Drawbacks Edition: Tell me about your commanders/cards in the 99 with downsides.


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, I can't build any single God because of their "drawback" because I apparently need my generals to be able to chump block.

Dralnu is pure value.
He's magnificent.
I should build a deck around him again

And here I thought that having a creature as commander is a drawback. Still, Mogis is great

Horey shit, French is now a 20 life format!

Anyone got any spicy tech for this guy?
Was thinking about running him with the new kaladesh cards like servos, thropters and vehicles, with a hint of voltron.

No one cares. Make your own containment thread.

You care enough to answer.

I care about those wasted numbers. 4s because 40 life FUCK YOU

How much commander damage?

And, that also just makes every single timmy durdle-till-turn-5 deck useless. I don't think I'll ever play french.

I got the new Chandra, should I try to put her in my Xenagos deck or should I try to sell her before the price drops?

>Still, Mogis is great
Yes, yes he is. I finished that RB goodstuff deck I was brewing a while ago, and whip of erebos is underrated, particularly with Heartless Hidestugu. Also, this happened.

>gratuitous violence is on my field
>play Hidestugu with whip of erebos out
>deals double half the damage on a tap, gains me life equal to damage dealt
>I have 29 life
>my opponents have 58, 24, 32 life respectively
>my life gets rounded down, I survive with 1 life, my opponents all die, and I gain life equal to the total sum of their life totals
Man Oloro was mad after that.

you really think anyone will follow that rule? no one gives a shit what rules are different between french and normal edh. They could've changed the life total to 150 and the card count to 10 and people are still just going to sit down and play edh like they always have

I doubt there exists such thing in french.

what do you think she'd be doing in a Xenagos deck?

Sell it. Right now it's either as valuable as it will ever be, or as cost effective as it will ever be. Either way, the supply is way lower than the demand, sell it.

Also, Chandra doesn't really do a lot in Xenagos if that's the only place you're using it. Daretti might be a good spot to stash it, but in Xenagos there are better options for ramp unless you're building some weird stax thing.

>>How much commander damage?
Still 21. Because you know, Karlov is now a thing.

>And, that also just makes every single timmy durdle-till-turn-5 deck useless.
Probably, yeah. Doesn't mean you won't be casting Ugins/Emrakuls/Ulamogs or whatnot, but you need more answers now.

On the other hand, my dream of Nin Counter-Burn with a Kiki combo package and Fevered Visions just became true.


So french EDH is just EDH, except no commander damage and half as much life. I guess it's going to turn into infect: the format, unless infect already has 20 counters or some such nonsense.

I don't really understand what you're going on about. Yes, no one plays french but weirdos, but no, if they radically changed all the rules people would probably play it to test it out.

>Still 21. Because you know, Karlov is now a thing.
Wut? That's ridiculous. At least now I have a way of making fun of people who play french.

Also, you're right, now Red is a thing. Purpheros, if he isn't already banned, is going to be banned very quickly. Also, weird life-saving shenanigans like Phyrexian Unlife are going to become more popular, and Mill, outside of combos, isn't going to be a thing.

Aside from few autists, you're right. Still, few people play french because of the banlist.

>Wut? That's ridiculous.
Not really. But again, we've only started testing since yesterday's announcement, so there may be rule changes. And I doubt Purphoros is going to be banned, Narset Burn can swing and burn you from 20 to 0 super fucking fast (while still being a control deck).

>Yes, no one plays french but weirdos
Lots of people actually. Mostly in France, but it's way less dead than say, Tiny Leaders. And there's been a huge surge of players all across the world the last two years, even though it's not a sanctioned format.

I live in France. Only 2 people I know even own a French EDH deck.

Mostly everybody who plays Magic I know can play with the occasional deck, but most are usual PT/GP goers, so yeah, clearly not as interesting when you have a full collection since Tempest or earlier, I guess.

>Mostly in France
Well, the French are known to like bad things, so it doesn't particularly surprise me. But, that being said, I live in Canada and I've seen people play Tiny Leaders relatively frequently. EDH is at every shop I go to, but almost no one used the french banlist, and even fewer people are going to use 20 life, particularly if you have more commander damage than actual life, which is pants on head retarded in my opinion. Even fewer people play Canadian Highlander, but that's another issue. 30 life would have been a nice medium. Oloro is going to be stupidly prevalent as well, more than he already is, and Nekusar now kills people outright in 20 draws. Does not sound good.

