>furfags will defend this
Furfags will defend this
You guys are a million times more annoying than the furfags themselves.
>Ginyu force will defend this
>People who don't know what an actual furfag is will argue this
>that weapon pricing scheme
Probably the clearest indicator that GW's rules are arbitrary shit that no one should feel compelled to take as anything more than guideline that we've had in a while.
Furfag here.
I have no idea why you think we'll defend this. Shit looks ridiculous.
found the furfag
Hey buddy its me Uncle Wulfen! did I ever tell you about the time I caught a fish THISSS BIG!?
>genestealers will assault this
>and win
You know that since those weapons and their prices are only for the Wulfen it means that they were balanced inside their own unit, right?
Without those weapons they are 30 points for something that isn't particularly more resistant and is only slightly faster then a tact marines, arguably worse then possessed, with the weapons they becomes a really good assault unit
If they gave the same weapons with the same cost to other units you would have a point, the way it is now it's like complaining that daemonettes have rending weapons for free
Do you actually think that or are you just fishing for replies?
Did someone actually do the mathammer?
As far as I can tell no unit can win against the Wulfen, they can only hope to tie
Do posessed buff other CSM units?
...you haven't seen the new GCult leaks have you?
No, but it's a 6" buff (except for the Claw units, the use of which automatically show that you aren't playing competitively) with the effect depending on the roll of a dice
Yes I have, very nice.
But in terms of engaging harder targets, staying on the table with bullets flying and general utility Wulfen win out.
TLDR: yes purestrains will win in a equal points 1 vs 1 duel if they get the charge from infiltrate.
Can someone give me a quick summary of how they work?
>arguably worse then possessed
You can't make this shit up. Loyalist variant marines really are the shittiest, whiniest fanbase in 40k.
mild kek, keep up the good work
Fair enough.
Is that black stuff suppose to be the black carapace or what? In some art it has metal collars around the neck and arms, like it was some inner suit of the power armour or something.
I just get riled up easily from the constant "can beat=superior unit" stupidity going around.
They are 30 points S5 T4 W2 4+ units with a ton of attacks, rules to make them a little faster and a little buff bubble to other units
Their real power stand in two things
> They have really powerful really cheap weapons. A S+2 AP2 axe that lose unwieldy the turn they charge, S+1 AP2 double claws and hammer+shield
>They have a special rule that let's them attack even if they were killed in combat. If the genestealer kill one of them before he can attack he'll swing his weapon immediately anyway, even if he shouldn't attack yet because he was slower. And if he's able to attack and is than killed he'll attack again
Ok, I admit that I fucked up about that I had forgotten a couple of things, like the fact that they're W2
However the remaining part of my post still stands. Their weapons are cheap because the cost is balanced inside the unit
This plus acess to
8 point +3s ap2 that strikes on I when charging.
12 point paired +1s ap2 lightning claws
And Th/ss for frontline soaking.
Yes, with a light armourweave added that won't hinder movement.
Can't wait for those to become available in 30k.
Key thing to note is that if you kill them before they get a chance to strike they aren't attacking twice so it's still important.
Furthermore stealers vs anything in a vacuum is all well and good but the new cult dex is built around synergies, like tons and tons of them. Add a Patriarch? Furious Charge. Taken a First Curse Formation? Preferred Enemy or Poison or something else tasty. Primus within 12"? Hatred. Iconward within 12" (24" in the Formation)? FnP 6+. Might From Beyond? +1 Str and Rage. Mass Hypnosis on the enemy? -1 WS, I, and A.
So if the stars align (and if you're playing your list well this is much more likely than you'd think) you could end up with a pack of stealers with 6 WS 7 S6 Rending attacks on the charge each re-rolling all misses and wounds and striking first, against Wulfen debuffed to 2 attacks base and WS 3 hitting back on 5's and then still needing to chew through a 5+ invuln save and possible FnP against models that cost half or a third of their points.
They won't.
Those there spent the entire time since the sacking of prospero in the warp fighting.
And took with them ALL of those frost weapons and backpack grenade launchers?
No, it doesn't. Those weapon costs are absurd. They pay less than half of any other unit for a TH+SS, despite the fact that they had special rules that heavily mitigate the Unwieldy hammer and that they receive a relatively much larger benefit from taking a Storm Shield than any other unit that can take them.
No, the Wolves gave those to them when reached Fenris. Why the fuck the Wolves didn't use any of that baller equipment prior to that point of time is a mystery.
No, that would be chaos space marines who want their extremely broken 3.5e book back that allowed you to do EVERYTHING at an extremely undercosted level.
Literally every chaos player is a whiny cunt.
You whined when Daemon princes and Heldrakes were good.
You whine now.
