What would be the medieval fantasy DnD equivalent to the USA?
What would be the medieval fantasy DnD equivalent to the USA?
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Lawful neutral empire with an extremely strong military that has its hooks in most places in the setting. Is better than any realistic alternative.
Space USA.
What would be a realistic alternative?
Generic human fantasy land with untamed badlands full of things with dark skin, ripe for killing.
Fantasy China or Russia fills the power vacuum.
What a pointless fucking question
Andoran Empire
Whichever realm is the most evil.
Orcs. They're violent and they're everywhere.
Baldurs gate its where the good guys live
A bit of all the other fantasy stereotypes held together by magitek and a countryside rife with the ancient curses of forgotten graveyards
Also a thriving bard culture
The Empire.
Not "An".
A young nation that destroyed a fae race and inhabits their forests, though some still survive.
They expelled the king's soldiers. The king tried to retake them unsuccessfully. Eventually the king allied with them instead.
They become more powerful, eventually overshadowing the king and gaining rivalries with other nations along the way.
They are powerful in magic and martial assets, even creating a magical boat that left their flag on another world. They are idealistic and consider themselves the good guys, but struggle with internal corruption.
We call you "Yankee devils" for a reason.
This. It was the point of it.
America is House Harkonnen, that's undeniable.
>using alignments
>it's an "American thinks his country is a shining light in the darkness and not just mildly less horrible than Russia, Germany or China shitting over everything and everyone" post.
Not sure one could exist. I don't mean that in a tech sense, so if you only care about Lady Liberty wielding a flail instead of a torch, have fun (that said, muskets aren't medieval, so is right out). And if you just mean medieval as "before the modern period," knock yourself out, though to clear up any confusion most everyone takes the medieval period to have ended in the 15th century as the Renaissance got into swing.
But the United States is based on post-medieval thought. I don't just mean in terms of it being a constitutional republic steeped in Enlightenement philosophy. Everything from its peculiar breed of foreign policy originating from Westphalian concepts of sovereignty to its citizens' almost fanatic devotion (at least nominally) to individualism and personal freedom is inseparable from philosophies utterly foreign to the medieval period. Put another way, if you take the US and remove everything post-medieval from it, what you have left won't seem very distinctly American.
Except the flag, I guess. It obeys the rules of heraldry.
All this is totally irrelevant unless you're really into recreating the zeitgeist of the medieval period, whatever that might entail. If you just want to have American knights and wizards spreading freedom through the lands and vanquishing monsters so you can set up military bases in their lairs, go do just that. It sounds like a hell of a good time.
tl;dr As in all things, the difficulty varies proportionally to your level of crippling autism.
>lawful neutral
yeah nope
neutral evil corporate society.
That is literally France.
seems like a combo of both
>Eagle symbols all over their clothes
>"nope totally not America what gave you that idea?"
That's actually explicitly Galt.
>medieval equivalent
>all this murika
>ignoring the natives as history intended
Literally a vast expanse of barbarian tribes without the means to unite under a single leader and zerg anyone out of anywhere.
Are you saying the Eagle is an American only symbol or something dude? Really? At most Andoran is how Americans want to see themselves, while they are more like Chelians (change demon worship for Corporations).
t. Edgy 13 Year Old
Andoran is pretty explicitly America F Yeah, the fact you dont want to believe that is more because of your cynicism and your attempts to make a political statement out of a fantasy game.
Which is mostly a you problem.
LN leaning LE societal structure, with TN leaning CN general populace. Heavier focus on mercantile strength than the surrounding countries, hybridized republic in name, but with power distribution closer to a plutocracy.
What the fuck is with all these attempts to cast detect alignment on a nation.
That's the massive oversimplification everyone bitches about paladins over.
I... I'm totally using that in a setting, but I'm gonna make them the bad guys and see if my friends figure it out.
>literally has Marianne on the cover
What is France?
Though the eagle is, aside from it's usage in the US, generally a symbol of imperial rule.
>Andoran is how Americans want to see themselves
>The fantasy nation is a fantasy
>It's like the french revolution
>but with spears and lances
england is a good place to look for inspiration, honestly. not many kingdoms would allow their peasantry to train to be longbowmen.
structure it as an elective monarchy. take regions of 3 or 4 states and use them as a general basis for a duchy within the kingdom. so you end up with 10-15 duchies.
make sure no duchy has any large numbers of retainers or standing armed forces; this allows for a royal army loyal to the crown, but not the person wearing it, with the constant threat of large scale militia action keeping everything in check.
I believe Gary said something to effect of "democratic societies are chaotic while lawful societies are more hierarchical"
t. teenage "Marxist
Seems legit though
Gygax was an idiot when it came to morality though.
I mean Cheliax is a lot more interesting than Andoran.
Well, when we're talking medieval fantasy DnD, his opinions about what alignments represent are probably worthwhile
The all human kingdom of my setting is basically Cold War era America. Super militarily advanced, has an arsenal of some of the most dangerous weapons and spells on the planet, and is eternally paranoid about and preparing for an invasion from the unified Orc tribes across the Shivering Seas.
They're also crazy xenophobic because of how late elves and dwarves showed up to an ancient war that broke apart the vastly more powerful human empire that came before the current nation 1000 years ago.
