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>>How to Jumpchain
I hate the plot so much, OP. I'm going to tear it down and build my own, better one in its place. And not even the meme shit with blackjack and hookers, I don't need that to make my plot better.
if I bring a Meseeks Box to Disboard, and summon/create a Meseeks to break the pledges, will I suffer the consequences, or will the meseeks?
Fun fact about DXD I just learned because of tvtropes.
Draig has the ability to 'make his attacks bypass any barrier'.
Issei names this power 'penetrate', and uses it on his eyes. Anime xray vision ensues.
That's pretty much what you'll be doing for Parts 2 and 3. Nothing as big as Abaddon's Crusades, but one of your own.
In other news... I think I'm going to try a new chain. A Redux version, an attempt at seeing what may change if I went down a different route. Depending on how it goes, I may end up making it my new main chain and cast the other one aside. It had become too... stagnant, I guess? It started to not really feel like 'me', it felt like someone else who had just been going along for momentum's sake. I'm not sure if it was the stigmas that had been attached to them, or how my projects had stagnated to simply being updated, or... something.
But I'm gonna try a new hand at it. A different way of how things went, and see if the TUMBLING DOWN that inevitably happens makes it more fun.
>not even the meme shit with blackjack and hookers, I don't need that to make my plot better.
Tell me about a time you liked the plot enough to get involved in it, but at the same time tried to avoid changing anything.
Yeah, Issei's one classy guy, alright. He's actually not that bad most of the time, he just really needs to learn better timing for his bouts of anime perversion.
Jumpers, what is the most epic way you have derailed a plot during one of your jumps?
>not having an episode of Japanese Maury with Arturia, Guinevere, Morgan Le Fay, Mordred, and Lancelot, along with one very confused Archer.
Meseeks would be unable to break the pledges, he'd end up creating more and more Meseeks and trying to dethrone Tet and abolish the pledges so he can die.
I forget who made it, but DXD got 'fuck this' said about it by the maker, right?
Did anyone ever claim it after that?
Strike-chan made it.
I believe, but don't take my word as gospel, that Strike did in fact reach a "fuck this" point and decide that someone else is allowed to take a crack at it if they think they can do better.
Strike-chan is on often enough that I'd try to check before you do anything, however.
No, because no one who knows it well enough to do it right wants to deal with that shitstorm
It was Strike that made it, and yes strike said fuck it and offered it up. I don't know if anyone claimed it.
This is actually my plan during the jump. To be completely flat so he can't talk to my tits.
I'm planning on derailing RE5 by replacing Uroubouros with some benign but vaguely lewd virus so that when Wesker claims responsibility for it he just looks like he's revealed his magical realm to everyone. But I can't think of a way to make it not super creepy to do in the first place.
It's the end result of thousands of years of life, really.
reposting for new thread
Avatar mainly.
>"vaguely lewd"
Please explain. Is it like "everyone is more attractive and looks 23 until they're 80" or full on "double everyone's libido 5ever"?
If you cure enough things at the same time I'm sure they'll appreciate the fact they no longer need viagra.
Considering Tet is an active force in his world, I'd bank on the Meseeks suffering first and then Tet personally arriving to slap your shit.
I thought it can fly through basically anywhere there's a temporal distortion already, even if the distortion was repaired or sealed away? So in Discworld if you don't want to be around for the Auditor invasion you can just fly to the point where Lobsang fixes everything.
In series like Billy & Mandy, Kim Possible, KND, Ben 10 and basically any cartoon with That Time Travel Episode you could tag along without having access to THEIR time machines. Bayonetta too, if you want to fuck with that little shit Loptr; just remember to bring your A-game. FF13 is apparently littered with temporal gates too, so you won't be needing them to get around to different eras.
You may also consider that in certain realities such as Exalted, 40K there are vast sections of existence (The Wyld/Beyond of Oramus, and the Warp respectively) which can be defined as extremely vast distortions of time. The best part is, the description seems to imply it otherwise works as per canon which might give you a shot at bypassing conventional dangers of time travel; this is a particularly big deal in Exalted because time travel normally doesn't exist, and it's heavily implied in Broken Winged Crane that the fact the King of the Primordials possesed this ability was a Big Deal.
