I don't know about you guys but I really love a woman in full armour
I don't know about you guys but I really love a woman in full armour
I usually help her out of her armor before I love her, but I help her put it back on before we go adventuring again, of course.
That's because you have knightly tastes.
>full armour
her face isn't even covered baka desu senpai
Visibility, m80
For us and them.
Even better: women in historically accurate armor.
>face uncovered
She dies.
>unironically liking plateburka
Anyone got any female knights with helmets? granted its hard to tell.
Someone has a guro fetish.
I actually have a fetish for girls in power armor. No nudity involved, just seeing a girl in a full suit of power armor turns me on. No idea why.
this arouses me slightly.
Or a huge hatred for chainmail bikinis.
When the overwhelmingly common response from these people is some overly detailed description about how they would kill the wearer of said chainmail bikini, it's basically an admission of said guro fetish or some other fucking edgy autistic closet misogyny.
Its edgy because everyone knows exactly how stupid the armor is. We all know that any woman fighting in armor like that would probably die gruesomely.
>We all know that any woman fighting would probably die gruesomely
all warrior woman lovers are closet gurofags
Me too.
Not so much.
I like the plate armor and stuff. Not bare exoskeletons and all that..
>those proportions
Everything big except for the head. Absolutely atrocious.
It's power armour dipshit.
That's a girl user
>Gun has mom written on it
I call bullshit, men bond with their mother more often than nor, women bond with their father. Her gun should have dad written on it
There are people who look at Power Armor and assume it's paper-thin, with no room for servos or anything to add strength, nor any actual armor.
These people are crazy, ignore them.
I like women in proper armor and women in chainmail bikinis about equally. Is that wrong?
I remember seeing, in one of these threads a few years back, a picture that was of a peppy-looking, smiling anime girl wearing what looked kinda like Fire Emblem spearman-type armor (pic related). Anyone have it?
Remember her hair color? That would tone down the options.
Nothing wrong with variety. I can like some pulpy goodness or well-designed shield maidens.
No, it's a man who took a girl's name.
Brown hair, IIRC - she didn't look particularly protagonistic, just like some ordinary newb soldier.
Only one I can think of is Cynthia and I don't think it'd be her.
>brown hair
Excuse me?
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that this was like, 2010 or earlier, so it couldn't be her.
Her torso and shoulders were pretty similar to the ones on this girl, although in red, of course.
Was it Amelia? She's got blondish green hair, but her armor is red and her base class (recruit) is basic-soldier-but-worse tier.
same character without helmet
Boobplate I can handle, bare spots in armor and cleavage mildly bug me, but fucking high heels on and adventurer will trigger me every time.
These are shown a lot and are probably one of my favorites as they are totally functional, non-sexualized and proper looking uniform type things.
You know high heels originated with knights using lances, right?
Nigga does it look like she's got a lance?
Yeah, I love my cowboy boots and a good heel for the stirrups is great, but anything more than an inch or two doesn't seem worth the trade off once on foot. Especially for what most adventurers deal with day to day.
>projecting this hard
>"B-but high heels were for riding horses!"
>they're wearing stiletto heels
This one always looked like it was a female for me, can't really tell though
And there, don't have any more "fully armored soldier with probably a girl inside" pics.
Hope it was useful for someone
Her and nephenee are best girls
Maybe it was her father's gun (and armor)
There's a pretty big difference between high-heeled riding boots and stiletto-heeled hooker boots ya dumb cunt.
Is this meant to be 17 year old Titania?
Gonna post some stuff without looking at the thread so apologies for any duplicates
>boob plate
>impractical skirt
>that helmet
This is my fetish, I have a folder full of it, from power armour to plate. Not even doing lewd things or anything.
no, it's a girl.
I like to think that the best way to show off your armor as feminine without using exposed skin/boob armor/high heels/jewelry/exposed hair is to do something with the waist.
Either take regular male armor and while scaling it down to size, make the waist a little smaller; or do something different on the outside like with the overcoat, tabard, etc.
I'd say you could also add a bit of a feminine pose as well, but if we're to take them seriously as fighters; as in, these women will drive a sword through the flesh of an enemy, it won't really work outside of a relaxed standing pose.
Not to mention some women will sometimes just HAVE to have a slightly distended breastplate. I'm not talking full boobplate, but if you're a particularly busty warrior there's only so much you can mash your boobs.
Fetishes aside, why would a trained warrior even have big boobs? It's not like a lot of fat is an advantage in battle
Because she was born with them?
That's not how boobs work
Yeah, sorry. No woman goes out of her mothers womb with some tasty DD tits. They have to grow first.
If she's from a line of bulky women she could naturally have a larger bust. Working out would reduce it, but she'd still be bustier than a more naturally slender woman.
Even with big boobs, binding is a thing, it would be easy to include as part of the armoring up process, and it works.