Long Live the Spiral Edition
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Long Live the Spiral Edition
>Rules databases
>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
>Forgeworld Book index
> The Black Library
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First for the empra
Based off leaks, are you guys actually going to field the Goliath?
Guys, I have a question. If Chaos has infinite possibilities that are all horrible could the Chaos Gods make a CSM sane beyond reason instead of insane beyond reason for laughs and giggles?
>Got my WD
>40k comic
I wanted a model dammit
No idea. Depends how much the normal Goliath costs, is it open-topped, how Cult Ambush rule works and what weapons those are that Rockgrinder can get.
I swore I wouldn't get caught up in the GSC hype but...the Goliath
I've also already got a bunch of IG I can easily make 'fall' to GSC influence - especially since they can take sentinels. I'm really hoping they'll put in a sentinel variant something like pic related.
I'm recently thinking of creating a Chapter for Battlefleet Gothic and Space Hulk.
The Chapter being based on a forge world or a moon orbiting a forge world, close to an ork infested System, and mainly being invovled in space battles, and clearing Space Hulks of Orks.
The Chapter would be in close cooperation with the Imperial Navy and basically fulfill the role of "Space Marines" as they provide boarding parties for many imperial ships in the system.
The Forge World would also have a sizeable Naval Base.
I have not yet agreed on a colour scheme, I would like a green, or a very dark blue.
First, how reasonable is the existence/setup for this chapter? I haven't read the latest space marine lore.
why is Bell of Lost souls so shit?
Based off the model - yes, I'll probably get at least 2.
For the rules, if the upgraded Killdozer variant is only 75pts, the regular version is probably going to be only 55, that seems very fair.
This is the new hotness? A Sentinel with hands? It looks nice and all, but why hasn't it been done before?
Because of clickbait.
It has, by Forgeworld, they don't make them any more though.
I want a power loader sentinel because it suits the 'repurposed mining equipment' theme of the GSC, plus I find the concept of close-combat sentinels hilarious.
>By the sixth day of its inner journey the Seeker’s mind had crystallised into true sentience. With self-awareness came a grasp of possibilities beyond the here and now, followed by a torrent of abstract ideas and imaginings. At the forefront of this was the insistent vision of an ever-turning, slowly unwinding spiral. The Seeker didn’t understand the significance of the image until nightfall, when the truth sharpened into sudden clarity. The spiral represented the great imperative that drove its bloodline.
>The Sororitas would call it a ‘symbol’.
>Gripped by a cold fervour, the Seeker sifted through the mental fragments it had stolen from the enemy during its incursion. Notions that had been nonsensical before now blazed with power, and from one moment to the next the great imperative became holy.
>On the seventh night the Seeker bestowed this revelation upon its thralls, who carved the Sacred Spiral into reality, upon wood and stone and sometimes their own flesh. Their veneration elevated them from thralls to disciples, and in turn their worship exalted their master from Seeker to Prophet.
>By the ninth night the Prophet’s path was clear, but a shadow occluded the radiance of the Spiral: the warrior women who had inadvertently breathed life into it.
>Armed with faith, the Prophet cast its mind across to its enemies’ aerie once more to test them with new insight. This time it recognised the seams of madness running through their spiritual armour. In most cases the madness strengthened the alloy, but in a few it had become corrosive, and in none more so than the one called Sister Etelka, whose thoughts were riddled with dark doubts and darker regrets.
Maybe even less. I can imagine that TL-autocannon costs less than that heavy weapon and the normal variant only has av11 on its front.
Is it wrong for me to fear the new genestealers codex? I keep hearing all the hype that it has all the guardsmen stuff you could want while being better. Will there be a reason to run my guardsmen after the release?
>Night after night the Prophet gifted the warrior with whispered questions that she thought her own, insinuating itself behind her eyes until she saw the secret heresies of her sisters. Thus loyalty unravelled into loathing, then horror and finally hate as Sister Etelka was drawn into the Sacred Spiral and anointed as its first apostle.
>On the nineteenth night, the Prophet assembled its congregation and pronounced judgement: those that deny the Divine Imperative will be cleansed.
-Genestealer Cults (Novella)
A battle sister was corrupted and then recruited by a genestealer Patriarch.
