Would the Doom Marine be able to survive in the world of Warhammer?
Would the Doom Marine be able to survive in the world of Warhammer?
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Survive? Hell, if this was DOOM II he'd go into the eye of terror with nothing but the chainsaw and a berserker pack and rip out khorne's daemon heart, then turn the skull throne into a .wad to frag further opponents over LAN.
Yes. Probably better than most, as he isn't just immune to demonic energy but actually grows stronger the more he brutalizes poor demons.
Also he runs at like fucking Mach 10 and can fit eight different weapons up his ass.
Is he fucking Caldor Draigo?
Draigo wishes
No, Doomguy doesn't swing that way, much to Kaldor's dismay.
Doom Marine confirmed OP
I wonder how the non demon factions would react to someone like him and his power
By which you mean Warhammer Fantasy and not 40K? Closes both polar gates with his dick singlehandedly.
In 40K, he's a lost primarch, Terra gives him a chapter of marines and although the marines die, Doom Marine closes the Eye of Terror with his dick.
Wait, do you mean he's broken mechanically or he started this threat to stroke his own ego?
Depends on who's writing the fanfic. The 40,000th Butthurt Legion will claim Doomguy is, at best, a Kasrkin or something dealing with infinitely less powerful versions of demons than in 40k because woe to the poor faggot who doesn't worship the poorly written shit pressed out of the unwiped asscheeks of the Black Library fiction.
I picture the 40k, with its space marines and Tech priests all marvelling/envy/disgust at the sight of doom guy for various reasons
He's what's in the Grey Knight box.
You decide if that qualifies as "survives" when he's the final solution when all else fails.
no fuckin way
He rode a massive point blank explosion that ruined the majority of the surface of a planet and sent him across dimensional barriers.
Most "Doomguy in 40k" usually just devolve into how badly he fucks the warp up.
Would the world of Warhammer be able to survive the Doom Marine?
Doomguy's a bit of a paradox because he uses demon-enhanced power armor, and is fueled on by demonic magic he consumed from destroying demons.
But he's also extremely pro-human, lead an order of hell-paladins, hates anything demonic, and has not become a demon.
So how this would work in 40k would be weird. He'd essentially be the only successful example of "use Chaos against Chaos".
I think you mean "explode with awesomeness"
and if the imperium decided WOAH THERE THAT'S HERESY I don't think he'd give a fuck. He'd rip and tear through every fucking smurf they sent his way and be thankful for the free boltguns doing it.
thats really the question here
Malal approves of this.
I need a writefag for this. Fuck, that's a nice idea.
have you never even fucking looked at this board for longer than three seconds?
>it's this thread again
Might as well skip half of the thread, and ask this question:
Doomguy vs. Samus, set in 40k. Who wins?
Ok, that was hilarious, but I'll rephrase: is he Kaldor fucking Draigo?
>he uses demon-enhanced power armor, and is fueled on by demonic magic he consumed from destroying demons.
All of that is from the night sentinels though.
Now that one gets a lot tougher. What suit does samus have? I'm assuming full upgrades.
They team up and everyone else is screwed.
The two lost Primarchs, one the emperor sealed into the grey knights doomsday box and the other lost her place because she was a girl. Samus was exiled to a Kroot/Chozo planet and is only now returning from deep space after tailing tyrannid horde back to the galaxy.
Literally just play the new DOOM game.
That's literally the introduction.
I would say Samus and Doomguy are screwed. By each other
So, who'd win in a daemon ripping contest? Doom Guy or Sly Morbo?
Yeah, they'd be overwhelmed by the ferocity of their frenzied lovemaking.
We've been over this many times.
Doom Guy would win 40k.
Was about to ask how well pic related does in the 40k universe, but it looks like someone beat me to it.
Oh well. How does she fair Veeky Forums?
Everyone generally agrees that she is a lost primarch, written out of the histories for being female and raised by xenos. She has no desire to serve the emperor, destroy xenos, or lead an army.
This also explains the face concealing armor: Samus is trying to maintain a low profile as a bounty hunter.
