What conspiracy theories can you shove into an "all the conspiracies were true" type setting that aren't as well known as the Illuminati or the Roswell incident?
Conspiracy Theories
My favorite will always be Catholicism conspiracies. Or the idea that the Catholic church's archives are not allowed to be touched because they know something we don't.
Flat Earth/Pond Earth/Concave Earth/combination of all three
Moon is a hologram
Our world is 200 years old, all of history is fake
UFOs are demons
"Inside the hollow Earth are aliens, Nazis, and the Lost Tribes of Israel"
Nazis colonized Antarctica, New Swabia
Nazi bases on the Moon
Sentient dinosaurs escaped into space before the Extinction Event, are now coming back
Deep Underground Military Bases (Dulce) connected via tunnels with glass trains
British send people into space they came back merged with mushrooms due to space radiation now it's a god that doesn't really do anything, it's stowed away on an underground base
If you're running a crazy conspiracy game online I wanna join
Bush did 911
Saddam Hussein Had A Stargate
The theory that the second Gulf War was waged in order to close a stargate owned by Saddam Hussein, thus preserving the ambitions of the New World Order and preventing an alien invasion of Earth
>Our world is 200 years old, all of history is fake
This genuinely interests me, what the shit?
Some widespread commodity you've been ensured won't end anytime soon and are generally encouraged to consume is actually fairly limited and running out.
Some widespread commodity you've been assured is intensely rare and expensive is infact quite common and artificially inflated by its sole owner.
A certain group or sub group is being arbitrarily kept down by a society design solely to do so.
The water supply is being doped to keep citizens pacified and controlled.
The leadership is dropping controlled chemical weapons to artificially keep the medical treatments and knowledge of such things tip top.
Life exists in places we've been assured it possibly couldn't exist in and is infact quite common but kept secret for some arbitrary reason.
Frankenstein was a retelling of actual events and the medical community has been lying out of its ass this whole time to keep the world from demanding immortality and causing the population from spiraling out of control. Why do you think it costs so much to go to medical school?
The 'monster' has had extensive plastic surgeries done to alter his appearance and now does guest lectures on philosophy at Seattle University.
No one alive can vouche for what happened outside of our lifetimes and the best we can do is know people that are at most (give or take) 100 years old who also at most (give or take) 100 years old.
Those first iteration people are in on it and raised the second iteration (your grand parents) with this belief who raised your parents to believe history who raised you as such and now we raise our kids like this.
Obviously its fake and theres trees and random artifacts around that easily disprove this.
Who know people who are also at most (give or take) 100 years old*
>Obviously its fake and theres trees and random artifacts around that easily disprove this.
"Planted by the conspiracy, duh."
>hurr people can't lie
yeah sure buddy, enjoy your genetically enhanced burger and fries milksake some more instead of post next time
...Please don't tell me you thought that was my genuine opinion on the matter. I even put it in quotation marks to indicate it was what a tinfoil hat guy might say.
Christ, how is this so hard?
Op of the theory.
Inflection and sarcasm are hard to do through text so hopefully the guys not a full idiot.
Anyway this does lead to a different theory.
Time Displaced Artifacts: things like bolts with machined threads encased in coal deposits and dug up in modern times or toothed metal gears doing complex calculations in coral that grew several centuries before even toothed gears were invented.
All possibly from highly advanced precursor civilizations that disappeared without any other hints or evidence.
The Finnish plot.
Black Dragon society.
The new international society.
Order of Assassins.
City of Tampere in general. Every single thing the city government tries to build is vehemently objected to because it clearly is a conspiracy by the city municipal, construction firms, the new world order, Sonera cellular service and the people of most boring Turku.
Pass the blunt, man.
>Time Displaced Artifacts: things like bolts with machined threads encased in coal deposits and dug up in modern times or toothed metal gears doing complex calculations in coral that grew several centuries before even toothed gears were invented.
>All possibly from highly advanced precursor civilizations that disappeared without any other hints or evidence.
Or CERN's illegal time travel experiments.
