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D&D 5th Edition General
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
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What was the last Unearthed Arcana? Anything good?
A ranger revision. And yes, it was pretty good.
Is this suitable for a fighting-style, got a player who wants to do unarmed fighter and doesn't want to use Monk.
Add your proficiency bonus to damage dealt with unarmed attacks.
When you hit with an unarmed attack, you may shove as a bonus action.
Between that, Battlemaster archtype and Tavern Brawler he should have plenty of options for shoving and grappling while fighting, while not falling too far behind with other fighting styles damage.
Wizard, Warlock or Sorcerer?
Also, I run under the rule of "Yeah, no, fuck off." school of multiclassing when it is clearly just being used for big-bonus dips, do no worries about a monk splashing 1 level of fighter for free damage. Same applies for people sneaking one level of undying light warlock for free +Cha to Fire and Radiant as a Red-Dragon Sorcerer.
Skeletor is a wizard.
>not gold-dragon sorcerer
You fucked up.
Multiclassing is a gameplay abstraction representing a character's unique progression in their own class.
Looks like some kind of priest, cleric or monk
Defender / fighter of some kind
Seer, witch, enchanter, or diviner
Just let them take the damage die of martial arts, and proficiency in unarmed.
Shove as a bonus action is a bit much.
Would Bahamut changing a dragonborn's color from red into gold be a good celestial reward for services rendered?
Yeah, but he was also bound to an extra-dimensional being. That can be a little warlock-y.
Everyone is proficient in unarmed.
I'm becoming more and more partial to having the DM roll the humbers for the party, and the players assigning those numbers to the stats in the order they prefer
oh, I though that was D&D classes. it's some vidya then?
>Druid, Bard, Cleric, ???, Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, Monk
The hell is the potion bottle supposed to be? Sorcerer?
Definitely not D&D. Dunno what it's from, just my guesses.
Well there you have it. Give them the increased weapon die and be done with it.
>Base Attack Bonus
>Spells Per Day
>Skill Points
>Definitely not D&D
→ thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Do you play with alignment? If so, what would the alignment of these two be? I want to do a topical one shot.
Lawful evil and lawful neutral.
Pretty sure they'd both be neutral evil.
Be careful, you'll summon /pol/
/pol/ dwells amongst you regardless.
Does anyone have a pdf of the Planar Bestiary on DM's Guild they can share?
sent ;)
Yes, and a shaolin monk suddenly going "Urgh.. You know, all this training I've done has really payed off, I can know punch quite a bit harder.. And wear huge suits of armour that I have no interest in wearing, and I'm now a master in all forms of combat just for the hell of it but I'll still kickpunch.
Multiclassing is fine, and I'll even throw you a bone if you really want to do a multiclass.. So long as you don't just do a 1-2 level dip for some broken synergy and never touch the class again.
Hey 5eg, I'm looking for some advice. I'm running Hoard of the Dragon Queen. My party has just reached the Hunting Lodge, and one of the PCs was Talis' childhood friend. How do I foreshadow that without making it obvious, before they find her?
Both classes need all the help they can get.
What would that do mechanically?
>anything in 5e
I rolled 10 strength, 10 dexterity, 10 constitution, 13 intelligence, 11 wisdom, and 15 charisma. I'm thinking of going half-elf sorc. Would there be any better options?
You've got the primary problem of not having enough AC. What level will you be starting at?
Then it's not much of a reward. It's neat and all, but incredibly boring. Aesthetic rewards are dumb for major achievements, especially from a literal God.
I agree.
>10 dexterity, 10 constitution
I think in that situation I'd politely ask the DM if I could reroll. The PHB says that 10 is an average score and really with stats like that you're kind of screwed in a way.
Moon Druid works with any stats. Though your spells would be rather meh.
Is there an infernal template for 5e?
>really with stats like that you're kind of screwed in a way
Starting Level 1
Yeah I figured I'd put my half elf + 1 bonuses into those stats but it's not pretty
We're going to take turns DMing and I'm up first. The rest of the party rolled pretty good stats. We wanted to roll for stats so we'd be forced out of our comfort zone. I traditionally play a marital character.
I was thinking of a moon druid, any other suggestions?
>Would there be any better options?
Strictly better in terms of min/maxing? Bard.
Do you usually play 35 point buy or something because those aren't bad stats at all.
Yeah I figured my Dex and Con were low but I'd just stay the fuck way in the back if I'm playing a caster
Just finished lost mines of phandelver. What adventure should I buy next to work on? What one do you all like the most?
It's objectively worse than a 27 point buy or array, and you have only one meaningful boost. If playing what is essentially a low tier NPC is fun for you, then more power to you. But if people rolled stats, there's a high likelihood that he's gonna be outshone by the party and only wind up burdening them.
Realistically, there is no way to get a decent AC with those stats while remaining viable in combat.