Explain this, Sister fans.
filename lol
'bay 12, please'
Not chaos. So it's cool.
So I'm staring in a local Combat Patrol group's monthly league and I'm a little stuck on choosing.
My first idea was a Freeboota theme with Badrukk and the 5 man version of Badrukks flash gitz with his named sergeant plus some boyz and grethint to act as ABS and swabbies respectively.
Can that work, or would I be (substantially) better of with a Mad Max/Borderlands/Speed freeks list of rusty bikes, buggies and other squig-oil addicts?
Revolutionary Communist of the Esoteric Order of Dagon in Space
Damn it I don't not have the radical Genestealer in this PC
>It has, by Forgeworld, they don't make them any more though.
Really now?
>I want a power loader sentinel because it suits the 'repurposed mining equipment' theme of the GSC, plus I find the concept of close-combat sentinels hilarious.
Why would a Sentinel be used as mining equipment in the first place? I thought the IG had a monopoly on them.
A tech-priestess was corrupted once by a genestealer. You know a woman who is nothing but tubes and bionics? A SoB being slipped a hot Cosby by a genestealer isn't so out there.
You ran it after R&H, why not after genestealers.
As an Ork player I am similarly conflicted. GSC seem to be able to do the 'ramshackle but durable force that excels in close quarters' thing better in every possible way.
Why run Orks?
fine 40k gentlemen
is there a PDF of the 30th anniversary space marine book?
Index Astartes Apocrypha
unrestricted access to vehicles
no real reason to fear genestealers when you can just bubblewrap a hellhound with conscripts
It's could have easily been Chaos. Chaos has psykers too.
>but in a few it had become corrosive, and in none more so than the one called Sister Etelka, whose thoughts were riddled with dark doubts and darker regrets
Gee I dunno user, sounds like the psychic xenos abomination known as a genestealer patriarch decided to mind rape the weak?
You shouldn't.
Give up immediately and sell your orks at throwaway price on ebay with international shipping enabled.
>A tech-priestess was corrupted once by a genestealer.
Don't lie. She was implanted with the genestealer kiss.
Tech Priests enough flesh in them to be implanted by genestealers. Also they have organic brains that can be mind controlled.
If you wanna buy my Orks, you gotta take me out to dinner first.
Ey lads,anyone know where I can find Imperial Armour Vol 4 Anphelion Project Second Edition?
I'm pretty sure you can find it on torrent sites
But Sisters mental resolve is unbreakable. They will never betray the Sisters and Emperor!
So what kind of 40k do you people usually play? The "Epic" kind with tons of super heavies everywhere, the normal kind with a lot of troops and vehicles, a more skirmish focused game, kill team/HoR, or something different entirely?
For some reason I love that
>Don't lie. She was implanted with the genestealer kiss.
I consider that corruption. Sue me.
Yep,it's there,thank you
Not worth the effort, I've dozens of others ready to straight to business.
I used to play bigger games, but they started taking way too long and people took the opportunity to bring an excessive amount of superheavies.
Now I find that 1000pts is a good size - small enough that it's difficult (though by no means impossible) to bring egregious cheese, but big enough that you can still take some fun stuff.
It also means the game doesn't run too long, and with plenty of terrain on the table it's a pretty great experience.
But that's bullshit, a techpriest doesn't have a conventional physiology. They're organs connected by wiring and tubes, and the brain is swamped with cogitators. It would be like trying to infect a network of computers with no wifi.
And the sister thing is just another example of "The sisters are immune to mental corruption, oh, except if this happens".
We play a lot of Space Hulk.
Technically Zone Mortalis, but the owner of the terrain is a Tyranid player who brings it along, so it is almost always against Tyranid, and he fields like 70% genestealers.
Fun as fuck. Makes for a vastly different kind of game than the usual 40k game. We play with blips where we have markers explaining what unit is hiding underneath, that doesn't show up until the enemy has visual on the unit. Extremely fun, and let's us play Space Hulk with any faction we want.
But I wanted spaghetti!
Thanks, user. I guess so long as it's grimdark enough being sane beyond reason while in service to Chaos.
