Autistic weebs are what's keeping women out of traditional gaming.
Veeky Forums, how do we drive them away so women will come?
Autistic weebs are what's keeping women out of traditional gaming.
Veeky Forums, how do we drive them away so women will come?
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how can I drive you away from traditional gaming, OP
Autistic weebs drive everyone away from gaming. What makes women so special?
Damn. So true.
Hail DnD 5e as the best tabletop rpg for beginners. Demonize DnD 3.5e and below as shit and only played by virgin weebs and gamergaters. Associate playing those systems with being behind the times, a women-hater, and antisocial. Then release feature films based on the 5e settings with hot male leads.
All the casual pandering will cause the freaks to break off from traditional gaming to form a tiny, exclusive subculture that will be reviled as hardcore, gross, and unwelcoming of newcomers.
We'll be stuck with a unperfect, plebcore system as our beacon to the outside world, but women will quite possibly flock to our, now purified, pastime. Traditional Gaming with flourish and the God Emperor will awaken to lead us into a glorious new age.
For what do you need girls? Research? 'Cuz Ican see your faggotry on the horizon even from my potato gulag
>not being an impossible, nebulous concept
You may have the bar set a bit high
Autistic women are what's keeping the good women out of traditional gaming.
Veeky Forums, how do we drive them away so cuties will come?
>Potato gulag
I don't know why I laughed.
By cramming autistic females and autistic males in their own group.
Than let them argue all day long.
> Veeky Forums, how do we drive them away so women will come?
>so women will come
And why would I want them?
>Autistic weebs are what's keeping women out of traditional gaming.
Womens are into traditional gaming allmost as much as men are.
They just won't play with you.
Alternativelly: don't politicize what isn't political, idiot.
Most of the women I know into gaming are as annoying as fuck.
. . . . that's how we ended up with traditional gaming in the first place though?
My groups have never had any problem with that, and I know plenty of other people that haven't either.
Maybe you're the autistic weeb, user?
I don't want women in traditional gaming. I mean I don't mind if they are in it, but I don't want to have to change, or change the hobby to appeal to them.
I've already lost a number of activities to them, traditional gaming is like the last guy's club style of activity I have left. After a week of hard work, I want to be able to just kick back, hang out with the guys, shoot the shit and throw some dice, not bothered by the rest of the world or it's problems. If even one woman gets involved it changes things.
Women can be autistic weebs too user.
Me too.
That might be true or not but it's a completelly different problem.
This is how you end up with Double Autists.
You can't imagine the horror.
Don't worry about The Hobby In General.
You will never drive out The Undesirables from The Hobby.
Instead, focus on your local community.
Encourage behavior that you approve of or believe will attract Desireables, discourage behavior that you disapprove of or believe will repel Desirables, and do not foster an environment that tolerates or appeals to Undesirables.
Now define terms as you like.
Shh, don't let reason get in the way of another shitty bait thread.
traditional gaming is because of gambling and rivalry, with a little war play.
But i know what you are refering too. And you are not wrong.
Maybe they will learn that the others arnt such bad game company?
Because your at least attempting to not be a total fag?
>tfw you miss those women who made exceptionnal characters
>without marysueing
>with full on (non-compensatory) badassery
>with humour
If there's anything that I am sure of, it's that OP has no idea how to make women come.
Give me at least one example of a serious advantage of not being a fag over being a fag in modern society.
You do realise straight people get AIDS too right?
So AIDS is somehow exclusive to faggots or something?
Should I not wear a rubber when I'm fucking a woman then?
And you still won't get pussy because autismo anons sitting at the same LGS wasn't the reason girls dislike you, your haste to floormat for their comfort is.
You're more likely to be harassed or killed for being a fag than for being not a fag.
I'm a married man so I used to think this was bullshit from guys who can't hold their spaghetti when women are around.
But one day women started showing up at my LGS, then my wife got unreasonably jealous and paranoid the way women do and I had to stop playing games for a while because she would get ridiculously upset that I "wanted to spend time with other women".
Men need places where they can go be men without bullshit, don't make it your personal crusade to get girls at your LGS or gaming club unless you're ready to deal with the myriad problems women bring to the table.
What would we call such a place?
Veeky Forums?
