Waiting for the CORRUPTED.com debut edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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Waiting for the CORRUPTED.com debut edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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So this is basically a thread for people who are literally too retarded to click on the little link to Veeky Forums up on the top of the screen? That's sad.
Veeky Forums just talks about the actual game, in these threads we talk about the setting like a bunch of nerds.
So, how about that statue of the pregnant tauren lady in egyptian-like clothes in kharazhan's crypts, eh? What's up with that?
How do you reckon ironforge gryphon riders fight?
Stormhammers are supposed to be kinda iconic for the wildhammers, so I assume the ironforge dwarves would fight in some other way from a gryphon.
Mountain Kings have stormbolts though so maybe it wouldn't be that different.
Maybe an ancient desert tauren offshoot that was conquered by the cat-taur people?
I think the final boss over every expansion since MoP has been a preview of the next expansion.
Last patch/raid/boss of Pandaria: Orcs. Leads to Warlords of Draenor, where we mainly fight orcs. Until the last patch/raid/boss of WoD: Demons. Leads to Legion, where we mainly fight demons. So if Legion's last patch will be about Old Gods, next expansion will be about old gods?
It's a fucking stupid model, though, because it means that every expansion is about something the players are already sick of from grinding out the end of the last expansion. Probably half the reason they did it is so they can use the assets they've already started developing early, and save time/money.
I wouldn't mind if it means we get more old minions.
They seem pretty light on those at times.
Are undead supposed to be resistant to old god corruption, or are DKs just so used to getting weird urges and voices in their heads that they ignore them?
Well, we are already facing Old Gods minions in Emerald Nightmare, goals of Xavius just happen to align with those of Legion.
What the fuck are xavius objectives?
>Corrupt the Emerald Dream forever
>kill Malfurion
DKs are already getting brain-fucked by the LK/Their own edge (all of them, not DK only mind you here) so they don't care for the whispers, old gods don't lose their time with them as it is useless because either they cannot understand (ghouls) or because they're already brainfucked beyond all repair (Forsaken, DK).
As for fleshy curses; they're dead and they can't affect that. That's why they made the mechanical entities fleshy, UD go the other way, they're rotting.
Might be, since they're legion-crafted (scourge) that they've made immune from the get go.
Good ol' xavius.
On the other hand, there's plenty of hints that Yogg was playing plenty of influence into the Scourge.
Vanilla had C'thun.
Burning Crusade had nothing.
Wrath of the Lich King had Yogg Saron and the corruption of the Titanforged.
Cataclysm was pretty much nothing but servants of the Old Gods causing chaos, with a dragon coat of paint.
Mists of Pandaria had the Sha as the primary, main threat, although a lot of focus was also given to Garrosh and the Lightning King.
Warlords of Draenor had nothing.
In the grand scheme of things, we've probably faced the Old Gods and their minions with far greater frequency than we've faced the Burning Legion.
So when we're on Draenor we don't fight Old Gods, but when we're on Azeroth we do fight old gods.
I meant like new creatures other than the squidmen, lobster guys and assorted varieties of cultists.
Undead can't be influenced by the Old Gods. The Scourge made use of Saronite because Yoggy couldn't actually do anything to them. It's why they had one of his Faceless chained up in a mine. Even the Twilight Hammer had very, very few Forsaken compared to pretty much every other race, which is probably more from those Forsaken attempting to stave off dying more than anything else.
Correct. Draenor doesn't have a world soul to corrupt like Azeroth does so while an Old God COULD be there it was nowhere near as valuable a target.
Influence!=Out right domination. It felt more like he was peeking than actually touching things.
And none of the scourge plans really do align with his other than kill all life in azeroth. But again, the scourge doesn't like the OGs see WC3.
corruption is the thinking man's fetish
>Correct. Draenor doesn't have a world soul to corrupt like Azeroth does so while an Old God COULD be there it was nowhere near as valuable a target.
I read that the void lords basically flung the old gods into the universe in the hopes of landing on worlds with world souls, so they must've been kinda lucky with landing some on azeroth.
I wonder what would happen to old gods that don't land on worlds with world souls.
If they could eventually project themselves towards another world, or open up portals.
I'm pretty sure that all gryphon riders are Wildhammers regardless of whose colours they bear. Unless they started training Ironforge dwarves after WC3, they're all mercenaries who rent themselves out to factions they trust
BC had that Old God the arakkoa in Shadowmoon Valley were summoning
Get a job Metzen
>I'm pretty sure that all gryphon riders are Wildhammers regardless of whose colours they bear. Unless they started training Ironforge dwarves after WC3, they're all mercenaries who rent themselves out to factions they trust
I was more considering an what if scenario where ironforge didn't have access to wildhammer gryphon riders.
