In the spirit of election day, lets have a good ol' fashion Americana thread!
Folklore, music, regional cultures, history, how to translate americana into tabletop, anything goes!
In the spirit of election day, lets have a good ol' fashion Americana thread!
Folklore, music, regional cultures, history, how to translate americana into tabletop, anything goes!
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I have no experience in painting or whatever, but I always sort of sigh in exasperation when an artist makes a treeline a literal line of paint botches with some sticks underneath. Maybe that's what it actually looks like in real life, I dunno.
What races would there be in a pure Americana setting?
>humans, obviously
>american culture
The ones in the background? It's not too inaccurate.
Should Americana include Native American myths and folklore?
>beast men
>impish beast men (leprechaun meets groundhog sort of thing)
I'm sure there's some obscure shit like Ill dig around
steven seagal is a national treasure
He just got his russian citizenship, so not anymore
this is what's going to cause WW3
its the thing thats going to stop it
we need to free him from the kremlin, first
>Native Americans would be source of all magical mayhem in the setting with worship of powerful not-quite-gods level spirits, good and bad.
>Sort of Like a mix between Gnolls and Wild Elves
> Christian preists and Preachers, instead of our right denial, acknowledge the existence and validity of these spirits, but condemn them as evil, busybodies who mess with humanity for their own purposes
>They're special actions would be a sort of Anti-magic and would focus on preventing or weaking the magics of All people who call upon anyone other than the one true Lord, Jesus Christ.
>Bears and Buffalo take on a sort of mythic strength and nature
>Humans can also gain legendary powers and aspects not through magical dealings, but through determination, perseverance, and hard work towars their dream or goal (Paul Bunyan, Davy Crocket, Johhny Appleseed, that miner guy who dug through a mountain faster than a machine and died asking for a glass of water)
>occasionally you might find one of the traditional European Fey, who decided to make the journey to the New World
That's all I can think of for right now, sorry.
How about some music to spice it up
>two to three feet tale humanoids with enlarged ears, nose and fingers, with faintly glowing grey skin
>they can appear and disappear at will
>they can transform into a walking porcupine (it looks like a porcupine from the back, and the front is half-troll[clarification needed], half-human and walks upright)
>they can attack people and lure them to their deaths
>they are able to use magic
>they have poison arrows
>they can create fire at will
>Pukwudgies control Tei-Pai-Wankas which are believed to be the souls of Native Americans they have killed.
>loveland frogmen
>Michigan Dogmen
I've always wanted to run a campaign of mountain men living in the backwoods of Yellowstone, trapping and hunting and trading with the natives. Probably have the central conflict be a massive bear stealing from their traps or the like. Something like Old Ephraim.
Obviously, you could have men hroseback. But do you think it would be okay for say an adventuring eastern cityfolk to ride a bicycle around? I like the image of an old timey adventurer riding around, with his gear on his bike
Americana is entrenched in wild west, frontier lore, and antebellum south. Also has inspiration from Native American anism and voodoo. Its probably not very dispersed here because /tg is more focused on older and more medeval sources. I've got an old library book on American folklore back home. Will share pictures and concise story times if this thread is still up after I get home from work.
>It's mighty brave of you to offer to go take care that Bear that's been stealing our food, but be careful
>He my be a Wily beast, but he's capable of clever tricks and deceit, that can fool even the smartest of men
>You could say that He's Smarter than the Average Bear
Same here, I've got a couple of fat books on the subject. I'll stick with new england and canadian stuff though, since you have the south and west covered. Should only be a couple hours til I get back
"Aaay, Booboo! What do you say that we disembowel these moun-ti-an men and have ourselves a little pic-i-nic?"
>wild west, frontier lore, and antebellum south.
Don't forget New England backwoods
>Having a straight sword and chest plate
>Not an having an old, beat up, family rifle and some tough-looking, dirtied, cotton farmers clothes
>Not dressing him up like a snake oil dealer
snake oil dealers are snake oil dealers. Making them actually peddle real love potions and not just mercury mixed with salt water defeats the purpose
Axehandle Hounds and Hide Behinds
animation reminds me of this
Are more contemporary American myths like the Illuminati or shape shifting lizardmen considered Americana?
