/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

Contemptuous Hedgehogs edition

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>Hawk Wargames website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>DZC Phase 2 Rules and Scenarios
>DZC Phase 2 Units
>DZC Phase 2 Fluff

>Dropbox of rulebook pictures

>free DZC army builders

>DFC Rules and Scenarios
>DFC Units
>DFC Fluff

>Where to order DFC from

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Initial Topic: Are there any glaring changes to the rules or unit stats that you would make? On a scale of 1-10, how balanced do you think the game is based on what you've played so far, or via inspection of the rules?

I'd say there are some obvious discrepancies between ships, and a whole lot of errors that should have been caught by a proofreader. The game seems fun but it's in need of more diversity with respect to the roles and special abilities of ships.

Some ships are clearly inferior to others. The St Petersburg against the Avalon, Jade against Topaz, Hector against Bellerophon etc.
I'm concerned that since everything dies so quickly, Battleships are deadweight in comparison to the equivalent points in Cruisers. The exception is the Diamond, which is so absurdly deadly that it gets a pass.
Until Corvettes are released, Strike Carriers seem unreasonably hard to deal with. The Medea is especially problematic, while Voidgates seem overwhelming without dedicated removal ships.
Corvettes should have squad sizes bigger than 3,and the Beijing would have been really cool at 250pts.

I think that enforcing a 1-ship-1-gun rule was a poor decision. I think that ships could have been given a 'Gunnery' rating that allowed them to fire a certain number of guns under standard orders. As it is, Weapons Free seems utterly necessary to get any mileage out of BC/BS.

I've heard that a lot of games devolve into scrums over critical points. Hopefully this is a 'Git Gud' issue and not something inherently wrong with the game.

Just being honest. The game is still great and looks amazing on the table.
> Traffic James

>Beijing would have been really cool at 250pts.
Fuck off with this bullshit already.

>more than one person thinks the same thing

That's exactly what the one person would say :^)

>5 posters
>5 posts (not including this one)

>Diamond has over a 90% chance to do at least 4 damage per particle volley, and over 55% chance to do 6

One Ship, One Shot is a bookkeeping measure. There's currently just enough information space on the dial to track spikes resulting from orders and the stealth state applied by Silent Running. Linked-X allows for multiple weapons profiles to be used together without opening the table to the confusion and potential shyster games of mix-and-match dice pools.

sounds like the game is completely fucked.

also, scrums in the middle. This is definitely not a git gud issue.

Oh hai, haven't seen you recently.

It seems to be expected. Have to move forward, have to contest centerboard objectives, most vessels don't have aft arcs.

first time posting

So we should just expect all games to be big blobs?

This doesn't sound enjoyable.

>Hector against Bellepheron

Hectors competition are Orions and Leonidas, not the Bell

Sure role takes precedent, but tonnage class matters as well. Particularly for those precious heavy slots.

I've played like twelve games at this point and this has never happened.

Just don't clump up all your control points in the center of the board you dumbasses. Most factions want to AVOID getting into a scrum, as it becomes hard to use all your weapons, Station Keeping drops spikes on you, and you become super vulnerable to one Distortion Bubble killing everything.

Even Scourge don't want to do this, as it's very easy for ship detonations to scuttle their vessels.

Heavies really aren't that constrained since you get 4 total in 1500 points, you could run Hector+Leo and Scipio+bell if you really, really wanted for some reason

>ship detonations
Slightly off topic, but why are ship detonations a thing?

I would understand if the models are actually to scale with the map, but we are told that the ships are actually the size of a dot and the base of the stand. If so, there are many hundreds of kilometers between each ship. How does one ship detonating cause another ship 200km away to detonate?

One or two anons saying "I just hope DFC fights don't end up being clusterfucks over the sectors" turned into "WOW I HEAR EVERYTHING CLUMPS MID, NICE GAME IDORTS" with the usual shitpost swiftness, didn't it.
Thanks memers.

As much as I love my PHR, I'm honestly the most excited to give Scourge a try. Madly diving into a daisy chain of criticals sounds like an amusing learning experience for everyone involved.

Max explosion size is 6", which is 125 km away in map scale; generally speaking, a kilometer long ship's worth of shrapnel or an uncontained space-time distortion event is going to fuck shit up.

Fair enough I suppose.

1" on the table is about 21 km

The maximum sized explosion is 14" from a battleship exploding and rolling radius 6+1

A mile long ship exploding and threatening a 291km diameter sphere with shrapnel isn't that unreasonable

I wonder if having different front/side/rare armor values would stop the clumping issue?

At this stage clumping seems inevitable

The largest explosion that can happen is like 120 kilometers.

I can believe that a ship of that size going utterly nuclear or imploding in on itself in some kind of Event Horizon type spatial collapse could maul stuff 120km away. Remember, there's nothing to slow down the immense burst of shrapnel that's going to be propelled outward from the explosion. Nor is there anything to diffuse the radiation burst of the blast.

Rear*. Fuck.

Thanks anons. This makes more sense in my head now.

