Triple clawjob edition
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Triple clawjob edition
>Rules Databases
>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
>Forgeworld Book index
>The Black Library
Does anybody do third party Iron Warrior parts?
So Inquisitor in Power Armour, 25 or 32mm base?
The older metal sculpts? 25 mm. A conversion based on a more recent astartes power armour kit? 32mm.
Oh right well neither, I'm mostly using Dreamforge shit. I was more wondering if there was any kind of official ruling for it though since y'know, bases do matter to a degree and SM all got upgraded a size.
The GW minis are on a 25mm
But either would be fine really, its a minimal difference and no one would care.
Whatever you think looks best.
Fires of Cyraxus when?
Reposting from last thread with some changes for thoughts:
Returning to 40k thanks to cultists, trying my hand at a list, thoughts? Theres no vehicles but I've always preferred footslogging lists.
Haven't played in a long time so really have no idea on list building. Don't really care if its super competitive as long as it would be able to hold its own again most armies
Cult Insurrection
Brood Cycle
1 x Acolyte Ironward, icon of cult ascendant
3 x 5 Acolyte hybrids, rock saw, rock cutter, cult icon
2 x 10 Neophyte Hybrids, 2 x grenade launchers in each, one unit with flakk missile launcher, other with seismic cannon & mining laser
1 x 5 Hybrid Metamorphs, all with claws & flamers, leader w/ bonesword, cult icon
1 x 10 Purestrain genestealers
The First Curse
1 x 20 Purestrain Genestealers, scything talons
1 x Patriarch, LVL 2
Subterranean Uprising
1 Primus,
1 x 10 Hybrid Metamorphs, hand flamers, talons, cult icon, leader w/ bonesword
2 x 5 Acolyte hybrids, rock saw, rock cutter, cult icon, leader
1 Magus, LVL 2, crouchling
According to info from the newest Open Day in amsterdam, not till christmas at the earliest
IIRC next year Q1.
Alright cheers, will probs go a 32 then since y'know, he will be on the table with my Deathwatch at a comparable size to them.
>been using Shattered Dominion bases
>looks like my Scions and DW are trudging forth across some Chaotic ruins
>tfw going to be like 5-10 25mm bases short
Ugh, really don't want to buy a whole new box but I can't just leave like a small amount of dudes on regular bases, no matter how much I fluff them up with decorative bitz from the SD boxes...
You alright there user?
Any word on the next release?
They been hammering them out recently.
Which units would Demiurg auxiliares bring to the Tau Empire?
What do you use as a battlemat?
rumor indicates the successor to betrayal at calth will come soon. With MK3 marines
(which means you should stock B@C if you need parts as the squad-sized minis are far more expensive )
Demiurg seem to very much be a race of engineers and scientists over actual combatants, and at best I could see them manning vehicles on the ground over acting as infantry.
Knowing their shticks for gravity technology, mining and bulky, sturdy designs I can see some slow-ass antigrav-propelled rig of somesort. With re-purposed mining lasers and gravity technology being used as decent enough weapons.
Isnt this exactly the driving force behind one of the Ciaphas Cain novels?
So what you're saying is, they would be slow a purposeful tau infantry with grav-cannons?
No, they'd be vehicle-drivers drivin-
>Oh wait
Yeah, Slow and Purposeful monstrous creatures with Grav.
Artillery, Drones/Golems, and Skimmer Bikes.
Is anyone in Amsterdam?
Did anyone get a Railgun?
Look up press moulding. Bases are one of the easier things too duplicate.
Cast the details in GS on some spare plain bases.
Oh you're right, of course. Didn't think of that, although I'm not sure I could be bothered... The SD bases do have such deep crevices it would be hard.
In BFG one of their gimicks is mining drones repurposed as bombers or torpedoes.
Could have drone "infantry" thats got a close range/cc focus with various mining tools.
Sergeant is an actual demiurge. style the unit kinda like a tau version of enginseer and servitors.
So, bought my first 40k models ever, the start collecting Militarum Tempestus. Reading the Codex I am a little confused. Does the Hot Shot Volley Gun have "Gets Hot" or not? In the weapon entry it seems to have it, but in the last page summary the rules is nowhere to be found.
If it has Gets Hot: is it even worth taking? Both Taurox and Scions seem to have a way too high chance of exploding it seems.
Ifyou go carefully it should pick up all the details.
Plus once painted and spread out among the legit bases i doubt you'd be able to notice shallower details if they turn out like that.
Well thanks, I shall look into it since yeah, really not worth buying a $50 box with another 70 bases when I'm going to use max 10 of those.
It was errata'd out, so no it doesn't. What kind of army are you looking at building user? Pure Tempestus isn't generally a thing, because of what you've exactly just pointed out.
low risk, high reward. there are times when the dice betray you; but then the dice serve no master anyway
Don't worry it got FAQ'd out no more gets hot for the volley gun.
Yeah but so is female genecultists
So, I just had a crazy thought:
The Genestealer Cultist Codex would actually be an amusing "Counts As" codex for a Catachan Army.
Think of it:
"Cult Ambush" represents their expertise at Jungle Warfare.