They have gryphons, so figured they should be using them in some war capacity.
Less of a need due to flying machines though.
Go enjoy your retirement and stop shitposting on Veeky Forums. Don't you have kids to raise? Go check if they're not drinking antifreeze or something.
Apparently there ironforge gryphon riders added in cata.
They have attacks that require hunter weapons, goggles.
I guess they're basically riflemen on top of griffins then.
Looks like they added human gryphon riders from stormwind as well.
And that they defended westfall against the legion, and accompanied the fleet towards the broken isles.
So a fairly recent development it seems.
They just added flying guards to cities once players were able to fly around them, too.
He's probably busy watching Overwatch porn
Where is he?
I could see ironforge gryphon riders being equipped with explosives and used for bombing runs. Alternatively, firearms or great axes.
Working hard to save his king
His king is safe.
Hand over the naxxramas.
>ywn bang a bitch so hard her eyes go green
>not playing demon hunter
>not having fel runic tattoos running sexily along your cock shaft
>not the one true king
Where's Illidan and his eye of sargeras when you need him?
Someone needs to tell Bolvar that no king rules forever.
>The Ebon Blade takes Naxxramas
>Flies it over to the Broken Isles
>Drops it on the Tomb of Sargeras
>Azeroth rams Exodar, every scourge necropolis + Acherus,Fel Hammer and Dalaran into the Tomb Of Sargeras
This could absolutely work.
This sound like a mana bomb thing.
I like it.
>Khadgar calls in a favor from his buddy A'Dal
>fuck it, drop Tempest Keep on em too
We load the mall with mana bombs and a metric fuckton of regular bombs.
And angry fire elementals for good measure.
Why aren't there any Legion Ethereals? Dont they both hate the Void?
Maybe they have shit pay
I mean,they hate Dimensius, who's dead.
They're not gonna dedicate their entire racial existence to fighting Void Lords.
Jews need better weapons before they fight?
Go away Kael'thas, you're dead.
did somebody say runes?
there's very little opportunity for profit in serving the Legion. Why do you think there are no goblins there?
S-Source senpai?
Looks like Shia. But I'm not the poster.
What does Veeky Forums think about this?
So avatar of sargeras as Illidan confirmed for final boss?
I'm not getting anything like that. I've got Gul'Dan running to the eye of Aman'Thul and begging for extra power.
Check the difficulty, it's most likely a Mythic-only phase, just like Emperor Mar'gok (Cho'gall Surprise) and Archimonde (Nether portion of the fight) had in WoD.
>A dark, outwordly presence was filling Illidan's mortal shell
I'll bet it's either what said, or a Void Lord attempting to sneak out of the Void/Shadowlands.
Also, I'd love it if Illidan never actually returns, and Xe'ra was just an avatar of Kil'jaeden fucking with us and spying on our efforts.
Or the boy of Light and Shadow turns out to be Anduin he fits that description much better
What did he mean by this
Fuck, even Sylvanas fits the description better.
But it mentions its a boy so unless Sylvanas grew a dick im pretty sure that rules her out
t. Kosak
Where does it say "boy?" I remember the "child of light and shadow."
>Kosak memes
Would you prefer Illidan, who makes even less sense?
Of all the places to see an Eternal Darkness reference
Ikr? It keeps throwing me off.
Ok its the "I seek the child of light and shadow, the boy destined to end the age of demons."
Gaaaaay. This entire subplot is gaaaaaaay.
>just like Emperor Mar'gok (Cho'gall Surprise)
I like how the achievements for that fight spoil the fact that Cho'gall comes in
>slay Imperator Mar'gok in Highmaul
>complete the Imperator Mar'gok encounter in Highmaul on mythic difficulty
Difficulty was the first thing I checked, no otherworldy presence at all.
I desperately hope that Xe'ra is actually Kil'Jaeden, or just a dreadlord.
>I desperately hope that Xe'ra is actually Kil'Jaeden, or just a dreadlord.
Xe'ra is definitely N'zoth
This actually makes sense because the legion didn't lift a finger to get light's heart. They went full force at Exodar. Containing a Na'aru that could have told us that it was a fake.
Oh man that'd be great actually, hadn't even thought of it.
They both work, can't wait for none of them to be true.
>you'll never play a fully corrupted by N'Zoth character.
>you'll never have a sweet tentacle covered and multiples eyes skin present over your character skin
>you'll never be N'Zoth champion, tasked with breaking the leaders of Azeroth and corrupting them to serve the Old Gods
>no creepy voice in your head and weird UI modification to reflect this
Why even live ?
