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Games #501
Terrain General? Terrain General
D&D 4e General /4eg/
Fa/tg/uys BTFO
Infinity General - Veteran's Day Edition (Also Polish independence day)
Old School Magic Edits
Which weapon or pair of weapons would you select from pdf related, and why?
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Help a fellow DM out
Do you use personality types such as the Enneagram or MBTI typings for your PCs? If so, give examples
So why DON'T people use their strongest attack first?
World Chess Championship
Stat os!
Mercenary Companies
Power Armor Thread - Yagn's Workshop Edition
ITT: We discuss alternatives to the standard medieval weapons, i'll start
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Traveller General: Dude, where's my Scout ship?
EDH/Commander General
It's a post-apocalyptic setting set in North America where savage tribes rule ravaged lands
How can you make bard a viable party member without making his music magical?
What are the most interesting elves you ever encountered?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Sheila's knickers edition part 3
You ever sat back after a session one day and realized that you just fucking hate the d20 and any system that revolves...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40K General
One-page RPGs
Drawthread: Tribal Hunters edition
Give me your quaint villages Veeky Forums
Things That Irk You in Settings and Systems
Omega Marauders the 2nd thread, we still have stuff to do edition
What would be broken if I let my druid player turn into any creature of appropriate CR?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1172: (Neither)Worlds of Cardboard Edition
Character Art Thread
Let's make the Ultimate Backstory for an Adventurer! MK 2!
One of these?
How do you present a BBEG as an irredimible monster?
A dozen members of the town watch (or cops...
I'm putting together a Tsundere party. Its not like I need anyone else, though. I can do this all on my own
How long would the Spathi last in the 40k universe?
In your opinion. what are the top 10 most powerful planeswalker cards of all time?
Stat Him
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
Ladies and Gentlemen; I have frightening news. Some one, on this very board, is a heretical Xeno...
Valerian/Sci-fi action-adventure RPG?
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Chaos Orks?
The elves or their equivalent in your campaign setting are replaced with protoss
If you were to apply fantasy tropes to a wild west setting, how would you do it?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How many of the problems in your setting have been caused by wizards fucking around?
Why doesn't anyone want to play Nechronica with me? ;(
Burning Wheel
How do we make aliens seem like more than just another monster?
This is my character, so when do we get started?
Warhammer 40k General
What is the best cheese to take with you while adventuring
You are tasked by GW with creating a new WH40K faction - one that will sell well
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Sheila's knickers edition part 2
A story concept
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
Do the Sisters of Battle accept transgendered women?
It turns out the vampire was after your vodka, not your blood
Player management advice needed
Clothing thread
Consider the following:
Meet pleasant NPC
Filename Thread
So half breeds in many settings are often times depicted as being stronger than their "more powerful" offspring
How do we fix Tau?
Give us your pitches for campaign settings or systems
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Urban Unease
Great campaign setting or greatest campaign setting?
So, Care to tell me in detail, why ANYONE thought this second founding nonsense was even a remotely good idea...
So Veeky Forums, in honor of the recent US election I'm building a Trump deck to play against my casual FNM group...
Does anyone here have any experience with Kings of War?
Unusual Monster Kill Methods
Magical burts: a magical girl trpg
The god of Death has declared war on the Mage's College
It's 2AM. I'm in the middle of a session...
Exalted General
Could the JoJo universe be turned into a TRPG
Vulcan showed up in 40k
Am spiderbard
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Space thread
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Game Finder
How do you cook an Elf? The same way as human female?
Oh shit, Veeky Forums! While going about your usual magecraft...
If purple is a sneaky color why not paint gargants and other vehicles purple then stealth attack Terra?
Android:Netrunner General - Worlds Was Won edition
How the fuck are Orks even a threat...
I have no idea what races I should use in my fantasy setting
> 50111235
Your BBEG is now Karl Marx
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1171: First Try Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Sheila's knickers edition
1. We pick four historical/geographical settings that aren't normally treated by fantasy worlds
Warhammer 40,000 general
/srg/ - Shadowrun General - Revenge Edition
Veeky Forums, help me out here
Veeky Forums Relevant Reaction Images Thread
This lands in your setting
Justify this equipment without just saying "lol magic."