I know that is only a situation where literally everything go right, but it still made me came a little
Before the announcement of GSC I was really tempted as a SW player to build a Tyranids army just to field as many genestealer as possible, with not-genestealer units being there only to buff the GS even if the former would actually had been stronger than the latter
I can't wait to buy the codex this saturday
The frost claws were crafted on a icy hell world.
The armour and grenade launchers were adapted to them on their return
The TH/Ss are chapter relics
The Frost axes were oversized ceremonial weapons unwieldy even by SM standards that the wulfen picked off the walls and wielded easily smashing things.
Then you're just ignoring the synergies Space wolves can bring.
>allowed you to do EVERYTHING at an extremely undercosted level
Like what? The 3.5 was overly adaptable more than it was overpowered, you could change your entire army while keeping the same models. Even then they only had a few broken builds. Give me examples.
Are there any good beastly hands for holding a sword and a pistol?
I'm trying to make a somewhat wulfenish legion Vigilator. So far using slightly modified warp talon legs with claw feet as sort of runic MkVI legs, Vanguard veteran torso, and giving him the runic MkVI helmet from the grey hunter kit. I want to do something with the arms, other than just plain naked ones.
Alpha Legion and it's "as good as guardsmen cultists" that were cheaper.
Iron Warriors with their oh so fun Basilisks with BS4.
The Veteran Skills.
Most of the units being cheap as fuck compared to the loyalists.
>The Frost axes were oversized ceremonial weapons unwieldy even by SM standards
Could have given them to terminators.
Had they made the Wulfen cheaper to give the right price to their weapons would have been better?
Wulfen only get Unwieldy off of them when they gather the momentum running at the guys.
I think even for a terminator that's pretty sluggish.
More sluggish than a power fist or a power axe?
Good point.
I don't think Terminator armor gives you more strength anyway because most of it's additional power is used to move the bulk around.
Another question is if Wulfen were given grenade launchers, why not just give them better armor too?
>doesn't give more strength
>can one-hand a heavy flamer, plasma cannon, multi-melta, twin-autocannon or an assault cannon
3.5 isn't even broken by today's standards, and huge numbers of CSM players started after 3.5, dipshit. CSM have consistently been one of the best selling factions in the game.
No, Wulfen are perfectly adequately priced as they are now. Their weapons are just absurdly underpriced/overpowered
But they can also onehand a thunder hammer and a powerfist and those are Unwieldy even for a terminator, yet power armor people can wield them as much as Terminator armor.
False, I think they are overpriced and disgusting.
>Waaaaah 3.5 wasn't broken
>It was just the objectively best book of all time with every single option ever that allowed Chaos to field any tactical strength it could from artillery, mass mobs or hyper elite soldiers and unkillable Daemon princes
Yeah no. Look at you, you're whining Wulfen are not super useless entirely because of your chaos butthurt.
If someone made a thread right now, talking about how shit the Ork codex is 100% one of you chaos faggots would run into the thread and try and say YOU are worse off than Orks.
Freedom of movement.
They tend to loap along sometimes even dropping to all fours.
Enven sororitas PA isnt that flexible.
Marines don't swing power fists nor axes any faster than a guardsman.
Just because a terminator can carry and fire an assault cannon on the move with accuracy doesn't mean they would swing the big axe around like it was feather light. It's still have mass and shit.
Why don't you try reading what people actually wrote instead of just harping on about your shitty strawman, shitposter.
Who would ever use the Wulfens without those weapons, when for 10 more points you can instead take the TWC?
Who gives a fuck about 3.5?
That was several editions ago, right now, Wulfen are absurd and CSM are boring and average.
>walk into flgs
>looking at new minis
>see this
>wonder why the space yiffs haven't been wiped out by the inquisition yet
Fuckin' heretics.
Can GS charge after infiltrate?!
If so, holy shit that has some potential!
>log onto Veeky Forums
>looking at new posts
>see this
>wonder why the trip and namefags shitposters haven't been banned by the mods yet
Fuckin' namefags.
No, user, CSM must always be shit because a decade ago some of the CSM lists were OP.
A, one unit being OP doesn't mean you should make everything OP.
B, TWC don't buff the rest of your army.
>Namefags in charge of having no clue.
Try to keep up, your complete ignorance of current campaigns is showing.
Cult Ambush: When a unit Infiltrates or arrives from reserves (or ongoing Reserves) you can "Ambush" rather than appear on the table normally. This means roll a dice and see what happens:
Cult Reinforcements: Unit shows up from your table edge as normal. Possibly the worst result unless you planned to move them to the backfield anyway.
Encircling the Foe: Unit Outflanks, appearing from a random side edge.
Lying in Wait: Place the unit anywhere on the table more than 9" away from an enemy, or 6" if that unit can't see you.
A Perfect Ambush: Place the unit anywhere on the table more than 6" away from an enemy. Full Stop.
A Deadly Trap: Same as above, but your unit may immediately make an out of turn shooting attack with the pinning rule. If they have no guns, they get a free run move.
