What would an !Ancient Egyptian culture untouched by rome or islam be like if it survived well into the high to late...

What would an !Ancient Egyptian culture untouched by rome or islam be like if it survived well into the high to late middle ages? I realize the wording of this doesn't make much sense but try to bare with me

Also Ancient Egyptian art thread

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Didn't Egypt collapse on its own due to overspending?


That is all

It would be EXACTLY THE SAME as it always was. The amount of cultural inertia that those guys had was honestly astounding. Works of art that thave literal thousand year gaps between them look like they were made by the same people. Egyptian art never really evolved beyond a few set paramaters

Well, I think we have to figure out why it was untouched by Rome or Islam, because those are going to be major differences with major implications.


>untouched by rome or islam


The macedonians were only interested in the wealth they could extract from egypt which was why they were never very popular with the locals.

A large and flamboyant nation divided by strict caste systems aimed at keeping the largest percent of the population as ignorant as humanly possible, with leaders considered walking gods and trying to project as much power as possible while hiding an incredible weak government system dependant on slaves and ignorance and the tides of a single river.

Egypt hardly had any slaves. Most of the slaves they had were prisoners of war. Egypt had more social mobility than was typical of the time; peasants who learned to write could become scribes and second sons often joined the military. Considering the time period, they had a well educated populace compared to neighboring kingdoms. Of course, like all monarchies, the strength of the government depended on the Pharaoh in question. However, Egyptian culture placed a high value on truth, justice, and order. The Pharaoh's divine duty was to provide those to his people. Egypt was a rich and influential kingdom for most of civilized history. They're still influential but only on a regional scale.
>nb4 stupid jew mentions slaves and pyramids
I was too late, oh pharaoh...

The Egyptian civilization would prosper well beyond our current age, 1000 years or more from today, before it collapsed when a drunken robot became pharaoh.

Didn't scribes work really hard on making the written language hard to learn in order to keep their status as an important class?

That's a myth much like the jews building the pyramids. Hieroglyphs emerged from a preliterate art tradition. This is literally how all writing starts.
>belittles one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world whose accomplishments were a testament to the human spirit
You disgust me.

Eh they had pretty drawings and pointy buildings and ended up as a Roman province, so much for "testament of the human spirit".

Unconquered =/= Untouched.

An Egyptian culture that survived that long would look very different than the Ancient Egypt you're thinking of. It would have had centuries of cultural, economic, and technological progress for their society to wrangle with, and that's without whatever effect contact with the outside world would have.

Probably one of the only ancient cultures that prized moral and ethical Goodness in their Gods. Everyone else had vindictive asshats. Not the Egyptians, who believed the cosmos on the whole was Good, people on the whole were Good, and that Peace, Love, and Mercy were the true virtues of mankind.

Fuck the Greeks. They'd love it.

They'd go full CRAZY AMHEDS USED CAMELS as they held out from threats of conquest but remained the breadbasket of the Mediterranean.

There's be Egyptian merchants and money lenders everywhere, with little gold-leaf faux lucky Pharaohs in tacky shops.

>Untoched by Islam

Copts, Copts everywhere.

Does fantasy egypt count?

Well that was the whole point of the thread but i'm running on three hours of sleep so I couldn't word it properly

dose this include Greeks cause the Pharaohs of the middle kingdom got overthrown by Alexander the great and ever after the Pharaohs were all Greeks. it wasn't till Cleopatra that any of the nobles spoke Egyptian. basically Egypt would still be stuck in the middle kingdom period
they would have more technology in Egypt's future though it wouldn't develop as quickly as it did when they were the center of trade for the middle east and Africa as well as having influence in the Mediterranean. that is assuming that OP was referring to the complete isolation of Egypt

most of the collapses in Egypt have to do with the close proximity with the government and the religion. the Pharaoh was a king and the high priest (and according to the Egyptians at the time a sun of a god).

civil war due to uncontrolled immigration was the cause as the Africans who were enslaved to do Egypt's work didn't view the pharaoh as there king. this is the period between the early and middle kingdoms

If you want a fresh fantasy take on a culture you can usually just read up on that culture and have things like said culture actually was (with some adjustments for the cosmology and magic of the world), instead of the usual poorly fleshed out and barely thought about fantasy setting with a slight ethnic varnish on top.

For Egypt specifically, remember that the ancient Egyptian period covers some three thousand years or so. Things did not stay even remotely constant over that timespan. So you can probably wring half a dozen distinct fantasy desert river nations out of this if you want to.

Then give them mail, steel swords and so on like everyone else to keep them from getting curbstomped by everyone around in the medieval setting.

Anubis did his job.

Bread and circuses, but without the circus. Or the bread.
Just lots and lots of grain, and everyone kinda smells like mud.

>No large buildings and no number of pane, glass windows.
Light would reflect off everything and the stone would absorb too much heat.

>Cats are domesticated to be useful, like dogs, and even a commoner can own and care for a cat like it ain't no thang.
Just gentrification of cats

>Cities are ugly, short, squat things
No large towers and tall buildings clustered together because everyone will fry alive. Less dense and the buildings are relatively flat and architects are highly prized for their ability to predict the winds and place the windows accordingly.

>Lots of walls. Stone walls keeping everyone out. Stone walls for mills, stone walls for banks, stone walls for shops, stone walls just for looking cool. Stone walls are what the Egyptians consider "works of art". A nice looking stone wall gets you a lot of respect around town.
Just a bit of lore meant to look cool.

>Unsustainable growth
Just like the Aztecs. Desert means land retail value is hot. Lots of fighting for good land means lots of resources to arm your soldiers. Once you get those lands, you start building like crazy, which uses lots of metal and wood, which is rare enough in the desert. And once the enemy takes back their lands, they'll raze everything and rebuild their own settlement. Eventually, as population grows and the ecosystem dwindles, the civilization will die out and become no more.

>and the buildings are relatively flat

Well, they'll tend to single story designs at least. But you want high ceilings for that single story, so the hot air can gather up above head height.

You mean, Murrica?

Trooper detected.


Egypt is pretty much defined by the fact that it's one of the most agriculturally productive and economically effective regions in the pre-modern world.

See the giant river? It constantly irrigates land that, more or less year round, gets 300 hours of sunlight a month. The valley and delta allow for each farmer to produce a huge amount of food.

This makes Egypt the breadbasket of the Med. Greeks, Romans, British and French took Egypt to feed vast empires and provide tremendous wealth in the form of textiles.



Egypt had a problem with plutocracy that goes beyond our own.

At one point the priesthood owned 80% of all industry and commerce, instead of the pharoah.

It wasn't sustainable long term.