/cofdg/+/wodg/ - Chronicles and World of Darkness General Thread
What are the critical elements of a space opera?
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Warmachine/Hordes General
So I bought a collection of the original Conan stories published in Weird Tales by Robert Howard...
Which faction in 40k is the most 'Grimdark' of them all?
Things people say when the party's paladin is female
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
This is your DM for the next four years
Is the idea of magic / wizard schools just fucking stupid...
EDH/Commander General
How do you deal with religion in your setting Veeky Forums...
Ok, so i was discussing fanfiction with a friend yes, i know and i remembered this shit i used to read some years ago
Do you look forward to every session you have with your current group?
How do you feel about playing upbeat, positive witches and necromancers...
Post Links to Back Up Your Rumormongering Edition
MTG:Modern General
Replace gud ol' Empy's personalities, traits and looks with those of Nero's
New official Warhammer website
Horus Hersy General /hhg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/bgg/ 2016 is almost over edition
I have a weird question to ask, Veeky Forums. Why is the wast majority of fantasy in set in a pseudo-medieval world...
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Rekt Edition
DM Advice Thread
How do i make a metroid Game work?
Black metal tg thread
Tell me Veeky Forums, are you still interested in swordfighting gifs?
The best designed cards in magic
Is Kek a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, is Earth and the Solar System his fiefdom...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1170: Who You Gonna Call Edition
Standard MTG
New thread for 'rpg inventories' I loved the last one
/btg/ - BattleTech General
What are the necessary aspects of a high fantasy novel?
/40kg/ Warhammer 40K General 40,000
How Do You Feel About Games That Let You Die in Character Creation?
Tfw you free your mind from the shackles of muh historical accuracy autism and learn to appreciate the aesthetics of...
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Fantasy Creatures
What is the best way to roll?
Emma has left Warhammer TV
The Skywalker Heresy: Let's come up with some actual 40k stat lines for Star Wars units and heros
Character is somehow connected to wolves
Stat her, Veeky Forums
Drawthread: Devoted knights edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Devourer Edition
Why are there no half halflings, gnomes or dwarves?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Alright Veeky Forums
Homebrew setting based around aerial combat
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1169: Look Upon My Editions, Ye Mighty
Is there any reason I shouldn't make a cube of just awful cards?
How long have you been working on your setting, how much has it changed over time and what about it has changed?
What system could i use to run a game where theres modern day necromancers, vampires, mages and other such things
Warhammer 40k General
Who's the most "unique" individual you've ever met thanks to tabletop?
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Age of Sigmar General
You know the drill- You and the BBEG, in the final showdown. You are low on HP
Are there any RPGs that allow Fallout 4 levels of weapon customization? As in...
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Non-magic BBEG
Has anyone ever tried running a game for Reboot? What system would you use?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
You are walking down a road when you see the shadow creep out in the corner of your eye
Space Marine chapter creation thread
Can Orks feel sadness...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
So Veeky Forums, sigmar or the emperor?
Let's have a nice cute monster thread, goblins and the like welcome also
GMs, how do you organise your notes?
The cleric of the god of luck uses a die as their holy symbol/spellcasting focus
Game Design General /gdg/
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
I need tips on running a Dark Fantasy setting...
What's the manliest character you've ever played?
There's a correlation between video game players and bad RPG players
Warhammer 40k General
EDH/Commander General
There are many "civilized" dark elves (drow, druchii etc)
Hey Veeky Forums...
Anyone play dnd singleplayer?
Infinity General -- Chinese Inquisition Edition
When did you realise reducing magic to dice rolls and number calculations removes all of the magical aspects of it...
I used to think that the Imperium was an inherently bad government full of inherently bad people...
Tempestus Scions
New Counter Monkey - Exploding Head Syndrome
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Chess General
Metaphysical Mimics
Who would make a better BBEG, "Brutish Chief Trump" or "Grey Emanation Hillary"? Why do you think so?
Mutants and Masterminds General thread /mmm/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1168: Fear&Loathing In /JC/ Edition
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Real life PC thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
New urban unease apartments thread!
Funny/stupid things players say
Character Art
Which xeno race has the best fighters?
