Would you play Rhodesia inspired only war campaign?
Guardsmen never die
What the fuck is up with this obsession with a failed state?
You made this because you say the Rhodie elves posted in /k/, didn't you?
It only failed because literally the entire world was against it.
That depends on whether or not it's /pol/ tier "inspiration." Then again, if it's introduced as "Rhodesia-inspired" I'm not sure I'd believe it isn't.
No, it failed because whites were a tiny minority that lost all sympathy because of a war of terror and unjustifiable violence against the blacks.
There are non racist reasons to like Rhodesia (It was a counter insurgency utopia) but it's hard to talk about them without attracting the racists.
>counter-insurgency utopia
So, good place for security contractors and PMCs.
And literally no one else.
a bloo bloo bloo
read a book motherfucker
Just look at today's Zimbabwe, tbqh famalabongbong.
That's a failed state.
And that could be a really good only war campaign.
Sympathy is entirely subjective and based on who you talk to, and when.
It's also a pretty shitty metric to begin with, people were sympathetic for the French terror attacks yet literally nothing changed because of them.
Just sage the thread.
It's basically a beacon for /pol/acks.
Tell me about Rhodesia, Veeky Forums, i'm curious now. I'd ask /pol/ or Veeky Forums but...well...you know.
/k/ could talk for days about Rhodesia.
all summed up in one little image.
Originally it was a british colony above South Africa. Rhodesia declared independence in the 70s, but Britain was pursuing a policy called NIBMAR, which pretty much said 'unless it's run by african blacks you can't have it'.
Essentially, the non pol, and non liberal view is that Rhodesia was conquered by british colonials during while british worked on empire, and then declared independence that was segregated and white-run and white-ruled. The rest of the world didn't like this and refused to recognize them.
After a bunch of civil wars and white people fleeing Rhodesia in droves the white-run government gave up teh ghost in the late 70s and turned it over to the full population, which promptly became zimbabwe and went to shit.
Here you go, a good summary.
Ask /k/.
Good taste in raifus.
Anyways, a Rhodie-themed 40k campaign sounds like a hell of a time. Would you be fighting commie-themed Chaos cultists?
>Guardsmen never die
Except they do, faggot. They just don't surrender.
>white Rhodesian woman
>That figure
Doesn't take a guy into female knight x Orc doujins to know where this is going.
Nope, there's just a few pictures of curvy Rhodie operators by some pixiv artist.
It's probably for the best.
>That last panel
Is she disappointed or just surprised? Was she being tsuntsun all along?
Little bit of both.
That's the joke.
Bushmen of Serica?
The way I've been told it all happened was that Ian Smith or whatever his name was didn't wanna end apartheid and turn the power over to the black majority straight away like it had been done elsewere resulting is numerous failed states falling apart the second the white upperclass left and too almost all of the expert knowledge with them. His plan was to do it gradually to make sure the blacks were up to the task. The UK says that it has to happend RIGHT NOW or else, and pretty much everyone else takes the UKs stance, including the eastern bloc because they're all about that communist revolution, in the end even SA joins in. So the Rhodies dig in their heels and try to take on the whole world. Of course it doesn't last and in the end the rest of the world gets what it wants. A corrupt dictator who has no problem with systematic genocide and torture gets to run the whole country into the ground and what was the bread basked out Africa is struggling with famine.
Anyway, that's the version I've been fed. Cecil Rhodes was still a dumb greedy cunt.
Ok I did some of my own research and while these images more or less add up they're also a simplification of things. To say Ian Smith was a little racist was an understatement. While the separatists had their hearts in the right place it was tied up into the old system of segregation which had a lot of people pissed. Sins of the father coming back to plague innocent people of today. Rhodesia was an unfortunate collateral to that problem which had plagued the rest of Africa, as, had segregation and domination not been previous policy then the rest of Africa wouldn't have been full of militarized white hating lunatics, nor would colonial regime have had the reputation it did.
Rhodesia did get fucked over, by everyone, but the leaders of the initial separatist government were protecting their own privileged interests as much as anything else.
The UK took this stance because, like colonialism, it was inevitable it would end and it would be better for all involved if it was somewhat amicable rather than a racial civil war which left everyone bitter. The white minorities couldn't take on the entire African continent.
They definitely could. How do you think they conquered those territories to begin with?
Imagine a world where Africa was occupied by a white settler /majority/. Tell me that's not obviously better than the world today.
Like I said, it was the version I had been fed.
From the research I've done myself a good while back, mostly related to the creation of Rhodesia, it seems like it could have been avoided if Cecil Rhodes hadn't been a greedy cunt, supporting the pro apartheid guys in South Africa to gain support for his hostile takeover of other colonial mining territories and also starting the Boer wars pretty much single handedly.
Ha, no they couldn't.
I stopped reading after that.
>I stopped reading after that.
No you didn't, you stupid fuck. Why even say such a pretentious thing?
Fine I did read it but I couldn't be arsed to reply.
Yes it probably would be better, but that's all pie in the sky because it was not a workable solution. You have to work with the hand you're dealt.
It's only an unworkable solution if you're too much of a moral coward to accept the right calls.
I had a friend from Zimbabwe and he buried plenty of his mates before moving to the UK.
Suffice to say he didn't like blacks, but even he knew sometimes you have to put the gun down.
>The white minorities couldn't take on the entire African continent.