But anyways, Purpheros is a monster, particularly with all the new support he's getting from Kaladesh. While Narset is known for shitty things, Narset also gets hated on for being a "tryhard" infinite turn deck most of the time. Purpheros on the other hand comes out t4, and kills a player if 10 other creatures enter the battlefield. With that new Chandra, an efficient ramp package, and a handful of fancy things you're going to see purph killing people t3 and t4 pretty consistently.

You don't actually die from Hidetsugu when it does enough damage to kill you if he has lifelink.

Really? I thought the damage would go on the stack, resolve, then lifelink would resolve once damage is dealt. That's handy to know, particularly since it's a two card combo I can tutor up, thanks user!

>30 life would have been a nice medium.
It was already set 30 life.
>Oloro is going to be stupidly prevalent as well
Already banned.
>Nekusar now kills people outright in 20 draws.
Nekusar is exceptionally bad in French.

Different format. Multiplayer is casual, French is actually competitive (with tournaments and such), and the 30 life was something that had been around since its inception and created more problems than it solved (for a competitive format).

Life link no longer uses the stack, hasn't for a while now.

>multiplayer is casual
It's as competitive as you make it.

Not with that banlist it isn't.

>he can't handle a fast game

>French is actually competitive
>Multiplayer is casual
"No". I played A LOT of nonfrench commander, and it's pretty easy to make a deck that wins 1v1, even using the french banlist (which is pretty much just no sol ring and arbitrary commander bans). Making a deck that wins multiplayer either needs to survive as the arch enemy, or go under the radar then combo off, and both are difficult to pull off consistently.

1v1 on the other hand, even french 1v1, really only requires a single strategy and a suboptimal deck. Sure, optimal lists will be better than suboptimal lists, but really in a 100 card singleton format, you can get away with a lot of wiggle room, ESPECIALLY if commander damage is now irrelevant and you only have 20 life. French is "competitive" the same way the special Olympics are "competitive". Sure, some people can do some neat things, but in general half as many people are going to care because they're playing with inferior products, and now cheap decks are going to win for arbitrary reasons.

>>>How much commander damage?
>>Still 21.
>>Renders an entire commander concept pointless
>> All this because "muh aggro isn't as good as blue WHAAA"

Wow, what a waste. French proves themselves the worst as usual.

Oh yeah it is really competitive. Here in Brazil everyone plays competitive and every shop I go there's a championship every week.

>All this because "muh aggro isn't as good as blue WHAAA"
I thought it was the opposite, that aggro decks are too powerful and can durdle until they set up a bomb. Now control is going to dominate, and no one will run commanders that they swing with.

On the other hand, it's going to be hilariously easy to kill someone with Xenagos or Ruric thar, assuming you don't eat 7.5 lightning bolts.


>7.5 bolts
Why would they need 22.5 damage?

Just pulled this off last game with my Azusa deck. Had about 16 lands on turn 5 with amulet out a turn before, floated 16, used 11 to play Avenger of Zendikar and Overlaid Terrain and then 4 more to play Splendid Reclamation.

Didn't have Concordant Crossroads out, but no one was able to deal with sixteen 16/17s next turn anyway.

It's not like you're running a playset of Ichorclaw Myr and Glistening elves, realistically you aren't going to get anything that wins you the game within your first 4 turns, but by turn 5 you could have a reasonable board-state to shit on people consistently.

>French is actually competitive
>Implying real EDH isn't

French is literally just commander with a bunch of aspects homeruled by some randos for no good reason then "I don't like ____"

Hell the 20 life change is simply because they want a certain kind of deck to be good. They don't even TRY to hide the fact that it wasn't to "balance" the game, just make some decks worse to try to get people to play other decks.

Nothing there is competitive, its all artificial, based on stupid bullshit.

French is such shit.

EDH is just French with less restrictions.

No, it was that Aggro was too weak.

This is from the announcement:
" A healthy format is about a balance between aggressive and control strategies, along with a few combos. So far, in Duel Commander there are few powerful aggressive decks - the most played decks are a split between control and combo. Starting with 20 life will change that. Aggressive decks will now be able to enter the format. These life totals will also help keeping decent rounds lengths and, therefore, more enjoyable tournaments."

They literally just want to nerf the good decks to make other decks good. There is nothing balancing about that shit, its simply making it into a singleton version of a normal format.