Imperium Asunder
Somebody explain to me all the ways that Dungeon World is a bad system
Is there any setting that's as much of a inconsistent mess as 40K, or is 40K unique in that regard?
Is it bad whenever I make a female PC I make her have traits of my ideal woman/daughter...
Character secrets thread
/STG/ Star trek general
Dark Souls: Board Game
Drawthread: tasty tears edition
/btg/ - BattleTech General
Emperor's children missed opportunity
Let's talk about paladins falling
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
What does Veeky Forums think of Dune?
Warhammer 40k General
Young earth
Veeky Forums, how do we make stealth not be reduced to a series of rolls...
Haven't seen one of these in a while
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Alternative races
/swg/ - Horrible Fanon Edition
What is the best system to run a Hero Academia game in?
Putting to death the caster/martial duality
First time playing 5e with friends
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1167: Urban Legend Crippled
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Those rpg "inventory" style pics give me life, but I really don't know how to find more. Post any if you have?
Just noticed something
Got a question for ya, Veeky Forums. What do you love about 40k? I mean, what draws you personally into the setting?
Flames of War: Russian Levitation edition
Why did you let that player play a princess?
1001 uses for a Slime Familiar
Could your character defeat Sportacus?
Game Finder
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
So BL is making a new series called "Watchers of the Throne" that chronicles Custodians going out into the galaxy off...
The king asks the party to handle a new cult that's formed. Its followers are extremely polite, have a ton of children...
Dogs in the Vineyard
What are the most endearingly naive things you've seen characters do?
How do you deal with autistic players at the table?
One Ork warboss could solo all primarchs + Emperor in his prime
Weapons or Magic?
/40kg/ Warhammer 40K General
This is what passes for a gun in the Imperium
Trolley Paradox
Lore/Crunch-wise how do Pulse Rifles compare to the likes of Bolters, Hotshot-lasguns and other base infantry weapons?
Armor Weight
Playing a sorcerer
It's a campaign setting where evil elves with ivory-white skin dwell among the mountain peaks
Annoying Motherfuckers
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
Swords wouldn't be practical against this monster/enemy/whatever!
So like enchantments
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
What should a proper magic-user wear? Pointy, wide brimmed hats or hoods? Or maybe a third option...
Character/Setting Art Thread
Why do they keep introducing all these interesting, fun...
Character Art Thread
EDH/Commander General
Which is your favourite moment in LOTR?
What went wrong?
Who are the most dangerous opponents of Space Marines? (Lore)
Top Five Table Top RPGs??
Civs Thread
Mtg cards that matter!
Beeple-beep beep! If Gandalf can beat a Balrog, why is he even remotely concerned about fighting goblins, orcs...
Ever noticed how all the relevant female planeswalkers(Nissa, Chandra, Liliana, Nahiri) are all white?
MTG Modern General
Kobold stories
Old thread: >>50144409
Has khorne ever taken the form of a cute girl?
Making druids a separate class when they're really just celtic priests
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Knife Ears are raiding us edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
/40kg/ Warhammer 40K General
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
We need six classes for our new rpg!
ITT : Derailment
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 B L U E M O N D A Y 」
Being an outdoorsman/ecologist, my favourite theme is rangers/woodlands/explorers...
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Vampire pics
Ugly Minis
Want to get back into Mtg, checked out this budget Electrostatic Pummeler deck
What I Played Thread
Song of Swords: Free Helicopter Rides!
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do Planeswalkers find new planes? How often can they planeswalk in, let's say, a day...
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
What kind of voices do our Dragon Lords(praise be unto them) have do you think?
/cyoa/ - "Choose Your Own Adventure" General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1166: Bohemian Rhapsody Edition
Start my very first game with a new GM
How can giants and other monsters be handled properly in a relatively low fantasy setting...
Well Gents, I killed 3 out of 4 players
I need exotic sci-fi weapons
Best Primarch appreciation thread. ITT we praise the Wolf King
There's something I still don't get about lawful evil characters
Can someone tell me the difference between wisdom and intelligence? I still don't quite get it...
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Focus On Foci
Veeky Forums, in what city would you rather play a payday esque rpg?
Think of a Miniature
Warhammer 40k General
A massive alien spacefaring AI construct (it is about 7 kilometers long and 1/2 a kilometer in width) has entered the...