I mailed Chuck an elaborate critique of his books. in the form of the annotated scripts of Supernatural's episodes. I highlighted sentences like "are you seriously going to just let the Leviathans run around without doing anything? Seriously" and "This is stupid. Death can't die" and "Your sister still hates you. Don't do this". And especially "I stopped this from happening, preventing a lot of unnecessary deaths. Don't thank me, just do us both a favor and overlook what I've requisitioned"
Well, that's the problem, I can't think of a way to do it that would be sufficiently embarassing for Wesker but wouldn't cross a line for my own morality. Like, it has to be something that Wesker would hate to have associated with him, but not something that I'd feel bad about inflicting on the populace. I might have to scrap the plan entirely.
maybe just increase dick/boob size to something silly?
...Hunger Games flashbacks.
Nah, I'd feel creepy doing that. I don't want it to be overtly sexual, just the sort of thing where you can tell that was definitely someone's fetish. Maybe give everyone fluffy tails, or something.
That'd actually ruin a lot of lives.
Well, alright, user. I look forward to seeing what you make. DxD is actually a pretty interesting setting for all the baggage it comes with (like many light novel series of the "harem action fantasy" genre, really), and I'd like to see your take on it.
Never hurts to repost a Kuuga webm either
Where can I get a memory eraser?
I forget, do people have anime hair in Resident Evil? If not, give them anime hair. And those ridiculous eybrows.
Remember Me. Messing with memories that jump's whole thing.
God, Kuuga rolled hardcore. Agito, too, and to a lesser extent, Ryuki and Faiz. They were a lot more permissive when it came to depicting violence, in those.
That was a joke.Mostly
Oh. Now I'm disappointed.
I ended up mostly following the plot in Undertale, though I did change it by giving it a happier ending (reviving Asriel and Chara).
I ended up fighting the Grimm Dragon as Kamen Rider SuperSonic, blitzing it before finally finishing it off with a Unlimited Colors finishing move. That put a dent in Cinder's plan, and ended up earning me a fearsome reputation. As well as Salem's attention. That didn't go so well for me.
why did he go from green to white when he pulled it out?
>a different route
I remember ages, AGES ago you talked about how at the dawn of jumpchain you were thinking of doing a super edgy chain about DARKNESS and stuff. Is this going to be something like that?
I think that accurately describes my current forays into Exalted. I have been VERY active, but the place is a goddamn landmine full of potential godslaying superweapons in human form.
So I've been making Changeling contracts with certain vested interests, to exploit causality and be able to create Gaia's version of Infernal Bastion somewhere convenient. But I'm using An Audience, My Lord to arrange one in relative privacy, while the other mainly involves working outside the reach of fate ninjas.
I've been engineering the terraforming of Shadowlands, a hostile takeover of the Guild and tried to make several Realm provinces actually nice places to live in-but only at many removes and through a series of contrived coincidences to give myself plausible deniability.
I've been learning all I can about Sorcery, mainly by using True Librarian to steal the Book of 3 Circles from Raksi through a hidden subspace nobody in Exalted even knows exists.
And I've been learning as much as I can about First Age engineering and the martial arts while conspiring with Mnemon to help her become the new empress, under the facade of being basically an eccentric party animal renaissance man. Once I had to dispose of a Craft: Genesis experiment REALLY quickly so I had to feed it to the Beasts of Resplendant Liquor. And for a week, something lik 20% of the Dynasty's magic heroin gave them a bad case of planets.
When Kuuga is injured, he reverts to a lesser state called Growth, if I remember right. In this form, he can't transform for two hours, and he's much weaker.
Would you still be disappointed if I said I was from SB?
Pegasus (Green form) can only be used for a limited time and its basically a sense+ reaction booster and then he has to revert to a weaker form
You can imagine why you wouldn't want to have super senses when a spear enters your body though
The white form is Growth Form, Kuuga's base form, though he uses Mighty Form (the red one) so much that it often appears that's the base. The idea there was that he was so injured that he didn't have enough energy to sustain Pegasus Form and had to revert to a weaker state.
Damn it, Growing, I meant, not Growth. I read and my mind mixed it up.