The standard methods either require:
>mid-to-high Dex (using light or medium armor, Mage Armor, or the relevant Sorcerer, Barbarian or Monk class features)
>at least 13 Str at level 1 (for heavy armor - eventually you'll want 15 so you can wear plate)
>being a dwarf (to circumvent the Str requirement for heavy armor; generally shoehorns you into playing a Cleric)
Theoretically, he could willingly eat the -10 foot speed penalty to wear heavy armor, but he'd still have to be proficient in it, which means he'd have to start as a Fighter, Paladin, or Cleric, which precludes multiclassing out into a Cha-based class later on.
Or he could waste a ton of resources dipping into Bladesinger and grabbing Mage Armor, thereby giving himself an amazing AC of 14!
If your DM is willing to play ball, consider a heavily range-focused character. By keeping yourself away from the fight, you could make an abysmal AC relatively irrelevant.
You'd have to be real fucking far out of the fight, though. I'm talking Winged Tiefling Warlock chucking Spell Sniper Eldritch Spears far. And you'd have to be careful of flying enemies, though those shouldn't come at level 1.
If your DM isn't willing to play ball, you're honestly kinda screwed anyway. You've got all the durability of a wet piece of paper.
>no fun allowed
Run out of hotpockets, austist-chan?
Rolled 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1, 5, 2, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5 = 61 (18d6)
3d6 down the line
What class should this be
A merchant.
>I've never actually played D&D, my experience comes entirely from video games the post
Pro-tip: the free basic rules have examples of low-tier NPC's, you should check it out.
Something plate-armoured. War leader or something, but the average CON is the only problem.
>Highest stat is CHA.
Looks legit.
Valor Bard or Paladin with possible dip into Warlock for SAD shenanigans.
On further consideration, an alternative:
Variant Human Favored Soul
You have proficiency with medium armor. Take Heavily Armored for your bonus feat. Have 16 AC and 20 foot speed. Ride a mount, take Mobile or add 1 to your Strength at level 4, or just suck it up and deal with being slow.
If you take a shield, you'll have 18 AC. Take shots and dish out damage like a slow, implacable champ.
That's not a good enough stat array for a PC class.
The life of a merchant isn't bad though - nothing to be ashamed of.
I haven't run any of them, but for me I'd say Curse of Strahd > Storm King's Thunder > Princes of the Apocalypse > Rise of Tiamat > Hoard of the Dragon Queen
There are social stigmas associated with being the same color as evil Dragons
I guess it might be an okay reward if the character doesn't like looking 'evil'
>playing Storm giant's thunder
>I'm playing a Paladin of oath of the crown
>We are escorting a caravan to waterdeep from Luskan because the seas aren't safe while the frost giants are at large
>on the way we meet a friendly frost giant
>he wants us to follow him to a temple
>because of my oath, I am bound to honor my commitments
>tell the party i'm sorry but I can't abandon the caravan master
>table says that this is more important
>ask the giant if he can come with us to waterdeep and then we will go to the temple
>thankfully he is from there, so he says yes
Did I do this right? My first time playing a Paladin, i felt like i was being a bit unreasonable.
>If someone has a different opinion than me, they must have never played this game.
I've been playing since it was called Next, senpai.
If you used your brainpower to critically think about how those stats are not as good for a PC compared to an array instead of poorly trying to be elitist, you'd have a much better time with your life.
I'll start that path then. I hear a lot of good things about Curse of Strahd
You are honour bound to your commitments.
However, the Caravan Master could easily just say "No it's fine, go on ahead Sir Knight." and you'd be in the clear.
However, if the GM made the guy be all "W-what, you can't leave, you promised to protect me! You can't!" then you may be inclined to stay and protect him but GM is a dick.
Follow your oaths. If people bitch that's their problem - they ought to understand that a paladin can't just ignore their oaths for their convenience.
I had a glimpse at the story earlier today and it's an amazing thing - check the mega.
Only if you can tell me how to kill off this lvl 3 Druid in my group while making it look like an accident. We're playing Curse of Strahd, and the player is totally not a chick who wouldn't go out with me. :^)
You have been asking for this in about every thread.
Sweet jeebus 10 bucks is too much?
I've been asked to host a game on roll20.
I'm getting acquainted with the interface (even though it feels unnecessarily complicated or coutner-intuitive to be honest) but I'm pretty sure I won't be happy with the internal jukebox.
Is there a better way to go about the music/ambiance? An alternative?
Also, is using discord for talking/webcam necessary?
I'm probably going to make my players print their character sheets since roll20 is pretty fucking terrible in this aspect.
If you guys have any tips for me I'll gladly take them as well.
Thanks !
I bet your parents wished they had used birth control or aborted you.
wow thats a bit much buddy
Okay now I'm mad.
>Is there a better way to go about the music/ambiance? An alternative? Also, is using discord for talking/webcam necessary?
You could probably find an online platform that will let you use a bot to stream music and ambient sounds. I used to use a different computer and Virtual Audio Cable to achieve that on Teamspeak. I also used to stream audio as well as additional visuals on twitch.tv to my players. It works pretty well. There's also always streaming internet radio, among other options.
