MTG Frontier General - In love with the CoCo edition

For those who aren't caught up.

A store in Japan has funded a massive tournament to try out a new eternal format called "Frontier". This format involves cards from M15 onwards, and will essentially be a "Fixed" modern.

The first thread had a few decent brew ideas with a lot of shitposting about how CoCo would just dominate and ruin the format. Is Bant Company really too good for Neo-Modern? Would the problem just solve itself after future set releases, as we expand from "Just extended" to a true, non rotatory format?


Other urls found in this thread:

For those who are unaware, Frontier Legal sets at this point would be:

Khans of Tarkir
Fate Reforged
Dragons of Tarkir
Magic Origins
Battle For Zendikar
Oath of the Gatewatch
Shadows Over Innistrad
Eldritch Moon

Other things to note:
>Allied fetch lands are legal.
>Chord of Calling is legal.
>Enemy fast lands have just been printed.
>Battle lands are fetchable
>Eldrazi are playable without Eye of Ugin/Eldrazi temple

> Shitty neo-Extended
> Japs

So why did they choose to start at M15 and not Origins? Was it just specifically to include fetches and walkers before Khans?

Same logic with Modern. New border started at M15.

Xth for do a format

>Specifically to include walkers before khans
>Garruk, Apex Predator
>Chandra, Pyromaster
>Liliana Vess
>Ajani Steadfast
>Nissa, Worldwaker
>Jace, the Li... We don't talk about Jace

Yeah we'd be lost without this bunch...

Is there a good superfriends list here?

Having access to Oath of Nissa helps limit mana issues, plus i guess Ajani Steadfast can say what's up.

I like the idea of Nahiri getting Newlamog in standard. Maybe more viable here?

dead stocks

What a miserable sounding format. It doesn't even have thought scour. It's like someone though, "you know what would make nonrotating formats better? A low power level and a shallow card pool."
If people like it, power to them, but I'm thoroughly turned off.

>trcuis and dig are bad cads

>thought scour is card draw/selection and not an engine to help power out both dig and cruise

But they are. 8CMC draw 3 / get the two best cards from the next 7 is utter shit.

These effects are only good when they cost 1-2, which won't happen because this shitfest of a format doesn't have good cantrips or discard spells or filler at all that isn't fetchlands.

Both are only as good as the cards you draw with them.

Fiery Temper
Lightning Strike
Molten Vortex
Incindery Flow
Scab-Clan Berserker
Exquisite Fire craft
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh.

You sound like the people who said getting delerium was going to be hard. Blue should have to control the game for a brief period of time before getting to combo off and there are cards that allow that to happen. Just because the perfect fuel for the fire is too old doesnt mean there will never be new ways to power these cards out.

Also for creature combat.
Hooting Mandrills
Autumnal gloom
Moldgraf shambler
Gnarlwood Dryad
Skin Infection
Soul flayer
Gurmag Angler

This may be the place for vehicles to shine with OGW Nissa and the token makers from Khans and M15

>all the warriors are humans
>Thalia's buffs humans

It's like you hate value. Even modern ally decks play champion of the parish despite it being nothing like an ally.

Speaking of harmless offering, I would love to see a Grixis deck with all of the control effects in frontier. Get maybe a one of dragon lord silumgar, demonic pact, aggressive mining, midnight oil, enter the fold, confiscation coup, harmless offering (of course) and emrakul, and make your opponent play the worst cards of your deck and you play the best cards of theirs. Have the rest be the best removal (black will probably have to put the most effort in this group), and shove all of the dual lands in there because no blood moon or fulminate Mage.

I'm just talking out of my butt right now, because harmless offering and demonic pact in a red/black control deck is kinda good by itself.

Holy crap, what is this... the third thread? Man the shillers are hard at work over this...

We want to make it work, dang it. Just let us be.