>This is from the announcement:
>" A healthy format is about a balance between aggressive and control strategies, along with a few combos. So far, in Duel Commander there are few powerful aggressive decks - the most played decks are a split between control and combo. Starting with 20 life will change that. Aggressive decks will now be able to enter the format. These life totals will also help keeping decent rounds lengths and, therefore, more enjoyable tournaments."
Well shit, I guess you're right. I thought they were smarter than that. What the frick, do people actually play this shit format with arbitrary rules? They didn't even try to fix commander damage.

Dude, competitive EDH decks can win by turn 3 easily at top tier

Not aggro decks. A few, maybe, not most outside of magical christmasland.

Is this a good base deck to improve around Daxos or Karlov?

Kind of?

If you can only afford one commander product and you don't have a library of cards, sure. If you have cards and are looking for supplemental cards, not really. If you have cards, and are looking for a constructed product you can build on, it's better than nothing.

Karlov is super good.
He came within inches of beating my mono whit commander that's never been beaten.

>He came within inches of beating my mono whit commander that's never been beaten.
Sounds like you don't play very often, or the players in your group aren't very adaptable.

>There is nothing balancing about that shit, its simply making it into a singleton version of a normal format.
You're literally bitching about Highlander right now. Which was, you know, 20 life from its fucking inception.

I have a kraj deck similar to yours! I like to imagine my enderek deck pumping out thrulls by the batch and immediately grinding them up

And I'm planning on making the Grinder even crazier, imagine for me, a boardstate of enderek, and three thrulls. I have around 4 swamps. Sac the three thrulls, pay 6 life, demon of deaths gate. Enderek triggers and gives me 9 thrulls, then he gets sacced and sent to command zone. Tap 3 swamps, cast carrion on the demon. I get nine 0/1 "maggot" (erratad to insects) tokens. I now have 18 tokens. Pair this with grave pact, dictate of erebos, blood artist, ashnodd alter, there are so many things you can do with these, and the flavor is fucking amazing

This deck really doesn't work for karlov. He's in there, sure, but he doesn't really fit.

Hey user, my Mazirek is now officially too tuned to play at my flgs. I stashed a bunch of edicts in there including Urborg Justice and I run a control shell forcing people to grind out value until I can pump the board for oneshots with Mazirek. So far it's working nice, but I struggle if people can get consistent targeted removal before I get my protection up. Pox/small pox/death wind were priceless.

Thopter Assembly is dirty with Jor Kadeen, 5 4/1 fliers are good. Haven't seen any decent servo producers outside of Angel of Invention and maybe Master Trinketeer. Myr Battlesphere, Pentavus, Nuisance Engine, Darksteel Juggernaut, and Tamiyo's Journal are great cards for JK.

>What is Yisan the Wanderer
>What is Prossh

Yep, all French does is try to be highlander with a command zone, then try to call itself "competitive". Your point?

Quit being a smug bastard. 2 decks does not mean most competitive decks are oneshotting people turn 3, and I seriously doubt you're getting foodchain and prosh outside of magical christmasland by turn 3. Do you even play "competitive" edh?

Hey I'm glad to hear it! I'm so glad I could help! Yeah, consistent removal seems to seriously fuck our kinds of deck up. What's your top star in the deck? And are you running corpsejack menace?

Not him, but do you mind sharing your list?

>are you running corpsejack menace?
Of course I am, I have a promo one I got for a dollar.

>What's your top star in the deck?
Right now, outside of the obvious ones like Endrek and smokestack Memnarch misses it so much I'd have to say Reaper from the Abyss. He gives me repeatable spot removal that I found Mazirek lacking. Off the board pick for spicy unrelated tech, Overwhelming Stampede, particularly if you're relying on Mazirek pumping thrulls.

Oh, I forgot my other favorite card, Triumph of the Horde. It combos so nicely with Bow of Nylea, and I'm a sucker for infect related shenanigans.

I'm not at home right now, but when I get back I could type things up for you and get it there. Meren is obviously better, but Mazirek is surprisingly competent if he can survive longer than one turn.

Thanks, I can't wait to see it.

Just finished fixing up my Rakdos Reanimator list.


Gonna be taking this deck all the way in my local LGS's Commander league. Will prove that R/B is stronk.

There was a while where we played daily, and I will definitely say they're adaptive in most formats, but yeah none of my peers are really great at EDH deckbuilding.

This deck basically just spawns hoards of indestructable tokens and then plays boardwipes until everybody else is completely tired, not a lot of ways to get around it unless you're playing a low mana commander with god tier removal, so Karlov is probably perfect.

That being said I'm the only person I know that bothered getting the Daxos EDH.

