Were skimpy armors in RPGs a mistake? Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently? Or are they just "fun"?
Were skimpy armors in RPGs a mistake? Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently...
Who cares?
> Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently?
A speck of dust compared to the mudslide that we, fans and players of TG, throw into fantasy gaming's reputation every day.
>Were skimpy armors in RPGs a mistake?
I don't think that it was rpgs that came up with this.
I think bland art is the bigger mistake
> Were skimpy armors in RPGs a mistake?
Not a mistake. Also, existed before trpg.
> Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently?
It's not a taint.
1. RPGs didn't come up with bikini armor. That was standard for fantasy artists long before Old Man Gygax was even born.
2. If you care AT ALL about "the reputation of fantasy gaming", you are an incurable faggot and need to adult-age abort yourself.
3. For starting a thread like this, go fuck yourself. If you just want people to post bikini armor, type in your OP "bikini armor thread".
I just find them ugly if compared to a more complex armor.
That's the wrong way to spell filter
>Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently?
Why would you care ?
Scanty warriors were a staple of the early 1900's, with Robert Howard and Edgar Rice Burrough's protagonists simply being the most famous of the genre.
I find skimpy armor aesthetically pleasing.
No. And you're an idiot for caring or caring about the opinion of people who do.
Skimpy armor is fine.
Tattoos on the other hand...
>go to my sister's house
>my eight-year-old neice is into Yu-gi-oh
>"want to see my deck?"
>start flipping through the cards, have no idea what kind of strategy she's going for, since I havn't played Yu-gi-oh in close to two decades
>For a moment I thought it had some sort of Harpy lady combo, until I got near the end of the deck and realized what all the cards had in common
>my eight-year-old neice's deck was literally nothing but anime girls in tights and revealing clothes
It's cards she thought were pretty. I'm not sure if it means anything more than that.
She's gonna be a lesbian when she grows up and it's all anime's fault
They're just kind of tired and boring.
The only mistake/taint on RPGs is when devs cater to the three hundred pound no-life neckbeards instead of the otherwise normal people who like these games.
Right, the furries, otherkin, trannies, Leftists and freaks. The 'normal people'.
>the three hundred pound no-life neckbeards
>Right, the furries, otherkin, trannies, Leftists and freaks. The 'normal people'.
well we know which group you belong to
>tfw anime was a mistake
Skimpy armor is the best armor.
Anyone who disagrees is a faggot trying too hard to be "mature"
Trips of truth baby!
They're just FUN! There's nothing wrong with bikini-armors, its just some eye candy.
I prefer fighting women in regular armor for my fantasy settings, and save the cheesecake for magic-users. The only thing I don't like about bikini armor is that it doesn't make too much sense, but if your game is all about high fantasy and rule-of-cool then why not?
>This faggot doesn't rock a barbarian with enchanted tattoos.
>The fanged maw tells of his past glories to those who ask
>The body-wide tribal vine provides him with all the protection of a suit of fullplate, but at none of the weight.
>The various creatures impart either a portion of their powers, or in the case of the dragon and minotaur skulls, the ability to communicate in their language.
Personally not my thing, but I'm glad they exist because they piss off people who deserve to be pissed on.
>the reputation of fantasy gaming
Two nukes were not enough
I'm very happy with my skimpy armor.
dubs don't lie.
good lord.
If you actually care about what butthurt, feminazi cunts think about your RPG character, then hang up your sword and shield immediately AS WELL as your testicles. You won't be needing those, anymore.
Sometimes it's appropriate for the setting. Obvious examples are postapocalypse or iron-age settings (eg Conan, Darksun) where much useful armor doesn't exist, and conversely high-magic or legendary settings where magic/power replaces the need to wear clothing appropriate to the elements (eg Exalted, most superheros).
Othertimes it's inappropriate for the setting, and exists purely as magical-realm fetish bait. Mostly these are low-magic settings with non-perfect climates and easy access to appropriate clothing.
Remember though: modesty is a cultural artifact, and functioning magic distorts culture massively. If the Aztecs had conquered the world with blood-magic, the attitudes to walking around naked except for tattoos and jaguar blood might be similar to an open-carry license today. Legal depending on area, but probably unwelcome at parent-teacher night.
Skimpy armor is shit.
Armor that shows off your figure without sacrificing too much protection is situationally fine.
Skimpy clothes are hot.
Therefore, Warlocks and sorcerers are the hottest or have the potential to be the hottest.