Seventh or eighth by my count. We're getting paid well for this my fellow hebrew!

first for cancer

4x Sphinx's Tutelage
3x Mind Sculpt
4x Fiery Impulse
4x Cathartic Reunion
2x Tormenting Voice
4x Expedite
3x Treasure Cruise
2x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2x Curious Homunculus
3x Bedlam Reveler
4x Collective Defiance
3x Languish
3x Spirebluff Canal
3x Shivan Reef
2x Sunken Hollow
2x Swamp
4x Mountain
2x Island
4x Polluted Delta
2x Bloodstained Mire

Love it. Hope that if frontier ever becomes a format supported by WOTC (right after highlander and paper pauper get their needed recognition) that treasure cruise doesn't get banned.

If you're going for mill, wouldn't altar of the brood help...

Also should I go with W/R Vehicles (Depala, Qal-Sima Behemoth, Lupine Prototype, Madru Blazebringer, vehicles)
B/W "Life gain" ( chaplain blessing, alms for the vein, Kambal, it that rides as one, ajani's pack mate, serene steward, cleric of the forward order, feldiar sovereign, Alahamarret's archive, aetherflux reservoir)

Altar is just meh as a mill engine, a mill deck doesn't run a large amount of permanents. This deck runs heavy cantrip counts to find its engine, which then turns the cantrips into more mill.

Lifegain seems really meh, you'll eventually just run out of gas and lose to a deck with actual threats instead of 1 mana do nothings.

You're clearly really bad at magic.

Bane fetches

Vehicles needs to go Naya Tokens for it to really work because wraths spare the vehicles but not the pilots.
>Dragon Fodder
>Raise the alarm
>Nisa, Voice of Zendikar
>Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
And a bunch of cars will be the deck since Nissa and Gideon both produce pilots and make your vehicles stronger through counters/emblems.

>I never played standard

How long until this shitty new format goes the way of middle-class magic and tiny leaders?

Literally no one gives a flying fuck about the "unique and interesting" format of turning rhinos sideways.

>middle class magic


Also, I think this format could be fun for people who have enjoyed standard, whic seems to be a lot of people

Obviously people who haven't played standard since m15 won't be interested, also people who did but didn't like it

>Japs make post-moder because despite being loaded can't get enough cards for modern
>French shave duel commander from 30 to 20 life because wotc doesn't design anything that affects the format and it's stalling as hard as tiny leaders
>Standard has been losing tournament attendance all year long
>Legacy is ded
>Vintage told wotc to go fuck themselves when they told them to stop using proxies

This is what happens when you're a TOY company that acts like it's a media producer/bank.

Rate my shitty Jund brew.

Lands (24)
4 Bloodstained Mire
2 Cinder Glade
1 Forest
3 Hissing Quagmire
2 Llanowar Wastes
2 Mountain
3 Smoldering Marsh
4 Swamp
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
2 Wooded Foothills

Creatures (16)
4 Grim Flayer
2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar
4 Sylvan Advocate
2 Arborback Stomper
2 Thunderbreak Regeant

Enchantments (3)
3 Molten Vortex

Instants (11)
3 Fiery Impulse
3 Grasp of Darkness
2 Kolaghan's Command
2 Unlicensed Disintegration
1 Murderous Cut

Sorcery (6)
4 Despise
2 Duress

I like it. Screw you.

WotC will soon learn their game is larger than them.

Is it possible to use hooting mandrills, kozilek's return, lightning strike, grapple with the past, stubborn denial, various counter and dig spells, gnarlwood dryad, elder deep fiend, wretched hippogryff, fetchlands, filigree familiar, and cathartic reunion all in one deck?

Why not? Give it a shot! Go wild!

>Japs make post-moder because despite being loaded can't get enough cards for modern

I wondered why anyone would ever want to play anything like this, and that now makes sense. On a related note, are there even any Italian Legends cards left in Italy for Italians to play Legacy with?

any way to replace dictate of karametra in my old theros-khans sultai villain wealth?

Did some quick,searched, and it doesn't look like you can straight up replace it. What does the deck do? Do you have a list?

I feel Rabblemaster can get much more dangerous than Advocate if left alone.

Wouldn't be surprised if there aren't. Ditto for Revised, all my duals are italian FBB.

Frontier is already an obscure MTG game type, though.