I love that promo! Oh, are you running pentavus? I feel like in mazirek that guy can be an all star. I also really love rite of passage

Seems a little... disjointed. Is it tuned to your particular meta? Have you used it yet? Is it good?

Skinrender seems particularly spicy, and you're using my favorite card, Desecration Demon, which gets you extra bonus points.

>>Being this ignorant about the Competitive EDH top tiers

People can win turn three easily with Tazri, Prosh, Animar, and even Scion.

Top Tier EDH has two sides of it. The decks that win on turns 3-4 and the decks fast enough to disrupt them and win turns 5-6.

All of these decks can beat an entire table of players as well, being 1v1 doesn't change much on that front.

Stop trying to talk about shit you clearly don't get.

All the 20 Life move did was try to remove the control decks from the meta, but those aren't anywhere close to what Is ACTUALLY strong in EDH.

EDH is as casual as you want it to be, but at the highest tier its stupidity level of combo and stax.

No I'm not, holy shit, why am I not running him? I have one from that Daretti precon laying around, I always thought it was a strictly worse Myr Battlesphere, but now I can see the surprising utility.

Why do you love rite of passage? I wasn't thinking about using it, though I can see it being neat with things like Protean Hydra. Most of my creatures don't survive combat, but with the triumph of the horde bow of nylea thing, it could be pretty neat.

Mostly. In the LGS I'm going to, there's a few other rules in place that are abnormal.

As for my meta, the majority of it is filled with value decks. Theres like 1-2 combo players, but they hardly ever show up to normal commander days, let alone events.

Like, 80% of my meta is green/red/white.

>Even fewer people play Canadian Highlander, but that's another issue.
>Canadian Highlander
I'm sorry, but there can be only one, eh.

How so?

I posted about it a few threads ago, but there are some rules I like and some I'm meh about. One I really don't like too.

For one, you can't "win" on turn 8 or before. Only turn 9 and after. Infect damage is now 20 for lethal, no "you win" effects, no cards or effects that "draw" the game. Intentionally doing so means you forfeit the round, and probably the most annoying and stupid rule is that deck archetypes like stax and stasis are banned outright. Didn't like that, mostly because hindering a deck type is so vague.

Then there about 10-15 other cards that are banned on top of the list of already banned cards. Can't remember them, but iirc they're pretty much stax/stasis cards like Smokestack, Stasis, Arcane Labratory, and stuff like that.

If I find the paper with the league rules, I'll take a photo and upload it. Shit's retarded imo, but I don't have much of a choice when it comes to LGS's since I live in a remote place.

>Mostly. In the LGS I'm going to, there's a few other rules in place that are abnormal.

Here we go again

What insane rules does your lgs run

Honestly, people say "eh" a lot more than we think we do. I live near the states, so my accent is more or less indistinguishable when I travel, but once in a while I run into another canadian, and gibberish just shoots out of my mouth. It's particularly bad if I'm drunk or playing magic. Suddenly everything is all double doubles, "a boot", goin' out fer a rip are ya bud? and feedin' 'er the ol' right left right.

You can make one creature legendary or one planeswalker be able to be your commander.
Who do you pick?

I've got more tech for you
Also, tertavus.

Fucking Christ, I'm sorry, user. We're here for you.

I remember that list and just barely contained my shit posting. You're always in these threads, we're here for you, even if your store is run by jerks.

>mostly value decks
I wonder why.

You actually keep suggesting cards I have, but never use. I'm impressed, it seems that Mazirek is one of the more budget friendly commanders I've built. That's a spicy meatball right there.

Stasis and stax banned

Holy fuck that place sounds like a shithole.

Jesus, for what purpose??


Tetravus, not to be confused with pentavus.

There are so many fun things you can do with +1/+1 counters. Thornling could be good

And I'm glad I can help!

I'm so sorry.

Invite your friends to the local basement table and be free

Honestly tho, I don't think it's because of the LGS. Most of the people that play are older, have older cards (like 06 and before).

The LGS normally isn't stupid like this, but we never had a Commander league. It just became popular around there, whereas I've been playing commander since we started with the Elder Dragons.

Anyway, for the Rakdos deck I'm looking a few cards to possibly add.

>Tel-Jilad Stylus
Normally, this card is meh but there are a few guys who run graveyard removal and this would be an excellent way for me save some of the more useful cards from being exiled.

>Bane of Bala Ged
Probably will add regardless. After a Rakdos hit, his CMC is 1.