>they I could be serious when I said burgers and fries milksake
I was joking when I said burgers and fries milksake, I guess I didn't expect it to be a real thing in America and thought it was only hyperbole
Only I exist, you are all just how I perceive reality
The "uncanny valley" is not irrational, it was caused by monsters/animals/aliens that disguised themselves as humans. We had to learn the small differences between them and humans, this is why something that is so similiar to human face and body is more weird and repulsing then a fish, a monkey or a tiger
Hitler didn't commit suicide, he ran off to Argentina
In that case would they all be jellied?
>Some widespread commodity you've been ensured won't end anytime soon and are generally encouraged to consume is actually fairly limited and running out.
So, oil?
>Some widespread commodity you've been assured is intensely rare and expensive is infact quite common and artificially inflated by its sole owner.
Diamonds. The DeBeers cartel really does exist for the sole purpose of inflating the price of diamonds.
My favourite ones are:
>Roman Empire never collapsed
>Napoleonic Wars were a thermonuclear conflict
And there are some neat Russian ones:
>first men in space were sent by Stalin in 1930s. They never came back and everyone involved were gulag'd.
>Japanese forces that misteriously disappeared from Matua island have actually fled to the underground catacombs and sealed themselves along with a shitton of nazi gold
>Lenin was a German spy
>Some widespread commodity you've been assured is intensely rare and expensive is infact quite common and artificially inflated by its sole owner.
thats not a conspiracy theory, what is the dimond industray?
>Some widespread commodity you've been ensured won't end anytime soon and are generally encouraged to consume is actually fairly limited and running out.
polish conspiracy are best conspiracy
>every one is secretly plotting agents Poland because it is actual destined for greatness
>9/11 was a inside job, done by the Russians because reasons
>Hitler was controlled by the Jews, the holocaust actually happened on the poles, Hitler lost and the Jews had to cover it up and make themselves look like the victims
I forgot to add
(Sorta like diamonds) the diamond one and i suppose oil fits the bill though i was referencing coal reserves actuality versus the original report combined with China's sudden 400% increase in consumption.
>>Hitler was controlled by the Jews, the holocaust actually happened on the poles, Hitler lost and the Jews had to cover it up and make themselves look like the victims
The /pol/gularity
Have you ever personally conducted a test to prove the age of fossils?
Then I guess you can't know for sure
I want a setting where all the different conspiracy groups are real, and all fighting each other in secret wars. Is there anything like that?
Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Bilderbergers, Reptilians, Greys, Satanist Politician Cabals, any more I'm missing?
>The universe is actually a computer simulation, and whoever runs it enjoys watching us do dumb things
A good lead to an illuminati thing is Adam Weishaupt. Allegedly killed Washington before he took office for the second time and stole his identity, planting the newly founded illuminati in the U.S. from the getgo.
Check out the bottom of the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. See the letters, MDCCLXXVI? Roman numerals for 1776. Not the year our country was founded, which was 1787 when the Constitution was signed. But the year the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Weishaupt.
I don't actually believe in any of this, but it's a good hook to get your players brains working.
Over the Edge is less about real conspiracy theories and more about really bizarre made up ones, but it does do the "dozens of people are working behind the stages at all times and are all at each other's throats" better than any other game I've played. If you want more standard stuff, there's Conspiracy X (which covers a lot of the basics like greys, Majestic 12, cryptids and ghosts) or GURPS Illuminati.
>"Inside the hollow Earth are aliens, Nazis, and the lost trines of Israel"
I think I read a book series where this happened
HAARP can do anything, and has been going for a lot longer than we know
Morgellon's disease is real, it's an alien parasite that grows in humans, and when it reaches maturity it compels them to take a plane journey, leaves the body and begins producing chemtrails.
Black helicopters are spying on us, but they aren't a government project, dinosaurs evolved into them.
Wait, do you mean a milkshake that's actually burger and fries flavored?
Actually, I'm pretty sure I've seen that somewhere
And Dark Matter and GURPS Cabal.
Chinese people don't drive poorly/badly by accident.
It's a racial/civilizational plot to undermine the economies of other nations by increasing commute time and costing people valuable work hours.
I sincerely believe this by the way.
>Lenin was a German spy
That's not a conspiracy theory.
No one expected a communist revolution to happen in a nation largely bereft of both industrial laborers and the bourgeoisie, but eh.
