Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
[Kaladesh is now legal. No banlist changes.]
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
[Kaladesh is now legal. No banlist changes.]
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ded format
Will the health death cannon from Keledesh make Soul Sisters better?
Hey bud, just because the format's so linear that I do just as well with glimmervoid-less affinity as I do with jeskai control after playing the latter for 3 years doesn't mean it's dead.
So Frontier died before living, right?
Add a bad card to a bad deck doesn't make either better
When will Modern become uncucked from Standard and Limited fags?
When modern stops being stagnant and dominated by 5 decks.
>format of standard mistakes that can only get new cards through a heavily powered down standard
>thinking this format isn't dead as fuck
At least legacy gets cards through conspiracy and commander sets. And wizards throws legacy a bone or two in each. Modern gets fuck all except pushed creatures and any noncreature spell that doesn't involve creatures is !badwrongfun ยก so it gets a ban
This makes no sense in this context. Why must you parrot memers? How old are you?
>third most popular competitive format after Limited and Standard
>these prices
It's like you don't understand why Modern is so expensive.
>Thread slow because everyone is out playing modern FNM
>ded format
Anyone try pic related in infect yet? Seems almost good enough.
The only thing this post proves is you're retarded
Dont play infect but i could see it being rum as a 1-2 of.
Is jund gonna run new Chandra? Every time I look at the new Chandra, I think "well it just has to be good, right?" But honestly I can't figure out where she fits into. Unless she gets her own new deck?
The closest she'll get to seeing play is a 1 or 2 of in skred.
Her abilities are clunky and the 4 mana flame slash is not how you want to deal with threats.
People just see 4 abilities and think it's insane.
Ok, well, Liliana comes in and immediately takes herself down to 1 loyalty to remove a creature. Liliana has the benefit of being pretty much a guaranteed kill, whereas 4 damage isn't always a kill. But, with Chandra you get to choose which creature to take out and with Liliana they get to choose. Also Liliana comes out a turn earlier.
I'd run it, throw 3 copies of that and titanic growth you'll be good.
But why doesn't anyone run Blight Mamba in these decks? A two drop infect with regeneration can't be bad? What am I missing?
where do you guys order quality custom playmats?
i want something like this
can't imagine what to cut honestly, maybe groundswell?
It's too slow. Seriously, Infect is so streamlined and quick it doesn't want it.
Blighted Agent is leagues better as well.
The u/g infect deck is already pretty tight, so there's not a lot of room for it. In the 2 drop slot, flying and unblockable are both better than regenerate, especially since you have to pay 2 mana for the effect.
Because Infect is a glass cannon deck. It needs Vines and/or Blessing to get through the inevitable early bolt/path/whatever (assuming they don't take out the heirarch). The longer the game goes on, the more probability that they have removal. Playing Blight Mamba just adds 1 turn more to the deck, in a deck that absolutely needs the lower turn count.
The regeneration is a mana-sink in a deck that doesn't have the space for mana.
rate this pile of shit
who reps going 2/2 every week with jank
fuck yeah
These are all great break downs actually, thanks for the info guys. I have some tweaking to do.
So it's the opposite of 8 rack basically. Seems like it'll be a bad matchup against decks that can easily unload their hand. Burn and affinity come to mind. I think it'll be less competitive than 8 rack because you only have 4 copies of the enchantment you're banking on, and it costs 3 instead of 1.
>Seems like it'll be a bad matchup against decks that can easily unload their hand.
It really is. I have pretty much given up playing against Burn. I've tried some sideboard options against it, but I can't be bothered at the moment. There's only like one Affinity player for some reason where I am.
The 8-Rack comparison is valid but kinda misleading. This is a deck which directly attacks mana generation by bouncing lands to the hand and by using Blood Moon. 8-Rack attacks the hand directly. Fevered Visions allows for card draw and also gives pressure in the mid game. It's a really odd deck in that it seems to have a really strong game on the play, but a really bad game on the draw. Bouncing a turn one land with an Eye of Nowhere is pretty much the ideal play. Even better if you can snag their heirarch or it's a shock they fetched.
