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This CYOA seems relevant now more than ever.
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This CYOA seems relevant now more than ever.
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I really should make another build but I'm not in the mood. I had a lot of fun with the RP.
>Looks in CYOA folder
>Scrolls past 4 half-finished CYOAs
>Posts someone else's instead
Maybe one day...
did someone say ERP?
>2Lewd girl
>Magical girl
>An itch
>Big sister
>Lax parents
I'm not hard to please~
I should make a new build too. But it's less fun without the RP. ;-(
I never did finish that short story. It just abruptly ended with user escaping from Those Beneath.
Right I remember that! I like the part with the wood elf waifu.
Sure, that'd be fun. But that really isn't the cyoa for it.
People always find a way. Remember the Whore of Babylon from this summer's RP? She got boinked by half the players to make magical babies. IIRC the last thing to happen in the story was Mars the Destroyer raping her.
To be fair Angelanon was being Angelanon and couldn't rp her way out of a paper bag.
You think so? I thought she was good actually, playing against type with a character from her usual perfect lesbian angel.
By the way RomanAnon promised a "surprise" related to Altering History. Where is it??
That feel, user... that feel, I know it all too well.
Instead of trying to rp a perfect lesbian angel, she's rp'ing a perfect lesbian Aztec goddess. The problem despite being a wise and all powerful goddess was she was gullible as fuck got tricked hard by that Coyote user and almost every player in the RP at least once, until she was pushed to a corner.
How deep in the archives can I dig to find something interesting to discuss?
I'm always up for RP, especially the ERP variant, but with a cyoa about immortality? That doesn't jingle my keys if you know what I'm saying.
The funny thing about AlterHistory's ERP was, it really was about sex for the sole purpose of procreation. The Whore of Babylon wanted a superpowered dynasty. So she got repeatedly impregnated by other Immortals with Descendants perks. So the ERP was part of the diplomatic and strategic RP. Eventually her family got so big other Immortals got scared she would wipe out baseline humans, and they tried to kill all Descendants... Fun times.
Oh and I think RomanAnon forcefully feminised and waifued Mars too.
>AlterHistory's ERP
When did this happen?
In July I think.
I need more info about this... For research purposes.
But what if I don't wanna be a girl?
How would the effect-stacking of the ? block count, if it can't be stacked (see cat bell, for one) ?
Or with the mega/mini mushroom? If I get two mega mushroom, one would become 20 times bigger or 100 times bigger?
I want power. Lots of power.
Care to give a synopsis?
You'll learn to like it :)
But there aren't any tiny middle eastern countries.
Qatar, Kuwait, Libanon? They arent micro states but they are pretty small.
room type: suburbia, with plenty of guest rooms for visitors and large common rooms for parties, a large gaming room and a theater in the basement
entrance method: touch me
physical items: sweet stuff, yum, normie station, gaming pc, Veeky Forums, lewd, Veeky Forums, /out/
companions: true love
abilities: be the girl, lesbify, redesign, very own soul, lasting effects, last resort, HQ, never let go, /d/ enchant, multiply, machine learning, size up size down
/out/ is set to an alien tropical island with a strange sky and oddly colored plants and fish with a perfect sandy lagoon just made for swimming and relaxing at the moment, but i plan to reseed it to other climates in the future, this is why i took standard suburbia instead of a more thematic house type
I think that it's really retarded to need TWO choices just to get all the sorts of food. Meanwhile Veeky Forums is completely worthless when you can already get fit with other choices, while something like a music room is sorely lacking and impossible to get in any other way.
Wow, I thought they were way bigger.
I already said what I was witness to at the time. I'm not sure how much of it happened on Veeky Forums itself.
It was part of the main RP started by Angel. RomanAnon was the main instigator of ERP, first trying to create a lewd lesbian utopia with Angel then being the first the impregnate the Babylonian goddess. And finally managing to turn the Destroyer into a harmless tsundere.
My favourite to read were the delicious impregnations by various players.
Nigga, Qatar is at the moment one of the most powerful countries in the world. It has one of the smallest populations and areas, but its gas money has made them (IIRC) the richest on average and definitely made the country rich beyond anyone's imaginations. What's truly scary, though, is that instead of going like the Emirates and using all the gas money to build endlessly taller skyscrapers, they've used it to FOUND AL JAZEERA, which is 100% a mouthpiece for Qatari political interests and has proven time and time again since its inception that it works frighteningly well.
It takes a bit of knowledge of the history and politics of the Middle East, but it would suffice to say that it's not exaggeration that whoever controls Al Jazeera controls the region, and could be said to control the Islamic world.
And it shows.
The Qatari are a fascinating case study (my thesis was about their influence on global media) because they're not just smarter than anyone's given them credit for - they're even smarter, and smart enough to take advantage of that. Until very recently, the prevailing image of Gulf states in America was that they're populated solely by Bedouin at worst or at best, by decadent and ignorant sheiks building private island.
The Qatari are scarily close to dominating large parts of the world, and they've managed this despite being a tiny country with a population smaller than some American suburbs (even including the ridiculous number of slaves owned by most actual Qatari citizens). I could go on for hours talking about how much and in what ways exactly.
TL;DR Qatar isn't insignificant, be scared of the Qatari.
