-proper medieval edition.

For a little project of mine I need a reference for period-appropriate armaments that would've been found across western Europe (lets say: Poland, and everything to the left); lets say from 800-1199AD~ish. Obviously it doesn't need to be super exact, and a degree of anachronistic content indeed expected and acceptable, I'm just looking for those kinds of things; that kind of vibe.

One thing I do want is some weapons that were popular, but rarely seen in any sort of fiction. On this point I would like the suggestions to be more time appropriate.

Any and all arms & armor are welcome. I just wanted to take the OP to make a request.

I'll start with some example stuff, and just post whatever after.

Other urls found in this thread:

(I remembered the title this time)










Don't forget about the dangefs of spiked shields.

Here's a gauntlet-mounted spiked shield.



that kind of thing won't appear until the mid-late 16th century, maybe 17th


This thread has made me realize I have way more Normans than I thought I did...

> Bologna
> google?
> "Bologna is a place in Italy" that where it comes from?

No, that bloke just really likes ham.



Now from the Holy Romans to the Greek Romans


Who's Boot Is It Anyway?









"Consider the following"



For those wondering, these snug looking bastards are Carolingian Franks.




I feel silly for asking this but what term should I use to search for more round shields with painted swirls on them?

idk about swirls specifically.
Viking Shield will get you a fuck-ton of round shields; I mean round-shield will get you some interesting things too probably.


This site is a gem, containing uploaded medieval artwork of wargear. It's eye-opening to see in-period depictions rather than relying on modern drawings which can give a distorted view of things sometimes. It's archive really hits it's stride in the late-11th/early-12thC, although there is some earlier stuff.

>tfw you're actually posting from Bologna


time for list of weapons I have listed to include:
Short Sword, Sword, Longsword, 2H Sword
Short Spear, Spear, Long Spear
Billhook, Warscythe
Hand Axe, 2H Axe
Club, Spiked Club
Mace, Maul (2h)
Hand Flail, Flail
Small Shield, Heavy Shield
Dagger, Knife, Throwing Knife
Bow, Longbow
Bola, Chacram, Boomerang

Types of armor (not the pieces, but just the sorts).
Numbers are abstract proxies for my intent:
Bare Padding
> Protection:1
> Weight: 1
> Cost: 1
> Protection: 2
> Weight: 3
> Cost: 2
> Protection: 2
> Weight: 2
> Cost: 3
> Protection: 3
> Weight: 4
> Cost: 4
> Protection: 4
> Weight: 5
> Cost: 5
> Protection: 5
> Weight: 5
> Cost: 6

of course by Plate I mean more individual plates, and not suits of plates.

As I'm wanting to keep it late-Early Middle Ages, that's going to be the bulk of it I imagine. However, any outstanding armaments that were prevalent could be up for consideration, as I'd like to include as much variety as possible.