Link will be listed on Coinbase

I don't like giving advice to poor people, but I just can't help but give back to Veeky Forums after what you have all done for me in these last 2 years. Thanks to you I'm actually a millionaire and I'm on my way to doubling my money in the next month if everything goes as planned.

Like the tittle says, I have insider information that Link will be list on Coinbase, Q12018.
After the announcement the price will skyrocket because of the speculation that normies will buy it. After being listed, normies will flood chainlink, and it will be used in the real world, being one of the few altcoins that has an actual use case, it will go easily to the top 5. If you hold Link, you will make it.

Screencap this.

user, I'm close to suicide here due to link. Can u please just say if ur larping or not

I am stinky linky can confirm coinbase rumour.

Chainlink FuddFuckers will be on suicide watch Q1FY18

>high quality larp

If this was actually going to happen I would hop on link in a heartbeat

Guess I'll buy some as soon as it appears on coinbase then, thanks OP

seriously? Any more evidence or just pure unadulterated larp to mock us while we're down?

i've been burnt by so many link insiders i've lost count

My dad works at Nintendo and he says coinbase will list done next.

Yes, it's all true.

Hey guys, Daniel Coinbase Jr. here. I don't know where Anonymous got this information but I can confirm it is correct. Please be aware that this is not an official announcement and this information is TOP SECRET, so please do not share this with anybody. Thanks.

He's right, a good friend of mine that works on Bittrex told me they've been working on getting LINK listed but Sergey stepped in at the last moment and instructed them until they are listed on some other exchage that they had in mind.

Seeing as Bittrex is one of the biggest exchanges and Sergey wanted to delay the listing, it must be because they had something bigger in mind.
This would basically confirm the theory that first they'll be getting listed on Coinbase and then Bittrex would be allowed to list Chainlink afterwards.

>Holding 10k Link. Still don't believe you.

wow thanks user. that actually gives me hope. I can only imagine what a coinbase listing would do. And it makes sense. If link gets widespread adoption there would need to be an easy way to cash out.

You are telling the truth right?

Sources familiar with coinbases thinking have confirmed. The listing will happen by q1.

Why in the fuck would coinbase list link you goddamn idiot

>Low quality larp

C'mon dude you could do better


I'm obviously memeing just like the OP is doing.
Don't fall for this kind of LARP my fellow linkie.



My dad works at Link he said he's not really my dad.

>Quarter 12


kek at idiots believing this


Holy shit. This is huge. Thank you Mr. Coinbase.


Yeah, this is extra hard shilling bullshit.

They have a section on their support page listing what coins are upcoming.

Just bought 100k

Actually it's quarter 1,201 of the year 8.

he's a larping faggot, but link is going to be a big deal within the next couple years. you won't regret holding it and if you're gonna an hero at least give your link to me first

At least you made me laugh.

>Id: Gdax
What more proof do you need?

There are actually people dumb enough here that think this is real?

What these symbols mean. explain the retard, thx.

Where do I buy link? I'm serious


The answer lies in your ID.

Binance. Use my referral code if you want 11061928

Coinbase's customers are not the same as the ones Chainlink are aiming for. Chainlink is meant for big companies and banks. People like us were never meant to find or invest in this token.

Thx op, I'm gonna put aside that shotgun for now
If Sergey doesn't deliver I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna kill him to liberate all the hodlers of their bags
I hope Rory/Sergey reads this and behave accordingly

ERC20 Tokens will never be listed on coinbase since normies don't understand how they work or how to store them.