Infinity General - Defuse the bomb edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli that I'm tempted to start, but I can't stand its current attempts to destroy Europe.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

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>al'hawwa gets a motorcycle

In this day of OP's repeating digits we are all blessed, brothers

I'm looking at the old Kum Bikers and the base size called for by their Silhouette, and wondering what I'm going to fill that vast expanse of base with.

I'd be more impressed if it was my number, 22, but I'll take it.

Let's break some ice, who do you think had the worst or most unnecessary resculpt?

The Domaru from the now-retired YJ Starter was just fine, and even fits with the new Domaru, but was retired anyway.

Scale of weaponry worries me very little, as Infinity is sufficiently advanced and militarized that rifle furniture will be sized to the user.

I dislike the new Croc Man. Previous one looked less like a Fusilier in a body glove.

It's hard to point out bad resculpts, CB is doing a fantastic job on that front recently. Having said that, I'm not totally convinced of the new garuda model; the old one still looks nice apart from the arm-integrated weapons, and the new turbine reactor looks a bit silly (if they updated the profile with something like superjump, on the other hand...)
Not a bad model though.

>most unnecessary

I wish they made a djabanza with sniper rifle in the same pose as the one from the starter. That model and the hanzakut, made me want to start up infinity.

So what's your next purchase going to be? I'm getting that Red Fury Pheasant Rank not many like the head of.

I wish there was a separate new box of Celestial Guard.

Oh no, I forgot to fill my Official Infinity Mug with the tears of my enemy.

I like the new Domaru...

Yeah, the Domaru are mad cunts.

I recently went on a bit of a spending spree and got the following:
Ghulam SWC box
Haqqislam Support box
Odalisque box

Think I'll pick up the remotes next or Bashi Bazouk/Yuan Yuan to expand the Qapu Khalqi side of things.

Kanren's already lined up for an order, followed by a Kuang Shi box in the future. Babby's first steps into ISS.
Also tempted to buy the yaokong remote box but they (together with most other faction basic remotes) look terribly outdated.

At least it's not the Steel Phallus emblem, I'm cool with that. Also a metal mug is an incredibly shitty way to store a beverage.

I thought the same way, but after looking on Angel's facebook page, I realized CB just put up awful shots of it. It actually looks pretty cool in his photos.


Looks like an Imperial Agent. Year of Yu Jing indeed.

It was speculated to be a Crane agent and this new silhouette does in fact look appropriate (floating coat, a hint of braid). Maybe the multirifle profile?
I'd really like it, too bad I won't be spending $50 or what was it for the Angel book, I don't even have an airbrush and never paint using the studio scheme.

Hey user, how are those Angry Asawira coming along?

Black Friar. I have to wait for the next shipment because only 20 were shipped to my country in this wave and one asshole that doesn't even play PanO bought FIVE.

Angel's instructions are great for air brushers but I've gotten the same info from years of white dwarf magazines and I use a brush..

Cool stuff but I'm not sold at all.

The oversized, duplicated, daft helmeted Domaru?

In God's name, why?

His book is about as expensive as a modern white dwarf, lol.

Daily reminder that Haqqislam are filthy apostates and should be shot.

>And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.

its $10??? O_o'

I get the feeling this guy goes out of his way to be an asshole.
He organizes "noob friendly" tournaments (like Limited Insertion + Mercs allowed) with ITS scenarios like Quadrant Control, Frontline or Annihilation and then comes in with a Marut + Scarface list. Or tends to "forget" that Diomedes does not in fact have BS14 or that Martial Arts do not give the model Multiterrain.
He's part of the reason why I actually stay away from local Infinity community.

Can you move under terrain? I have some terrain like pipes that was off the ground, but not enough that a model can get under them. Can you just duck them like you can clear low walls and barriers?

I don't think there is a rule. Technically prone models have S0, so they could, but I dunno about running under low obstacles as you can over ones. It's kind of an unusual terrain setup.

You can go prone to go under it, if you can, if you can't fit through it with the silhouette itself than you can't move through it. At least, that's how I remember the answer to that question being on the forum.

And Jesus said that a male wearing his hair long shames his father. Even religious practice still exists in societal contexts.

Tempted to start Haqq but can't stand Islam for its current attempts at destroying the world.

