This is Your Tactical Marine

This is a tactical marine from your chapter.
What does the rest of your chapter look like and how did he get like that?

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Okay, forreal, that mammoth shoulder pad is fucking baller; stealing that idea.

It's a way to get giant shoulder spikes and still use loyalist codex, I give you that.

unga bunga bolter

For a start, why is his bolter hand on backwards?

It's clearly a chapter recruited from a savage world at paleolithic tech levels. The Space Marines kidnap the strongest and best of the savages, forcibly uplift them with pyscho surgery implanting knowledge into them of military tactics and how to use their equipment. As far as the natives believe, they've died and gone onto the Afterlife where they serve the Emp-Rar in the stars, fighting wars against enemy tribes spirit gods.

The stone handaxe is one of many personal trinkets, relics of a previous simpler life. The bolter is not made of wood, thats just a finish meant to camouflage the weapon on the chapters wood and tundra homeworld.

They are called The Sabretigers, a motif based on the alpha predators of their recruitment world.


That's a really small mammoth.

The Chapter serfs breed these special, tiny mamoths in order to harvest their skulls for decorating the Chapter's bravest warriors.

How does he fit through doors?

Just smash through them.

>stone axe
>terrible case of megapauldronitis

Wipe these heretics out.

Ah a truly terrible disease, did you know that one of my battle brothers died as a result of it?

Yes we'd sent one of a our companies to investigate a sibling chapter of ours that had cut ties to everyone, when the company arrived it turned out that the chapter had fallen to the Enemy Within.

Then the Inquisition blew the planet up while our company was trying to eliminate source of the corruption on the ground.

This is your scout.

Yabba dabba doo.

>More well-equipped than the Space Marine with a wooden gun and stone axe.

Or is it a really big space marine?

The Tusks are removable, right?

the wood could just be a camo patterning on the bolter.

It's a relic wooden gun and a power stone axe.

Only black space marine in existence is supposed to be the super sneaky scout

The majority of what we know to be Homo Sapiens originated from Africa you dolt.

So Instead of bikes, do they ride Grox? or do their tanks have holes in the floor for the feet?

I know mate but you do know Blacks/African-Americans/Nig-Nogs are quite rare in 40k from what we know

The rest of my chapter is a dark Angels successor, light green and yellow with standard accoutrement. The marines shown are in 'honored ancestral garb', at which everyone initiated past neophyte sniggers incessantly. They are the Emperor's Trolls, and they think this is hilarious.

How does that have any bearing on 40k's demographics? All the black people got killed off apparently, since you never see any.

Even the salamanders are just caucasian giants with pitch black skin and no negroid features.

In my head canon, everything we see is an in-universe artist's rendering, and the artist(s) in question are subtly racist. Black and brown astartes, inquisitors, guardsmen, etc, exist, but the Imperium is implicitly biased against them. Just like real life!

My real-world interpretation is that the real world artists are real world subtly racist. Just like real life!

fair point to you...maybe it's to do with the fact that by M41 everyone in the Imperium is a of a pretty homogenised skin colour.

Sure there are probably worlds that have led to to the human animal falling back on what works, but over all everyone looks roughly the same.

The same is true of the Primachs that don't have a unique skin colour like Magnus or Vulkan the others all have roughly the same general skin tone.

Well the canon explanation for lack of black/asian/middle-eastern models is that a lot of those races got heavily fucked up during some wars and during the unification and so they went from being minorities to being almost non excistant

>subtly racist
On the offchance this isn't bait, have my only reply

You realise most of the people who make and create 40k live in a white environment and country, surrounded by white people and therefore draw what they know?
That isn't racist, it's just pragmatism.

In my head cannon, brown pigments are 1,2% more expensive than beige, resulting in the adepts never ordering them, so they can have a bit more lyophilized cake on Emperor's day party at the office instead.

I realize that, yeah, but that's the kind of subtle racism I mean. It's not malicious or intentional, but it's exclusionary. We're talking a setting that describes all of mankind in 38000 years, and it simply didn't occur to the authors to make that diverse in a realistic way because they live in a homogenous culture. Which is all well and good when your audience is a small subset of nerds in 1980's Britain, but it could've changed as their base broadened, and I'd like to see it more in the future. I'm not saying GW has a colorless only water fountain, but I am saying they should broaden their vision.

It's not pragmaticism, it's entirely understandable bias. You think GW is self aware enough to sit down and say "Our customers are probably mostly white, so let's make white characters." Fuck no. GW doesn't care about the consumer anywhere near enough for that. They are, however, mostly white, so they default to drawing folks like them (again, understandably) and so most of the characters are white.