>I'm probably going to make my players print their character sheets since roll20 is pretty fucking terrible in this aspect.
Yeah, just have them use pencil and paper, 5e doesn't require a lot of math and character creation is like 5 steps. The roll20 sheets can be useful but sometimes they'll update and your character will lose all their information.
Well you can use discord, skype, hangouts, teamspeak, whatever you like for talking - webcam will be distracting isn't necessary at all.
For character sheets use the community character sheet when you create the session not the official roll20 one as it's a piece of shit. This one includes nice roll buttons and at least resembles the one in the back of the player's handbook.
If you need music you can either use the soundcloud interface that Roll20 has but I'm sure you could rig a bot on Discord (If you're using it that is) to play music.
Sounds like you're jealous because your parents didn't love you as much.
I was planning on going favored soul anyways. Thats sounds like a fun character concept. Thanks user!
How come the anti-OPers always don't know the rules well enough to actually have arguments?
Remember that you still won't have a viable melee attack unless you dip Tomelock for Shillelagh, so you're still better off staying at range, or else using save-based spells.
Because they're often shit players who don't know how to optimize and want to nerf everyone else who actually read the material down to their level.
Because they resent that they don't care enough about the game to actually do minor math, practice, and thought experiments, yet simultaneously feel bad when people who don't take Keen Mind or Linguist have more effective characters than them. Their reflex as morons is to just try and make other people feel bad for actually trying to make characters who can actually do things effectively.
Is there a resource that would help me get better at describing things?
> Locations
> Settings
> Attacks
> Appearances
Anything. I've listened to recordings, and I feel like I do a pretty good job of translating what I see in my head (at least that's what I've been told by both my players, and neutral parties who I've gotten to listen to our sessions), but would like to be able to paint a fuller picture.
Books. Seriously. Read a lot of books.
Talking about linguistics, I was having a play around with creating a character just for fun the other day. I created a half-elf ranger using the revised ranger Unearthed Arcana and with the Outlander background you get to know Common, Elvish, and three languages of your choice at level 1. Pretty sweet. I'm actually looking forward to finding an opportunity to play it out at some point.
So, I'm running an alchemist character soon, using a homemade class I've found online. To keep me from being OP, my DM has stated I actually need to collect the ingredients for my potions/bombs etc. Gunpowder is easy enough to source, and potions will be mainly herbs and monster bits, but what other medieval technology things can I do?
Well Fuck. Good luck with that.
I once rolled a Wood elf and wanted to play a Monk.
In the end I rolled a 16 in Str and ended up with all other stats being 10s.
Being a Wood elf prancing around in full plate never got old tho.
>on twitch.tv to my players.
isn't there a 5min delay on twitch.tv though?
> webcam will be distracting
Really? Don't you get a lot of clues, as a DM, of your players' motivation/immersion from their face and all that?
I figured webcam would be kinda necessary to be honest, never really questioned that. Like... They kinda need to see me, don't they?
Are there any penalties to casting in heavy armor?
I dunno, haven't streamed on it in years, I think you can set the delay but they probably removed that.
Specifically for attacks I recommend not narrating attacks unless they're a critical hit or otherwise noteworthy.
Too many DMs I've had narrate every attack near the start of sessions and just taper off as the night goes on and it becomes tiresome.
What sort of patron would a witch have? I'm thinking either fiend, or nature themed goo.
If you are not proficient, you simply can't
Coven of Hags
Crits don't happen often enough. Narrate misses and finishing blows. Misses because it feels like shit to end up doing nothing a round. Giving an interesting description at least keeps the excitement up. Finishers because finishers are cool.
>not fey
really user?
How much multiclass cheese can I squeeze?
Shadow monk 6, Hunter 3 (using the latest UA ranger with favoured enemy humanoids), Battlemaster 11.
Nets you :
>at least 5+5*(Dex mod +1d6 ) magic fist damage per turn.
>free teleports
>attacks of opportunity out of the ass
And to make it even more gimmicky lets get magic initiate(warlock) in there for Hex damage.
I love the new ranger so much.
Especially beast master.
Should I keep going with Ranger when we eventually hit 6 or should I multi-class into something else? What's a good multi-class for a Ranger?
I like this balance too it.
It's crazy, I never actually thought about this, but I think I naturally do this for the exact reason you mentioned. Early in the evening, I'll narrate fights in a theatrical and excited manner, but by the end of a 3~4 hour session, and especially if it's a particularly grueling encounter or two, I just get burned out and end up just doing the highlights for the sake of brevity.
It's great. There's incentive to actually use it now especially combined with the outlander background - also totally compatible with Underdark adventures as well. The out of combat for it is pretty amazing too.
Not him, but witches weren't known for kissing fairy buttholes. Demon is a pretty good choice for at least one take on it
Why get hex if you've already got hunter's mark? They're both concentration.
That's a whole lot of waiting for your ABIs though.
The whole thing with witches was the demonization of pagan nature worship. Satan has horns because some pagans worshipped horned animals. Demons and "fey" were conflated together to make their worship look bad.