PnP RPGs are not a visual medium. I don't believe I've ever read, in a serious sourcebook, a description of armor which explicitly mentioned "Oh BTW, this armor consists only of a chainmail G-string and steel plate nipple pasties" or whatever. Insofar as specific visual designs exist in RPGs at all, beyond what's explicitly mentioned in descriptions of premade content, it's in
> the minds of the players/GM, and how they imagine stuff
>Sourcebook art + promotional materials
The former is not something that anybody is really responsible for introducing, and as for the latter ... fantasy artists had been drawing skimpy armor since forever, because they liked it & that's what sold the pulp fiction the genre evolved from. (The writers didn't have much say in this; you don't really have a lot of communication with or control over the guy doing your cover art, and they don't have time to read your book.)
RPG sourcebooks generally don't even have that much art in them anyway, especially older ones.
tl;dr any discussion of specific visual aesthetics / outfit choices "in RPGs" isn't really about RPGs at all, but about what the players have on their minds and what the market for fantasy art looks like at the time.
Skimpy clothing is fine unless the setting is cold. Humans have gone naked or nearly naked for a long amount of time. Being naked or nearly naked is light and comfortable.
However, skimpy armor or high heels make no sense unless you're a gladiator who's putting on a show.
You can have warriors in skimpy clothing but combining it with armor makes no sense.
Where do you fucking think the national brain damage came from in the first place, genius?
And for that matter, the visual stuff inb the player's heads is also largely a function of how stuff tends to look in fantasy art + whatever visual media (TV, cartoons, comics, anime, videogames) they consume.
So 'skimpy armor' or any other specific visual-oriented aesthetic choice (Boobplate comes to mind) isn't really a thing
>"in RPGs".
They actually just mean it's a thing they find obnoxious
>"in the general sphere of fantasy art and media I'm familiar with, which I associate with RPGs because - since the generic RPG setting is some kind of vague fantasy kitchen-sink mishmash - therefore the vague fantasy kitchen-sink mishmash created by lumping all that media together must be the generic RPG setting."
I don't have the pictures tha show it but Japan's fuckery goes way before the radiation. There's Japanese paintings about stuff like a woman getting tentacle raped. The nukes aren't the reason for Japan's autism. It was self grown.
All hail the gypsy swordwitch, Schlikia!
Is plateskirt ZR impractical?
women love being sluts.
men love that women love being sluts.
its a win win for everyone.
the only people that hate skimpy armor are regressive leftists that subscribe to dworkinist feminism. and dworkin was proven wrong in everything she ever said.
Mfw when even the planets behind him have muscle definitions
I hate this picture because although it's obviously an ironic jab they forgot to choose an image without the fuckoff massive shield making most of those complaints moot.
>my face when when
I find a lot of people who want "Practical armor" seem to forget shields or helmets exist.
It's like they expect armor to work like a shirt and pants and aren't comfortable wearing anything else. It's not about protection, it's about modesty.
Case in point, this armor.
Is functionally identical to this armor. The only difference is one was made by a society that doesn't think women need to wear pants.
Well, there is some defensive advantage to heavy cloth, isn't there? And I honestly hope it rarely gets cold wherever she's fighting.
The author is spanish, so I assume some sort of southern European climate.
People from that region of the world ran around in skirts for thousands of years before they decided to switch to pants. If she was used to it, climate won't be a problem.
YOU have a hard time imagining people dressing like that because you've spent your entire life wearing pants. but somebody who's used to dressing like that won't have a problem.
here is a real world example of armor that is more skimpy than that.
she lives int he tropics
You don't even have to live in the tropics. You just have to not be a wimp.
I don't like skimpy armor because my players act like they should get a Charisma bonus for getting an AC bonus. Or that it should be lighter. You can flavor your armor however you want but it doesn't magically get better stats.
Sounds like your players are just munchkins.
It's fantasy. It can be whatever you want it to be. Fuck what other people think of it - if you think chainmail bikinis are the shit and have enough other people who can at least tolerate it in a game, then run with it. If you'd rather have "realistic" armor, do it. Both? Fuck it, why not? Neither? I said fucking DO IT.
People keep forgetting that "fantasy" isn't one big genre. It's an unfortunately large umbrella term that covers a lot of things. Who cares what outsiders think of it? Fantasy isn't made for them. RPGs weren't made for them. If they want an RPG suited to their tastes they can buy some rulebooks and dice and get to it like we had to.
Too many people think of fantasy as just one narrow definition, and too many people care about what the previous people think of their hobby.
Pic unrelated.
I have observed a correlation between the people who want their characters to be sexy, or like any variety of anime character, and munchkin assholes.