That said a Cursed founding White Scars chapter inspired by black people might be cool.

Their curse...they get horrible motion sickness if they go too fast, this is linked to a fault in the development of their Lymans Ear, most notably it's ability to negate dizziness or motion sickness.

Doesn't affect it's ability to filter sounds though.


Random conventions
I think a interview with some writer at GW I saw on youtube?

Y'see, I hope that's either not true, or was established tongue-in-cheek. Cause if that's an earnest part of the lore, that's way worse than just drawing what you see around you. Cause that means someone was aware enough of the issue to come up with a reason for the universe to be whitewashed, but decided to support whitewashing the future instead of moving towards diversity.

it isn't true, don't worry. nowhere was that ever claimed.

I don't really see why it's much of an issue. Including minorities simply because they feel they have to is just going to result in ham handed tokenism and probably won't bring anything productive to the table.

Besides, Warhammer 40k was made by a bunch of White British males in the late 80s, so it's not surprising that it depicts white people more than anything else. It's just a byproduct of the culture they lived in, like how there's Indian people in Bollywood movies.

They still exist and hey theres still some prominent minorities
and really? well fuck... so laziness of modelers and writers then?

For you

>Only black space marine in existence is supposed to be the super sneaky scout
Celestial Lions

It isn't that big of an issue, to be honest. The setting is about 'grim darkness', and story-telling wise race is an ancillary issue. Hell, I think a retinue not being able to sanction an explicitly racist planetary governor for eliminating minorities on his planet because he isn't chaotic and gets his tithes paid, and the Imperium doesn't care about egalitarianism as long as the armies are at strength, could be an interesting and impactful story. It would only enforce the idea of a bleak, soulless bureaucracy. But that the creators don't include other races in official artwork is, even and perhaps especially if it doesn't impact anything plot-wise, a mistake that should be rectified.

>But that the creators don't include other races in official artwork is, even and perhaps especially if it doesn't impact anything plot-wise, a mistake that should be rectified.

Why is it a mistake not to randomly add minorities into artworks? Let's presume that it's depicting Ultramarines or something. The general presumption of most human inhabited 40k planets is that most of the planet's population is culturally and racially homogeneous. Since Ultramarines exclusively recruit from Ultramar and their other planets, it doesn't seem unreasonable that all of them would be white. If there were black populations on Ultramar, they probably got assimilated into the main population after a couple thousand years, presuming that the Imperium doesn't care about different ethnic groups and everyone follows the same culture.

Homogenous is fine. I get that argument. So have a majority Asian Militarum regiment. A black Sororitas convent. A Latino Astartes chapter (Crimson Fists are RIGHT THERE). As for mixed groups, we all accept that there are women in the guard, right? Let's see that. Let's see an Arab Inquisitor, his gangly Mongol cleric, and a furious Scotch Templar.

We've already got the White Scars, so we know it's doable.

>Let's see an Arab Inquisitor, his gangly Mongol cleric, and a furious Scotch Templar.
Well they wouldn't be straight up flat out from the countries you are suggesting, but you could have it so the Inquisitor was from Tallarn, however I'm not sure what planets you could corroborate Mongolia and Scotland to.

Mongolia would be Chogoris wouldn't it?

And it's a mistake because, while 40k depicts a far off future, it's fiction created here and now, and here and now it'd be nice to see some diversity in the setting. Broaden the base, expand the culture, make the players better people by having them see and empathize with the 'other' (the assumption being that the 40k audience is pretty white and insular itself). I dunno, all the reasons that diversity is good in the first place. It'd be a right move, is all.

Oh, and in-universe, we know that minorotoes exist, so why not have them represented? Seems like an oversight, doesn't it?

That could work. The is gonna be finding a suitably Scottish Templar and giving him a Power Claymore.

Tannith comes to mind. Or Drook IV.

Why not Sacris? It's the only world where Claymores are thing.

Fine with him until I saw the Hedgehog on his chest.
Seriously, Chaos Marines would just laugh this guy off the battlefield.


Only if you magnetize them.

Literally Storm Wardens.

The Space Marine chapter from Space!Scotland who use XBOXHUEG Claymores. Though, most aren't power weapons, they're just THAT big and heavy enough to function like one, iirc.

But they gotta go fast


>Basically Space wolves replacing the Viking with Caveman

Already better

Not really an oversight when it makes fundamental sense. Space Marines normally recruit from single worlds. Ergo, you won't see a Fenrisian White Scar because it doesn't make sense. You won't see an albino Salamander just to diversify the chapter. Diversity does not out weigh the importance of lore. Ever.