>Liquidmetal Coating
I had this in a mono black deck, but wanted to try it here. I have a few ways of blowing up artifacts and it would help me deal with the people who bumfuck their deck with enchantments.

>Flowstone Flood
I don't have the money for Crucible of Worlds and Strip Mine. I like it's discard effect, as it fills my yard and life loss isn't a bother to me.

>Oxidda Scrapmelter
Same thing with Liquidmetal Coating. Just another way for removal. Janky as fuck, but since it's probably "creative", it'll nab me some points.

>Custody Battle
I've been wanting to put this card in a deck forever but cannot find anything to put it in. It's hilarious.

Godo or Jaya for my mono red?

Way to continuously misunderstand the criticism against mogis

The criticism is that his ability sucks, not that he's not a creature without devotion you stupid fag

Probably because of time constraints, but I honestly don't know. The store over (who made the rules) is hardly around. The store organizer just parrots what he says.

>baiting this hard
Is everything okay at home? Whenever you post you seem quite upset, and it's generally detrimental to the thread.

>Yesterday someone points out Pentavus for my Skullbriar deck
>Today someone points out Pentavus for Mazirek
Is Pentavus the best kept secret in BG?

You can believe whatever you like, guy makes a retarded post so I said he's retarded

Mogis is atrociously bad

Also that autitst who hates French duel commander embarrassed himself super hard this thread

I'll let you into a secret.

both of those people were me

I love pentavus

Alright, I'll bite out of curiosity. How did the guy who likes French win that argument? Everyone was against him, and then he stopped replying.

No. Stop trying to "embarrass" people on the internet and being a generally unproductive asshole. I understand you're going to be in every thread because you have no life or friends, but we would like it if you at least tried to be polite so that punctuation user won't come back and call you on your bullshit, then derail the thread.

You can post whatever nonsense you'd like, but please leave this containment board attitude back with your containment board when you post here.

I didn't see anybody posting in favor of French edh, I just skimmed through the thread and saw like 10 unbelievably retarded posts hating on the format by somebody who didn't know anything about the format

Multiplayer is fun and so is 1v1, the French banlist is objectively better and more competitive. everybody was saying having 20 life but 21 commander damage is retarded but they gave no arguments, it's actually not retarded at all it makes perfect sense, if you can deal 21 commander damage your opponent will usually be dead anyway, unless they gained life, so the life total rule change just balances a burn/aggro style deck with the other kinds of decks, changing commander damage would be stupid because killing people with 21 commander damage in French is already a fine strategy and didn't need a buff, you see a lot of ven clique at French tournaments for that reason

The guy who thinks that the French banlist is based on "feelings" was being especially retarded. Unless I misunderstood him, he thinks the Sheldon's banlist is more logical and objective? The one that bans silly casual Jank because it made him feel bad but allows fast mana because nobody in Sheldons playgroup abuses it

Oh, you are that guy. Never mind, enjoy your objectively true opinions.

>Oh look at me and my opinions, aren't you all lucky to share this board with me?
We talked about french, it got to the point where people realized it would derail the thread, and people stopped replying to a notorious shitposter.

>at least tried to be polite

Actually I normally am polite, the only people I'm not polite to are sarcastic assholes. The dude who is butt hurt we said Mogis is bad made a sarcastic post that was obviously retarded so I clarified why he's retarded. I never just start with the mean shit on somebody who hasn't startd it first

I had a feeling.

Next time, just say nothing so you don't look like a giant retard.

No dude, it's true, I'm polite to everybody who has a good attitude in these threads

When somebody says something retarded and thinks they are all cool for it I call them retarded

the only people who have a problem with me are the people trying to get away with making rude sarcastic posts while still maintaining this sense of moral high ground, no if you start that shit I'm going to give it back to you

French is just a bunch of people who decided, like the OG EDH inventors, to make up a new format, then claim its competitive, when it really isn't.

It trying to "fix" a format that is imbalanced by nature by trying to ban what they personally don't like.

Their reason of "trying to balance Aggro and control" doesn't make the game more or less competitive, it simply shuts other decks, decks that WERE viable, out of their "new meta" to allow other weaker decks to be playable.

There is a HUGE difference between Sheldon banning 50ish cards out of the thousands and a group changing the entire structure of a format JUST to fuck with an entire archtype. And we KNOW that is what they are doing BECAUSE they told us.

When Sheldon makes Infect 20, and tells us its because "we want less infect in the format", THEN we can talk.

Holy shit! How stupid can you BE!