I'm not too sure. I'd say yes, but americana is, to me anyways, also just as much an aesthetic as it is folklore and tradition
Ehhh, maybe. I always figured those are anywhere from urban legends to whatever category Area 51 and the Greys go in, or Elvis not being dead.
Pic mostly unrelated.
This thread seems applicable
We're historically more concerned with the Masons and presently more concerned with FEMA DEATH CAMPS OBAMA'S GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS
Moth people.
Gator people.
Lizard people.
Minotaurs, the largest groups in the world.
Lots of plant folk in the PNW. Maybe the Entwives.
Extraplanar entities with settlements in the desert.
Living mountains.
LOTS of Fey.
>Lots of plant folk in the PNW. Maybe the Entwives.
Any particular reason?
I've been doing a lot of research on the area lately and I haven't seen any folklore involving plant people.
Lots of sea monsters and cannibal ogres though.
Is it time to talk about american horror? Ever since my ancestors sailed over in the 1600s Some of us immigrants have been here a long time We've always been scared of the unknown and whatever lurks in the dark of the forests. Wendigos, maze like forests that you don't escape, animals that bring fear into the hearts of mortal men. Watch yourselves near forests, you do not know what lays within the shaded places.
>Some of us immigrants have been here a long time
Isn't that everyone in america
Well from a historical standpoint America is a country of immigrants that gained population boosts via heavy immigration. Starting with initial colonization in the 1500-1600s mainly European, then the mid 1800s saw Asians move to the west coast, then the Irish influx. I'm more or less thinking about my own heritage due to being a late 1500s to early 1600s English immigrant descendant
Technically anyone not living in the Great Rift Valley is an immigrant.
Yes, I'm being facetious and pedantic, why do you ask?
For the Glory of Pelor the Burning Hate?
One of the more modern bits of fokelore was started in 1966-67 around this being and the Point Pleasant bridge collapse.
Moth man?
let it never be said that user does not deliver
Will be posting phone pictures of dubious quality since I don't have a phone scanner, I'm sure if someone is really interested they can find a high quality scan of this book
Will also post TLDR of the stories I post pictures of. They are well known folklore so I'm sure google will find you a ton of variants and full stories.
During the Age of Exploration people learned that the Atlantic will totally fuck your shit up. The only possible explanation was that it was literally full of demons and monsters. Sailors told of a Sea of Darkness with waves as tall as mountains, serpents that could smash ships with a flick of their tail, and fish that would suck water into whirlpools pulling ships underwater.
treacherous seas surely were protecting important things like island paradises. There are numerous tales of people (usually saints) making overseas voyages and discovering islands laden with fruits and honey, sometimes even welcoming monks. Pic related is Saint Brendan finding the Island of the Blest
Greys and Reptillians.
The Fountain of Youth is a common myth, lots of Spaniards assumed the Americas were full of riches, the natives were also quick to back up these rumors as they would then tell the Conquistadors the lands of gold were somewhere else so they would fuck off.
John Henry's the name of the guy who beat the machine
The last one you're thinking of is John Henry the steel driving man
El Dorado and other cities of gold were are part of the Conquistador folklore. In some of the tales the Spanish capture a native and trudge across the entire American Southwest as the hapless captive keeps telling them the cities are just over the horizon
a reproduction of what early explorers thought the American continent looked like along with early American myths. Lots of explorers delving way deeper into the continent than they probably did and finding either riches or crazy bullshit like castles or paradise. Also tons of sea beasties.
He's a piece of regional folklore from Point Plesants West Virginia that managed to get several books and a movie. While I personally wasn't around for it, I've read about it in folklore books since I was a teenager and always wanted to use him in a Call of Cthulhu game if I found people who didn't already know about the legend.
thread could use some more Witches
apologies for delay, cooking dinner, will return in a bit
Now for some Native American creation mythology. Apparently up in the sky there was a paradise for all mankind to live and a tree of light, below on earth was only oceans. The Chief of Heaven marries a beauty prophesied by a dream he has.His wife becomes pregnant from inhaling the Chief's breath but he is unaware and assumes she is cheating on him. In another dream he is told to tear the Tree of Light from the ground so he does. The hole left by the tree allows his wife to see the ocean world. His wife becomes so enamored with watching the ocean that he decides to kick her down through the hole, tosses some corn, deer, wolves, tobacco and other shit because fuck bitches. Some birds decide to help the falling woman and drop her gently on a large turtle's back. She takes the shit her husband threw at her and spreads it across the turtle, throwing dirt that expands the horizons until the earth is formed.