>Get 2-4 normal decks
>Remove all the lands, note which lands came from where, and shuffle all lands together into deck
>Place the land cards facedown in a rectangular grid.
>Each player picks an edge of the grid
>Each player gets a 1/1 colourless creature
>Game then starts
>Enchantments, non-creature artifacts, instants and sorceries all work as normal.
>Each player has a zone just off their side of the grid, which all creatures start in and have to move out of.
>Players can only be attacked by creatures adjacent to that zone, and creatures can only attack adjacent creatures
>Creatures can move 1 space per turn, in either the up, left, right, or down directions.
>When a creature moves onto a face down land, it is turned up.
>Creatures can turn adjacent lands face up instead of moving
>Creatures get +1/+1 if the land they're on is one of their colours, and +1/+1 for each adjacent land that's one of their colours
>Lands can only be tapped for mana when there is a creature on them or adjacent to them.

That's the basic rules.

Post modern Mardu!

Help me brew!
Monastery mentor plus all the removal and a few token generators?
Best removal in this format?

In fairness to standard, CoCo was incredibly boring to play against, and the GW mirrors were effectively Mexican Standoff: The Gathering because you could never safely attack for threat of Avacyn blowouts.

There's a lot of hope that Kaladesh will shake up the format. Temur emerge lost little but got a hard counter printed against them, UW spirits and UB zombies lost some notable cards, GW humans lost a LOT.

The format is wide open, and a lot of pros expect there will be a good amount of brewing up until the day of the PT.

That sounds awful.

Yeah, Rabblemaster is beast. During M15 Standard, until shortly before Khans rotated in, it became "Answer Rabblemaster or lose" Hell, several decks crammed him in there because why the fuck not?

Murderous Cut

Also here's your spicy deck tech that everyone forgot about.

Can't be the only decent bit of removal. I know I'll have to run lightning strike as well as a full set of k commands.
Mardu charm could see play too.

Murder is legal. Unlicensed Disintegration is awesome.

There's tons of conditional removal in the 1 and 2 drops. Fiery Impulse, Wild Slash, Grasp of Darkness. Declaration in Stone. Dromoka's Command, Kolaghan's Command. Ultimate price.

I'm sure there's some good removal I'm missing.

Mentor+Pic Related w/ all the good removal spells seems good.

Why the fuck would they start with Origins? Is a better fucking question.

Thanks senpai.
This is starting to look pretty good already. Might chuck boros charm and deflecting palm in the mix too. Pretty satisfying to give an opponents creature double strike and send it back at them

Almost forgot about this guy. I'll run raise the alarm and secure the wastes to ensure he has some tokens to sacrifice.

List is starting to look pretty sweet.

Don't forget Dragon Fodder or Hordeling Outburst.

Jeskai or Mardu tokens looks sweet.

>Shit, how do we sell all this M15, Tarkir, and Origins cards? Everyone just sold them back to us but now they won't sell at all.
The manabase will allow shit like Dark Jeskai, and Abzan will still be all the rage. BfZ cards can't compete with Tarkir, the powerlevel gap is just too big and Shadows would have a hard time as well.

Stop making threads about shitty New Extended

I just want you to drive up the price for CoCo so I can sell.

All control blue decks should mainboard at least 2 strokes


No thanks.

As opposed to what?
Standard is durrdle the format
Modern is Aggro the format.
Legacy is Miracles the format.
Vintage is lol- who- the- fuck- plays this format
Pauper is literal poorfags.
EDH/Commander is UGx the format.
Draft is for people who actually want to play.
Sealed is for babies.

Seriously, why not play another crap format in a terrible game?

Boros charm?

Oh fuck i forgot about this thing

>I had to come here to explicitely tell a bunch of people on the internet that their new format is shit.
>Now if you excuse me, i have to masturbate furiously over my $500 format while chocking myself because playing with Cryptic Command makes me feel good about my life.

>mfw I love grindy matches

You get to cast spells, kill things, attack and block etc

Thanks my man.

Thalia's lieutenant or hanweir? Maybe I could focus on Mardu humans?

It's shame frontier doesn't go as far back as theros.

What's so bad about it?

So abzan aggro is back? Sweet. Anything that could replace fleecemane lion andHerald of torment?

So I can play with cards from MM15 up to kaladesh right?

M15 and MM15 are 2 different things.