Back up.
You know Bilderbergers is a real group and is 46% jewish controlled right?
That doesn't mean the rest of the conspiracy theory is right but they do hold a scary portion of everything.
Are mole-people still a conspiracy theory group?
Nah, they are bros.
The Greys made a deal with president Dwight D. Eisenhower that they would trade technology for a certain number of american citizens each year for study and food. These people are held in hidden FEMA camps located all over the continental United States and transported to the aliens living among us via hidden railway.
They made this deal to get one up on the reptilians who are also trying to harvest the human race, and the Poladians who are energy beings that are trying to wake up the human race to whats really going on. The Reptillians needs us because they are a slave race created by their Draconian masters out in space and left here after their war with the Anunnaki to try and shape human evolution for the Draconians. The Reptillians need us not only as a food source but as a means to throw off shackles of the Draconians and free themselves.
This is all a part of a secret shadow was between 11 separate alien races trying to control the Earth because it is a powerful node in a vast intergalactic leyline the supplies energy to all these races. It produces so much power because humans are the being in the galaxy with souls. That is why the Greys have been working so hard to create grey/human hybrid children. These are known as Indigo children, have vast untapped potential, and are the true New World Order that the Illuminati have been trying to bring about by manipulating the aliens. At a pre-appointed time all but the Indigo are going to be rounded up and executed by NWO Troops so the Indigo can gain control of those free floating souls, channel them into the intergalactic energy system, and set off a power surge that will wipe out the aliens not living on Earth along with most of the known universe. The Greys are in on it because they are also a slave race to higher aliens know as the Tall Whites.
If you believe certain ancap maniacs they believe that the Treaty of Westphalia that essentially created the modem concept of inviolable sovereign states was a conspiracy that successfully enslaved the entire human race.
The memes Jack, the memes!
Columbine was a result of MK Ultra conditioning going right. The government set it up so that they could turn School into a confined place students can't leave with armed guards walking around, a zero tolerance policy that punishes you for fighting back against an attacker, and a general air of mistrust between faculty and students.
This is so when a cop who's looking to meet his arrest quota throws you ass first into the prison-industrial complex you're more malleable and less likely to cause trouble because you've already been acclimatized to the conditions.
Look up the saga of Mel's Hole.
>Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove is great because it's just a bunch of rich dudes playing grab ass and pissing on trees. Richard Nixon went exactly once and described it as just about the faggiest things he'd ever seen.
>The Nazis have real, physical bases on the moon, which is a hologram
That's retarded but I want it so bad.
The base contains the machinery to project the hologram.
>Roman Empire never collapsed
>Napoleonic Wars were a thermonuclear conflict
I notice you keep spelling it milksake.
This makes me curious: is there milk flavored sake? Does milk with sake in it taste good? These are things I must know.
UFO's as demons would be pretty cool, the government releases some footage to the public to let them think it's aliens when in reality we're in a constant battle against the forces of hell
>all these blue pills not knowing our reality is an artificial one that only started recently and that most history was generated before self aware AIs were created by the system
>implying you can disprove this
Nah man, its not just UFOs. All aircraft are demons.
Either that or the base was established to study the alien machinery that projects it.
roswell was real brah...but to answer you..hollow earth is always cool. atlantis is a interesting one..basically how conan starts.
It is a hologram, but as Aryans are descended from a superior race of beings living inside the hollow Earth they can use an energy form called the Vril to make it solid.
>Roman Empire never collapsed
The Empire never ended, you mean.
Nick Bostrom pls go.
The Taman Shud case was a red herring dropped by the Australian Illuminati to distract the main branch of the Illuminati from their shadow war against the bunyips.
Every serial killer on the American continents since the 1950s was a result of MK Ultra.
The failed assassinations of Hitler were due to time travelers. Originally, at least one of them succeeded.
>Napoleonic Wars were a thermonuclear conflict
I'm going to need an explanation.
>>first men in space were sent by Stalin in 1930s. They never came back and everyone involved were gulag'd.
I also enjoyed that movie.
>>Napoleonic Wars were a thermonuclear conflict
Not so sure about that, but Arch of Covenant totally was a nuke.