If you stay in void form long enough as a shadow priest you get tentacles growing on your body. You also hear voices and shiet from your dagger.
It's as close as you are going to get.
Ey wasn't that Old God-related boss spouting all sorts of shot about how the Pillars are a key and the 'Raven' would turn it?
>Oh man that'd be great actually, hadn't even thought of it.
Naaru turn into void beings on death
we shoved the rock that corruted Ysera into Xe'ra's brain
Xe'ra is a fucking Deviantart writer who's rewriting Illidan into a terrible Mary Sue
she's either N'zoth or a void creature intervening on his behalf
the best part is that being in void form makes you speak in gibberish. All those fucked up DBM callouts
>five keys to open the path Five torches to light our way
>the lord of ravens will turn the key
Time to level up a shadow Priest
"The consequences of Khadgar's actions will incite deadly consequences"
10/10 writing
Gul'dan has been backtraced, and Khadgar is calling the cyber police
consequences will never be the same
So if Arthas lost his soul before he became a death knight, then why is he being tortured in double hell?
also wasn't there stuff about his soul trying to hold back the scourge and make dumb ass plans to lose?
so why the fuck does sylvanas who does evil shit on the regular when she has a soul get redeemed if arthas who lost his soul before doing evil shit doesn't?
Also, why in the hell does everyone still blame someone who was literally not in control of his actions?
"So there are people literally mind controlling you and later literally stole your sole, leaving you just a rotting body for them to use their necromancy on, but its still all your fault."
And after all that fiasco, people still think orcs are cool and not total irredamable shits.
>FAZ-KA SHEJ'ASH Y'ITAQ OS'SYIEN LABUJ [Debuff that causes a shitton of raid wide damage when dispelled] OOGA BOOGA WHERE DA WHITE DRAENEI AT
>What's that, Jim? Mass dispell [Debuff that causes a shitton of raid wide damage when dispelled]? Sure thing, buddy!
>[Raid wiping intensifies]
>[Post-wipe recovery begins]
>Well, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to mass dispell [You know what]?
>Jim told me to, boss
>Oh, did he?
>Jim was expelled from the group
Arthas appologist fanboys are the worst.
As if shadowpriests are even allowed to raid with their current DPS.
A few possible explanations exist.
Option 1) Saronite captured the lost souls
Option 2) Sylvanus was halucinating nonsense because of the Saronite
Option 3) The Val'kyr created an illusion to weaken Sylvanus so she'd take them in and they could potentially control her.
Option 4) Arthas was being punished at least temporarily for the shit he did BEFORE turning.
Arthas, similar to other intelligent Scourge generals, isn't 100% mind controlled like a zombie. Getting his soul taken means he's under LK's influence, aka a voice in his head telling him to be evil against his better judgement. All the nasty shit he did: not healing Muradin, kill his dad, destroy his kingdom, elf genocide, were all suggested to him by the LK, but it's him making the decision to listen to these shitty ideas.
His story basically changed from him wanting power to protect his people to wanting power because he wants to be best king. It's never explained, but I think during the months of wandering in Northrend after killing Mal'ganis, Nerzul kinda meme'd him to the point where he thinks ruling over mindless undead subjects > living assholes that might disagree with you. That pretty much kickstarted his betrayal and him getting more and more evil to convince himself he's doing the right thing.
Double hell isn't real,it's just the Val'kyr fucking with Sylvannas so she accepts their deal.
Double hell isn't real? Wait, does this mean double heaven isn't real either??? DAMNIT.
Come on guys, dont give up on warcraft!
Would he approve of the Vyrkul?
>Implying Blizzard didn't give up after Cataclysm
>don't give up on Warcraft
You are years late, m8.
Few weeks ago, I wrote about Thori'belore/The Sunfury, belf spaceship/flying fortress players built in my Warcraft D&D game, and how they took it to Nothrend to destroy random Scourge shit left there (like Naxxramas and Icecrown Citadel) as a test run. Do you want to hear how that turned out, Veeky Forums?
Destroying Icecrown Citadel as a test run for anything sounds impressive. Go on user.
He was too awesome for Warcraft and the game started sinking after his demise.
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
Arthas 2016
Make Azeroth Great Again
>Old Gods indirectly creating the mortal races through the Curse of Flesh
>N'Zoth is locked away deep in the ocean
>Unsure. Could be various (Sylvanas, Jaina, any other female character who has lost something and is fueled now by REVENGE).
>Khagdar and what he's going to do here
>Magni Bronzebeard becoming a direct servant of Azeroth (the world-soul/future titan)
>Unknown, though possibly the Pillars of Creation. Apparently will help free N'Zoth?