Given the number of times planets blow up soon after she visits them, how successful she is at that secrecy is a matter of debate.
Samus blows him the fuck out because she comes from a planet with literally 800x Earth's gravity and didn't immediately get turned into goo. This means, being able to just walk and jump on a world with 800x Earth's gravity, that samus on a normal grav planet could literally jump over a fucking skycraper, run around 500mph or even faster, and have a body so dense her flesh would be harder than granite.
>A fucking Priamrch
Can this meme stop? It's debatable if he's even comparable to a single space marine without meme bullshit.
Draigo wishes to be like him.
This is how I see it: Doomguy slaughters the Chaos gods and Samus wipes out the Tyranids. They team up to breed and create a master human race that overcomes all other xenos.
>Everyone generally agrees
As a 40kfag, she's stronger than basically everybody else in warhammer on count of her coming from a world with 800x Earth's gravity. The fact that she was able to survive just as a child means she had posthuman physiology even before the Chozo upgraded her.
Doom guy v samus now that i want to see
The Lost Primarch of the Blood Ravens.
The reason they steal shit is because of an ancient drive to find things Samus could adapt into her armour.
i dont buy him being from them or one of them maybe in the eons he spent fighting demons through dimensions and time he helped the night sentinels but if anything the seraphim juiced up original doomguy to get the preator suit
nigga, you must be joking. even if you only consider tha latest doom game, we are talking about a man so angry he went into a hell dimension, ripped apart the best that world had to offer and came back. are you trying to compare THAT to a space marine?
>Doomguy vs Slaanesh
Initially looks like Slaanesh will win by enjoying the new sensation of having the shit kicked out of it, but will eventually get bored by Doomguy's dogged determination to destroy, and implode upon the realisation
>Doomguy vs Nurgle
Nurgle is both huge and has huge exposed guts. Goes about as well for Nurgle as you'd expect
>Doomguy vs Tzeentch
Tzeentch lays out a billion complex illusions, subtle traps and maddening misdirections, only for Doomguy to ignore them all and punch his face in
>Doomguy vs Khorne
The warp trembles as they fight, but Khorne finally falls to the only thing in the galaxy more pissed off than he is.
He's listed under the options of how to conduct an exterminatus, so I'd say yes.
He is, because he's probably the same guy that gets hilariously triggered every time doomguy gets brought up in 40k.
It's best to just sit back and lap up the tears.
Quick question: since Fusion, isn't Samus technically organically bonded to her suit? Like, the metroid dna and some crazy science made it an extension of her body or something?
Samus - full upgrades, but only whatever her suit provides. Not sure whether that would include Phazon.
Doomguy - both his arsenal from Doom games, including BFG AND whatever hand-carried weapons he can scavenge from 40k universe.
Nope. Draigo is smalltimes compared to Doomguy.
Well, she absorbs x-parasites to heal and replenish her suit, as well as to get upgrades. She can also download upgrades that are then converted to physical components and energy beams. I'd say at this point, she's pretty much a top-notch human/metroid/chozo cyborg with gene/techno stealing abilities that would make the Tyranids blush.
There would be no victor, because the shear godly force of their fight would rip open a new hole in the Materium and form a new chaos god.
I'd say Samus has a slight advantage, in that I honestly can't think of a weapon Samus carries that wouldn't blow Doomguy to gibbets if it hits him. Doomguy has weapons like the BFG that can kill her back, but he also carries a bunch of guns that don't hurt her at all. All it would take is for him to start the battle with the wrong weapon out and he might not get the chance to correct that mistake.
That said, at this point int heir carrers they have BOTH gone up against entire worlds and armies and come out on top with no backup. This might be one of those fights that ends with both of them, out of ammo, trading punches on the ruins of a shattered world after days of fighting until one of them passes out from sheer exhaustion.
> have a fight so epic a new chaos god is born
> the chaos god immediately dies because it formed too close to your still ongoing fight
> you never even knew it was there
NOW let's assume they fight with no upgrades, no armor, no nothing. Only their bodies and training in the fight. Then who wins?