Shit, accidentally deleted a paragraph. What I intended to write was:
>The Qatari are a fascinating case study (my thesis was about their influence on global media) because they're not just smarter than anyone's given them credit for - they're even smarter, and smart enough to take advantage of that. Until very recently, the prevailing image of Gulf states in America was that they're populated solely by Bedouin at worst or at best, by decadent and ignorant sheiks building private island.
>Nobody expected them to "play smart", and they certainly didn't expect them to play "nice". America was so scared of Kalashnikov wielding suicide bombers for so long that it never even SUSPECTED a Gulf country could endanger it in any other way.
I think user meant size wise, not influence wise.
Holy fuck, my dick is diamonds
pls finish this
It's dead. Only if someone would pick it up to finish, otherwise no.
>ywn create a lesbian paradise with Angel
Truly, living is the worst of all Hells
All I know is that buzzfeed lies if it fits a narrative. I don't know why they would want to lie about this but I know I don't trust them as a source.
It's just the quickest rundown of the information I've found on Google. I used to have all those papers on my computer talking about exactly what where is owed by the Qatari (especially by the Al Thani family), but really it was just to show that it's a whole lot and not where you'd expect. The thing about Qatari financial power is that people just have a hard time imagining its extent. They ALWAYS have that mental image of a sheik in sunglasses riding a camel. They don't think about them owning half of London, or massive amounts of real estate in Manhattan, or all the companies they owe by proxy.
>tfw you do your thesis about something and a month later you no longer know where any of the material is and barely remember anything about it
You have no idea how relieved I am that I'm not the only one.
Shell companies are a wonderful thing.
I wish I knew what I wanted to do with it.
Really? It just makes me cringe, hard.
>tfw someone asks you what your thesis was about and you're like "uhhhh... chemistry, I think"
There was a news article about a tech expo in Qatar this year, if I hadn't seen that Qatar would've been just a random ME name to me but camels correspond to WWI era and lawrence of Arabia in my mind.
It must suck to forget everything so fast, especially when you have to defend your thesis.
It tends to happen after a while, but a month? How DO you defend your thesis?
I'm assuming an amount of hyperbole is involved.
What CYOAs let me become a planeswalker and travel the multiverse?
>docteral student doesn't have his spirits and optimism snuffed out by the university bureaucracy, his debt and the whims of his tyrannical supervisors/handlers and can STILL speak in hyperboles.
Truly his will is unbreakable.
But you have to Jump too much. I want my power now!
I wish there was more goddess waifus in the cyoa.We need more goddessfus.
its time for me to pick the meta A for next cyoa's starting points
Becauseā¦ have you read it?
I read it just now and all I can think is "Oh God, did I really type that shit out? Oh God where's the eye bleach?"
Besides, being a girl is a far greater fantasy/fetish than being s pretend-girl
So for the Super CYOA last thread, was there a reason no one picked Kristian or Ouyang? Too underpowered, too boring?
IDK man, i found it really hot.
>being a real girl is better than being a pretend girl
Nah man. Being a forced trap is way more humiliating, plus you get to keep your penis.
Box is still best.
I don't think I'll get a boner to sissification ever again
I always pick male companions because waifus are a shit and women ruin everything.
Who was Kristian anyway?
Remember when CYOA used to mean things like the Lone Wolf series of books and not "make an arbitrary selection of choices written by autists with people problems"?
I just call them gamebooks. "Choose Your Own Adventure" is a specific series of gamebooks. I'm assuming it was the first one or something since the names became synonymous at one point.
I don't know what that means.
>Women ruin everything
Nam me 5 cyoas in which women ruined something.
I'm not just talking about CYOAs. I'm talking about everything. That includes CYOAs.
Okay, gonna try one more time to get in all possible timezones. I swear this is the last time for now.
I have a question for the Virtues user.
The question: What are all of the effects of a fully powered Aura of Purity from Chastity? I ask because the word etc hinted at more powers than what was listed.
Also, if Patience uses Calm to rile up a crowd into a frenzy, then would that denature his/her power? Because if so, that seems like a useless feature.
In addition, does Chastity's aura affect herself?
Wew laddy see: >tfw some of our namefags are girls and I'm not talking just about Angel.
A C) for me.
The werebear guy who was Norwegian.
Those still aren't making a series of arbitrary choices written by those with people problems.
Miracle. I'd spend my days traveling and helping anyone I come across. I wouldn't be able to save everyone, but I'd be able to do more than I can now.
You mean Bigby Wolf?
choose your own adventure
drawbacks bully F
boons youth
You mean Highlander?
Yeah basically. But bear not wolf.
Hey, I posted this in the /d/ and it feels appropriate to post it here, I'm making a yan cyoa.
It works like this, you choose a personality archetype (nerd, tomboy, slut, shut-in) and general details (hair, eyes, background, etc)
Then you get to the proper part, you pick 2 perks i.e she's a really good cook or has a cute laugh, but for every 2 you must pick a yan trait. So like 'She watches you sleep sometimes'. You can also pick 4 perks for one big trait, like 'She doesn't want you to leave the house without her' or 'She won't let either of you get a job'
So, what archetypes, backgrounds, traits, perks etc would you like to see?
>you keep your penis.
You write that like it's a positiveā¦