How would a modern-day female bodybuilder fare in a sword-and sorcery setting (assuming exotic diseases aren't an...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
All Guardsmen Party Storytime (in progress edition)
PCs vs Guards
What is your opinion on necromancers?
What is the most grimdark thing in 40k and why is it the Thallaxii?
Roll to defend?
Eclipse Phase General: Form your own faction edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Since it looks like the devs might have abandoned it at this point...
Hey Veeky Forums look it's a preview of an animal-themed TTRPG coming out, from River Horse and Alessio Cavatore...
Game Finder
MTG Frontier
CYOA General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Renegade Space Marine Chapter Creation
Spess thread
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
What's the most ridiculous premise you've ever started out a campaign with?
Imperatus with a backache edition
Warhammer 40,000 general
/btg/ - BattleTech General
Once plate armor was common axes were phased out and swords were still used you know why...
How do we
Why do magic players smell so bad?
LOOT Thread
Video Game characters in 40K
Whats it like being a psyker in 40K? What about a Sanctioned one?
I need pictres! Pictures of golems, constructs, fantastical robots, and the like...
EDH/Commander General
What's the most important piece of gaming advice you would give to your younger self?
/40krpg/ - 40k RPG General
How do you justify a civilization having virtually zero contact with other civilizations that it shares a continent with
What the fuck is this?
Veeky Forums-related comics
Old armour mks in 40k
Drawthread: You Gandered At My Sword edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
First contact with aliens
How do you make make a group of Lawful Good paladin intimidating to even non-evil characters without:
What's Veeky Forums's thoughts on pic related?
Things that happen when the warrior slot is a paladin instead of a fighter
What other schools of magic or names for magic can you guys think of? I'm trying to make my own system...
Devout necromancer
Rewording mechanics
/sss/ - Super Stand Sunday
Draw Your Party Thread
Volkite and Melta
Post video games or movies. that would make good settings
Why do I always read, that Starcraft is a 40K rip-off?
The Calvin and Hobbes RPG
Armageddon Steel Legion vs Death Korps
What gives the idea of medieval food and feasts such an appeal?
Bbeg is a business type, hiding from the shadows as he tries to screw them over financially...
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
You have 10 minutes to explain why planar bullshit doesn't immediately destroy the integrity and world building of any...
Ok, everybody roll for Pride and Prejudice
There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building
Are there any RPGs with crunchy, round-by-round...
Warhammer 40k General
Tell me about your character's parents
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1165: Boobies & Booty Edition
How would a setting based on slavic mythology work?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
How feasible is it to convert the d20 to 3d6 in D&D 5e?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Excuse me, But given the cost of super heavies and the cost of a meltagun per unit isn't it more pratical to build 100...
/swg/: This ship makes no fucking sense edition
What are some weapon and armor misconceptions and myths that get to you?
Set up a bunch of interesting NPCs and plot hooks
Party member murders quest giver
Kingdom Death: Monster General - /kdmg/
Warhammer Fantasy
Forest elves
Don't worry you can just resurrect me!
The Primarchs
Stat him, honorable Veeky Forums
What's the best way to deal with edgy rogue/warlock players? You know the type:
What is your BBEG's theme song?
CYOA General
Aliens Continued
Time to Question aesthetic
Fantasy LGBT
Landscape Art
MTG feels
Ever RP in a video game?
Hektor Heresy
When we will get consistent Planeswalker faces?
Xalted General - /exg/
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Swords are fucking useless why would anyone pick them?
Could a lowly goblin ascend to a legendary hero...
Character art thread
Warhammer 40,000 general
Why don't many ancient civilizations beyond Rome and Egypt get used as inspiration for fantasy settings? In many ways...
What colour has the cutest girls?
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
Númenor at the height of their power spawns in one of your setting's oceans
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1164: Live From Veeky Forums, It's Saturday Night Edition
Choose your weapon
Felinid thread?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Stat me Veeky Forums
EDH/Commander General
Are female DMs immune to magical realm?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Stat him, tg
Barbarian subclasses
Do you allow your players to sleep in full-plate or battledress in case of assassination attempts/vampires at the...