>play shit games
>invite shit players who don't care about the game
>this somehow makes Traditional Gaming flourish
>not recognizing a repeated troll thread
> Looks at my best mate's DnD group he DMs for
> It consists of his girlfriend and a bunch of he friends
> All big weebs
Now I know anecdotes aren't proper evidence, but I suspect it's got less to do with weebs and more to do with assholes and stigma from said assholes, players and otherwise.
Try being a "cool guy TM" and having a fun time then promote your good time to your friends and acquaintances. Get the hooks of a fun time into them then encourage them to spread it to others they know.
Autistic weebs are better player than any woman will ever be.
Source: 15 years permaGM, have GM'd weebs and girls and will take weebs over girls any day of the week.
It's part of the irony of these threads.
There's loads of nerd girls and they're just like a lot of nerdy guys in that they can be socially awkward , overweight , have strange fashion sense, have messed up senses of humour , etc , etc. As a result they're actually invisible to the type of guy who makes these type of threads because he doesn't want to fuck any of them .
What people who make these threads actually want are super hot gamer chicks who are down with their hobby ( and more) which don't exist anymore than you'll find 6 foot tall athletic stufs with cute glasses at your local FLGS every jight
This is ironically actually sexist as fuck because women don't exist in a hobby to satisfy guys penises and the women actually in the hobby are ignored because they don't fit the correct model of attractiveness.
Nobody needs to be driven out. Traditional gaming is big enough for everyone. Acting with compassion and understanding towards people who might struggle socially is a lot more effective than victimising them.
Tbh, I got harassed by fags the other night.
I think times are changing.
But in my group, the autistic weebs ARE women.
It's an abstract kind of hell.
Did they surround you chanting DIE CIS SCUM
That's not sexist.
It's shit but it's not sexist.
They aren't being discriminated against because of their gender. Turns out good looking people have an easier time in life. Who fucking knew.
Brilliantly done user
>Hail DnD 5e as the best tabletop rpg for beginners.
It's pretty good for beginners and probably the most accessible, given that it's the default system people think of for tabletop RPGs, so
>Demonize DnD 3.5e
Yes, fucking Pathfinder, too. Playing those systems is utter pain and those who insist on only playing them often refuse to learn new ones based on the learning curve of 3.PF. This does more damage to the hobby as a whole
>and below
Oh shit my knigger, what are you doing?
OD&D and AD&D are fine and I'm sure these people can assess for themselves once they adopt the hobby whether or not these editions are worth playing (pic related)
>as shit and only played by virgin weebs and gamergaters.
Please take your collectivist thinking and associated buzzwords away from here. This hobby includes a lot of reading and I trust that individuals who enjoy it are more enlightened than those who lump loosely associated people into easily dehumanized groups.
You dont. As a REAL nerd, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that women are cancer and deserving of disdain. We need to be vigilant in our crusade to keep women and minorities out of OUR hobbies.
Congratulations you married someone who is emotionally abusive and equate that to being all women. Good job kid.
And they should. SJWs like should just piss off instead of making first THING socially acceptable and then ruining it.
Put you fatty-hands on something else.
>this whole post
Too bad there isn't a tumblr-degree in armchair psychology you can print out for yourself, huh?
Most women are vain and selfish, all through out history men knew this yet somehow we have arrived at such a politically ultra-correct pussy-whipped climate that stating a simple fact makes you sexist now.
That doesn't make much of a difference to me since I'm basically invisible to women anyway. They don't hate me and they definitely don't like me. I'm just a thing that is there.
When you take that into account, I really have nothing to gain from them being there.
Enjoy your shitty marriage and imminent divorce.
End your shitty life.
>Most women are vain and selfish ... yet somehow ... stating [that] simple fact makes you sexist now.
Your logic:
>Most X are Y
>X = Women
>Y = Negative Trait
Concludes with:
>There, without knowing the person as an individual, I will assume that the individual is Y, because they are X.
Yep man, no matter how hurt your butt gets by the label, that's pretty much the definition of sexism.
>not playing with 50% players being men and 50% players being women
Y'all are small time.
>Muh wimmenz need more representation in gaming!
>Not political
Would you kindly kys?