Is there a drawback limit?
Not particularly. I never had the knee-jerk reaction some anons have to Space Battles. Certainly there have been some really bad jumps originating from that site, but we've had some good ones, too. I'd wait to see what you had made before I passed judgement.
Harry Potter for other people. Gravity rush or mad men for yourself so you get something out of the experience.
I swear, all I was going to do in BSG was provide support and a lot of extra firepower. I'd only seen the miniseries and the first few episodes when I started the Jump, so there wasn't much I could do other than react in the first place.
I don't count saving those civilians that Interim President left behind. We were just barely able to cram them all aboard the Defiant even with the crew quarters being abandoned (slapped together a droid crew capable of running a Galactica-class battlestar in only seven months. I was rather proud of that.) and had to spread a few of them around the rest of the Fleet. So yeah, my only major change was adding a few thousand to that population whiteboard, along with a bigass ship and near a gross of Vipers I modified into yet more droids.
Think a Mk2 Viper body, with the cockpit gutted and replaced by the control systems, processors, memory, sensors, and programming of a Tachikoma.
So a bit more people and a bit more defense. Not too big a change, right?
Then the Pegasus arrived.
There was a lot of yelling, a few death threats, some actual deaths that I considered Justice but apparently were technically murder. By the end of it, the Defiant was a semi-independent "state" within the Fleet, where nature of the company and crew dictated that artificial organisms and robots be given the same rights as humans, including giving Pregnant!Boomer and SuicidalSix asylum. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever rescinded the order to shoot on sight any member of the Pegasus crew.
>Battlestar Defiant! Defiant to the last!
You asked about trying not to change anything. Never said we had to succeed.
/JC/, who is the silliest person you have made a magical girl?
(Silly as in 'oh god why', not as in a comic relief)
Give me a couple of days.
user who said Growth originally, was it Growing? I could have sworn it was Growth, and that the Rider Kick he performed in that form was called the Growing Kick.
I made Godzilla a magical girl. Since I am Godzilla. Erm, sort of, I took that copycat perk, and that made me Godzilla, so it counts.
It's not even thousands of years. It's just me looking at what could have been, and realizing I'm just sitting here stagnating because I don't want to do anything galaxy-ending or whatnot. I fully blame my playstyle, but when it's just at the point where my projects become a chore to update instead of figuring out how things synergize... I dunno. I felt I just need a breath of fresh air. Maybe see what happens if I see how things progress.
What? No, fuck no. That wouldn't be fun to me. This time around, it's setting Red up so that when demonhood hits like a truck, it's not going to be any truck. It will be Optimus Prime wielding Megatron, and the Benefactor will see just how Red reacts to this perfect storm of lost humanity.
...a very very very light variation, still normal-ish.
No, it's Growing and Growing Kick. Like how Mighty has the Mighty Kick.
>conspiring with Mnemon to help her become the new empress
Ah, I see. My apologies then, I did not mean to spread misinformation.
>Magical Girl-zilla
>Mahou Shoujo-jira
That. Sounds. Fabulous.
Its a close enough name at least, and it is just a name
No worries, friend. Minor thing, all considered. I'm just overly pedantic.
...I'm going to have to call this one a three-way tie for reasons that will soon become clear:
My Ravenloft doll. It just sort of sat there in its outfit, in a dark alley. Completely motionless. I meaningfully go to sleep-and wake up to the sound of a witch screaming her lungs out, yanked out of her own barrier. Surrounded by other mutilated Witches. And the doll, lying on a pile of their corpses. Did I mention I never found out where it got that knife it was holding?
Orochimaru. It started out as a prank but...he had FUN with it. He's always been interested in doing science to magic so he kept trying to ask other magical girls to get a look at their bodies. While being a grownass man. In a magical girl outfit.
The Necron Tomb Spyder. Because it somehow outfitted the scarabs it emitted with magical girl outfits of their own. So there's this giant robot bug in a badly-fitting magical girl outfit threatening to slip off blasting death metal as it flies through town, surrounded by a swarm of smaller metal bugs wearing magical girl outfits that somehow fit better.
Did I mention this was in Magical Girl Noir Quest? We didn't stand out as much as I feared.
