Why do dinosaurs suck so much? I feel like there's almost no interesting settings with dinosaurs, and the few that are the dinosaurs are the least interesting thing in them
Why do dinosaurs suck so much? I feel like there's almost no interesting settings with dinosaurs...
Because they were literally killed by "rocks fall, everyone dies" DM shenanigans.
>I feel like there's almost no interesting settings with dinosaurs
Hnnnnnggg.... Christ. The first book was the best. I don't even know how to parse the rest of the series.
Loved these as a kid.
>pic related
>The Lost World (original novel
>Frank Frazetta Paintings
>Jurassic Park
Am I missing anything?
Just add feathers for maximum awesome.
>By default, dinosaur clerics worship Tyroganon Ferox, the Paradox Lord of the Infinite Boneyard. It's a misconception that Tyroganon Ferox is an evil god. Yes, he wants to bring back dinosaurs and destroy all mammals, but he is also a stalwart enemy of cruelty, undead, and death cults. And the mammal tribes who worship him are treated well, and some are even allowed to become dinosaurs themselves.
>Tyroganon Ferox's still struggles to bring his children back from their extinction, and so his servants include pseudo-imaginary dinosaurs and shuddering time-paradox zombies. In the hallucinatory jungles of Mar Maroo, his savage tribes protect and ride their flocks of almost-real dinosaurs.
>The Dinosaur Lord of Impossible History has been following the present timeline very closely. And although he doesn't technically exist in the current world--yet--his dinosaurs have been slinking along the timelines, devouring all the mammals along the unused timeways.
>Few people realize how close they are to hungry dinosaurs at all times. Tyrannosaurs lurk only a few months behind them. Yesterday, ankylosaurs are angrily destroying their houses. And packs of deinonychus lick their lips and watch you from only a few minutes ago. Time travel isn't difficult, but the even travelling a few minutes into the past is dangerous, since you may find packs of sarchosuchus tearing up your kitchen.
>Travel far back enough in time, and you may even bump into Tyroganon Ferox himself, who blocks out the sun while pterosaurs circle him crying out their praises. His children have trampled your dead heroes into the dust. The recent past is full of dinosaurs tearing down your cities and roaring triumphantly.
Oh, and this one too:
I don't know, I love the books but not sure Dinotopia works as a game setting. It's to utopian, which kind of limits options to conflict.
I don't want to see it go grimdark, Le's Crab 'terrible place'.
That said you could limit it to focus on expeditions into the wilderness and the ancient cities.
This exists but apparently it's pretty basic.
Could work for horror one shots. You playing employees trying to escape. Dead players play the dinosaurs.
One of my players is leading an army of dinosaurs in a steampunk game I'm running.
Led to pic related a few sessions ago.
Huh. Where did he get the dinosaurs from?
If you mean the miniatures, I bought them at AC Moore.
In game, he either summoned them, shapeshifted into them (one of those spinosaurs is him) or found them in the wild and used his wild empath spell to make friends with them. Offered them plentiful meat if they helped him fight the humans. He wants to take over the world and make it for dinosaurs again (and himself). Basically an insane NE druid. Given the other players are a bandit king, a psychopathic kleptomaniac, and a weird plant witch, he kinda fits in.
>shapeshifting druid with dinosaur army
>the other players are a bandit king, a psychopathic kleptomaniac, and a weird plant witch
I always wanted there to be more to Lee Crabb. He's just so sour about everything, it's like he's looking at the world and seeing something completely different. What sort of life did he come from that he's so damn desperate to get back to?
Two reasons, I think
First, he's old. He doesn't look it, but the few times you see him without his hat, he's balding, and he's been on Dinotopia for more than a decade. The older you are when you get to Dinotopia, the harder it becomes to let go of your attachments to the outside; the dichotomy between Arthur and Will shows this. But what if you were balding and had grey hair before you even got there?
Second...He's a SAILOR. He's probably lived on the sea his whole life. He has the language, the mannerisms, the whole lifestyle. And there is ZERO. Sailing industry in Dinotopia.
No wonder he feels like it's a prison.
just take the images of dinotopia and use those as the basis for your own generic_fantasy_setting.png separate from dinotopia's utopian setting
because fantasy humans using dinosaurs instead of traditional beasts of burden is fucking awesome. And also a reason to have jousting knights on pterodactyls and pachycephalosaurs and shit.
Savage Worlds. If only we were playing GURPS, these insane fuckers would be dead by now. I love the campaign though. Pic related is the campaign summary I've been keeping since we started. One of the best games I've ever run.
Also, nice quads.
Holy shit, just reading those character descriptions that sounds like a goddamn amazing campaign
Kind of makes me want to try out Savage Worlds too
It really has been. The only other campaigns that might beat it is a D&D4e/3.5 game with that group (I play not DM in that one), and a D&D 3.5 campaign I run for my family that has lasted 8 years so far. But it's definitely at least 3rd place.