>not bison
It's pretty much exactly what it looks like irl.
Tommyknockers, who live all throughout the Rocky Mountains, but are especially concentrated in Colorado.
>the North is predominantly populated by surface-dwelling dwarves, with a smattering of other races due to immigration.
>the South is populated almost entirely by elves, with High Elves being southern aristocrats and Wood Elves being rednecks and swamp people.
>the South is also home to human slaves from Africa (humanity didn't really leave Africa in this setting due to the prevelence of other races in the world)
Hiawatha and Deganawidah were two Indian heroes of myth and total badasses. Degandawidah was born from a virgin and told by the Great Spirit that he would be Master of Things, his mission to bring peace and life to people. When he became a man he built a canoe out of white stone, when his grandmother said it would not float he replied "It will float, this shall be a sign that my words are true" He set out on his magic canoe to unite the five Iroquois tribes. He taught them Righteousness, Health, and Power, represented by the longhouse in which there are many fire, one for each family, all united under one home.
At one point he travels to the home of a cannibal to aid him. Deganawidah climbs up onto his roof and peers into the smoke hole. The cannibal sees Deganawidah's face reflected in his pot and wonders why he never noticed such wisdom and righteousness in himself, mistaking Degana's face for his own. Degana brings him an elk, teaching the man to eat animal flesh and has him wear the antlers as a symbol of authority. This man is then named Hiawatha and the two go out to kill a wizard.
The wizard's name is Atotarho, and evil chief with magic so strong birds that fly overhead die, a twisted body & mind, and his hair a tangle of snakes. His voice carried terror throughout the land sowed misfortune. The evil chief rebukes them so the two go questing to unite the other tribes. They perform heroic feats to impress the tribes like climbing to the top of the tallest tree and surviving when it is cut down. The evil chief curses Hiawatha and causes his three daughters to become diseased and die. The people hold a lacrosse game to cheer him up but his wife gets trampled to death.
Deganawidah consoles Hiawatha with the magic of freindship and the two go out to stop the evil chief. As they canoe across the lake to confront him he calls up a storm to destroy their boat. The power of the united tribe protects the two heroes. allowing them to stop the evil chief
>Hiawatha was a wendigo
Blood-clot boy, another Native American hero, born from a blot clot coughed up by a buffalo killed by an evil man. The boy was adopted by the man's parents and eventually kills his brother-in-law for being such a dick.
In pic related Blood-clot boy is swallowed by a massive fish. In it he finds a bunch of other people eaten and decides to hold a rager. He paints his face and ties a knife to his head, dancing up and down so hard he stabs the fish to death, then cuts his way out. Satisfied that he has killed all the monsters he returns home
fuck, forgot pic
Blacks are humans, whites are dwarves, Indians are elves.
Racial pokemon is the height of Americana.
If the trees were more detailed that would be pretty jarring considering the broad strokes in the rest of the painting.
chinese would be dwarves
those rail lines didn't lay themselves
another creation myth, in this one everyone used to live underground. The underground starts to flood so people seek Spider Woman for help. She leads them to a tell mountain and plants pine trees.The people climb the trees for eight days before emerging onto the surface world. On the way up Mocking Bird assigns people to different tribes because he was bored I guess, and people decide that anyone who dies should go back down to the underworld.
On the surface world there is no sun, and only one inhabitant, Skeleton. The people decide that the surface world needs a sun and moon, so the White people (it is unclear if this means Europeans or a white skinned race of Native Americans) go south, plains indians go north, and Pueblo's stay in the center looking for the sunrise. The white men create horses to assist them which allows them to find sunrise first, their celebration forming a shower of stars.
moving on the colonist era, lots of folklore involving tricking Indians or conquering the wilds. pic related is Father Marquette stopping the Ojibways. After setting out to convert them, their chief, White Otter, challenges the Father to a duel between their gods. Father Marquette drops the god bomb on the savages and asks the lord to set their idol on fire. The Indians are so awed they convert.