>america invented the eagle
kill yourself with due haste you subhuman retard
This is bullshit and I'm an American. America was founded by a bunch of Voltaire reading wig wearers and packs of drunken hill people.
America is neutral at best but most often chaotic. America tries to be good but often slips into neutral (and once or twice evil)
Balancing it all out, America is CG or CN
In medieval fantasy terms it would be a Confederacy of loosely aligned states and territories united under one banner for protection and mutual benefit who are so goddamn drunk and wild they can't have a king so they vote for a leader every few years just so they have someone to blame their problems on and yell at
>Implying paizo is clever enough to know an eagle symbolized anything else
Considering how similar the French and American revolutions were in terms of enlightenment ideals put to practice, and how close they were together, and how France and the USA have historically been best bros4lyfe (seriously, mid 1700's up until very recently we've been butt buddies), I'd say it's a mix of both.
>Are you saying the Eagle is an American only symbol or something dude?
More that it's the American national animal, alongside the bison. The French national animal is the Gallic Rooster.
>As in all things, the difficulty varies proportionally to your level of crippling autism.
Fuck. I need this quote on my wall.
See the same setting has Galt, which is the French revolution part of the setting. Andoran is just America. For fucks sake, there are EAGLES on everything.
>t. Chomsky
That depends in part on what era of American history you're talking about, but overall, you can't quite have it unless you start from:
>part of a kingdom rebels against the king
In a fantasy medieval context this is just likely to form another kingdom.
A kingdom with a 'magna carta' that looks like the constitution might look a bit more like America, but it's still not something easily translated into the context of a medieval fantasy game, unless democracy is already the norm, in which case it's not quite medieval.
Why are his gaiter buttons on the inside?
Anyone have a good source for Andoran art? I need some inspiration for that aesthetic.
Both of them at the time had an important significance in terms of "muh revolution" and "muh freedom", so it makes sense for it to be a mix of both.
Fuck even the symbolism was similar.
Came to post this.
That's literally Spain
>hfw face when BTFOd by some French faggot who's only doing this for a bag of hash
How so?
Breland is basically Freedomland in Eberron.
Not really medieval but Cygnar is almost literally (figuratively) America with some Brits thrown in
I mean their main opposing factions are Russians and Muslims
indigenous tribes
>so goddamn drunk and wild
From an outside perspective, Americans are sober as fuck.
>Look, I like elves. I even have some elves in my retinue. But when Darkwood sends its elves, they're not sending their best. They're bringing pipeweed. They're bringing lewdness. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good girls.
>That's why we need to build a wall! And we're going to make the elves pay for it!
God, how cringeworthy.
>From an outside perspective, Americans are sober as fuck.
maybe compared to Australians, lived in Asia and they considered Americans drunk-sluts.
>breed like rabbits
>violent as fuck societies
Are goblins fantasy Mexicans?
You mean star wars or WHBF?
Well, how does one make an American state without yanking the whole setting into the Early Modern period in the process, I think is what we're trying to ask for here?
Maybe like in the renaissance age? During the age piracy and exploration would work.
What I was trying to get at with that post is that it depends on how much you care about realism. If your whole point is just to have fun and nobody is going to get upset over some anachronistic philosophies, just have a happy little republic chugging alongside petty kingdoms.
What sort of things are quintessentially American? I'm a law student in the States, so my first thoughts are things like the Declaration and the First Amendment. There's nothing inherently wrong with incorporating those into a medievalesque fantasy setting, but I can imagine it denting the fourth wall a bit.
You might be able to combine some French Revolutionary overthrowing of the regime ancien with the American everything not going completely to shit thereafter to come up with a generic sort of revolutionary country.
French Republic.
I'm pretty sure we can agree it is a mix of revolutionary America and revolutionary France
A society of paladins that is slowly collapsing because they really bought into the orc baby meme hardcore about 50 years ago and now their cities are all overrun with grown ass orcs shitting everything up, but no one wants to admit they made a mistake so they don't do anything to fix it.
The Holy Roman Empire
>many disparate kingdoms that all hate each other, nominally united under a single federal government
>always at war with someone
>citizens are heavily armed wherever they go
>implying France, England, Scandinavians and literally everyone everywhere hasn't don't horrid evil things
Yeah okay
>Ever being a place of freedom
Watch those Microagressions m8
>Revolt for democracy
>Immediately descend into head-chopping tyranny
Frogs have never done freedom right or well. Cooking, sure. They can have cooking.
I think I remember one of these threads a while back, and we hammered out the idea that medieval fantasy USA would basically be Mongolia. Add in a high emphasis of personal freedom, the idea that everyone should be allowed to own a horse/bow, and elected officials, and you have medieval USA
Sounds pretty good actually. Maybe mix that with the Huns to add that American imperialism feel.
>t. Shitposters
Seriously though, I don't even know that I disagree with how you feel, but the obnoxious redundant shitposters makes you look like assholes so no one pays any attention to your point.
England. Its where we came from.
best way to do it would probably be to have it be set after the apocalypse in the actual North America, with Magic having returned in the centuries since the Great Cataclysm
Actually they are more Germans or Irish descendents than English, if you are white. If not Mexicans. So America should be more like the Aztecs and other messo-american states pre-Columbus, but fatter I guess.