>The maximum sized explosion is 14" from a battleship exploding and rolling radius 6+1
Where did you read that? Max catastrophic radius is 1d6"

Remember the explosions are D6" radius, not diameter. So a bit under 300km which again, isn't ridiculous for a ship capable of instantaneous warp travel and unlimited fusion energy

Any cool PHR paint schemes besides this one and the yellow Homeworld-y one yet?

I'm psyched to paint mine but I'm not currently overflowing with ideas. I may try something like the pre-Heresy World Eaters scheme.


Derp it's +1 to the table, not to the radius

So yeah about 250km diameter explosion

Diameter is a useless measurement here, radius is all that matters.

Sure I could give you volumes of spheres if you'd like but for this thread I think it's easier to explain as circles that are X wide


Also a ship blowing up is going to be ejecting a lot of pretty large, pretty high-velocity chunks of debris.

I wouldn't be surprised if the large radii were to represent something like shrapnel.

Or maybe it's just a small realism sacrifice for the sake of gameplay but that would just be absurd.

Dat pearl

I toyed with the idea of trying to do a sort of carbon-fibre effect but I don't think I'm good enough of a painter to pull it off.

Now I'm more liking black-and-yellow (or maybe orange), maybe because I want to play carrier-heavy and my brain is subconsciously suggesting BEES.

How "deep" (for want of a better term) are the orbital layers anyway? And where is the top of the atmosphere as far as DFC is concerned, is it down around the stratosphere/mesosphere, or up above the thermosphere?

Oh, I recommend opening the image in a new tab, not by clicking on it. It's quite tall.

This almost certainly varies substantially depending on what planet your game is set over.

I've been thinking a bentusi theme could work? Tan, dark gray with hints on gunmetal and orange-gold lighting.

Although I'm probably going UCM as my first faction just cause I think I could paint them better.

Some of us (myself in particular) couldn't math our way out of a paper bag, so I appreciate you keeping it simple.

Well, yes, alright, but most of the planets being fought over are fairly close to Earth in properties because the whole point is they were suitable for human habitation. There's exceptions like the moons, but most of the numbers should be in a similar ballpark.

Also for reference, Tsar Bomba's mushroom cloud had a cap about 90km in diameter, so considering this is magical future-tech we're dealing with here I can see it working.

That is legitimately super impressive.

I'm thinking of going something like this. So, slightly darker version of the standard 'shell' colour, with alternating bits of lighter and darker shades of metallic for the industrial looking parts.

Haven't seen anyone posting a pic of the new deepcut mat yet so thought I'd add it here. I quite like it although they're not cheap.

Two pics for whoever asked for a comparison of black stem vs clear stem

Pic 1

Pic 2

I just had my first assrape of a game as PHR vs Shaltari.

I thought it would be a smart idea to go full speed to the midpoint so I could land my bulklanders and dropships turn 1.
I thought this important as we had decided that it would be ok to use Military orbital defense, and so supremacy of these areas was deemed a necessity.

But yes. Bulk-lander boosted 10'' in towards the middle lane in order to be in range turn 2.

Then I met the Shaltari double-scan 8'' heavy movement/12'' scanrange/12'' spike/6'' signature combo that spans 38'' across the 48'' map. Needless to say, my Bulklander did not survive past turn 2 with the shaltari going weapons free unto the board turn 1.

Now I will never make the mistake of doing this again with droplander turn 1, but that could easily have been any other ship in my roster.

>Remember; Debris is not an obstacle or an enemy. It's your only friend in hedgehogland.

Question to /dcg/:

This has been bugging me for a while: are the little beelydoppers on the flanks of UCM vessels the laser point defense turrets, or are they the Close assault missiles with names like barracuda and shark?

Laser defense turrets.
The missile launchers for CAW seems to be internal, at least on the New Orleans which has 4 prow mounted torp tubes.

can you please post a step by step?

Any cool dragon names for Scourge ships. So far I can think of:

Ancalagon (reserved for dreadnought)
Vermithrax Pejorative

Speaking of Ghidorah, you could probably raid godzilla names for a ton of scourge ships.
Djinn battlegroup rodan
Akuma battlecruiser named Destroyah
Ifrit cruiser Gigan
Gargoyle troop lander group as Destroyah's spawn
Sphinx cruiser as megalon
and ucm battleship godzilla, supported in system by the enigmatic PHR Ajax cruiser Mothra
You could make it monster of the week

I had the idea of doing king arthur themed names for a UCM fleet

BBor dread- King arthur
etc etc

Its not mine.
Dude said it was the stock bone scheme, then some pearlescent ink over the top.

problem is there is no step by step for the stock bone scheme

The upper hull for the UCM cruisers has a set of VLS tubes that are very faint. Those are their launchers.


That does indeed look like missile tubes, but damn so tiny. No wonder I missed them.

I can't find anything similar on the New Orleans though, but I suspect they might just not be modeled on the plastic ones.

Shaltari is extra bad, but all factions can easily get 30'' Threatrange on the first turn by scanning something twice.