It's not a very good book.

I'll be passing on it this time around. Not worth it in the slightest.

Where did he say that lmao?

Bla indeed.

totally getting it, if it's half as good as the LE Joan it'll be awesome

Last time I answered that here half of the thread dogpiled me for apparently having the wrongest taste in the known universe, so no.

new domaru a shit

I' beginning to think the manga mini might be Knauf.

The backstory of Haqqislam is literally all the silent moderate elements of Islam getting fed up with all the extremist elements. However, InfinityTurboISIS was obviously stronger militarily than them, so they spread into the stars. Though they've still got crazies in there, notably the Hassassins.

Hassassins are basically r/ atheism.

I think it was in one of the Apostles' letters, not straight from Jesus.

Sage because off-topic

>sage doesn't work
I've been away loner than I thought.

I actually just recieved Djanbazans, and ordered Mavericks and fem Pheasant. I'm really looking forward to Pilots, that fem Bashi Bazouk, and Govad HMG.

So, a new model of fine, cheap HI that can have duo, stealth and shotgun range CC, and can plow themself throught punchbags and TAGs alike are somehow unnecessary now?

>the badass, perfect, fullmetall samurai domaru.

git fucked corpokuk

Don't feed the Troll.

You know you're replying to stale bait, right?

>yet they still practice all the worse aspects they supposedly 'left behind'

Maybe it should be painted green with red as a secondary colour instead?

Base coats and sloppy front arcs on ready for my game this weekend. I think when I get washes and highlights on here, this scheme will look solid. First time painting sci fi anything and I'm digging it.

Decent tabletop quality already, aside from the base.

White Dwarf is $10? What a rip off.

Low quality bait.
Don't you have some goats to fuck, raghead?

I came in here just to post this because I remembered her eyes were wonky as fuck.

Are you in Santa Cruz? I feel like I've seen this Morat in person.

Your basecoats are solid, clean, and smooth. Well done duder. This is the time to start adding highlights and/or washes if you want to put in that much work.

said the base isn't "decent tabletop quality" and it could look at bit better. I'd give it a wash to make it look less flat and give it a light drybrush of the color its supposed to be.

He's looking good.

The models are just oversized and have ugly ass helmets that spoil them. If they weren't a faulty CAD design they'd be better. Stats have fuck all to do with it.

Besides which, Keisotsu are a far more important sculpt to get re-done. The current ones are butt ugly, and pretty much all JSA players need them.

how does this work with doctors. Would that mean that all doctors who take care of females or children, would either have to be castrated or be females themself?

Bro, I have a strange feeling I may know that dude, or a dude that does identical stuff.

If you want something realy lol worthy then. Masturbation is sin, but two dudes wacking each other off, is a medical procedure, if there are no women. It is not homo.

Oh bible you so crazy
is that from new testament or old?

hi Veeky Forums,

PanO newbie here. should I bother with Akalis commandos? my group is just starting out and they wanna do 200 pts. trying to figure out a good build to run, without killing the meta in its infancy.

I really like the idea of combat jumping troopers, but I don't know how valid they are. especially after looking at the mechanics of the jump.
should I always get a hacker to assist the jump?
what's the best use of the Akalis? should I grab a Spitfire or just go the suicide trooper route with a Boarding Shotgun?
is there a point of using more than one drop trooper, or should I forget about them altogether?

>Should I Akali.
Yea, they're good.

>Assist the jump.
If you like, you're playing PanO anyway so if you're bringing along HI or robutts (you should be) you'll probably want 1 anyway.

>Best use.
HAcker/Shottie/Spitfire drop into a good position (preferably behind someone or otherwise outside their LoS) and start wrecking face.

Depends on how you play. A lot of people will say 1 is enough for PanO becuase you want to have enough orders to jam into your kill melting HI. 2 Can be sneaky though, a lot of players also like doing a jump and setting up a unexpected crossfire killzone.

I heard in N2 Kamau hackers were great, but I haven't heard a mention of them since.
what do you use nowadays? do you just bring some cheap hacker to spam supportware and exorcise your TAGs, or are assault hackers a valid asset in PanO?

what's your stance on Bagh-Mari? are they good line troopers for setting up ARO shooting? mimetism make it sound like they could survive a lot of shooting.
is it a good idea of bringing a bunch of mimetism/TO camo/ODD models to up my general survivability, or is it better to bring just cheap fodder and invest in a couple HI and TAGs?