Jump # 98 Generic Magical Girl Jump
Starting location: Small Town
Starting Age: 10
Gender: Female
Background: Innocent Newbie (50)
Theme: Magical Musical Idols
*Extra Allies X 2 (50 Free and Discount)
*Physical Boost (100)
*Basic Elemental Zap (100)
*Aggregate Impact Psychotherapy (150, Discount)
*Magic Purification Blast (300, Discount)
*Rich Family (0)
*Communicators (50, Discount)
*Item of Power (100, Discount)
*Lucky Charm (100)
*Weapon of Power (200)
*Hunted (+200)
So we were Magical Idols who fought servants of the elder gods hoping to use their twisted music to awaken the great old ones. We used the magical power of music to fight their evil and keep the old ones from awakening or subduing the old ones that do awaken.
A few of my more serious and cynical companions thought this world was stupid. Some embraced the roles to a frightening degree (Snowflame had a lot of fun).
I bumped in to Nyarlathotep again… sorry Nrayko as she likes me to call her. Ironically you would think she would be against us but really didn’t give a damn about the actions of the cultists or our actions for that matter. She just wanted my chocolate from 1984. I had no idea she had a sweet tooth.
We fought some descendants of the deep ones trying to Raise Dagon and Mother Hydra from their slumbers in the deep.
We also had to Contend with hunting down an ancient book of Songs that turned out to be this worlds version of the Necronomicon
Then we had to deal with a female pop idol version of Cthulhu who had awoken and her songs actually drew the souls out of the bodies of her listeners and consumed them.
(Te be continued)
I plan on going to the Minish Cap jump when it comes out, grabbing the HYA! perk (I think it's called Pure of Heart?) and then going to the Madoka jump, so that whenever a magical girl is about to give in to despair, I can give them an inspiring speech with a single roar.
>My parents think I'm a monster! Maybe...maybe I really am one...
>Thanks Magical Girl-zilla, that really made me feel better! ...it also made my ears bleed, but still, it's the thought that counts.
Eh, I should admit when I made a mistake, but thanks for being understanding.
Pic Related
Finalized WIP of Minish Cap in half an hour!
Nyarko actually was the one who suggested we use a song out of the Necronomicon to undo a period of time… It was tricky because by using it there was a chance of erasing ALL time and the universe. I managed to modify the song to make it safer and easier and we completed it tried to prevent Cthulhu from rising instead we just warped back to just as she had woken up.
We didn’t have enough energy left to be fighting Cthulhu so I challenged her to a singing completion without any magic or soul stealing. Being a proud Idol in this world she was sure there was no way she could lose so she agreed.
We both sang our hearts out I gave it my best and so did she and… I just barely beat her out. So Cthuhlu broke in to tears when she lost and I felt bad for making an elder god cry so I offered to let her absorb some of the energy from my MCU infinity Stone so she wouldn’t have to absorb the souls of humanity or go right back to sleep. She agreed. She actually stayed awake for a while and was rather nice when she wasn’t trying to eat the souls of all humanity.
jump when
>Ravenloft managed to invoke Defeat equals Friendship on Magic Idol Cthulhu
I have no words. Actually, I do have some: I'm proud of you.
Name a better candidate.
>Why don't you just overthrow the R-
Name a situation where a champion of overwhelming power usurped the pre-existing authorities that has ever ended well in Exalted.
I'm trying to reform it from the top-down but there's only so much I can do while being trapped in this gilded cage of magical crack cocaine, ridiculous dancing, doing my Dynastic duties (SHUT UP I'M IN DEEP COVER and them not being able to walk for weeks means less immediate rivals) and the occasional court incident, to keep the Sidereals from investigating someone who is CLEARLY the class dunce of House Mnemon. Mnemon will be the best kind of figurehead: The kind who I can convince to do what I want anyway i.e. rebuild the Realm into a functional social structure and take the first steps to reuniting the Solar and Terrestrial Exalted.
Thus distinguishing her legacy from her mother's, and delivering a giant fuck you to both the Scarlet Empress and the Sidereals who have tried to control her house through the Immaculate Faith. She gets what she's always wanted, I get someone I can trust to handle the Realm end of things while I retain enough standing and independence to attend to more unorthodox strategies when the other Exalted jumps are made. Everyone wins!
