>Holding 10k Link. Still don't believe you.
Link will be listed on Coinbase
Matthew Morgan
Matthew Flores
wow thanks user. that actually gives me hope. I can only imagine what a coinbase listing would do. And it makes sense. If link gets widespread adoption there would need to be an easy way to cash out.
You are telling the truth right?
Aiden Ortiz
Sources familiar with coinbases thinking have confirmed. The listing will happen by q1.
Tyler Fisher
Why in the fuck would coinbase list link you goddamn idiot
Thomas Robinson
>Low quality larp
C'mon dude you could do better
Xavier Watson
Adam Anderson
I'm obviously memeing just like the OP is doing.
Don't fall for this kind of LARP my fellow linkie.
Brody Gray
John Carter
My dad works at Link he said he's not really my dad.
Leo Lee
>Quarter 12