They're alright. No frills drop troops with good shooting skills.

>should I always get a hacker to assist the jump?
If you can. Half the time if you're using a combi or spitfire you'll want to walk the dude on using airborne infiltration because it takes the risk away completely.

>what's the best use of the Akalis?
The spitfire is a good secondary killy unit for you to pump orders into, the hacker is a good specialist and HI/TAG/REM stopper, the shotgun is good for cheaply murdering a bunch of backline troops before dying, and the often overlooked combi rifle can set up suppressive fire in a very inconvenient location to slow down the opponent's next turn. The E/Mitter might be okay for making the combi rifle more versatile against big dudes, I guess.

>is there a point of using more than one drop trooper
There can be, but I wouldn't use more than 1 at 200 points or more than 2 at 300 points. They don't provide orders until they're deployed on the table, so too many can leave you order starved in the early game.



sword in a earth grip

Do Filipino martial arts the only time we ever do earth grip is with a dagger.FFFFFf

I just noticed the CA symbol o_O


Oh shit nigga. I might not be as disapointed with Toni being the ALIVE thing if she is now a CA unit.

>2 “Toni is dead” Pins.
>And 2 ALIVE Pins.

Gee CB, I really wonder how things are gonna turn out for poor Toni!

>PanO get their very own Ko Dali
Noice. As a dirty alien I support this.

I might be ok with that just for the off-chance we may see an Odysseus 2.0 vs Sepsitorized Odysseus. That would be glorious.


Other than being fragile order monkey, i'll never find them anything more relevant than duo samuro m8. But i played more vanilla recently so frak it.

And the helmet thingie are more of personal taste, being autism about them is largely irrelevant.


Dude, its been a HI's thing for a while, and they are on the same size with Red Veil and general N3 HIs right now....

Where.... me not notice good

On the pauldron. Not sure what the words around it say, looks like the first one could be 'Toni'.

It's the Tikbalang emblem guys

It's way too triangular to be the Tik emblem.

It's not the same as

I play at mythic when I can, I think I'm the only Morat player there currently.

It's probably specific to Toni.

That will be pretty disappointing if all ALIVE turns out to be is "Toni is back, she's fine guys".

I completely agree. What a waste.

Six-sided. The CA symbol has five.

I think you are the only moray guy (at least until the manager goes sectorial sometime)

Dude paint up Kornak. He's sick!

oh come on, there's Toni's tik emblem encircling the final E in ALIVE. Really subtle.

But more importantly
>that Shang Ji patch
could this be the first step towards the Invincible Army? Why is it there? What does it mean? TELL ME ALL YOU KNOW GUYS

Hacking was fundamentally changed. Usually a Fusilier hacker is enough, but for a drop troop list Evo Mulebot is great. As for Bagh-Mari, it's better to take them as a link in ASA. They are a bit too costly for cheerleaders. Sniper BM is Ace tho.

I would be ashamed of a long haired son.

Anyone going to the Brooklyn Brawl?

Yeah its a shame.

What would you want it to be?

No, it's literally been admitted that the Domaru are unintentionally massive. Like, the CAD files were printed too big.

Something new. Preferably Exrah, but anything beyond "oh no this unit is dead lol jk she's back" would be better. Nothing has changed. I expected very little and I'm still disappointed, this is just a return to the status quo of half a year ago.

Hopefully new Toni won't make the new Tik worthless like she did the old one. Who knows, maybe she'll be interesting mechanically. That would be nice.

Get a haircut you hippie!

And how are we supposed to know? It's not like anybody ran Tiks until the profile change. That's like not knowing the new Shang Ji emblem :P

I'd even be happy with just the profile being move to the CA. I'd probably never use it though.

Some monster aspect that was part of Toni's sepsitorised mind could be cool though.

TG, I love my monsteru.

Eduardo is just an arm swap. Who'd have known.

I'm quite disapointed in that...

why not release a box with two Tikbalangs or one Tikbalang with arm options? Makes more sense than a combo box with two different tags

> I'm really just butthurt cause I want an Uhlan and not the Tikbalang..