When will LTC dump?


Bitcoin is insanely stable right now
Litecoin will get at least 1k, ignore the naysayers in this thread, theyve spammed the same crap every thread since LTC was 100

but again, how do you explain the bitcoin price. the normie money flowing in was insane but here we are after days of sideways movement, after a decent dip no less.

At least ltc is catching up with eth, so it won't seem as 'affordable' in comparison. Fucking newfags buying the wrong coin.

>i dont think you get it
>for normies, this is like a mobile game, they're constantly checking the price 247 and talking to their friends about it
>they'll be the first to sell

They're also the ones buying in at high prices remember. Until that slows down, major snowball losses will be mitigated.

I agree. Normies who bought btc when it mooned are inpatient, they wanted quick cash. Lite is feeding off their fustration, and now that It looks like it's mooning, more of them will trade their btc for Lite...

And once they get a nice bump.. They realize they'll have to switch it back to btc use the damn things.

There's only one fact in play: Normies are always 2 steps behind.

Sold and waiting for dip

Also the new meme is that LTC is supposed to trade at 25% of the PRICE of BTC. We need to meme this into reality and pray for it to happen, lol!

as a normie who bought 3 months ago around 60
i got to say i am so happy from them gains boi.
LTC is a stable coin and will continue to rise I doubted all u turds who said it will stay at 100 and BCH will replace LTC on GDAX and shit.

stfu you faggot oh yeah you are a special snowflake, the only one who bought at 60$ of course sell high and buy in again

How much did you buy, user?