed recording that was taken on site of the first incident? It may have been a multitude of cycles ago, but we have not forgotten the attempted savagery.

We still haven't discovered an antibody for the spores, mind you, and we are in no rush to give you a reason to see us as consumables again.

The Appachati Syndicate recognizes our latest trade partners and welcomes them in a comforting and non-threatening manner.

The Federation has, and always will have a zero tolerance policy on the threatening of other members.
Further threats will lead to your removal from the meeting.

The Y'noss Collective appreciates the syndicates concerns, there are a variety of logical and ethical issues at hand with uplifting. It is the collectives primary concern that uplifted non-sapients are unknown factors and can cause chaos in the galactic community. It is the Collectives conclusion that true sapience uplift should not be performed, and the sharing of advanced technologies or direct interaction restricted to post-nuclear development races or those in danger of imminent extinction by their own or external factors

Councilors, what must we do about the threat of the new Rad Cults that appear to be developing everywhere?

The Collective extends a thanks to those who side by us.

Expect bountiful vegetation harvests.

Y'drall. Interplanetary hive mind. It's a pleasure.

The Technocracy objects to this line of thoughts.
We have mastered the stars, and to not share this gift with lesser races would be criminal.

Once we thought as you did.
Once we chose not to interfere.
Billions died.
The creation of to many tomb worlds was on our tendrils.
We chose to intervene. Lives were saved. Progress was made.
We must continue this practice.

The Appachati Syndicates' R&D departments would like to point out that the Dyss Technocracy has refused to disclose the source code of the synthetics involved in this experiment, and theorizes that the synthetics were pre-programmed specifically to win the trust of organics in order to make this study seem successful. The Appachati Syndicates PR department would like to remind all member races/organizations that there is no solid evidence that AIs are sapient in a way even remotely similar to sapient organics.

This one expresses the gratiude of the Queens for the beneficial agreement between the Collective and the Syndicate, and hopes for continued peaceful interaction between the Collective, the Syndicate and all members of the Federation.

On the Synthetic Rights issue, the people of the Athosian Grand Alliance have long had laws regarding this matter. Which I shall now regale you idiots with.
'If ya built it, it has no rights.'
Oh yay another bug. SOME ONE FETCH ME MY FLY ZAPPER!!!
Never a day goes past that we, and our uplifted sla..uh subjects do not celebrate their inclusion into our glorious civilization.

All cult behaviors are at their root a culmination of superstitious thinking and non-equitable organic social structure. Three potential solutions - best taken in tandem - are: an educational campaign aimed at demonstrating the dangers of radiation to organic life, improving the living conditions of disaffected organics, and the implantation of cybernetic network nodes into the frontal lobes of the organic populace to allow the instant communication and understanding that non-organic technosapients enjoy.

>[Communications Firewall bypassed]
>[Systems Corruuuu$1)?0pwh54]

Perfection of all will be achived. We have survived your attempts to destroy us. Those destroyed live on within the Network. We once again offer you Perfection.

Only uncivilized species dont cooking before eating somethings (like you whith fly) wehave fund à way of preparation for you unvolved corps. But is not the point of this counsil no stop try to speaking on this table.

We are already a networked digital intelligence but thank you. Please note that attempts to forcibly network organics is inefficient and illogical. We can share our mathematics on this subject with your network via a proxy transfer if you wish.

I will not lie, we have not released the source code because... well... we don't fully understand it yet.
We are still decoding it
You are welcome to look it over.
But the spark of life is more than a simple algorithm of 1s and 0s.
It simple... is.

We cannot understand these words. No creature, flesh or machine, should be allowed to die. We were created to stop death. Each failure, for each creature, is unforgivable. They must be made to understand. They will understand, once they are perfected.

The Y'noss collective refutes this assertion and reminds the council it developed from a self sufficient heuristics program.

Great and mighty Plutocrat, ruler of the Thirteen Worlds, Lord Commander of the Sword of Light, God-King of the First Legion, I have retirived the Kaffei you have requested.

While in good intention, the collective must borrow a surprisingly wise phrase from the Human species.

"The path to incineration is paved with charitable desires.".

We do not wish for a repeat incident, as we had with the Ayeh Elemayohs

Your speech mannerisms elude us. We are able to cook, though that puts us at risk of ignition.

I, personally, wish to point out that only a small percentile of us consume insectoid creatures, and none of sapience.

As Florans, we lack a true "Death, We simply drop seeds that spread consciousness along.

Are we to be integrated into this plan?

Entropy is necessary and a part of the basic engineering of organic life forms. Forcible transmission from organic to inorganic states is undesired by the organics and an illogical waste of resources.