I've definitely had games that were more pulp altogether, and skimpy armor was just the only available armor, and that works. But I've never had someone inject it into a standard game who wasn't a shit in general. Just a correlation though.
You forgot your face.
Are you 12? You sound like you're 12.
Jill Ling Schlikia
>A speck of dust compared to the mudslide that we, fans and players of TG, throw into fantasy gaming's reputation every day.
i am not aware of any such thing. but then again i can't judge the situation in the USA.
low energy user has no confidence in bikini armor fighter's superior fighting skill to avoid hurt. bikini armor is a way to flaunt your skill.
t. urotsukidoji 2 fan
>the world works along clear and simple patterns
Why not just go with a cloth bikini, then? Seems cheaper and more comfortable.
Not as much bling.
Disgusting neckbeards were a mistake. Bikini armor is just a consequence of them.
fashion. documenting fighter status.
listen here shitlord. Fantasy is more about making whatever you want, It's MY escape. I won't have you misogynists ruin it for me with your fucking neck beards and small dicks getting hard over objectifying women in MY hobby.
why is revealing armor "misogyny"
or is misogyny just a euphemism for "i dont like thing"
no, it's MY escape, not yours. your wants and needs are worthless compared to mine.
that user is trolling/counter-trolling/triple-hungarian-reverse-trolling. Don't be the guy who thinks everything said on Veeky Forums is seriously believed.
It depends on whether your neice is a boy or a girl. If it's a boy, it's creepy/inappropriate/bad parenting. If it's a girl, then either it's fine or she gonna be a whore.
>whether your niece is a boy or a girl
Tbh, women wearing pants was the worst idea ever.
Living in your own little secluded island world will do that. Hell, it's probably half the reason Aussies are so fucked up.
Neither can I. But as this thread shows, fantasy gamers can be the worst propaganda to the hobby.
Thankfully, it's mostly confined to the digital world.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a good example either, growing up with a father which read frankstein-girl necrophilia comics, but he taught me to behave like a normal person when in public.
It was painfully obvious sarcasm you mentally challenged idiots.
>Tbh, wearing pants was the worst idea ever.
Heavy cloth is one of the fundamental parts of the armor, and it has definite defensive advantages, yes. A thick padded layer will stop most sword cuts and provide a large amount of cushioning. Despite what that user claims, the former armor is going to underperform compared to the latter because it has almost no padding between metal and skin, severely diminishing its protective value. A sword blow that would have been harmless will cause bruising, otherwise harmless grazes will now cause cuts, she'll get scratches and bruises from falling that will add up quickly, and that's not even getting into the complications that would result from a mace driving steel armor into bare flesh rather than padded clothn.
The balls hanging out pushes this firmly into the magical realm.
Or she could just, develop thicker skin due to spending more time outdoors with exposed skin.
There's a name for that family relationship with a boy. It's called a "nephew".
Why in all the world would you leave THAT exposed?
Revealing clothes lets the viewer judge a person's physical beauty easily. A good waist to hip radio, no scars or blemishes, just enough body fat to survive having a parasite grow inside her? This woman is valuable.
A full hairline, broad jaw, big strong hands and a stout back? This mas is valuable.
Disliking beauty says more about you than anything else. You're either not beautiful and trying to rationalize your lack of value trough nonsense "virtue", or you're ill and unable to recognize and cherish beauty markers because your body has given up on procreating.
And we know which group you belong to.
Pro tip: Never listen to women.
As a person who has gone bushwhacking in places with biting insects I disagree.
This image is a goddess, and its not from an RPG it's from a videogame called Smite. This is also outdated, the model was updated months ago.
It's much worse now.
that isn't how skin works. Skin does not literally become armor because you get it leathery and shit.
It's also Freya, a literal goddess of Beauty and Fertility.
So yes, the fuck goddess is wearing skimpy armor. Shocker.
I am personally of the opinion that armor is for the field or the dungeon, that skimpy outfits are for goofing off in town, and never the twain shall meet; but I don't particularly begrudge others their enjoyment of that sort of thing.
No, Who Cares, Yes
But where is Freya's big, meaty cock?
Pauldrons did far more damage to fantasy than chainmail bikinis.
Skimpy armor is fine. Hell I'm cool with just running into battle with naught but a smile.
High heels can get urethrally fucked with a cactus though.
This is a man who understands Smite.
>doesn't go into every fight literally balls out
How will you ever be hotblooded otherwise?
>functionally identical
lol ok buddy
yeah dude playing make believe with dice had such a great reputation before bikini armor lmfao