Excuse me canoness, but why don't a bunch of pskyers kill themselves to create a new God Emperor?
Excuse me canoness, but why don't a bunch of pskyers kill themselves to create a new God Emperor?
That is actually a good question, why don't they do it? I mean, he was formed just from a handful of psykers from a single planet originally.
Quests didn't die for this
I'm trying to come up with something for twenty minutes. This is my contribution to this thread.
Well you see Oddly-Man-Faced-Initiate, the reason is that nobody in the modern Imperium actually knows about that actual history of the Emprah of Man, because people who said he was originally a bunch of sheep-fucking tribesmen tend to get purged in the flames of the Inquisition.
Incendiarily, could you please go clean the barrels of out Immolator tank? No reason.
I didn't know he was made like that
Why not, then?
Because firstly;
And secondly the Warp is far too fucking unsettled right now for reincarnation to work for the Emperor, let alone mortal psykers.
It only worked the first time because the shamans saw that the Warp was going to go tits up soon (literally so, considering Slaanesh) and they knew they couldn't continue reincarnating through all that. Some of their number had already been nommed by daemons, even.
So they decided if they couldn't keep renewing themselves then they'd just live forever instead as a single super-shaman and never need to go through the whole reincarnation business. At least until things settled down again in the realm of souls.
>tl;dr daemons would eat their souls, emps could do it because he did it before daemons.
There are literally factions of the Inquisition trying to do this, both for big E and big H.
Wow, you faggot spammers really do only know how to talk like faggots. These threads are terrible, but them being bumped by the same idiots with their cringe-inducing non-discussion makes them even worse.
Look at this faggot. Look at him, and mock him.
Is this your first time seeing a meme?
>is this your first time seeing a forced meme spammed by butthurt trolls upset that people hate their awful photoshops?
And then there's the craftworld eldar, though they have a better understanding of these things, so they make use of soulstones and inifinity matrices to keep the warp's shit out.
>A meme In don't like must be trolls
What's wrong with him? He gave some insights in this topic. Is talking about wh40k fluff against the rules now?
I'm guessing because I fed the troll or played into the meme or whatever.
I figure the least these threads can do is at least answer the question in between the endless bitching.
>a forced meme spammed by butthurt trolls upset that people hate their awful photoshops must be trolls
OP, go the fuck away. We all know you spam your butthurt to your own meme to make other people come in and defend it, harnessing Veeky Forums's natural contrariness to your cause.
>thinking OP cares about your answer in any regard beyond bump fodder
And that's why you're a dumb fag, especially because he's already asked this question several times already.
Nah, you are a good user. Everything has been said, probably, so everyone can go home and let the thread rest.
But that meme is old as fuck
Like answering the question would effect OP's shitposting either way. Just stop bitching about it and it'll lose it's appeal
Or better still, make the threads interesting by -where possible- debating the question.
I remember when Veeky Forums turned troll threads into quality content rather than being salty bitches.
>cringe-inducing non-discussion
yes, indeed, and are not discussion
It is sad that actual contributions are drowned out by trolls and jerks but this,is nu-Veeky Forums for you
>let's bump troll threads!
>that'll discourage trolls hoping to force a meme!
Report people who complain about it.
Its metaposting in a lore thread. That's against THE RRRRRRRRRRRURES.
No it's not. If you read the fucking fluff in question you'd know that not only were Shamans each immensely powerful psykers in their own right, but they did it in a time before the warp was the super-clusterfuck it is now. And they did it because the warp was a becoming a clusterfuck and Shamans were starting to get picked off before reincarnating.
That's why the Eldar have to use their Infinity Circuit kitty-pool.
And this is why Excuse Me threads are cancer.
Instead of making upset noises in threads you dislike, try ignoring them and making threads about topics that you enjoy.