The Realm will be a very different place once I've worked out all the details. But it won't be rebuilt in a day.
To be fair, bringing back the Solar Deliberative wouldn't be a usurpation. More like reinstating the true government in exile.
As dead as Kuuko's VA
There is absolutely nothing that can go wrong with either of those.
Also, what's a Minish Cap?
Yay? Yay!
Got suggested I post this again when BC was over.
What kinds of items should the renegade's get?
>first steps to reuniting the Solar and Terrestrial Exalted.
Dude, they're not going to give up power, and beings innately superior aren't going to happily serve their inferiors.
Minish Cap is a preddy gud gba zelda game.
Gaunlet made a jump for it and it's almost done.
>Skreooonking people into Hope
>Like Kamen Rider Wizard but better, but without donuts
..you have made a terrible mistake. That /thing/ seeks only to remake men into the image of the Great Old Ones.
Don't listen to its' lies.
>giving Cthulhu access to an Infinity Stone
WHY. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN?! also Cthulhu's a Great Old One, elder gods are a different thing that oppose the Outer Gods
What do renegades do?
>tfw you want to help but know next to nothing about the setting
Sorry Blade I've got nothing. Looks nice so far though.
But ASA, the Great Old Ones are the most powerful and successful of all alien races in Lovecraft.
Well, Minish are tiny people that create magical objects and are invisible to adults and children. They're also pretty much one of the nicest fictional races ever, as they are absolutely delighted when they make people happy, and use the energy they gain from this to make them even happier, because they love them so much. Vaati is pretty much the only exception, and even he's only evil because the evil in man's heart corrupted him. Heck, the manga version even ended up being redeemed! Now, the caps are either Link's hat, who is actually a Minish that was turned into a cap by Vaati, or the cap Vaati wears that gives him his immense magical power. That aside, see here for the full details.
I think "in exile" is probably the wrong word for a government that has had every single member of it murdered.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is a pretty good Zelda game for the GBA. Has a lot of fun mechanics, with one of the centrals ones being shrinking down to interact with the inch-high "Minish" people. Some of the dungeons are incredibly tiny, and you have to go to Minish size to explore them. Makes for some cool set pieces, like the puzzle in the first dungeon where you have to enter a barrel and roll it around to access staircases through holes in the side. The boss of that dungeon is actually just an ordinary Chu, like the ones you've been slaughtering handily at full size.
Eh? I meant to also quote , as I made her into a funtional magical girl in my main Chain.
Seriously who ever harmed Frisk (Chara)?
>Sad Fate of not knowing Minish a Cute!
Fixed that for you Minish indeed a cute.
Understand that feel man...
ASA could you teach me how to fix Warhammer 40k for my Brighthammer mega project. I've got time I haven't even gone to Imperium Jump yet, so I've got the Drawback for that to lean on.
Adults and BAD children, sorry.
They are the group of races who decided that the ganglion were crappy bosses and joined humanity.
They include insectoid super scientists, samurai cat people, not quite cavemen, space amazons, and walking waste disposal units.
*unhappy BLADE noises*
dammit, now i'm curious as to what 'unhappy BLADE noises' actually sounds like.
"Indeed, 1000 Points. I forgot to put it in, but I'm waiting until I have more feedback to edit.
So far, ideas are for companion imports and of course fixing a few things with pricing (mostly fixing the 100 for wanderer as free and putting the drawback limit)"
Posting for eagerDigger since his computer isn't wanting to let him post for some reason.
I couldn't bring myself to hurt either of them. Frisk and Chara were both cutes, and I ended up giving them both happy lives along with Asriel. I also gave Chara and Asriel much needed therapy, and when it was time for me to leave I gave them all hugs goodbye. Frisk and Asriel told me to come back someday, and Chara pretty much told me that if I didn't, she'd find me and MAKE me come back.
Neat. I'll have to look into it once I get a gba. and figure out what that is.
In the meantime, have a build!
Jump 93: Mad Men
Alias: Jane Doe
Age: 22 (1058)
Sex: Female
User Friendly--regardless of complexity, can always make simple and intuitive interface
The Hobo Code--understand slang and signs and have respect of vagrants and such.