They either are expert Infiltrators or are incredible camo experts (Moving through Cover isn't as common as one would hope though).
They have limited access to artillery/heavy tanks/etc, making due with Sentinels (some that can also ambush) or other "rugged" vehicles.
They have an emphasis on melee, with improved Weapon Skill (Catachans were WS 4 back in the day), plus you can be all cute and say the "Rending Claws" actually represent the mythic badassness of the Catachan Fang.
And you can always field your Patriarch as a converted Straken-like. "Do I have to Do Everything Myself?"
And the fact they're Allies of Convenience with Guard means you can't give them Orders, or have Commissars join them, which makes sense for soldiers whom are known for causing "accidents" among the Commissariat.
I wanted to first build a little Kill Team to get a feeling for the game. Still deciding if I want pure infantry or take the Taurox along for that. And down the road I'd like to expand but still play Codex: Militarum Tempestus. Maybe a get a few assassins or something.
I really am digging the Scion's looks and the Taurox is a pretty rad vehicle imo.
Just one thing: Are there female Scions? The fluff says that male and female orphans are taken in, but is kinda vague if the girls all get send to the Adeptus Sororitas or if they are allowed to join the MT.
It's basically the Tempestus heavy Bolter equiv. and when does anyone use heavy bolters?
... No really when.
Primus seems a better counts as fit for straken.
But otherwise yeah sounds good, you don't actually have too take anything with rending claws if you're iffy about that counts as.
>I'd like to expand but still play Codex: Militarum Tempestus
Again, I would highly recommend on taking another faction. Relying on Tempestus as your only faction would be rough as hell, since they have only 5 unit choices and very, very little heavy weaponry. Even their special weapon choices are kinda limited.
>Are there female Scions?
I don't see why not.
>Are there female Scions? The fluff says that male and female orphans are taken in, but is kinda vague if the girls all get send to the Adeptus Sororitas or if they are allowed to join the MT.
Most likely there are some, but most girls fit for combat end up funneled too the sororitas.
But there'd be those who aren't devote enough for all the extra churchy buisness.
I suppose I could expand into regular Astra Militarum. I'll see how it goes. Right now I am just excited to get started painting my guys and possibly gals.
>Playing MT
You're gonna have a fun time, friend. The Scions are pretty much imperal Dark Eldar in that you hit hard and fast with ranged attacks but rely heavily on orders and your scion squads to do things.
>female scions
Probably? Codex states the scholas just take any promising child they find for training so whoever doesn't get picked out for commissar duty or sister training must be scions.
If it happens, it's rare. The sororitas are always hungry for more bodies, and the physical & mental requirements are the same.
My MilTemp army is led by a female, but they're from the sororitas-bound company, so there's a bunch of reasons why.
Fucking heresy.
Seriously there are a million options for catachans at the moment, none of them involve heresy.
Silly user, Tau don't get new auxiliaries any more. Only battlesuits.
As with any Counts as it'll work just fine but you would have to put serious effort into it, i'd expect a nicely converted Marbo, combat knives on anyone with rending, fully painted and based, effort put into camouflage if the unit has stealth etc.
You want to be the chemo to all the lazy fucking garbage Ork armies we're going to see "Yeah these 20 unpainted shoota boyz are actually neophytes, these Nobz are hybrids..." - You don't want any of that faggot shit.
The actual proxy ideas work fine, don't forget Ogryns could be Abberants i'd like to see this made real.
Their ships. Demiurg are too puny to fight in ground wars.
But if they did probably a psyker unit
Cool, feel free to ask any questions here as usual. Most of the time you should get a half reasonable response, but it is still 4chen so take anything harsh with a grain of salt.
Anyone happen yo have the rules for Manticore platforms from IA1? I just learned they existed and the possibility of getting a platform plus a deathstrike from one kit intrigues me. For some reason the fike for IA1 in the mega wont work for me. Thank you!
I agree. Catachans using GSC rules would be great but only if obvious effort is made to create a good looking catachan force. Otherwise you look like you want a faction purely for its rules but are too lazy or cheap to buy the proper models.
Demiurge aren't psykers, at least not notable as them.
You're probably thinking of the nicassar
I'll be sure to do so!
>The Scions are pretty much imperal Dark Eldar in that you hit hard and fast with ranged attacks but rely heavily on orders and your scion squads to do things.
I honestly don't expect to win much at first. They really seem like an army that doesn't forgive a lot of mistakes. At least my buddies who already play 40k are already complaining that my weapons have DS3, so there is atleast some fear in their hearts already.
oh right
Remember the most important rules of painting:
>Prime it or lose it.
>Thin the paint with water, and wipe some paint on a palette to get control of the amount on your brush.
>Never use layer paints without first giving the area a similarly-colored base coat or you will only frustrate yourself and clog details.
>Get an appropriate shade. It is pure liquified skill.
>The general order is Base->Shade->Layer
>Sit up streight or develop back pains.
And Finally
>Only paint when you feel like it, and stop painting when you get tired. The second painting becomes a chore is the second you invalidate all those "But we get so much more out of our expensive models compared to video games" arguments we use on /tg. This is supposed to be a hobby, not a freaking job.
