Felinid thread?
Felinid thread?
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Eh, looks a bit like furshit user
If they were beastmen the imperium would call them beastmen
i want to have sex with this cat, and you can't stop me.
/thread (TTShit notwithstanding)
Imako please you don't understand the sheer number of things I can get off to.
>This meme again
Don't you dare ruin this for me.
>hey remember back then when Disney spammed good movies?
>Love Treasure Planet
>Fucking awesome setting that we will never see again
So why is it a fad recently to pretend you like Treasure Planet?
The movie bombed for a good reason. It's fucking boring and sucked.
Different user. Treasure Planet is my second-favorite adaptation of Treasure Island, my favorite book. The first being Muppet Treasure Island.
So why is it a fad recently to pretend you hate things others like to stir up shit?
That's not fad, son, that's Veeky Forums.
>The movie bombed
You know The Terminator bombed, only to build a huge following later when it was released on video, and eventually became a massive franchise. Plenty of movies gain popularity later.
But then you're the kind of faggot who thinks people "pretend" to like a movie just to make you mad, so I guess it's no surprise that you're this stupid.
>tfw no treasure planet 2
Posting anything from Treasure Planet automatically makes the thread in which it is posted a Treasure Planet Lamentation thread.
It didn't so much bomb on bad merits... it bombed because it came out a week after Harry Potter, the first movie in a series that already dominated the literary world. So, if your kids wanted to go to the movies, they had a choice between Harry Potter and a Disney movie, they picked Harry motherfucking Potter.
There's nothing heretical about felinids.
/an/ what the fuck is wrong with you
Why are cats so lewd?
/an/ knows that the real purpose of all life involves getting down to bone town.
Time for felinids!
>homo sapien hirsutus
>from hirsute
>covered in hair
Goddamn, i just keep getting it in my eye.
>Muppet Treasure Island
That's some good taste you got there, muh nigga.
That's a wan, though
We are blood brothers matey
I've known cats. Pity be the enemy they actively decide to fuck up. Especially when they're armed with flamethrowers and gyrojet rocket rifles.
Women are already cruel and selfish beings, why anyone thinks adding that to average cat behavior wouldn't produce the worst sentient being in existance is beyond me.
>Women are already cruel and selfish beings
What an unfounded remark! I bet you are uninteresting and your mother is your father!
I used to have a Morph toy that I played with all the time as a kid. Not pretending when I say it was one of my favorite movies.
Catgirls, the one mutant even the Emperor would approve of.
>So why is it a fad recently to pretend you like Treasure Planet?
It's not a recent fad, it's been a thing for a long time. Treasure Planet was a fun movie, but it came out at exactly the wrong time (ie. competing with Harry Potter 2).
>pro: my bunk is full of catgirls
>con: if I try anything funny, the Commisar will BLAM me
S-stop it boner, that's heresy!
yes please
But they are sanction abhumans, and the book says nothing about humanizing them further with my divine presence and closeness to the glory of the Emperor.
I can't bone that...
The addition of Catgirls would only improve 40k.
But they were added...
And nothing changed.
why do they allow you to exist on this board.
Why does everybody assume that Felinids are animu catgirls? This is 40k, shit would be a terrifying mix of human and feline.
>terrifying mix of human and feline
I could definitely see Catachans make a lot of use out of Felinids since they already use ogryns a fuck ton
Because if they were that terrifying, they would be beastmen and proscribed. As sanctioned abhumans, they must be mostly human with some distinctive nonstandard trait - and since they're called felinids, that trait must be feline, in the same way that ogryns are ogrish and squats are... squat. Ratlings aren't actually that rat-like but they're more like kender than hobbits so they receive additional contempt.
If you don't like anime catgirls, pic related is your culturally appropriate alternative. Personally, I prefer the anime catgirls.
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Even the cutest little housecats are ruthless, horrifyingly lethal predators.
>Ul'dah degenerates
Treasure Planet is tied with being my favorite Disney animated movie, along with Atlantis.
>cat thread
>posts kobold
Considering that the felinids are restricted to Carlos McConnel, I don't think you could see any IG using them for anything except grimderp target practice.
> Have a race of catfolk in my D&D setting
> Explicitly describe them as being catlike humans, instead of humanlike cats
> No muzzle, but with light fur in patterns across their bodies
> Can't find any artwork for catlike humans that isn't catgirl fetish shit
I blame all of you.
I dunno knowing Catachans I wouldnt put it past them some how managing to get a cat girl.