He says 'most', not 'all', so it's more like
>There, without knowing the person as an individual, I will assume that it's likely that the individual is Y, because they are X.
If a lady is actually into tabletop gaming and truly enjoys it for what it is, she's not gonna let the autists fuck it up for her. That's how it worked for the rest of us, and it will work for her. She doesn't need 'special accommodations' because she's a lady.
The autists are an inherent if not unfortunate byproduct of the hobby. You can't get rid of them without also getting rid of part of what makes this hobby great. Don't entertain that kind of mentality.
This thread is shit and you should feel shit.
>unreasonably jealous that other women exist around you
>assumes you must be cheating because of just that
>stops you from playing your own hobby
>uses twisted logic to guilt trip you for selfish reasons
Textbook signs of an unhealthy relationship. Even a fucking middle school counselor would tell you to break it off. Too bad you decided to get married and now just accept it for whatever reason.
Have fun whenever she finds out you have a female coworker or are too nice to a waitress or some stupid shit.
tranny user here
desu, what keeps me away from playing tabletop irl is the rampant sexism within the tabletop community
D&D has always been a white boys' club, but Gamergate made things so much worse
I'd love to be able to play a female character without the constant rape jokes but 99% of Veeky Forumsers aren't mature or socially adept enough to properly interact with people different from them
Women are objectively the cancer that has turned traditional gaming into the rules-light lowest common denominator shitfest that it currently is.
So you've got two problems here.
One: Autistic Nerds are super easily bullied by women
Two: Autistic Nerds are super eager to please women
This combination is entirely responsible for the creation of the shit "narrative" games movement, as well as trash like the pandering use of female pronouns, strong independent female heroes who just happen to wear heavy armor and swing heavy weapons as well as their male counterparts while being 25% smaller and of course the fucking terrible reduction of complexity and addition of reroll mechanics into nearly every game to pander to less skilled and less educated female players.
Honestly it's really pathetic. The great part about all this though is that you can immediately spot these red flags and by them you can tell that the game you are reading is going to be a fucking pile of shit. If the RPG you just picked up can't go five fucking pages without turning into a feminized shitpile then you can save yourself a ton of reading by stopping right there.
And before you betas try to flood in here screaming "THAT'S NOT TRUE! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" like that pussy piece of shit Luke Skywalker, let me remind you that you can't name a single game published since 1999 that is more complex than it's predecessor. Go ahead and try, but you'll obviously be wrong and make yourself look like a dumbass.
So you think not letting deranged political extremists call you a bigot and blame you for everything is 'sexist' now?
>replying to obvious bait
Come on, I know we are all funposting in a bait thread but you should at least have standards.
Gr8 b8 m8
>>D&D has always been a white boys' club
Did you just assume my fucking gender?
Is this pasta?
>you can't name a single game published since 1999 that is more complex than it's predecessor
D&D 3rd edition came out in 2000.
Are you sure its not the fact that you don't have a sense of humour?
Rules-light systems are inherently more masculine because they put more emphasis on the authority of a central figure to make fair and reasonable rulings.
Feminists and marxists like to hide behind the bureaucratic "player empowerment" of rules-heavy systems (see the SJWs at Steve Jackson Games) much like they like to hide behind PC culture-enforcing "hate speech" laws.
Why do we need more women? Not even trolling, genuinely asking why in particular this hobby needs more women.
>men just deal with the autistic weebs for decades
>women come along and cant deal with them
>demand changes
Maybe they should just nut up and stop being such basic bitches?
>Ruin 5e
Please no, I don't want to do pathfinder or 3.5.
No, Veeky Forums does.
>you can't name a single game published since 1999 that is more complex than it's predecessor.
>implying complexity is good
Not finding racism / sexism / rape jokes funny =/= having a sense of humor. It takes a lot of privilege to be able to laugh at that sort of shit
I'm a Marxist feminist and my favorite systems are 2e AD&D and FATE. Checkmate, retard.
>sexual dimorphism does not exist
you are wrong user
men and women have different nervous systems and that causes them to act differently. those differences can strain any Veeky Forums group
>buying the priveleged to find something funny meme
Tons of people in much worse positions than you have found self-deprecating things hilarious. Don't blame your inability to use humour to reconcile your lot in life on your "lack of privelege." See: the entire traditional of dark humour among the English peasantry, both at the hands of the peasants themselves and by wealthy playwrights whom the lower class enjoyed.