Manipulation of the Media--master at getting message out to public
Arm Candy--Major appearance buff
Poster Collection--Get a 60s style ad poster at end of Jumps
Business Cards--appropriate and professional business cards
Chocolate--can pull a Hershey bar out of pocket or thin air
Minibar--fully-stocked minibar, updates in new places. only mortal drinks and mixers.
Career Gal--get passed over for credit as others make passes at me.
Gotta be honest. I did this Jump entirely for the minibar and the sixties. Invent my favorite shot near two decades early and enjoy three of my favorite movies, two of my favorite television series, Woodstock, and everyone's favorite, the Apollo missions! Also crank calling Nixon. Make untraceable calls, passing every bit of security they can put together, to ask if he has Prince Albert in a can and such. Also, suppose I'll work as an analyst/file clerk/secretary or some such. No idea of the plot of the series, so play it all by ear and be entirely selfish.
I wish I could help you with that but, while I have watched some of it I don't think I am well versed enough to make a jump for it. Maybe you should make it, a few of my jumps were made just because I got tired of hoping someone else would do it.
Thank you.
Game Boy Advanced.
If you still have an ordinary old nintendo DS, then they go in the big slot in the bottom.
If you have a 3ds (or god forbid a 2ds), then you're shit outta luck.
ping pong emulate is probably your best solution. Actually finding a working copy of minish cap is tough.
I...don't have any of those.
I've got a computer. can I play the game boys on the computer?
You poor deprived soul.
With an Emulator, yes. Otherwise, doomed.
That you can. There's some very good Gba emulators available. Personally I use Visual Boy Advance.
Then it's just a matter of googling up the game itself.
you sure you don't mean depraved?
I'll look into those, then.
ROMs for an Emulator are okay and available on the interwebs.
Also here you go guys one last review before I put call Brutus.
You must use the ancient cyberware artifact known as Visull Al-bo'Iaid Vancius together with the Rommuh of legend to play the video games in the computers.
Depraved means you're morally corrupt or wicked, where as deprived means you suffer from a severe and damaging lack of something.
>not going to give up power
Who said anything about giving up power?
>being innately aren't going to happily serve their inferiors
Certainly, as long as they think of themselves as "innately superior".
See, I've set up a covert portal network throughout Creation, to rescue Solars on the verge of capture by the Wyld Hunt; easy enough to play that off as yet another Anathema trick. Using my aforementioned contract with Gaia, I've created a hidden valley full of networked manse-bastions in which I'm overseeing the training and education of the Solar Exalted-with the help of a what few Gold Faction members I've distantly contacted through Lytek as an intermediatery. It's sort of like a kung fu wizard night class, with portals to send them back to whatever they're currently working on when they're done.
This education includes me having printed out lots of Exalted PDFs and highlighted CERTAIN THINGS the Solar Deliberative did. Like the underworld rape-cave. And the Great Curse (eightfold secrecy enchantments, all the sublime interstices of incongruity I could nick from the Tapestry without suspicion; I'm not taking any chances but what they do outside the valley is their own business. Mostly.), as well as my cure. And Desus.
I am, in short, driving home the notion that the greatest lie the Ebon Dragon ever told was that he was Creation's greatest enemy.
I can't control the Solar Exalted.
But I CAN make them realise they need some measure of control.
That's more a statement about how awful the Lovecraft mythos is than anything, but technically you're not wrong.
About to go to lunch but I'd say the first thing you should address is a way to curtail the Warp's influence, and your definition of "fix" may vary. The Goddess Seal from Drakengard is a good start. Getting the Anti-Demon Wavelength from Soul Eater and searching Dark Souls, Evangelion & Demons' Souls for a way to replicate it is another.
Looks good to me though I think Vaati having to be redeemed before he can be taken as a companion shouldn't be a requirement. What if I want an evil sorcerer as a companion, huh?! I mean, I don't, but what if I did is the point here.
yes. Depraved. see above note about others confusing my Justice for murder.
or does that make them the depraved ones?
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
That depends. Do you kiss yours with that keyboard?
Lame comeback desu sempai