Someone high up must atleast give Catachans credit for high abhuman usage even having one the smartest ogryns around
Speaking of dogs, you guys think there is a planet in the Imperium given entirely to dogs for their long service to mankind across the ages?
There's nothing nice in the Imperium, nice isn't grimdark. Service dogs get shot in the face the moment they can't fight due to heresy.
Cheetahs are extremely friendly if you don't trigger their chase instinct.
Jesus Christ, that's not what "restricted" means when you're talking about endemism - it means that the entire population is highly localized to a specific area or region, as opposed to distributed over a diverse area. There's no sign that says NO CATGIRLS BEYOND THIS POINT, they're just not normally found on worlds other than Carlos McConnell. Read a fucking book or, failing that, the Wikipedia article.
What of Ollanius was actually the Emperor's pet dog?
Now read two words further.
>and restricted to the worlds of...
And then one sentence further than that
>The remaining abhuman races are variously present across the entire Imperium
Taken all together, these three are restricted to a single planet each, and the rest, as a contrast, are all across the Imperium.
Don't tell other people to learn how to read when a basic two sentence "This is restricted, all the other ones are not" contrast confuses you.
So...something like this?
No one can save us from this grimdark future. NO ONE!
>endemic AND restricted
Did you notice the "and"? The entire population is highly localized to a specific area, which is explicitly the planet of Carlos McConnel. Why? Because they are restricted. Look at the very next sentence there. The remaining races are not restricted, and so are found across the entire Imperium.
On this scale, a race being endemic to one planet is like something in real life being endemic to a particular acre of a lightly wooded inner-city park, just behind the DMV, and next to an old playground that's in disrepair.
No, he's right, it specifically says they're endemic, which means their population only appears in one specific region. It strongly implies the reasons their population is "restricted" is that it's "endemic" not that a legal restriction was placed on them. IE they choose to stay with their own kind, rather than being forced to.
>Endemism is the ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic location
>Because if they were that terrifying, they would be beastmen and proscribed.
Even though, this clearly lists Beastmen as one of the accepted types of abhuman...
The comma is very important, user. It's not "endemic AND restricted" it's "endemic, and restricted to" which is different.
Ain't my fault that i wanna fuck a catgirl. The blame is squarely on my penis
is this gunsmith cats
It really doesn't. Restricted has a pretty specific meaning when talking about a government that, not even an entire paragraph ago, said beastmen are banned from most planets and will probably be declared mutants if the plot ever moved forward enough for someone to sign that declaration.
>The blame is squarely on my penis
You take responsibility for your weapon, mister.
Beastmen are suicidally devout to the emperor in an attempt to repent for there horrendous inhumanly mutated appearance. They are not allowed to breed, they are not allowed to mingle with anyone but their handlers, they are not allowed to learn beyond what is fit for their duty. That is the onl way they became accepted.
Fuck he is old
Endemic populations are populations that are naturally restricted to a specific area. They don't leave either for biological or behavioral reasons. All endemic populations are by definition "restricted" without need for any legal reasons.
Regardless of whether it means they can't leave Carlos McConnell or that they're only born on this particular world, the end result means only a single planet is generally making them in a galaxy spanning Imperium. They'll be really rare.
>make your catgirl race a bunch of slutty niggers explicitly stated to "befriend" other races for protection
>be surprised when people want to fuck them
Maybe next time don't make your "deep and epic totes fleshed out" catgirl race a bunch of kleptomaniacs with an interracial fetish
>Love MMBN/NT Warrior
>Fucking awesome setting that we will never see again
The comma is the reason why it's endemic [separator] and restricted to, and not endemic [further explanation] and restricted to [/further explanation]. If there were another comma after "restricted to" it might be. As is, that's a list of two separate things. They are both endemic and restricted, with the restriction being something above and beyond natural endemism.
That would be utterly retarded though, like passing a law forbidding freshwater fish to live in seawater, when doing so kills them anyway.
Then again this is 40k, everything is fucking retarded all the time.
>That art
Mark is that you you mother fucker?
>not liking Treasure Planet
I bet you think Titan A.E. and Atlantis were bad too.
Hey, I liked Titan A.E. well enough, but large chunks of it were bad. The main characters and the main alien enemies were total cardboard cut-outs, for one thing. I think the movie would have been better if the baddies had successfully wiped ALL the humans out and then just fucked off to another galaxy so we could have had more adventures of the turtle, lizard and kangaroo people on the ship. They at least had personalities.
>Implying we don't live in that setting RIGHT NOW