Savage Worlds is great. It has a few issues but it's probably the best generic system out there along with GURPS and FATE. But Savage Worlds is easy cause you're a bit tougher than average (so not lethal like GURPS) but you can still get one-shot thanks to exploding dice. So you can get into fights without being terrified of dying but it can still happen pretty regularly if you're reckless. It's great for steampunk, modern, post-apoc, cyberpunk, westerns (hence deadlands) and pulp in general.
Iron Claw
As everybody in the setting is already a furries, all the 'normal beasts of burdens ' in the setting are dinosaurs.
It's a lot better game than it sounds, how much of an animal you are is a sliding scale. Five means your Teenwolf, 1 means you're Bojack horseman. There is even an option to replace it with classical fantasy races if furries is unthinkable to you.
Nigga I'll fight you
I had an idea for a FATE setting a while back.
Basically: Imagine if the movie King Kong happened but instead of New York it was Los Angeles. And the island continent in which dinosaurs (or at least megafauna akin to them) miraculously still exists way at the bottom of the south pacific ocean.
Cut to modern day and there's roughly 3 major power groups on the island now: Merga, an corporation owned by a multi-billionaire who wants to build a theme-park on the island for tourism and has begun construction. The indigenous people of Sunara who've domesticated several species of dinosaur/giant mammal and are living on the opposite end of the island.
And finally the "Hhushashak". A group of dinosaurs who've evolved near human proportions who're just starting to enter into a tribalist state.
Tenative title of the setting is: "Dinisi"
>Why do dinosaurs suck so much?
You just triggered my 8 years old self.
That game was the shit
I hope it gets a steam release
>Dinosaurs begin suffering from a disease only they can contract
>Extremely contagious
>Plague linked to cult in the wilderness
>cult live on a mountain
>Mountain is a meteorite
>Meteorite is actually a lavos like entity that needs death toe be reborn
>the plague, and the heroes fighting against the cult are feeding it to grow larger and larger
>Party need to kill it before it gets too strong
>Why do dinosaurs suck so much?
Because their immense size makes vaginal unsatisfying.
Man this was such a great series. I'm glad someone put the scans / photos up for the first two books a few years back. Don't think anyone did that for the third, but that third book was weird.
I mean, shit, check that world map nigga, that took some real effort. One dot is an active city. Three dots in a triangle is ruins. Imagine all the exploration you could do.
I honestly thought World Beneath was better. I love all that lost civilization stuff. Perhaps reading it before the first book had something to do with it as well.
Especially when you had all that Venice with Dinosaurs going on. I hope to retire there one day.
Just look at that. Chill. Everyone happy. It's so calming.
I personally want an rpg where you play AS dinosaurs, or dinosaur-men, anyway. Sentient, sapient, armor-wearing, weapon-wielding saurians.
I remember an rpg called "Squawk" that did just that, but for some reason I just wasn't into it.
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Bone Age
Dino riders
>That feel when I still have a hard copy of that game
>I some time reinstall it along with Rise of Nation, Rise of Legends
Steam needs to release ParaWorld, Rise of Legends, and Project MOTHER FUCKING Genesis
Which I still have
the dinosaur-riding halflings of eberron were okay
is this a good book for a manchild like me?
note I like harry potter, percy jackson and artemis fowl.
>Life: The Evolution
>DMs a competitive game pitting players against each other using really unforgiving rules and a glacial pace leveling system
>players start as tiny insignificant specks that survived, fought and acquired nutrients to level up and grow stronger
>game devolves into a pissing match to see who can evolve the biggest teeth, largest claws and hugest and thickest armored hides
>DM had enough of that shit, rocks fall everybody dies
>Decides to revamp the rules and speed up the level progression for a more fast pace and balanced gameplay
>this time around players start off as little furry things that crawled around and scavenged alot
>Fun was had by all, each player ran vastly different characters that specialized or generalized at different roles and tasks that had heavy emphasis on strategy and planning.
>Until one autistic player looked at the rules and splat books and decided to make a unremarkable and bland character on paper focusing on endurance, putting all his points in being kind of tall for his weight class and weird big heads, taking on a shit ton of complications and drawbacks to compensate
>autistic Mary Sue character nearly dies many times in the early game by rng table that any other character would have survived, other players decide this character was a joke and left it to meander alone
>mary sue ends up figuring out how to use bullshit sticks, ridiculously hard hitting rocks and overpowered bright burning things to offset enormous fucking weaknesses, all justified because "lol big weird heads allow me to do it!"
>break the game wide open and now everyone and their mothers run these autistic self inserts
>game became even more degenerate than ever
it might be?
I didn't like the books themselves much as a kid, despite the idea of the setting being so fucking cool to me.