>everyone in the warband causes you pain just by existing due to Warp corruption
>living in the Eye also hurts you
>you can't use I'm insane so I don't understand what I'm doing is wrong
>The sisters are immune to mental corruption
Just like the Space Marines are incorruptible, expect they aren't. They just can't hide that fact anymore, because literally half of them fell to Chaos. That's a lot more than the amount of sororitas have ever lost.
It's called propaganda you faggot, and considering what the Sisters represent, you can bet your jimmies that any deviation will be kept quiet so everyone keeps believing that they are impossible to corrupt.
Guy on Dakka with broken english who's been saying vague things about having "seen" the genedex is now saying he has it in front of him.
Take with mild salt, guy's been as I say vague as fuck up till now.
there was an example of a chaos sorcerer who ended up leading his fleet into a star because he felt remorseful for all the bad things he'd had to do for the past ten thousand years
Is he the same one that said a bunch of vague things that happened to broadly coincide with the information GW themselves gave out in that Phil Kelly video, then abruptly deleted all his posts?
No pictures, no credibility.
So far I've never ben needlesly hyped of disapointed.
Yes. Yes he is.
I can't tell if he's an attention whore or just an idiot.
>They're organs connected by wiring and tubes, and the brain is swamped with cogitators.
Not all Tech Priests are like that. Some are still mostly organics. Like the Tech Priestess in the Cain novel who hasn't undergone all the procedures.
>"The sisters are immune to mental corruption, oh, except if this happens".
The Sisters are not immune to corruption and never were said to be immune. It's just fanwank.
The Sisters are after all just human. They are not Space Marines whose minds are trained to be shielded against psychic manipulation and corruption.
necrons isnt real
The sisters have FAR more faith than the marines, represented by that fact that they can create MIRACLES from their faith. The marines aren't totally indoctrinated by the Imperial Truth and have some measure of independent thought, with the amount depending on the chapter. The sisters on the other hand have been through a total brainwash and believe unquestioningly.
New BL short story about a Genestealer cult vs a Chaos cult. Who is going to win?
>They are not Space Marines whose minds are trained to be shielded against psychic manipulation and corruption
Technically all schola graduates have that kind of mental conditioning, though how severe it is depends on what source you look at.
>The sisters on the other hand have been through a total brainwash and believe unquestioningly.
Not really. As we saw above, Sisters can have cracks in their faith and inner doubts which can manifest into HERSEY!
The Sister in the novella wasn't alone in her treachery. She recruited other Sisters and betrayed the coven by opening the gates of the chapel for the Genestealer cultist horde.
See, this is exactly where an anonymous board shines. Without miss manners mods, if he turned up here we could berate him to be less vague if he's not lying, or fuck off and quit making shit up.
Who will win, the new faction, or not the new faction?
is mystery????
I used to frequent Dakkadakka, Warseer, and others, but the relentless passive aggression and miniature cults of personality that formed irked me to the point that I couldn't go there anymore.
Veeky Forums provides the same basic function, only it has a link to all the latest 40k junk at the top of the thread and we can call one another fag with impunity.
I remember that guy, but wasn't trying to make the CSM I plan on doing writefaggotry about like him. Is a Sorcerer but that's about the only similarity besides knowing what he does is wrong. The dude's basically like Gustave the Crocodile if Gustave was a SoH Sorcerer Lord leading a middle class man's Black Legion big on sorcery and scorched earth tactics. A living, breathing, scream-eating dinosaur that is so sick of his own immortality that he passes the time by destroying life whenever he sees it.
>relentless passive aggression
This. It's so much -worse- than brief flashes of open hostility.
You mean in the book that is being called bullshit? You can't use the book as evidence to support itself.
At least in the Ward fuckery there was a mechanical element to the corruption that meant your psychic resilience meant nothing because it was a disease as well.Except to Grey Knights wearing their blood of course.
If she had been kissed by a genestealer then it would work, but psychic shenanigans wouldn't.
Pick two.
Pick 3 if you are trying to make a funny joke.
Chaos is one of the few armies who even lose in their own books consistently.
You just inspired me to the next big social app.
DinnR: where lonely people can meet other people to have over for dinner.
No more hungry man meals or wastefully eating a family sized pizza, now theres always an occation to cook a proper meal.
It's vs. Nids.