So is delver of secrets supposed to be Jeff Goldbloom from The Fly?
it's called a reference, user.
It isn't literally Jeff Goldblum.
That's what I was getting at. Like was it done specifically to reference him or happy coincidence
it's a reference
Pure coincidence.
You realize The Fly was a movie before the Goldbloom version, right? And before that it was a short story. It's a reference to the character, Delambre/Brundle, not Goldbloom.
>when you meme somebody out with the sun titan/saheeli combo
I was kind of surprised to learn that the titans aren't legendary honestly
I'm kind of surprised saheeli isn't more expensive
I think people are really underestimating her -2.
Yeah, it's really good
It might be good in a RUG midrange list too
get em now boys
Post deck, I wanna hop on the newest meme
Take this list and turn one of the sun titans into Emrakul
It's fucking hilarious, I just beat a control deck with it. He FF'd when I got to titan number 8
So let me get this straight. They banned twin and then this shit happens anyway?
Yea. Twin was great.
This is garbage
It's not really better than twin, although I did just take the last high placing twin deck and throw the combo in
It shares Twin's weaknesses but it can protect itself using the grave which is neat, the thing that sucks is that the pieces indiviudally aren't very good
At this rate, WUR-Control will be flavor-of-the-week and have a Jund Tax just like Jund.
First it was Ajani Vengeant, then Kiki-Resto, then Sun Titan, and then Nahiri, then Saheeli.
I bet to this day Ajani Vengeant is still a feasible win condition in that deck.
>They banned a combo reliant on one of any number of three mana creatures with flash that can even deny your opponent mana to answer it and a four mana enchantment
>WOW this combo reliant on a 6 mana creature is JUST AS BAD
Naya Restore Balance runs it, think it's secretly decent
Ran my gruel energy today for fnm modern was repeatedly swing with 20/20 with trample by turn 4. It's all good.
post list
My condolences dude, I didn't know retards won your FNM every week. I wish you luck on your quest to best them!
Jesus Christ why the fuck does Gatherer exist? You can't even comment or rate cards on there. It's card search options are shit too. What's the point of it?
To provide official information that other sites like can compile and display in a better format.
Just use 4 Electrize pummelers 4 built to smash and 2 cost energy builders.
My response here.Will post deck list when not on phone. is good.
How do I into deck building? My brews always seem to be some variant of "Get creatures, smash face" and I'm getting bored but I have no idea how to change. Even some half workable jank would be nice to make.
>take old deck
>put new tech in to handle metagame
congrats, youre now flavor of the month
It's dead man. Guy who owns it also sold MTGSalvation and now doesn't give a fuck about it.
Loam Pox is back!
It is usually just as good as Damnation. All of the decks that have 5-toughness creatures can be taken care of by the rest of the deck. Bant Eldrazi, Grixis Delver, Valakut all are weak to so much of the rest of the deck, so why not save money with Languish.
>pmayne playing UR pyromancer
>"this deck is great because it never floods"
>draws 3 lands in a row, costing him the game
He shoulda tapped his hand on some dead plant fiber desu famalam
Don't post that fucking hate symbol on my Veeky Forums
>tfw you hit a blunt with pyromancer's ascension up
>charge counters getting higher than you are
feels great man
You mean this symbol?
(relatively) new player. I bought some starter decks back in 2011 to play with people in college. Haven't played much since.
I just downloaded magic duels on steam. Any tips on which boosters to get first/which decks to aim at building? I am partial towards white but I am willing to broaden my horizons. Really I just want to have fun as opposed to winning every game.
>Really I just want to have fun as opposed to winning every game.
>have fun
>as opposed to winning every game
Welcome to the Modern general friendo, where you'll do neither.
Like I said, I'm new. Where should I be asking my question(s) instead?