Warlords: Battlecry III had the Ssrathi race, which was reptiles and dinos. They also had some of the most annoying missions of the campaign, no matter if you sided with them or against them.
Because dinosaurs are just big animals, that's basically it. Realistically in most RPGs they're set dressing, like most local fauna
> living inside a waterfall 24/7
> goodbye hearing
>Implying I'm not already deaf thanks to dinosaur roars shattering my eardrums.
>Because dinosaurs are just big animals, that's basically it.
And speaking as a Midwesterner, big animals are horribly intimidating and will wreck your shit if you manage to piss them off or look too much like food. Stumbling into a bear's personal space is a nerve wracking experience. Now substitute that bear for near sapient pack hunter raptors, or a big predator that could swallow you whole. Dinosaurs should be fucking terrifying, but somehow, everyone plays them as depressingly mundane.
Loved that game, to bad it won run on my new comp
Goddamn I loved this shit as a child. I still love it as an adult. I need to get in touch with my nostalgia to make some Godawful setting for my next game.
May as well post relevant strips.
Off topic, Rise of Legends was the shit. I lost my copy when i moved afew years ago but i remember it fondly.
>it's alright, really!
>they have a parachute!
Yeah, after seeing jousting irl, and how hard those fuckers hit each other, I'm not buying it
it's okay they stuck boxing gloves on the ends of their lances
aside from the ones mentioned on this thread, even typical famous D&D settings like Forgotten Realms have areas with a dinosaur setting centered-theme like Chult
They probably wouldn't hit nearly as hard as there's less mass involved.
> mfw the little green Trex is from the Lost World board game
Why the hell did I sold mine before discovering the wonders of miniature gaming ? Shit sucks.
>Now substitute that bear for near sapient pack hunter raptors
Bears are likely more intelligent than raptors ever were, Jurassic park seems to have spawned the myth that raptors were almost chimp like intelligence, majority of scientists believe modern day crows and ravens are more intelligent
Not the only myth it spawned relating velociraptors
Deinonychus and Utah best raptor
I always liked Deinonychus the best. Also Deinocheir on unrelated note
well to be fair they do mention in the film (or atleast the new one) that most of the dinosaurs wouldn't look like the ones in the park due to the flashy genetic engineering they gave them.
that guy is great
Time to go drink some bleach.
>majority of scientists believe modern day crows and ravens are more intelligent
To be fair, modern day crows and ravens are more intelligent than 99,9% of vertebrates. They're up there with chimps as smartest non-human animals.
Here's a good system for dino-centric games.
>And speaking as a Midwesterner
I must have confused that term for someone else, I thought all you nerds had was corn and tornadoes.
Meanwhile I'm all up here being like "fuck, beards are easymode, piss off a bull moose in rut or a mother with young nearby"
Neanderthals were at the least human intelligence though
>crows and ravens are smarter than bears are
>crows and ravens are likely smarter than raptors were
>therefore bears are likely smarter than raptors were
Or am I missing something?
My favorite thing about this dinosaur is that those arms are the full extent of the fossil record. We literally know nothing about them other than "HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS TERRIFYING"
Well, we've found more complete fossils of its close relatives. Turns out it was a herbivorous ornithomimid, although unlike most other ornithomomids it was big and chunky instead of relatively small and lightly built.
"piss off" meaning "be in the general vicinity of"
No, they mostly died out due to starvation from a changing climate after the rocks fell.
Rocks fall starts the campaign.
Fuckin' raptors damn near made it out of the ice age too.
>Raptors nearly made it out of the ice age
besides birds you mean? you gotta elaborate on that.
That feeling when the world goes to shit and it's not the apes that evolve to fill our place it's the birds.
Different user here. Crows and ravens can hold grudges, or feel gratitude. They will communicate this throughout the flock.
Neanderthals were at human level intelligence if not greater, they just lacked social skills.
so basically Neanderthals were the first neckbeards?
what's ksing?
Trex! Stop!!
>Bigger and smarter than the nigglets running around
>Can't throw a ball worth a shit
>Decide to stop reproducing and let the nigglets fuck their women instead
They were the first germans.
Neanderthals were shorter than cro-magnons. They were a race of manlets
Being a nigglet is not about height.
Kill stealing. Swooping in to finish off a weakened enemy so you get all the loot and exp.
>no Dakotaraptor
Update yourself
>Dwarves once roamed the earth
Could my short stack fetish be a evolutionary survival tactic?
CAdillacs & Dinosaurs
Fucking read it P; it's one of the best comics out there
ALAS, it's not finished and probably never will be (like manhwa Priest)... it pains my soul.
There's also a pretty good beat 'em up for MAME
So hot
>Why do dinosaurs suck so much?
They don't. Fuck you all.
I love this. It's like The Langoliers with dinosaurs.
Erosion would destroy that city in a century, I reckon.
hahahah, captcha, oh you