Is the Cadia supplement missing the Stormsword's profile, despite listing it amidst the formations and its weapon on the super-heavy weapons page?
Basing ideas for my GSC, cast your votes:
Volcanic/lava based mine
Standard rocky/muddy mine
Moonscape mine
Moonscape mine of course.
Bonus points for a Genestealer that's jumping real high due to low gravity.
implying genestealers cant jump really high in normal gravity
True, true. Then the only solution is to stick one on a flyer stem to repersent it jumping UBER HIGH!!!
Mostly the GW tiles, we have a shit load of building terrain at the LGS
Yeah but it's 4 shots at AP3 if you dont move. Not exactly a H Bolter is it?
>>Only paint when you feel like it, and stop painting when you get tired. The second painting becomes a chore is the second you invalidate all those "But we get so much more out of our expensive models compared to video games" arguments we use on /tg. This is supposed to be a hobby, not a freaking job.
To be fair I feel that way every time I have to Base coat or remove mold lines. Some aspects are a chore... The rest is great though
Speaking of Orks counts-as, the one notable one I saw online was the Waaagh Convocation, which included a Looted Imperial Knight. The "Counts As" Onager Dunecrawlers were the WHFB Arachanarok Spiders with giant anti-aircraft howdahs on them, and stuff.
Since wip is gay, what do you guys think I should for armies on parade?
>Slaanesh daemons army display
>khorne + slaneesh daemons army display
>Slaanesh daemons vs orks army display
That actually sounds really fun.
Grav cannons and grav guns for battlesuits
Which Ork flyer should I build if I just want it for asthetic?
bliza-bomba is da orkiest
is this Scheme in use with any Official Chapter?
I'm trying to make a Donut Steel Chapter and don't want to start off with a plagiarized scheme.
Not to be an actual copycat, but I could also see myself doing the same thing with my Orks, a lot of them which are currently chilling in the glass case. I still have 6 Killa Kans leftover from 5th edition, so those would be Dunestrider stand-ins, while the Sicarans are Ork Kommandos, and the Onagers would be chopped-up Battlewagon hulls with lots of Dakka.
The only challenge would be making the appropriate Knight.
>Since wip is gay
No u
I don't believe it is, but if you pinch some green in there you've got an excellent Christmas scheme
as it stands now the candy cane look isn't terrible though
>The only challenge would be making the appropriate Knight
Base it on a gorkanaught maybe, bulk up the torso and remove the transport gut.
When are we getting more info on Fenris 2 ffs. Isn't the release this month?
I mean if you had a decent looking stompa I'd accept it. But a appropriately orky Knight would look awesome.
That looks great. what lores are you planning on rolling on for you psykers?
Probably broodmind on the magus, can't decide for the patriarch though
>slaanesh daemons
>slaanesh daemons
>slaanesh daemons
Just paint a giant, glittery dick and call it a keeper. Don't forget to deep throat it when they come to take a picture.
telepathy is nice for psy scream, but i think both that and broodmind are equally good to be honest
Even biomancy is tempting for the 4+ fnp on the genestealers (especially if they're close enough for the +1 from the iconward)
Hey anyone got advice for running scions and skitarii? I'm having a hard time fitting things in a 1500 point game, would it be smart to forego tauroxes and just stick to the smaller deepstriking scion squads?
You forgot
>Prop your hands on a table or something until you git good enough to do fine detail on your own.
Mah digga! I've got mine assembled and primed on my desk waiting for some paint. The model is Orky as fuck. Anybody here have any experience fielding one or fighting one?
Looks fucking great
>tfw the closest thing to that right now are the old SH games on DOS but they won't run on 7 and on
>the only thing that can be played right now is a shitty Doom mod made 20 years ago.
3 shots S5AP4 36"
4 shots S4AP3 24"
I'd say they are pretty equivalent.
>Doom 40k mod
Excuse me, sir but I must request more information. This is a matter of life or death.
Why are IG players usually so autistic?
For real though, everyone at our shop realizes that all they do is spout memes and make half-assed conversions that make their dudes look like Krieg.
90% of guard players are either vets or autists that couldn't actually make it in
And most vets that stick with thier post boot money sinks are sperglords with office jobs
>don't lick your paint tips
>place the model on some sticky tack instead of holding it
people like memes the same could be said about anything
Thinking of doing a conservatyiff space wolves successor chapter/great company who recently split from the main legion because of all the furry bullshit.
They think fenrisian wolves are for fetching mail or eating, that wolfen are shameful abominations which should be purged, and that giving a dreadnought a battleaxe just looks fucking ridiculous.
So, how much crunch will I be paying for my fluff?
>only fight pinkies dressed as genestealers
>item and some wall sprites replaced
That's it.
I'm sorry if I come off that way
>half-assed conversions that make their dudes look like Krieg.
hahahahaha what?
Pretty much yeah.
user, you know that Space Wolves can't have successors, right?
I play guard.
I run Cadians. And they aren't greys.
So fuck you, buddy.
Played against army like that. Was cool as hell. Knight was little upscaled Morkanaut.
>that giving a dreadnought a battleaxe just looks fucking ridiculous
Ridiculously awesome you faggot