Space Marine Proportion Inconsistency
Nobledark 40k Part VIb: Competitive Competition Edition
How do I deal with moralfags?
So the BBGE is just crying now
How big can a star system be?
How do we fix the Necrons?
Roll 1d100 to see which NPC joins your party. What's your group's reaction?
Chronicles of Darkness fighting tournament
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
Freeze - 1 mana - 1d4 damage and slows target for 1 round
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Ask me things about my setting. I need to make sure my game world is consistent
Warhammer 40k General
The Emperor
Imagine a man. He was born in a virtuous and happy family...
What are most aesthetically pleasing races among those in standard D&D setting?
Power Armor marks
Create the most generic sci-fi setting possible
Guys, sorry but i need to vent a bit
Wetware Computers
Ghent Morcault was eighty-one years old...
MTG: Modern General
CYOA General
I have a few questions about the Adepta Sororitas
Simple as fuck trpg
Find a flaw
Why would anyone use an axe? They were dog shit!
WIP Painting - Converting - Sculpting General
Looks bad up close
I need pictures, pictures of disarmingly cute and unassuming NPCs
MtG Pauper
Vague numbers but
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Drawthread: look out for that- edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Vidyaclone character edition
You're not supposed to make non-human civilizations analogous to human civilizations because reasons
Futuristic Biopunk worldbuilding thread
At last, the secrets of the Emperor's project beneath the Palace will be revealed...
What system would you use to run a game with a similar style to these games?
D&D 4e General /4eg/
Says the Blood Ravens lost 5 companies at Kaurava
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I don't know about you guys but I really love a woman in full armour
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
What would happen if the Imperium found a STC? Even if it had half the complete data?
Does Abaddon have any real chance to dismantle the Imperium or is he just a meme?
ITT: Character sheets
D&D 3.5 has many shortcomings
EDH/Commander General
Was 3.5 a mistake?
Welcome to the Accidental Magical Girl thread!
All folklore suddenly becomes real
It's your turn
Warhammer 40,000 general
In a world truly fallen to lawful evil, can there still be true justice?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1163: Slander and (S)edition
Why are demons the main supernatural threat in 99% of D&D settings?
I'm starting a new campaign in Pathfinder for some friends soon, and I'm having trouble filling in details...
What would an !Ancient Egyptian culture untouched by rome or islam be like if it survived well into the high to late...
ITT: Post a Magic the Gathering card more brutal than this:
Things you won't hear from a female BBEG
I need picture of everything cold, arctic, chilly, and comfy for a campaign that I'm running
Fell for the lore meme
Can we get an art thread about steppe nomads going? Cossacks, Tatars, Turks, Mongols...
If a character handicaps themselves in some way (weighted clothes, training weapon, etc.)...
/srg/ shadowrun general
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Post settings more grimdark than 40k
Traveller General: Minor races? Why not Zoidberg?
Android Netrunner General - Daring you to go to mars edition
Why are so few girls into trading card games?
Falling damage is just the Earth making an attack against your character
/wmhg/ Warmahordes general
Itt we post things from Veeky Forums's past and see how many the oldfags remember
Stat him Veeky Forums
Infinity General: Powerslide Edition
Could he solo a Chaos Champion?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I tell ya, we had it rough. No, we really did. We had it rough with Old Night and The Age of Strife. It was bad...
I come today with two questions
RPG Minis and Boards
Hi Veeky Forums I'm making a silly wizard kind of dungeon, not too deadly...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Playable Orc Edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Cyoa thread
What would you consider to be the top 10 most useless planeswalkers of all time?
This is how I neutral good
I want to make a campaign based on the Trump presidential campaign. Anyone know a ruleset that would fit it?
Warhammer 40k General
Eclipse Phase General /epg/
Which ship's basketball team would win in a tournament against the others if they all play an equal number of matches?
Who is the examplar of masculinity in your setting?
Strike Witches RPG Thread
Strike Witches RPG Thread 3. No more rabbit tits edition
Sexual dimorphism in fantasy/sci-fi settings
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Edition Edition
Why is there much less love for Gnolls compared to other monster races?
Cyberpunk General
Would the Doom Marine be able to survive in the world of Warhammer?
The 12 Towers General - "Why is the even a General?" Edition
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games