Apparently Stalin had a plan to shoot cosmonauts into space in a modified V2 in the 1950's, but he died before he could try it out.
I'm sure that would have gone well.
Look up the wiki or a walkthrough of the "secret world" video game, that has the 'every conspiracy theory is true' theme down pat, even if the game itself isn't that popular.
Also, pic related.
Last Podcast is pretty great if you like serial killers or hearing one of the hosts go insane over the course of episodes as he keeps researching alien conspiracies.
I have a good conspiracy based on my old campaign:
Tuskunga Event was the result of Nikola Tesla's wireless electricity technology.
He accidentally found a way to harness electrons in an area, and collide them in such a manner that they can be blown up anywhere in the world and with the force of a nuclear blast.
He wasn't killed. He was whisked away by the Russian government and had ordered him to remake his device for use against the Americans.
In the year 2017, that device will soon be complete.
No, the Ark of the Covenant is what everyone was fighting about in Halo 3.
Welcome to nightvale podcast is a lot of fun.
>Getting Ark of the covenant and Arch of the covenant mixed up
Is it really still summer?
>Ark of the Covenant
God damn it all to hell, I never expected to feel this stupid about Halo of all things.
Jesus rose again. Yes.
But he didn't ascend to heaven.
He still walks among us. Ageless. Biding his time when he will unite the world again into one religion.
It sure sounds great on paper, but really, he just wants to bring about the biblical revelations and judge people before the coming of a global nuclear holocaust.
>British send people into space they came back merged with mushrooms due to space radiation now it's a god that doesn't really do anything, it's stowed away on an underground base
Supergod was pretty cool.
I mean, your pic has the best Example. Deus Ex does this amazingly.
Jesus has been living quietly in Japan since he trekked there after the Resurrection to spread the faith.
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Welp, I'ma roll SAN now.
Congratulations you've acquired a new psychosis please roll on the appropriate table.
>9/11 was a inside job, done by the Russians because reasons
Does one of those reasons happen to include how Russia attacking the us is an "inside" job? Legitimately curious to see the logic there
The plastic things at the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
Stevie Wonder isn't blind.
Hey, have you seen Stevie Wonder's new house?
neither has he
The playable characters are actually inside a role-playing game governed and created by an outerworld GM to keep his players alienated and out of control of the means of production. All NPCs are mind controlled by this entity and work against the players so that they may never discover this.
>The PC's are inside the Truman Show
Jajdjf kiajdjehia ixixkm qkw jrfozogk nwiw
Donald Trump is in cahoots with Hillary Clinton.
He's planning on throwing the race to guarantee Hillary gets elected.
>believing that lie
Don't you know that the aides of both campaigns have paid off their opposing sides to throw the election - both Hillary and Trump will fall, and Johnson will rise.
>What conspiracy theories can you shove into an "all the conspiracies were true" type setting that aren't as well known as the Illuminati or the Roswell incident?
There is a massive conspiracy to blame Jews for everything so attention is focused away from the real puppet masters.
See the truth lad.
Strawman. Off with your head, numale.
Wow. Thats actually quite concise....
>Roman Empire never collapsed
It says that the west is still ruled by old roman nobility that kept its power through allying with the church.
>Napoleonic Wars were a thermonuclear conflict
Extremely harsh winter that ended the Great Army in Russia was actually a nuclear winter. The great Moscow fire was one of the nukes.
There are a lot of conspiracies connected to nuclear weapons in the past. Some say that it was used during wars with Mongol-Tatar tribes, proving it with unusually shaped lakes in the Eastern European part of Russia.
Do you really think "countries" are real? They're not man, they're just lines on a map meant to keep us divided up and scared of one another.
Exactly. Now renounce your country and its borders and let us lead. Together we can be united in a common goal.
>not having madara puppeting obito puppeting madara puppeting obito in the middle
It was an inside job done by the American secrect services, but this plan was created by the mind-controlled head of the FBI, who is drugged and controlled by the Russians. It wasn't planes, it was explosive concrete that has always been a part of the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon since their construction, placed there by American workers, fooled by the CIA, under the control of another Russian mind controlled commander.
read it all, good shit and even gives ideas for running Kobolds and stuff like that, lol