They're fucking greys
another Indian conquering myth. Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer, also known as the Avenger of Delaware. While splitting a log Tom is ambushed by eight Indians. Tom appeals to their curiosity and morbid humor by saying he will go with them back to their tribe (to be eaten/killed) if they help him finish splitting his log. When the Indians bend down to pull the log apart Tom pulls the wedge from the log, trapping the Indians' hands
Good old pirate treasure. Lots of myths from the coastal area of pirates hiding their ill-gotten gains in secret areas, their evil souls forever haunting the loot. Many of these ghost stories involve curses or bad luck befalling anyone who decides to steal the treasure.
Daniel Boone, a famous frontiersman. The related story is how he finds his wife but it's pretty boring, he mistakes a woman for a deer and pursues her all the way back to her home, then seduces her once he realizes it's a woman and not a deer.
Johnny Appleseed, American Druid. Went full Jesus across America, planting his titular apple trees, playing with bears, befriending wolves, surviving winter with no clothes, and being an all-around chill guy.
>Elves are from France, England, and Scandinavia.
>Dwarves are from mainland europe.
>Natives would be similar to whichever race lives in east asia.
Mike Fink, practical joker and man not to be fucked with. after catching his wife flirting with other men he builds a pile of kindling. He calls out his wife and tells her to stand in the kindling, threatening to shoot her if she doesn't obey. He lights the kindling on fire, still telling her not to move or he'll shoot. Eventually the fire becomes to much and his wife runs for the river. Mike fires well above her head, making sure she learns not to mess around.
The Loch Ness isn't the only place famous for sea serpents. Pic related is the Gloucester serpent, also notable is Ogopogo.
Rip Van Winkle, famous for finding some gnomes who bowl so loud the sounds are mistaken for thunder. He drinks some of their wine and passes out so hard he misses the entire revolutionary war.
Sam Hart is such a pompous dick the devil himself decides to teach him a lesson. The devil challenges him to a race, the winner gets the losers horse. Once the race starts the Devil's horse spews fire and brimstone while chasing Sam. He realizes that the gig is up and veers off for a church instead of the finish line. The devil responds "You have cheated one whose business is cheating, and I'm a decent enough fellow to own up when I'm beaten". Sam takes the devil's horse and some gold but people say that he will have no rest for using an animal blessed by the devil.
Big Mose, a giant guy whose folklore boils down to Marmaduke jokes about how big he is
Old Stormalong, a sailor story about a man who after finding their ship anchor stuck on the ocean floor dives down to investigate. He find an octopus holding it so stops the creature by tying its tentacles into knots.
Rebel Belle, a charming young lady on the side of the south. She holds a gala proudly displaying the Confederate flag while seducing Union officers and telling their battle plans to Andrew Jackson.
John Henry, famous for outpacing a steam drill by himself. He perishes after winning and achieves martydom as a folk hero
taking another break, will post some more modern folklore when I get back
Everyone in this thread who also plays Crusader Kings should check out the After the End mod, it is a fully fleshed out post apocalyptic Americana setting, It is really in depth in its world building and all of the various cultures and religions are well fleshed out and interesting, with Lovecraftian cultists in New England, a Scientologist Celestial Californian Empire, the Holy Columbian Confederacy, Detroit Rust Cultists scouring the land for old world technology, the cast of Always Sunny In Philadelphia, desert nomads who worship the atomic bomb, and a cult based on veneration of the Founding Fathers led by the God President of the United States. It's really well done and would make a great setting for a game.
De Witch Woman. A man finds a comely woman all alone in the woods and marries her. After some time he finds her behavior strange so he pretends to fall asleep one night and watch her. The woman sits in the fireplace and spins her own skin off on the spinning wheel, revealing herself to be a large cat. While she runs out into the night the man wakes up and fills her emptied skin with salt and pepper. When the woman returns she dons her skin and is killed by the spices burning her body.