Shit to stock up on
-The lands like Port Town (don't need a full playset)
-The commands

Rabblemaster is a nice curve topper in atarka red too.

My bad

>Legacy is Miracles the format
>Vintage is lol- who- the- fuck- plays this format
T. Standardbaby

murder is a crime man

>no delver
>no tempo

I'll pass. Enjoy top decking though.

You are missing the best removal in the game
Cuz you are playing a shitty excuse of format

What is Jeskai/UR Prowess?

That's fine. I'm sick of always seeing that card, anyway.

>What is Jeskai/UR Prowess?
Certainly not tempo

>land an early clock
>protect it with removal, counters, pump spells
>keep some moderate card advantage
>beat face

How is this not tempo? Is there some bizarre and obscure definition I'm not aware of?

You can flip your delver as much as you want, I'll cast DTT and grab ojutai in a real control deck. My wincon doesn't die to pussy ass bolt.

Im gonna play rhinos again!

>real control deck
This is hilarious because frontier can't support 'real' control. Also your garbage format doesn't get bolt lmao.

Lastly, delver is not a control deck you retarded standard baby.

Funny guy

>nu magic babies actually think like this

>start playing in 97
>stop in 09
>come back 6 months ago

frontier seems p. cool to me

Just give me a UU format where no non-land cards that are in the top 16/32/64/whatever decks can be played.

I seriously don't understand the appeal of this format.

The removal sucks.
The counters suck.
Combo is non existent.
Coco is going to dominate because all the good cards are sorceries under 4 cmc with aggressive bodies stapled to them

It's all going to be slamming creatures with no thought other than looking to see if you have the biggest guy or not.

However, now after typing it out, this might actually quarantine all the poorfags and shitters that have infested quality formats.

The appeal for me is that I can start collecting cards, and over time the format will get better and expand. I quit in 09, I missed out on 99% of the broken ass shit that's legal in modern. I Looked at making a modern deck, and it's at least 800 for something decent. In the area I live in, like 6 people play modern because of the cost barrier. However, most everyone in our FB group seems excited for frontier. We will see if that lasts, but for now it's a nice idea.

How's it feel to be a containment thread and the laughing stock of the other constructed mtg threads?

If there was a Standard thread, I'd be posting there.

Modern threads are cancer.

How does it feel to be a senile grandpa behind the current trends?

Wizards doesn't even care about formats outside of standard, outside of the bare minimum number of events.

And there are many signs pointing to this format being something Wizards will eventually get behind.

So how does it feel to play dying formats?

>So how does it feel to play dying formats?
You tell me. What's it like being stillborn?



man, I'm in love with the CoCo so much I might make a company deck in modern. Hoping frontier gains traction at my LGS so I don't have to do that.

Do you think you could convince your LGS to do a Frontier tournament?

Probably not. We can barely get enough people out for draft night.

>hey guys let's play a tiny card pool with shit power level. Trust me. It'll be fun

>Standard players who enjoyed the past 2 years of play get to not only continue playing the decks they've enjoyed but get to continue enjoying being able to add to those decks over time.
>Modern players who can't afford to buy in/weren't around for the printings of the staples/are sick of waiting for reprints/don't enjoy playing against infect or burn/don't like playing "Guess who?" with the banlist get a new, in development non rotatory format where wizards can control the OTT synergies that come about so we don't get anything pop up like Eldrazi Winter again.
>Legacy players who don't like restrictive formats get a little extra value from selling their rares that are played in another format they're not interested in.
>Richfags can enter the format without having to even invest a large ammount of money. You can even go full pimp if you need to show off.
>Poorfags get an accessable alternative to Modern that they can start collecting staples from NOW, without it being a ridiculous financial drain.

The only bad thing people have to say in this thread is "YOU'RE ALL POOR YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE BOLT." We're secure enough with our format that we don't need bolt to be happy. And honestly it's just fun to try brewing with new constraints again.

>ITT: People genuinely excited about trying something new and butthurt Modern players worried that their format is gonna die so they have to shit on anything else that might threaten their investments.

>Tiny card pool with shit power level

Have you even played a draft/sealed before?

I never understood Standard either.

Arnt you talking about your own format?