>A volley of arrows pierce your soft middle
This is what happens when you don't take the proper precautions.
>A volley of arrows pierce your soft middle
This is what happens when you don't take the proper precautions.
No they don't, because the armor's stats are independent of its coverage.
Tell that to Achilles
Don't volleys arc down from above?
Achilles isn't a roleplaying game character.
>Not using your Iron Body technique to have the arrows bounce harmlessly off your skin
Do you even Xia?
>not having enchanted boob plate
OP you dumbass that's a goddess. You can't kill those with fucking arrows.
>Implying longbows and crossbows can't penetrate plate armor.
>Not using a shield to block arrows.
Just add armor!
You got the wrong pic OP
That is not how bikini armour works, user.
>wearing armor
Judging by that picture, her "soft middle" is the toughest part of her body. Looks like the armor's actually weakening her. She should probably fight without.
oh look
Ironically, I cant see a single arrow in that picture that ISN'T going through a piece of armor.
>Callisto will never hogtie the poor peasant girl I'm courting and then rape me in front of her
>Post about fantasy armour not covering enough.
>Picture shows armour intercepted every shot. No exposed flesh touched.
Clearly the coverage isn't the issue here. It just needs to be tougher.
Boy I sure do love when dumb faggots come to bitch about Red Sonja not getting hurt when in the comics she gets stabbed roughly five times a fucking issue.
Batman did it with a gun. Same thing fundamentally
Why did Achiless even wear armor, if he was invincible? And he totally wore full armor that was later borrowed by Patroklos.
>Why did Achiless even wear armor, if he was invincible?
Did he actually know he was invincible? I can't remember if his mom ever told him what she did.
I think that's something you'd figure out about yourself really quick.
Honestly, what he should've done is just encased his foot in bronze.
Achilles being invincible was never really a thing that the old legends focused on. If you read the Illiad, you'd notice that a lot is made of him being an unbeatable fighter, but as far as I remember, there is zero mention in the text of him being physically invincible. If he was, then Hector would never have agreed to duel him in the first place.
Your fault for having a soft middle.
>his arrows can't penetrate shields
lmao baby dick faggots
I just started watching Xena on netflix. I should go back to that.
why didn't she just dip his ankle along with the rest of him? they never explained that.
She was holding him BY his ankle, so that the most of him would be dipped without letting go of him.
but why would that prevent her from just lowering him a few more inches? or dipping him a second time, feetfirst?
Do you want to have anything less than a firm grip on something you're dipping into the styx?
She probably only had one dip.
Because double dipping him would kill him.
>but why would that prevent her from just lowering him a few more inches? or dipping him a second time, feetfirst?
This is going to sound amazingly convoluted, but the entire story is just some bullshit to explain why humans have a debilitatingly vulnerable weakness on their ankles.
Status symbol. Well made, and thus expensive, armor served as a status symbol, and made him easily identifiable on the battlefield by the soldiers he commanded.
your hand doesn't suddenly lose all ability to hold anything because it gets wet. it would take like an additional 3/4ths of a second to attain total invulnerability forever.
Because that would be like putting her whole mouth in the bowl.
Yeah I always got the impression this was the case. Achilles was a big deal because he was their best fighter and general, not because he was Superman.
But she was dipping him in a river, not a bowl.
women can't rape.
It's incredibly annoying how the literal fan fic written way after Homer's oratory work became the common perception of Achilles. Achilles is not invincible, he's special because he's a god damned demigod and thus is able to destroy a hundred men in melee without threat, hack clean through cloth or bronze plate armor, and pose a big threat to entire garrisons. Doesn't mean that somebody can't get a lucky shot and manage to shoot him in the eye, or he faces off with another grand hero like Diomedes.
Achilles is a fictional character, therefore he is whatever anyone says he is.
This reasoning is retarded.
Just because a character isn't real doesn't mean a third party is justified in ruining that character.
Fictional characters don't exist, so they can't be ruined. All depictions of a fictional character exist simultaneously and independently. They don't affect each other.
"Longbows can pierce plate armor" is a dumb meme and I blame history channel.
He was supposed to have armor and weapons given to him by Ares, wasn't he?
Cheating, desu senpai.
Shouldn't we blame the British for overhyping it as their national weapon, effectively making it the katana of the occident?
Archaeological evidence shows they did. Arrows clean through armour, thigh, back of armour, horse barding, and into horse.
So does the written accounts of the battle of Agincourt.
Longbows were fucking powerful. Archaeological evidence of career archers showed that they were immensely strong, with the bows having upwards of 100lb pulls.
Armor? Certainly, especially the lower grade armor. Full plate? Dubious.
If you want a tl;dr: People wouldn't have worn armor past the lifespan of the longbow if the longbow made it obsolete.
>So does the written accounts of the battle of Agincourt.
Don't those also specify the exceptionally large number of knights that weren't killed by longbow fire?
Hey this is some high rank gear.
This is a 130 lb bow.
Now show me some of that ' archeological evidence'
For your textual evidence, Azincourt was won in the melee, the French were standing so close toghether that they could not fight, making them easy prey for the English knights and English archers (some armed with mallets) to capture and kill a lot of them in the melee.
> insides so knotted up in fear of the DM's sadistic streak that they redirect missiles like a level 16 monk
Is it true that Monkey King's staff can extend to any length he needs it to be for the task at hand?
It's the katana of the anglo. The only one I hear speak non stop about the fucking longbow are anglos.
He was just enough of a cunt to pass for one.
Hell, most character in Greek mythology were.
Except for Zeus, because there's being too much of a cunt.