8'' Thrust + 6'' Scan + 12'' Spike + 6'' Signature = 32''
PHR is still up there, missing maybe 2-3'' or so on thrust by having to go at a 45 degree angle.
>Somebody should shoop something DFC related on pic related.



Good god, my eyes hurt after reading that.

Was Charles that shitposter that constantly said DZC was unbalanced and that everything was better, even age of sigmar? His spelling and paragraphing seem shit enough.

>PHR is still up there, missing maybe 2-3'' or so on thrust by having to go at a 45 degree angle.

Actually my friend and I are pretty sure this is the reason they are Scan 8". I would guess that during early playtesting they realized the broadsides lost out on range due to positioning requirements and they compensated by bumping their scan up.

That dosen't quite seem right. The fluff implies that CAW's work by numerical superiority, and those tubes are too dinky and too few to be the missile bays, at least in my ill-informed and probably incorrect opinion.

I'll just assume the missile bays aren't large/distinctive enough to point out on the model

Magnets : PHR Edition!


Need to work on those Light Broadsides. They're a tight fit so I think I need to shave a bit of plastic off the ends so they don't pop out as much.



Well, the New Orleans only got 4 tubes, with 12 Titanian Ordnance barracuda Light D-class Void torps. Which translates to 2 CAW.

But I'm not sure those 12 are a combat load or a single salvo. It does say "payload as required" after the description.

Your fluff-fu is superior to mine. I concede to

Are there any groups in the Seattle area? I'm kind of interested in the game, but I don't want to sink money into it if I won't have anyone to play with.

I weren't the one who found the VLS tubes on the cruisers though.
Been thinking on it a bit more, and I leaning towards that the New Orleans only carries 12 torpedoes, and shots 4 per salvo. Since payload probably refers to what you put inside the torpedo, which could be MIRVs (aka proper UCM brute forcing) or an ECM payload to protect the other torpedoes.

Well, gentlemen, It's official. I am now hooked. I've created a Drop(*) Commander folder to keep all the rules and files that I've downloaded so they're save from the occasional purge.

Now I can move onto reviewing the rules wistfully sighing since I live in the middle of butt-fuck Egypt and actually buying models would be roughly equivalent to burning money, and a bigger waste because it gets cold during winters here.

Quick, make a laundry list of balance changes/errat you want to see

>New York gets Swordfish missiles instead of Shark
>Dragon furnace cannon alt-2 becomes 2+
>Scylla is either dropped to 40 points, or is increased to 45 and gets 3+ on its grav cannons
>Leo gets its arcs fixed
>Hector dropped to 160
>all heavy calibre cannonades, broadsides, and batteries do 1d2-1 additional damage on crits against heavy and superheavy targets
>Perseus dropped to 100 points
>all Shaltari particle weaponry gets 2+ lock, with price adjusted accordingly
>increase Amethyst to 50 points
>decrease Glass to 20 points, possibly reduce number of attacks to 4

Wait, fucked up on that heavy cannon change; another possibility is to simply increase their attacks by 50% when shooting at a heavy or superheavy.

This just came up on facebook asking for suggestions, everyone's being too tactful to say "Thin your paints".

forgot the damn thing

Damn, that's a really blue fleet.


Damn, that actually is a really blue fleet.

For real, though, I like the idea, even though I'm not sure the gold metallic bits fits the faction. Still, he should thin his paints

Why are you in Egypt, user?

why can i not open this picture?

user is presumably Egyptian, I would assume.

... I don't know if you are playing stupid, or if the colloquialism I used dosen't reach as far as I thought it does.

To give you anons the benefit of the doubt, I am far enough from any table-games groups, let alone a DFC group, that I can't actually play the games I collect the rulebooks for.

Are you, or are you not, actually in Egypt?

>or if the colloquialism I used dosen't reach as far as I thought it does.
Never heard of "living in Egypt" as an idiom to mean "living in bumfuck nowhere", sorry user.

It appears we were wrong. They're not hedgehogs. They're crabs.

No, I'm not. And as far as I know, the winters in Egypt aren't cold at all.

Where I come from, there's bum-fuck nowhere, and then there's bum-fuck Egypt, for the really out of the way.

The desert gets pretty fucking cold at night though.

Finished my first Cruiser, primer went on a bit thick but I don't think it's turned out too noticeable.

At least it's not a crab.

This is howshould have done it.

Well done, user

>all those little points

I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it.

I'm reliving the horrors of painting my shaltari DZC army.

Is there collectively considered a good place to buy models from? I'm trying to figure out if the warstore is a good place to buy from or if somewhere else is recommended.

In the US i have had good luck with Miniature market, and FRP games, I dunno if FRP has Dropfleet, but I know Miniature market does.

Dont have experience with Warstore, I know a bunch of people tell you not to order from weyland, think thats in the UK though.

How?!? How did you do this?

I've been dealing with WarStore for about three months now, they're pretty great. I live as far from New York as you can get in North America and they still get my stuff here in under a week.