Although I don't know what that other user was talking about, as far as I am aware plenty of the old races still exist to the common man.

>A black Sororitas convent.

Ah yes, the adpetas gospel choir.

so you could say that this is a Sister Act?

what are their dreadnoughts like? and are we limited to exclusively age age inspired fauna?

Dammit, I remember these guys. Somebody start that thread up again, we need to finish that shit.

not purely to harvest, they can also serve as mounts and pack animals, mostly pack animals, riding them into battle isn't practical due to their lack of speed

You stole my idea, you fuck.

Whee, that's like 5 more guys.

Add in Jonah Orion and we have 7 in total now.

To ascend from scout status to proper marine you have to kill an adorable baby mammoth with your own bare hands.

He's from an early human colony that lost contact with the rest of civilization after cataclysmic event on the planet. Disconnected from wider humanity and with next to no supplies or technology available to them, those who survived did so by imitating their ancient ancestors.

Uncounted millennia later, Inquisitors heard reports of a planet of savages that they initially assumed could only be mutants. They were wrong, and although 'savage' was accurate description of their 'society', their undoubtedly pre-heresy legends still referred to 'The Emperor'.

Space Marines are recruited from the warrior cast of this shockingly primitive civilization. Their belief in the divinity of the Emperor is unshakable.

The Marines of this chapter believe that all Space Marines have become literal holy spirits - that they are literally angels - divine agents of the Emperor's will.

They cling to the primitive nature of their homeworld, seeing it as humanity's purest form, and believe the Emperor has willed them to remain in this primal state so that they may exert only the bloodiest, purest carnage upon the enemies of mankind.

Khayon's World Eater buddy in Talon of Horus was black I think.

now I'm imagining that they have caveman versions of other Imperial institutions on different continents, the planet has a nasty ork and genestealer infestation that the marines have managed to keep in check over the years, but never fully stomp, with newly established contact, guardsmen are recruited from the natives if they show prominence but not the obvious genetic affinities for becoming an astartes.

With established contact members of the ecclesiarchy come just to be safe and help organize the religion a bit, the temples clash against the stone and pelt villages visually but have integrated the artistic values of the natives, resulting in eventually natives to join the Schola and Sororitus to carry these primal values with them as well

the Mechanicus absolutely HATE these guys

>In a hobby where you can paint your own minis
They sell brown paint too you know.

They don't use fast attack, they're endurance hunters.

So what i'm getting from this is we need to make a non-/pol/ chapter of Brown/African Space Marines?

the reason there are no african featured space marines is because

1. GW is a british company and until recently, England was predominantly white and
2. As a result their sculpts were of white dudes and
3. making new sculpts JUST for black dudes would cost money, hence the pitch black but otherwise anglo Salamanders, etc.

4. It's the 41st millenium everyone has fucked into the same beige color


Black Cavemen may be a little on the nose.

Homo Erectus?
Early Homo Sapiens?
Cave People?
Old Marines?
Really really really old marines?

I'm not so much talking about the plastic. It's the official artwork that's undeniably super white. I could paint my codex, I suppose, but it'd get all squidgy. And My Dudes can be anything, sure, but that don't change what gets printed.
This is... You realize this is fiction, right? They can make up a chapter. They can make an Ultramarine successor that recruits from a predominately black world. It's not hard. The Celestial Lions had to be made up at some point (which is kind of a point in itself: why don't we have artwork of the Lions without helmets?). Hell, the Emperor isn't set in stone, cause he's not a real person. In the real world, there aren't reasons to not depict minorotoes in 40k beyond 'it comes from Britain and was made in the 80's', which are kinda thin arguments, considering GW now has a global reach and it's 2016.

>It's 2016
Yes, because the only thing keeping black people from playing warhammer is there aren't enough black people depicted.

>it's the current year
So should we have female space marines next?
How about gender fluid, pay sexual Sororitas?

Also there's no artwork of the celestial lions without helmets because there's barely any artwork to begin with. Same with black dragons, silver skulls and astral Knights. None of them are popular.

>do their tanks have holes in the floor for the feet?
chapter master : Furied Furinston

For y- for that mammoth, I mean

This is your devastator.

No bones along the barell of the weapon?

I would have set it up like they do when they disguise bipod guns in the middle east.

Instead of looking like a bipod rifle (or lascannon in this case), it looks like a rather crosseyed ginger cat.

Space wolf successors I assume?

Maybe, maybe there's another chapter in there as well?

White scars maybe? They have a decent amount of shamanic tradition too

Sounds good to me.


>What is bantus killing the primal peoples