>competitive modern
lel, what a bunch of crap. Get with the times, losers. Standard is the only way to play. Honorable mentions to EDH
It *was* dead for about half a year, but it recently started updating itself around a month ago. The lone guy running it was probably just being lazy about adjusting the site's algorithm to a 2 set standard rotation.
There should be a casual MTG thread up. Modern is competitive format that costs too much money to start up. You'd want either the casual format or maybe standard. Trying to start this game by jumping into modern is an arduous task.
You probably got decieved by the name Modern and thought it referred to the newest set/vidya instead of referring to cards that are 13 years old.
If you want to dive into the game try and find a pdf of Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding (do not pay for them, they're fucking ebooks). After that, read up on the newest set, Kaladesh and see what's good in limited (ie what you should aim for when drafting cards). Then play some draft at a local.
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
EDH is my favorite format simply because I can play goblin welder
look for a site where they break down the Magic Duels meta and pick a good deck from there you like if you want to have a decent chance at winning.
Eldritch Moon and Shadows Over Innistrad have pretty good white Humans and Angels
Fun and interactive.
Tested Chandra tonight, played her twice. One time she plus'd to kill a Nahiri and the 2nd time I killed a Thoughtknot Seer. Other than than at one point I purposely discarded it to enable Delirium for my 2 Grim Flayers. So so far it's okay?
>playing 24 lands and 36 siege rhinos.
I wish.
So am i right in thinking kaladesh doesnt have anything for modern aside from stylish reprints? I thought i might get something for affinity but it looks like they intentionaly made it so anything i would want has some kind of drawback that makes it not good enough.
Nothing for T1 decks at least
Yeah, for an artifact themed block, it's kind of meh. Like, I get not wanting to repeat the design mistakes , but everything in the set is very safe. They could have pushed the power of vehicles, for instance.
Hopefully, there's some decent cards in the next set. I'm hoping some new Burn tech. And i know it's all going to be crap, just let me dream.
>You can't even comment or rate cards on there.
Can't you do exactly both of those things?
The only thing Affinity might want is Inventors' Fair, which competes for the same spot a lot of people are using for Sea Gate Wreckage right now.
There are certain tradeoffs whichever one you go with, but I think it's more likely that people will stick with Wreckage.
Cathartic Reunion replaced Tormenting Voice in Dredge.
People had been cutting Voice in some build recently, but I think Reunion is so good that it will easily take those spots back. It's a pretty damn strong turn 2.
I feel like I know the answer to these questions, but my newb friend raged after I used this on his creature to clear a path to victory
1. Can you play this card on your opponent's creature?
2. Can you discard a card immediately after playing this card to remove the enchanted creature?
3. What is the ability type of the discard ability? It's not an activated ability correct?
It is an activated ability
maybe, is correct but maybe stuff for tier 2-3 decks
The Enemy Fastlands might be usable.
I think they're super overrated actually
There's just no decks that really use fast lands and no decks are really screaming for enemy fastlands. People either want to delve or pump goyfs and fastlands do neither. I just can't think of any deck that would use them, maybe the WB as a one-of in ad nauseam and even that's probably a no
I'm building Boros Burn and Inspiring Vantage is an easy 4 of. Enough to replace Arid Mesas until I can afford them, and when I do. They will stay mainboard anyway.
I'm putting a one of in my legacy deck as a replacement for a 4th dual. It can't be fetched for, but if its one of your top 10 cards, its just as good. Plus using wastes can knock you down to the requirement.
Looks fun as fuck user.
How I noticed you opt for Gigadrowse over Exhaustion, how has that been faring for you?
Cathartic something something hugs is okay for a T1? T2? T1.5? deck? Madcap experiment might work out as a like 2-6 card package that sometimes just flat out wins the game against some decks but I don't think it really has a strong home
Have you considered days undoing as a 1/2 of? Refills both hands, and if you have mana up you can use all the instants you drew on their upkeep.
They're nice for people who don't want to buy the expensive enemy fetchlands but would like better manabases.
Yeah the fast lands are unplayable.
The only one that sees use is Blackcleave Cliffs.