i give this post bcash/10

Blockstream forcibly imposed strategy gradually slowly bleeds away investment as it becomes more apparently wrong by the week, BCH strategy of actually encouraging use as a unit of exchange draws a natural organic increase in value in line with metcalfe's law, when the hash rate vs asset price equilibrium adjusts to the point where BCH pays more for blocks than BTC due to a collision of the above trends purely organically with no contrived power plays involved, BCH naturally and permanently takes the hash power.

BTC is locked in a frozen state as it very slowly adjusts to the new equilibrium every 2016 blocks, reducing the already anaemic output even more, and escalating the difference between the profitablility of mining btc vs bch, aggravating the problem more, driving the price down more, which aggravates the problem more, and so on, and so forth, until BTC is completely impossible to transact on.

It's basically a natural, conspiracy-less iteration of the operation dragonslayer scenario, and it's not just possible but actually likely, given how completely idiotic the core strategy is.

>with no contrived power plays involved
so what youre saying is either
btc moons basically forever; or
bch takes over

I remember selling 3.37 when it was 300 USD
I won't make the same mistake again.

Almost, BTC moons basically forever *and* BCH doesn't to anywhere near the same degree, or BCH eventually takes over.