Why would Doomguy fight her unless she starts it? He seems to only rip demons apart, and Samus isn't killing humans.
Rather, I'd like to see their teamup.
I guess it depends on whether you buy that "800x earth gravity" stuff in Samus' backstory.
It's one of those "dubiously canon" moments. Technically there, but only vaguely acknowledged, if at all.
Doomguy gets an erection looking at Samus & makes babies.
>DOOM guy
Yes, no problem. Finally someone crossing over from an even more crapsack dystopia than 40k.
In the grim future of the fortieth millennium... everything is actually a big improvement from what Doom Marine is used to.
>Gets an erection
>Implying he doesn't have a perma-boner from demon slaying
Is he ok with soft downy feather pubes?
Then it's perfect. He has a perma-boner, and she's constantly wet from blowing up space pirates. Their children would form the basis of a new legion, one that soundly conquers the galaxy for humanity.
>implying SamASS isn't significantly hotter than all of hell
It's not that he finds hell hot, or even that he finds slaughtering demons in increasingly violent manners hot. It's that he is just so. Goddamned. PISSED. At all times for the last couple thousand years or so that he can't properly express all of his rage so the extra just kinda goes somewhere. Basically, he wants to kill those fucking demons so badly that his dick is hard.
Well those with brains and a little self preservation would fuck off as far as they can. He probably won't go on rampage against eldar or tau if they don't do something really stupid.
Obligatory hot partially-armored Samus dump.
Legion? I think their first child would make Emperor look like a pussy.
Man. Putting that armor on to purge xenos sure makes her hard.
Not hot, but I just like this one.
>erotic aphyxiation performed by powerarmoured dominatrix
consider some autoerotic asphyxiation
Is this man capable of greater anger than Khorne?
>lead an order of hell-paladins
I don't think we're meant to take "he wore the crown of the Night Sentinels" that literally.
>Can this meme stop? It's debatable if he's even comparable to a single space marine without meme bullshit.
He brought down a Hell Titan according to Hell's archivist or whoever that is in the Slayers testaments. Space Marines are weaker than shit if you go by WH40k vidya.
Yeah, basically. I'm not sure she can even take it off anymore.
Of course, the suit was apparently always some kind of magical girl appears-from-thin-air bullshit, according to Other M.
Way ahead of you.
>It's debatable if he's even comparable to a single space marine without meme bullshit.
The guy literally absorbs hell energy to heal himself and make himself stronger. Also, it doesn't strike me as a coincidence that every location in hell is portrayed as a ruin.
>Other M
Other what? Are you talking about that weird noncanon fanfic that Sakimachi put out a few years ago?
It's been that way in Prime, Zero Mission & otherwise. She can materialize her suit & remove it any time she wants.
>Doomguy vs. Samus, set in 40k. Who wins?
The porn industry
I really love Space Pirates of the old Zebesian and especially Prime 2 style, LASER PINCERS are one of my greatest desires in this world.
So... Malal.
I hate the way modern GW interprets chaos as a whole. By their own nature they can't accomplish anything because they are even more likely to fuck themselves simply by proximity.
Using the term "forces of chaos" is an paradox that collapses as soon as it's formed
Is it coded into her genes? I wouldn't be surprised, given that it's chozo tech. I remember reading that the chozo made it exclusively for her, and no one else can use it. It seems like energy-to-matter conversion and visa versa.
Space pirates are rad, and the Metroid series aesthetic is really underrated as a whole.
-Lost female Primarch, never made a legion.
-Fights ultra powerful xenos and vampiric organisms on par with enslavers.
-incorporated old one(or similar) tech with her own
-basically a one man exterminatus
-doesn't afraid of anything
If Khorne makes his daughter cry 40k universe will have one Warp less. Like literally all the Warp will be destroyed. Forever.
I always loved the fact that Samus was considered a semi mythical force of destruction to the Pirates, and that the reason they made so many utterly retarded decisions was because they considered them the lesser of two evils.
They seriously think that creating barely controllable, titanic forces of destruction is the sensible choice when they hear she's in the neighborhood