Not like they'd have too. Pan-Africanism is a pipe dream, and a scenario involving a unified black Africa against whites is insanely unlikely. Not like the Rhodesian military was entirely white either, or look an modern day Namibia, where a good chunk of the black population would prefer keeping whites around because they have seen what kind of shitholes other countries turned into.
Not advocating for apartheid, but a western backed white population would keep Africa in line if they really wanted to.
>it would be better for all involved if it was somewhat amicable rather than a racial civil war which left everyone bitter.
And I'm sure everything is amicable and happy in South Africa?
They kind of did for a decade at least.
>moral coward
Terry Goodkind shouldn't you be writing more terrible literature?
>The white minorities couldn't take on the entire African continent.
Now the white minorities just have to deal with Africans in Europe, last I checked Sweden was doing a really good job at that.
This, this is the problem. 'Africa' is not a country, it's a continent. An extremely divided one, ethnically and religiously. Calling someone African is the same as calling them "European". What part of Europe motherfucker?
They could have and should have. Shit was fucked up and needed to end, but by bowing out and pretty much dropping the responsibility we got the inhospitable shithole called "Africa" today. You don't dump all rights and responsibilities on kids, education and socialization exist for a reason.
I'm not convinced that going slower could have produced a worse outcome than what actually happened.
Post-mass media white people have the attention span of a gnat and no sense of patience, as they're constantly bombarded by images of "native suffering" on a daily basis when the plans call for change happening over decades.
When you see a sad pair of big black eyes staring at you on the TV screen and say something needs to be done NOW, you demand something gets done NOW.
>American racial issues being worse than Rhodesian racial issues
lol fukkin wut
Probably true in the 1960s. Probably true even now desu since dindus actively try to make it an issue.
>When you see a sad pair of big black eyes staring at you on the TV screen and say something needs to be done NOW, you demand something gets done NOW.
No, I think most people ignore it and are annoyed that their sportsball is being interrupted for this bullshit.
Majority opinions in pretty much every country oppose foreign aid and "humanitarian intervention". The reason Bill did nothing about Rwanda is because he correctly assessed the public's attitude towards the issue.
In the 60s? Definitely.
>Taking the title literally
>They just don't surrender.
Except they do, faggot.
Yes. Horse mounted light infantry with lasguns set to maximum, I would play the hell out of that.
Call it the Saive-pattern, after the chief designer of the FAL.
>Men and boys fought, killed, and died in the tens of thousands so autistic manchildren could photoshop anime girls over them
What a world we live in
Shit like pic related is literally 'photoshopping Rainbow Dash into a holocaust photo was the only way I could feel remorse for the victims' tier
How does this sound?
Selous Scouts
Regiment Classification
>Imperial Guard Regiment
Recruitment Criteria
>All Male (or at least mostly male)
Nature of Recruitment
>Elite Tithe
Home World
>Death World
Home World Predominant Terrain
Regiment Core Units
>Light Infantry
Loyalty Rating
Special Equipment
>Specialized lasgun pattern
Regiment Creed
>For the Homeworld
Regiment Friends
>Adeptus Mechanicus
Regiment Enemies
>Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
Probably Tau
As if Western big businesses are exempt from turning tragedy into something that downplays/demeans it
Wouldn't it be more accurate if they were fighting Tau proxy empires?
I don't know what you're talking about m8, BF1 is pretty fun.
I need that animu girl. Anyone have the pic she's from?
Here you go
Thanks, mate.
>Except they do, faggot.
No they don't. Do you even know what the mot de Cambronne means? They LITERALLY never surrendered. Not even once. And yet Americans will remember them as surrender monkeys.
That's his point: BF1 makes the worst slaughters of WW1 look like a fucking fun playhouse (and let's not forget that they entirely forgot about the meatgrinder known as Verdun or the horrors of the Eastern Front). They downplay it, dishonor the memories of the dead by depicting it as a fun shooty game.
You can either accept this or criticize this, but you can't give this a free pass and criticize cute anime girls at the same time. Personally, because I'm not a butthurt hypocrite, I accept there is such a thing as artistic license. Cute anime girls were never supposed to be an accurate representation of historical events or people, they're merely loosely based on them. In that regards BF1, with its pretenses of realism, is actually more insulting. But still not so insulting that it hurts my sensitive little butthole.
Nah, that'd be the French commemoration "ceremony" where a bunch of kids ran over the graves of dead soldiers.
tl;dr: Lrn2consistency
You're a terrible, worthless sack of shit, but no matter how true this is, or how much I despise you, you will like the things you like and dislike the things you dislike.
Have some fucking sense and recognize that other people, with vastly superior tastes, also have things they enjoy, and that your anger is utterly wasted in a pathetic and humiliating fashion.
>Guardsmen don't die.
>They just go to the Warp to regroup.
Literally Veeky Forums the post.
Somebody cap it!
Closest we came was playing a not-Boer mounted light infantry regiment. Scouring the infinite plains of some ork infested argi-word with nothing but out lasguns, our binoculars and our space-horses.
oh, and the serfs that managed the fresh space-horses, cooked dinner and managed our equipment, but they don't count.
Make the enemy genestealer cults.
Read some books
>Graves of dead soldiers
Last time I checked soldiers did not sleep in coffins underground
>you dont make Graves for the living
More than one kind of guardsmen, user.
Cambronne later invalidated the " LA GARDE MEURT MAIS NE SE REND PAS ", and the mot de Cambronne, because he surrendered, and that they didn't die.
>merde indeed