They Came From Below: Place the unit anywhere more than 3" away from an enemy, you may charge the turn you arrive.
>Implying the Wulfen are able to buff anyone outside of the first turn, before being left behind by the drop pods or the fact that the TWC is actually fast, and not "just as fast as any other infantry outside of charge range" like the Wulfen
>that guy in the back without any weapons
fuk u up m8
Hmm, 1 in 6 chance.
Have to see if there's a way to make that better. Interesting though.
Thanks, I hadn't seen the chart.
There are a few. Things like throwing 2d6 and choose which apply and things like that
>In curse of the Wulfen, a Wulfen packmaster rips off the arm of a Soulgrinder and then uses it as a bat to bludgeon the poor Soul Grinder ro ruin
Justify this, Wolffags.
Chaos sucks
Wulfen are the Doomguys of 40k.
Then what does that make Doomrider?
Dr rockso of the 40k universe.
An ornament on Khans bike.
The Space wolves really do remind me of Metalocolypse so much
>Vaugely based on Viking shit
As well as the dumbshits that belive its fans take it seriously.
>Hey yous guys, whats do we name our new flying ships?
>How about the Stormwolf
>It's dats what da big wulfs is called?
>No those are the Thunderwolves
Absolve me of my neglicence Grandmaster but... I'm fairly sure those are Wulfen!
>Diaz 3rd ed wulfen died for this
Trully a terrible fate we have met.
I'm pretty sure they do, how else would they be able to go toe-to-toe with Eldar in melee and win?
Even orks can do that.
But not guardsmen, besides, Orcs can lose limbs without too much of a hustle.
Superhuman spaceknight viking werewolf mutants , what's not to like?
I actually really like how over-the-top the Wulfen are
>Moved on to HH a couple years ago
>Play World Eaters
>Everyone tells me that "HH is underpowered compared to 40k"
>Pay 10 points for a tactical marine with a bolter, chain axe, pistol, rage and Hatred
>Fnp too because Apothecary
>Can have 20 in a squad
>Each one gets 5 str 5 AP4 attacks with hatred on the charge
>That's 100 attacks out the gate, 60 if charged
>This all costs less points then a single squad of these mutants my wolffag plays
>I run three of these squads minimum
>That is the most BASIC combat unit I can deploy,
>The better shit is in the Land Raiders
But no joke, everyone in my area laughed at these when they came out and only when the wolf players started actually using them and winning did they "realize they look better then they originally thought". Everyone else is being polite, not calling them the shit they are. I'm one of the last hold outs on being open about how shit the wolves became over the past few years.
I hold the fucking line.
I wouldn't mind them if their poses weren't so retarded.
When did Space Marines go from "genetic purity from corruption" to this?
Holy shit, the wolves tried to call chaos a bunch of monsters but they use mutants blatantly these days?
It looks like I'll have to pull out my Minotaurs again, its purging time...
I don't even WANT to know the lore justification for these... just looking at them makes me sad.
Yeah desu I think people wouldn't bitch about them as much if they:
1. Weren't obviously overpowered purely to push new books/models
2. Weren't hideous, uninspired models.
If theh were something more like Garou wearing fetishes and scraps of power armor, and had rules that (for example) made them goofy fusions of Beast and Infantry rules, you wouldn't hear a single instance of "furfag."
Or maybe you still would. Actually that's probable no matter how you look at it.
Like half the loyalist founding chapters are mutants or genetic experiments in some capacity. There's practically more genetic purity to be found among the traitor legions (pre heresy).
>Blood Angels
>Raven Guard
>Space Wolves
I'm fine with Imperial werewolves.
I'm not fine with those imperial werewolves being fucking spacemarines instead of a IG abhuman detachment.
I can see how Purestrains would be cheaper, but going by 1v1 stats, how would a stealer beat a wulfen?
Yeah, I noticed this as well. Of all the legions to transition from 30k into 40k gaming wise the World Eaters seem to do it the best since their troops are actually solid in both.
The veterans are even crazier, I think they are 12 points a model for an extra attack, get special weapons and +1 on the vehicle damage table so str6 against vehicles. I've seen these guys chew through entire armies with Angron or Kharne soloing Knights and riptides because of Gorechild.
Its crazy shit.
The sad part is that they are setting up the story for the Grey Knights to be the ones that Ok these shitters.
Its going to be a fucking nightmare when Fenris pt2 comes out.
Remnants of DaoT genetic engineering
1v1 as in unit v. unit no outside interference, previous wounds etc.
You know the complete vaccum theorycrafters exist in.
And they should be put fucking down? How are these okay? They look like mutants.
Emperor saw fit to utilize their gene code.
Take it up with him.
What about wraiths?
Only in formation.
Rogal Dorn will defend this.
They aren't str 6 against vehicles, they just add 1 to the penetrating hit table.