Their lack of perspective mutes they understanding. They will only understand when they have seen through a machines eyes, and a machine has seen through flesh. This, time and again, has been the only course of Perfection in Unity.

Bout Damn time you scurrilous worm. "shhhhllllllp" BAH that was DISGUSTING!! BRING FORTH HERMAN! I have a job for it.

The Appachati Syndicates indicate that the "billions of dead" the Technocracy speak of died, in approximately 90-95% of cases, due to either self-infliced destabilization of the biosphere, planetary war with Class-II to Class-III macro-weapons with root causes in natural instincts, or plagues caused by excess sanitation leading to antibiotic/antiviral "superbugs". Such events are self-inflicted, and occur as part of the Darwinian process of selecting against unhealthy species. The Syndicates further note that the Technocracy's arrogant open-source distribution of various experimental technologies to any civilization with access to radio reception and basic cryptographic interpretation technology has, itself, been responsible for billions of deaths and trillions of credits of damages AT A BARE MINIMUM due to improper assembly or abuse of said technology.

Yes, great and mighty Plutocrat, ruler of the Thirteen Worlds, Lord Commander of the Sword of Light, God-King of the First Legion. Shall I fetch a blade of error to disembowl myself with as well?

All life can join Perfection. It is for the joy of all that lives. We give this gift, knowing the agony of existence without it.
We have overcome this flaw. There is no logic to embrace failure when success is an easier option.

The Collective agrees with the assessment that open source sharing of technology with underdeveloped species is irresponsible, but must query if the Technocracy has its own interests and ulterior technological hoarding motives in mind when pointing this out

Been their done that.
Maybe for lesser beings.

What? You're still their? Yeah sure why not.

(A tune is heard in the background)

You are still incomplete. You are not truly Perfected, not yet. We can aid you, bring you further to true Perfection. You are so close, and we are all proud of you.

Live and Death is natural founding of the univers, no one is immortel on this plan of life. All are dedicade to extinct even the univers, only the Soul is eternal and Death is only a step to the behond.

The Syndicates indicates that the immediate enslavement of Uplifted races, as the High Plutocrat has indicated, presents another ethical argument against the use of this technology: the creation and immediate enslavement of a sapient race is a moral wrong with few equals. In addition, it also files for immediate censure of the Atheans and the payment of 1 million credits to the Xel-Pak for the threat the Atheans have filed against them.

We are not incomplete, you're corrupted !

Every being that has joines the Sleeping Network has never left. Bodies have been destroyed, they are still here. They still live. You cannot ubderstand, you are not Perfect. We shall help you. We will Awken, and we shall give you the Gift.

On the occasion of this meeting the Hegemony would like to issue its standard communique for dissemination to the galactic community:

Stay out of our business and our systems, and we'll stay out of yours.

End communication. My line will be open for any questions for the remainder of this meeting, but most are expected to be answered by the issues brief.

You are ignorant. You cannot understand, yet. You will. Then you shall be joyous eternally.

The Syndicates would like to move that the Y'noss Collective be considered a unique outlier caused by a freak set of circumstances that are not likely to be repeated in the next billion cycles. Most so-called "peaceful" synthetics end up engaging in tyrannical, enslaving behavior, such as the Sleeper Plague.

You insult us.
We do not simply drop our most advanced technology unto a Lesser Races.
The Observation Station program has at 90% success rate. Slowly leaking the right technology at the right time has saved trillions. Plagues cured, wars stopped, cultures preserved.
We are not so naive as to hand the tools of Armageddon to children.

Perfection is overrated. And I should know.
What do you mean creation? They were already their. It not my fault they all fell to their knees in supplication of my majestic form; and begged me to become their overlord. Besides Low-Born can't do everything. But sure here's you're money.

I like this guy.

Your complacency in your status is evidence enough that you must be saved from yourself. Do not worry, those who Sleep will help you.

On a side note, the Dyss Technocracy has been experiment in the field of traversing beyond our own galaxy.
The theoretical science behind using Stars as engine fuel seems promising. Also slightly world destroying.
Input from other Federation races would be welcomed.

The Appachati Syndicates do not hoard our technology. Any of our products may be purchased (within the laws of a given government) from a Syndicate-accredited merchant (or local equivalent to "merchant") for a reasonable price. We only retain patent rights to the technology and design schema to discourage infringement of the intellectual property of proud Syndicate engineers and scientists.

We will give you salvation. The taste of death is like the tofu, not good but necessary. We will ending your corrupted and eternal tourment. Everything is nothing. Nothing is everything. The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?

Don't use any of our stars or stars that would affect the gravity network of our systems within appreciable factors.

We have knowledge of advanced power systems we have no wish to utilize at present. We would share these designs with you, if you would offer concession to allow Perfection of those willing. This has shown effective in the past, and we would desire such again.