>My incredibly hot wife
Cool story bro
Why do certain people in this interest group tend to exhibit similar awkward facial hair and cosmetic features?
>My incredibly hot wife
S T D H . txt
>Its a historical wargame
Fuck me.
At the risk of sounding incredibly doofy, most nerds look weird and act awkward for the same reason most adventuring types aren't your typical villager. They got into niche weird hobbies because they were niche and weird themselves.
I would say now that these hobbies have become more mainstream it has created kind of weird divide. But thats just my opinion.
I'm 40k but don't want to be normie...
I can't say this is true for everyone, but I know enough people who shared my experience that I think it might mean something here.
The world doesn't care about you if you aren't attractive. Whether you are in fact legitimately ugly or not, sometimes people manage to make sure you know you're a hopeless case early on and it sticks.
You either obsess about looks and turn into a fake shell desperate to look how others want you or you turn into the kinds of guy you're on about. You stop caring about your weight because who cares how you look, you're ugly nomatter what anyway. You only bathe enough to keep comfortable and prevent illness because whatever, nobody ever wanted to be in smelling range of you anyway so why do them the favor of smelling nice if you don't notice it and they wouldn't care anyway. Eventually you get hobbies like the ones here, and so many of the people there are like you that you know they understand.
Maybe you stay that way. Maybe you hit the wall I hit and try to change for one of a thousand reasons. But it doesn't matter if you keep on as you are or lose the weight, get in shape, fix your face, dress right and make yourself presentable. That fat, smelly, awkward nerd who hates himself so much he can't help but spread that hate out to everyone he meets is still there, and no amount of people saying otherwise will wipe the stain of how one asshole you can't even remember by name or face anymore took away your ability to love yourself.
>user comes to Veeky Forums, talks to Veeky Forums about his great job, handsomeness, “incredibly hot wife”, and posts pics.
Okay, I realize there is approximately 0.0000% chance this is not trolling…
But I’m going to answer your question to the best of my ability.
>Why do certain people in this interest group tend to exhibit similar awkward facial hair and cosmetic features?
Define “cosmetic features”.
As for awkward facial hair, it could be one of two things:
1. They are too lazy to cut their facial hair and let it grow out.
If it surprises you that some adults who play traditional games as a primary hobby are lazy, you’re an idiot.
2. They intentionally grew out their facial hair the way you think looks awkward. This means:
2a. They don’t realize how awkward it looks. If you assume everyone has an accurate self image, you’re an idiot.
2b. It’s not actually awkward and you’re an idiot.
2c. They don’t think it looks awkward.
See, facial hair can be like cosplay. They have a mental image of something cool and try to achieve it to the best of their ability. But if the end product fails to meet the goal, people can be so invested in the look and how they imagine it, that they lose their objectivity. If you can’t see how traditional gamers can get lost in what they imagine, you’re an idiot.
2d. They don’t care that it looks awkward.
Using the cosplay example above, it is entirely possible that they are completely aware of how it looks.
But they like the look they trying for, by proudly wearing their attempt, they are proclaiming their interest to the world around them.
Not everyone is capable of achieving greatness, but that does not mean they should be ashamed of trying. If you don’t understand that, you’re an idiot.
So, in short OP, in addition to being a faggot, you’re an idiot.
>the people I play with have long hair
What is this, the fifties? Let the long haired, freaky people play their games in peace.
Why would anyone who has the option of physical and verbal contact with other human beings get into this hobby?
Good job, boyo. She's a qt.
At the very least, I can explain the facial hair to you. It's a combination of laziness and the "beards are MANLY" mindset. So what you get are bums who let it grow out and think it's cool because beards automatically make you a lumberjack or something.
Because it's fun?