What do you think?
>Tight, well-trained abs
Made for kissing! Why don't 3DPD bitches bother with significant exercise to build a solid, defined core?
>Having fuck all to do with exercise and not being purely diet
If you can see abs, you are below your healthy threshold for bodyfat, broski.
They are not some kind of mystery flesh hidden away by doing a miraculous number of crunches, set ups, and push-ups. Literally everybody has them. You want to see them? You need to start dipping into the low body fat range to the point that you starting to risk damaging organs.
They look neat, but they are not a sign of good health at all and it is pretty stupid that we let ourselves on the whole get duped into thinking they are.
>If you can see abs, you are below your healthy threshold for bodyfat
The more I learn about women, the angrier I get.
Don't worry, bro.
That body fat thing? It applies to men too.
>This is what happens when you don't take the proper precautions.
But none of the arrows are piercing her soft middle, so what you are really saying is that arrows swerve to hit bikini armour
Former skeleton speaking, I went down to 100 pounds as a 5'10" man(let) couple years ago and no point did I have clearly defined abs. Based on this personal experience I don't believe your hypothesis.
You become a god?
I think he's talking about women liking abs on men.
>Archaeological evidence of career archers showed that they were immensely strong, with the bows having upwards of 100lb pulls.
>100lb pulls
Son, the bare minimum would be an 140lbs pull. You'd get up to 200lbs.
Don't be a dipshit and take anything I say at face value.
Instead go read up on what people who know their shit are talking about.
It turns out they agree with me on this though.
>Skeleton with no clearly defined abs
That is because you didn't have stomach muscles, broski. You still need muscle for them to pop out and be clearly defined, but the fucked thing is that if you have muscles that would be able to pop out like that you are usually training pretty hard and the rest of your muscles are pretty toned as well. The diet you need from that training usually covers up those abs, so you must starve yourself to get rid of fat to make them pop.
You could take steroids out the ass. The vast, vast majority of models with well-defined abs just take steroids.
>If you can see abs, you are below your healthy threshold for bodyfat, broski.
Not at all true for men, men can remain fully healthy down to about 3% bf, which is almost impossible for anyone but a dedicated roiding psycho or starving Namibian to reach. Really cut abs start showing up around 8% bf. So this is a lie.
For women however, it's true that anything below approx. 13% bf is incredibly unhealthy, causing hormonal disturbances and shit, and even dipping down to touch 13% is asking for trouble. Women should optimally not stray below 20% bf for best health. However they'd still need to get down to 8% to start showing abs. So yeah, a woman with visible abs is unwholesome as fuck, that's true.
Women, on the whole are stupid about damn near everything, I have to remind myself that people can't seem to remember this concept.
If you have under 8% body fat then you are underfat and it isn't healthy for you in the long run.
Although I regret talking about abs here because this is more of a Veeky Forums topic and the janitors have been on point lately.
If you want to discuss it more, head over to Veeky Forums
>If you have under 8% body fat then you are underfat and it isn't healthy for you in the long run.
Again, not true. en.wikipedia.org
>If you want to discuss it more, head over to Veeky Forums
Fair point tho
Demigod, then demon, then angel, then reincarnate as your archrival's daughter
The last time I got pierced by a volley of arrows, I raged for an entire day and wrecked half a city with my bare hands.
You'd think the Shivatense army would learn not to use that against us, but noooooo, we gotta keep being retarded and provoking the literal wall of muscle and fists with things like arrow volleys, all because the wizard accidentally opened a gate to Jigoku-Gaté in the Silver Emperor's throne room.
>Post "armor"
>Derail into Veeky Forums
The best course of action, given the thread
>Son, the bare minimum would be an 140lbs pull. You'd get up to 200lbs.
I said 'upwards of', so I'm still technically correct.
In my defence, I was playing shadowrun and didn't have the time for a proper wikidive.
>I said 'upwards of', so I'm still technically correct.
Time for today's language lesson, user: "upwards of X" doesn't mean "X and up", it means "approaching and perhaps as much as X".
So no, you weren't technically correct. Also, your nerd desperation is showing and it would've been more graceful to just accept your mistake, as a general tip on how social situations work.
>Not putting all your shit on Fortitude or the system's equivalent from the start
How is it like being a puny mortal mush?
But user, that's an immortal demigod
A man can show a worked six-pack as high as 14%BF and be perfectly healthy as low as 6% where lazy abs start showing even if you don't work out.
Women are shit.
Only on a critical.
I was talking about puny shit OP who needs to cover their soft, fat belly to feel secure.
Why WOULDN'T you wear armor if you invincible?
Deceive your enemies into just thinking you got real awesome armor, or if your invulnerability fades, you got protection still.
and oh.
Also, wasn't the fact that it was his heel also added in later? I mean Achilles was shot with a fucking poisoned arrow MADE BY THE GODS, I'm really not sure it would have mattered where the fuck it hit him.
this is so not true, fictional characters exist in the perception of the collective minds of everyone, if someone so drastically changes a legend that the majority's view of a character suffers, the character is ruined.
thankfully nobody talks about the new Atticus Finch after Mockingbird got a sequel decades later.
Why are people so salty about this?
>not being a pim in a bitchin' plate
Do you even SWAG, faglord?
The Son of Denethor would like to have a word with you.
Hoo-hoo, boy, that irony.
i mark of 50 of my hitpoints and continue with the remaining 75 hitpoints as if nothing happened
you are only highlighting the deficiencies of rpg systems, user.
I suppose you're right. Getting shot is pretty bad for you, no matter what you're wearing.