Now, if the people you've met aren't funny when they're doing those things, I don't blame you. In fact, they're probably cringy shit. But privelege has absolutely nothing to do with it. Don't politicise the experiential.
>Autistic weebs are what's keeping women out of traditional gaming.
Women already make up somewhere in the area of ~40 - 60% of traditional gamers. The playerbase seems to be divided based on system, though. For instance, I see plenty of female MtG, Pokemon, traditional board games, D&D and Pathfinder players, but few if any female Warhammer players, or female players involved in any miniatures war games.
>I am a gender differences revisionist!
Oh boy here we go again.
Nah, self-deprecating humor can be pretty empowering. What bothers me is that a lot of men think they have a right to use sexist humor around or against women. That's not reclamation, it's just perpetuating oppressive attitudes
"In the human brain, a difference between sexes was observed in the transcription of the PCDH11X/Y gene pair unique to Homo sapiens.[91] Sexual differentiation in the human brain from the default female state is triggered by testosterone from the fetal testis. Testosterone is converted to estrogen in the brain through the action of the enzyme aromatase. Testosterone acts on many brain areas, including the SDN-POA, to create the masculinized brain pattern.[92] Female brains may be shielded from the masculinizing effects of estrogen through the action of sex-hormone binding globulin and a-fetoprotein.[93]"
I won't even go to statistic regarding the propriety of hormones and their effect on social interaction you're not even worth that much time
A lot of people I hang with use anti-woman humour as a parody of itself (and we do the same with lots of political outlooks we don't agree with). A lot of humourless people can't pick up on that.
Women make anti-men jokes constantly, but it's only a small few who genuinely hate men. My normie levels are higher than some, but I suspect men making these kinds of joke are similar. At least all the ones I've interacted with.
Well, OP, maybe women would come to hobby if you could stop sucking cocks.
Haha, who am I kidding?
It's not going to happen.
Creeps like you also drive women away.
>Not finding racism / sexism / rape jokes funny =/= (Not) having a sense of humor.
>Constant Rape Jokes
>Complains about gamergate
No, I'd say I hit the mark. Unless you play in some sort of demon realm where your LGS can only speak when it is in reference to rape and you, for some reason, continue to go.
>the image
>It All Goes Back to When We Lived in Caves: Revisionist Approaches to Gender Differences
>the post
>Most women are vain and selfish, all through out history men knew this
NETSG but looks like the armchair psychologist part was spot on and is the thing that stung you the most.
/lgbt/ go away no one likes your tranny shit
But none of what he's saying has to do with "gender differences" explicitly, just details of working with a group.
It may be true, for example, that female brains are wired differently from mens', but the claim that "females are mostly vain and selfish' isn't supported by this: there is a critical disconnect here between the evidenced claim that women are different from men and the unevidenced claim that that difference consists partly of "hard-wired" vanity and selfishness.
One can accept that sexual dimorphism exists, or even that it has a profound influence on gendered mental behavior, without accepting that that dimorphism consists of whatever you claim it does based on anecdotes and sitcom stereotypes.
I have some friends that like to "punch up" against me or use sexist humor is ironically too but the problem is that most of the gamers I know are sexist unironically so they can't really get away with that
against *men goddammit
>inb4 trannies are men
I had more problems with Magic>All fans, GoT fans and SW fans than with weebs in all these years of GMing and playing.
Wheel of time fans are also a burden.
Most of the time I dislike wimmin at the table (unless they're good players) but I'm just gonna comment they're playing either B/X or BECMI so that's a plus in my book. Good taste.
This is good bait, i'm gonna borrow it.
>tranny user here
Show femenine dick or didn't happen
Where in this world are you from? This simply isn't a reflection of my experience. All the TGers I've ever known in real life are either people like me (rare), SJWs, or cringy weebs who orbit the girls with dyed hair.
There was one small shop my friend went into and he said it was all fat dudes playing mtg and one of them said something unironically stupid about gay people (insulted their desire to take care of their appearances), so he left and we go to the many many other stores that are nothing like that.