Ladies and Gentlemen; I have frightening news. Some one, on this very board, is a heretical Xeno. We have also recieved reports that some one here is worshipping the Dark Gods.
Thankfully, I have been able to contain them this to very thread! All we need to do now is to deduce who the alien, and who the heretic is!
Mason Clark
Does one of them always lie and one of them always tell the truth?
Ayden Bennett
We have deduced that one always lies about the truth and the other always tells the truth about lies. Or, was it the other way around?
Adrian James
So if we ask them which one of them is deceitfully telling truths and which one of them is telling truths about the lies, what would happen?
Jonathan Thompson
Not me boss
Brody Davis
The doppleganger has already got past our lines of defense. Have you seen what he has done to our colleague?! And worst of all, it could be any one of us. It could be you. It could be me. It could even be the commisar.
Sebastian Gomez
I've found your heretic:
Leo Edwards
>It could even be the commissar. Best place to hide if we're being real.
Samuel Brooks
Well, I'll be sue to tell you guys if I see anything suspicious.
Thankfully, there's nothing suspicious at all in this area that would indict me to any kind of heresy, my fellow slaves of the Emperor!
Connor Taylor
I'm actually both, right now. What are you gonna do, shoot me?
Luis Nelson
No heretic here! Just a regular old Ultramarine.
Isaac Fisher
Anthony Barnes
*BLAM* The Commisar?! That's Heresy!! See! He's already turning red!
No wait, that's blood!
Lincoln Martin
I see. Well, thank you for the information...But, what kind of power looks quite "baroque".
I thought the Ultramarines were...well, Ultramarine in heraldry.
Bad servitor, bad! I believe that they would most likely implode in a logic loop hole.
Angel Thomas
Jaxon Baker
>quote from man shot
Eli Johnson
Joshua Jackson
I love how he still has that official looking part in his hair.
Lincoln Turner
Nothing to see here...
Brandon Roberts
Lord inquisitor the taint has spread beyond the containment zone.
Zachary Hughes
Honored Inquisitor, I would advise you to ignore this...disreputable character.
People like him would simply lead you away from the true path.