Why do M/tg/ players dislike Reddit, and the /r/magictcg community? Is it because Veeky Forums as a whole shuns Reddit...

Why do M/tg/ players dislike Reddit, and the /r/magictcg community? Is it because Veeky Forums as a whole shuns Reddit, or is it because of certain opinions that they have that's different from you? Or is it because you want spoiler cards as well, but WOTC is too liberal to accept Veeky Forums as a place to find spoilers?

(As the last reason being due to jealousy)


So all of the reasons above? It makes sense that it isn't just one issue.

What do you not like about them?

Everyone needs a villain.


Lel. Looks like the hive mind found another victim.

Reddit is shit because of its vote system. The focus is taken off posting factual, insightful and or humours information and placed on saying anything that will generate upvotes to satisfy their need for the validation of their peers.

True, true. But how does that specifically relate to /r/magictcg?

Needs context. What was the conversation about, and what else did he say? Just reasonably saying "I disagree" might be fine, but it might not be.
Many people have the ability to sound perfectly reasonable while being utter shitheads, it's an infuriating talent.

>but it might not be
>having an opposing opinion is not fine

Is he "having an opposing opinion" or being an asshole and trolling people? Is this guy's opinion all about how setting babies on fire is a good way to heat your house, for instance?
Without context, it's impossible to tell.

This is Veeky Forums. Everyone acts like Reddit is shit and avoids it like a vampire avoids dining in Italy

It doesn't matter. No one should be able to be silenced like that.

Dude, you can get banned on Veeky Forums for trolling and offtopic posting and shit, too. Virtualoptim had opinions, and he's banned, because his "opinions" were just dumb horseshit he used to troll with.

From that tiny snippet I can't tell if it's the Reddit hivemind punishing people for having dissenting opinions, or just that that guy's an obnoxious douche and 1000 people got sick of his shit and decide to encourage him to find greener pastures to irritate.

Regardless of what he was talking about, a calm statement like "I disagree" is never banworthy, and allowing the general populace to self-moderate in that way isn't a functional system.

But the specific statement of "I disagree" being able to trigger 1000 people into disliking him? Seems a tad extreme.

If you said "I disagree" on Veeky Forums and put the Virtualoptim name and trip on, your ass would be banned in no time flat.

Precisely. It makes me wonder what he was disagreing with, and just what he said before that, which the cap leaves out.
Context is important.

Yes, because you'd clearly be evading a previous ban.

And without context, we don't know if this guy's being downvoted for saying "I disagree" or for being the guy who previously did whatever to piss everyone off, and now he's getting downvoted on sight.

Honestly, while I do hate the layout of reddit, (last time I went there it felt like slashdot had a deformed retard baby that kept vomiting web 2.0 "features" all over) I think the biggest reason I don't go there is because I have enough trouble sifting through all the bullshit that Veeky Forums tries to feed me, without adding a whole new brand of bullshit to try to sift through.

>Or is it because you want spoiler cards as well, but WOTC is too liberal to accept Veeky Forums as a place to find spoilers?
I've come to accept that no large company or figurehead will ever give a Veeky Forums board the time of day. It's just not conducive to PR.
Compared to Reddit, Veeky Forums is hostile, less moderated, difficult to use, subject to spam, unfriendly to newcomers, and niche. There's no reason for a company to post here over Reddit, and honestly that's fine with me. Of course, it always hurts to see someone who got their start on Veeky Forums get successful and flee to Reddit (most notably Notch of Minecraft fame), but that's just the nature of the site.

The business model of stores carrying singles is dying. Access to the global marketplace is driving people online to get their shit. Not only that, but people are going online to get their sealed product too; in addition to this Magic is showing up at big box outlets like Walmart. I feel this hurts dedicated games stores, who themselves (and stores like them) are hurting overall due to online sales.

The problem is that Wizards expect them to be around to provide play space in exchange for product. Stores get product at a discount but they must support FNM. The problem is that FNM no longer can justify itself because secondary sales have moved online, and stores cannot be expected to have both an online and brick and mortar store. Players expect to pay no more than $5 to play Constructed or $15 for Draft and $30 for Sealed and that never justifies the time to organize those events. My games store has become a babysitting service essentially with FNM. Because all it takes is $5 to dump your kids there. My store is over 20 years old and it has pretty much given up on Magic as a major revenue stream - it's pretty much milk to them now, take a very minor loss to get people to walk through the door.

If Wizards feels that the stores can just die and they can sell the game using PS, XBox and PC games using big box outlets for paper then fine. I guess we have to accept that.

And then there's the price of singles. I don't need to reiterate those points.

On Veeky Forums, I get the very strong impression most everyone here knows exactly how bad the situation is.

On Reddit they don't talk about those issues. Instead they just talk about Magic cakes or cosplay or meaningless useless shit. And it doesn't matter if the real issues are moderated away or they're ignorant, it is the place Wizards employees use to do PR and fight fires. And they use it because it's an ignorant echo chamber that spouts nothing but happiness. I don't need Wizards on Veeky Forums.

What is that guy doing

There's certainly nothing useful on the front page of the Magic Reddit right now.

People just forget everything when they get a new drug fix.

Seconding this. The other bit is while everyone here is a colossal faggot, we are all faggots rather than the weird ass circlejerk that comes from their upvotes

They're both shit in their own special ways
r/magictcg (and Reddit as a whole) has upvotes, which can turn any thread into a popularity contest, and Veeky Forums can't play Magic for shit, and /pol/ is a thing that exists.

>Veeky Forums can't play Magic for shit
Good meme

>implying /pol/ and /tv/ don't have the best memes

>measuring quality by memes
>being a slave to the memes instead of bending them to your will

Why do vampires avoid italy? Is it all the onions they put into their food?

It's the sun, user.
Italy gets the most sun.

Onion is a funny way to spell garlic.

r/magictcg is a breeding pool for the shitty pretentious mtg players. the extreme negativity toward anything that isn't currently being hyped up gets annoying really quickly if you're not a terrible person.

Basically, you know that guy in the LGS that has to chime in constantly about how whatever people are talking about is absolute shit because he's so in-the-know and you just haven't been playing long enough or taken it seriously enough to be jaded and cool like him? That's r/magictcg in a nutshell.

Asking a question? Downvoted and given a snarky unhelpful comment.

Want to talk about something that isn't one of the two hot button topics of the week? Downvoted and ignored.

Happy about something not being hyped or unhappy with whatever's being hyped? Downvoted to hell and temporarily banned.