I give it...1 month before someone is killed an eaten as a direct result of using that app.
Still safer than Uber
Then maybe he shouldn't have been a lying faggot and say it was against a chaos cult.
he's saying nids are equally capable of losing in their own books, you bint
it's a battle of the jobbers, but since one is new we know who is going to win
In the Cain series, a sentinel with power loaders is used to move the ammo pallets at the supply depots. Later, when scuttling the depot, they strap a heavy flamer to it to make it combat worthy. Keeping power loaders makes it seem like a utility unit instead of a combat one. I like that.
Pretty hyped
Nid cult vs chaos cult
>another age of sigmar model
>but psychic shenanigans wouldn't.
Sisters were mind controlled in "Cain's Last Stand".
Nid cult vs chaos cult
Just add Digganobz and we'll have a battle of the third rate wannabes.
>Can't call a WAAAAGH on turn 1 because that might lead to Turn 1 assaults and that's a definite no-no
>Entire new assault orientated army gets Infiltrate and Turn 1 assault
Time to buy some Genestealer parts and start converting up Da Kult.
That's the spirit
Chaos won in Traitor's Hate/Angel's Blade
Cain is 90% bullshit, 10% research.
We could get 40k stuff.
Deres only un Kult ya git!
The laack of leaks in GSC is frustrating ¬¬_
Siegmarines or Spessmuhreens, same shit.
With those sick wartrak models
Sandy Mitchel writes his stories by looking at codex entries and fluff, then extrapolating from there. In the book in question, there was a psyker during the 13th Black Crusade who convinced anyone who heard him to join him. There's nothing about Sisters that would inherently protect them against that; Cain gets past it thanks to Jurgen, and Sisters aren't blanks. Cain however is deeply shocked, as is everyone else who hears about the Sisters fighting for Chaos, so it's clearly something that doesn't really happen. When Jurgen gets close to the Sisters the mind control drops, and they go completely insane and jump off a nearby cliff.
I'm fucking stealing a bunch of those mining Trukks for my orks.
Dude they will make great trukks
>but psychic shenanigans wouldn't.
Daily reminder that psychic powers don't interact with their opponents like on TT or even in the PnP, where there's some hard value stopping you from getting controlled. Particularly with Telepathy it's a whole batch of different factors, from emotional state to the power of a Psykers to the defences and mental programming of the recipient.
I could totally see one of the weaker Sisters (yes, Sisters are Human, they have a higher average resistance but still got fluctuations in their resistance, especially considering the Imperium isn't uniform in its rites and the like) being mentally altered by a Genestealer Patriarch, who is well above the typical Human Telepath in their ability to dominate others.
muh sisters
muh purity
how dare GW ruin muh waifus
I'm thinking they have Warbuggy potential too. Depends on the size of the model. I've already chopped up Trukks to make some others Warbuggies ages ago so I'm keen to make some different ones up now.
I know.
Goliaths for my boys and Acolytes as cultist/renegades for my Chaos grand alliance
Hmm I kind of agree.
A single sister "falling" for a Patriarch isn´t that insane or impossible. The Patriarch isn´t some jedi mindtrick type of psyker..
Any advice for an aspiring new player? I really like the grey knights, is there a particolar order I should start buying?
Awesome - Leman Russes and Sentinels confirmed. Dis gun b gud.
Any news about a genestealer cult "start collecting" box? I'd hate to get the individual cultist boxes and find out I could also get one of the new vehicles for the same price if I waited a couple of weeks.
Nope. Should be noted Deathwatch still don't have a SC! box either.
GW have hit a fucking goldmine with this release, maybe it'll go some way towards convincing them that people are genuinely interested in this side of the imperium
which may hopefully lead to the return of necromunda and even gorkamorka
Can someone explain to me what's so attractive about the genestealer cults?
I dont find them that appealing at all.
Neither Imperial Guard nor Tyranids.
I think Deathwatch is miles more interesting but they didnt get as much hype
>Leman Russes and Sentinels confirmed.
They're trying to build hype and it worries me. It's gonna be shit, isn't it?
Not my pictures,
I think they haven´t been seen here though...
>that faggot keeps posting spoilers when the fucking spoiler tag is easily used
wish mods would ban him until he learns to press CTRL + S.