Heavy Gear General: Here comes Earth again edition

Heavy Gear is a game set in the far future based on the planet Terra Nova. The setting is home to a war game, RPG, Video Game, movie, and TV series.
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last time we got some good discussion on some of dp9s other properties and a lot of discussion of the heavy gear universe.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to add to the OP


>Attacking tanks head on in gears

Would this be considered suicide by CEF?

most likely unless they are trying to do a heroric last stand to let the civies escape

Rechecked the stats for CEF hovertanks. Yup it's suicide (at least in the RPG).
- Enough movement to get a total 0 modifier on defence rolls.
- Nearly as much armour as Terranovan heavy tanks (which would roll at -2 defence much of the time).
- Hover means it will almost always get to go it's full speed.
- +1 Fire Control
- 4 Actions
- Heavy Particle Accelerator for total of +2 bonus to hit.
If you take the GREL crew into account for an additional +2 to gunnery and +2 to drive then shit is all kinds of invincible. Bonus stacking has always had a tendency to get messy in Silhouette though.

I can't help but wonder why, in universe, the CEF even bothered making Frames. Terrain isn't a problem because they have HOVER tanks, crewman numbers isn't a problem because they have GRELs, I just can't see any reason for CEF frames to even exist other than "we needed this faction to have robots, too."

>Does anyone have any suggestions on what to add to the OP
A footnote that other DP9 properties are welcome?

They're maitnance intensive and have a shorter operational range than conventional tanks. The Terran Novans noted that CEF tabk units had much short patrol ranges as a result.

Plus they still have all the problems regular tanks have with built up areas and close range ambushes - one of the ways they got mobility killed was gears hiding in holes or terrain contours throwing sacks of corrosive sand into the turbofan intakes.

Quick question about the system. Do people find the multiplication for damage a problem? Seems like NewBlitz has changed the damage system entirely to avoid that, any problems cropped up with the new damage system?

I'm putting together my own streamlined rules and was wondering if incorporating the Blitz damage system into RPG might be workable in some way.

thats pretty clever honestly, also don't CEF frames also have hover capabilities?

C'mon now we all know the Wyverns a !notZakuII


Hover tanks are probably insanely expensive to build and maintain. Plus they got their shit pushed in by Gears, so they digured "if we go back to Terra Nova we eed some walkers too!" I'm pretty sure Terra Nova os the only planet they actively use frames on anyway.

I find the new damage system far smoother, and the math involved is much simpler. I think the new RPG will be using it, judging from the beta rules we have, but I can't say for certain.

CEF frames and most NuCoal Gears have hover tech.

But remember the hover tech is also only for their SMS, so they can still run and walk if that gets damaged, if the hover tank loses its hover ability it cant move at all

That's true, but if you blow a walkers legs off it can't move either.

I'm also having a real hard time figuring out a color scheme for my Caprice army.

>C'mon now we all know the Wyverns a !notZakuII

Nope. Wyverns are unquestionably Doms. Remember that JC is Stardust Memory Gundam, not OYW Gundam. Plus the Syreen and Fury mostly fill the roles of the Zakus even if they don't match in appearance or loadout.

Well there is the generic crimson, but a sort of burnt ash color may be cool


I played bit before and got some free Basilisks.
Are they still a unit that can be played? I didn't see them last time I looked in the rule book. Can they proxied for another gear? I love how VOTOM they look, but also understand if they've been removed for that very reason.

Also; is a standard Visigoth worth picking up?

>I think the new RPG will be using it, judging from the beta rules we have, but I can't say for certain.
Do you mean the this one? Cause the rules it has look almost identical to the older RPGs (Wound Thresholds, Damage Multpliers etc.).

Follow up;
Could I modify them into Silverscales or use as Jagers due to having the same weapons?

And where could I find different paint schemes and info for Southern territories? I'm interested in the humanist alliance.

I generally try to avoid studio schemes. Was thinking using a teal color, but I think that might be a bit too garish.

Maybe I was mistaken. I looked them over once.

The book mentions using some of the older models as variants of other stuff.

Man I love Basilisks. I like a lot of the older, outdated or just less effective gears though. Pythons, Razorbacks, Ferrets, Weasels etc.

I agree, I love the Basilisk especially.

I do love me the Python, mostly because it's sort of goofy looking AND rocks a snub cannon.

I love the art for the Python, something about the pose is fantastic. Couldn't find that piece though so here is a Razorback.

So I was just flipping through my quick start book and I guess I never really noticed the rules for Multi-Component vehicles before.

Utopia has some massive tank?

Also sorry if it posts sideways.

page 224 of the vehicle companion I believe has the tank it is talking about

Yay super-heavy vehicles.


So that's a Gilgamesh? Fucking hell, I'd hate to come up against one of those!

Is...is that a HT-90 pooping out Tyranid Rippers?

Also, in cade any of you were interested, a buddy of mine made a Facebook group for HGB. Hoping to get more people in and talking about the game.

Can't post the link(system thinks it's spam), but you should be able to find it by searching for Heavy Gear Blitz.

>So that's a Gilgamesh? Fucking hell, I'd hate to come up against one of those!
If I recall correctly it's actually not classified as an MBT and instead is a "Mobile Fortress" vehicle, used as this kind of massive artillery and command centerpoint of a ground assault.

The fucking dedicated ground type Wyvern is even called the Wyvern Trop, for fuck's sake, and IIRC, even has a hover system.

>So that's a Gilgamesh?
Maybe. It's just listed as Utopia Command Tank (unused) in the art book. Fits the bill though.

>Is...is that a HT-90 pooping out Tyranid Rippers?
Just a new breed of Terranovan Dawg.

Anybody got some good batreps yet?